Stories Getting Worse

Just posted...

I actually had my first story posted sometime today actually. A Hot Tub Encounter... under the group sex heading. Any feedback is certainly appreciated.

As I said before I have never written before and so this was a very nerve-wracking experience for me. I just hope that people out there won't be afraid to write because they're afraid of what someone else might say. I think everyone has something worthwhile to say and no creative outlet should be quelched.
Oooh Nasty

What a naughty thing to say.....

And aptly put.

I remain........
My two cents worth

I write, my own thoughts and stories!
That is what writing is all about.
New ideas!
If you don't like it, don't read it!

I use my Grammar and Spell checker, but the hardest thing of all is....

To edit your own writing, because you know the plot, the story, what the wording should be!

All my writings, when reread later, errors! Growls!

I know what I meant to say, therefore I read it that way, what I meant and miss errors!

Common errors are he and she, spell check, grammar check won't pick those up of course, but it can really throw a reader cross eyed!

And a spell check would be great here in messages!


Any and all editing help with my stories will always be appreciated!

I used to teach (not Grammar of course) and one important point I always said, get someone else to read it!


Look at this award winning e-mail i just got.....


Fuck you! What, you think you\'re gonna win the pulitzer with this shit? I wish you wouldn\'t go on with your crappy ass stories...cry me a fucking river, get bent!

this ass hole needs an editor;

my reply,
Kiss my ass........
Nasty comments

Why do people have to be so mean to each other?

If people are going to post replies to author's stories that are that critical (See LAW's last post), they should have the nerve to give an email address so that the author can reply. (In a decent way.)

I guess some people don't understand the meaning of constructive criticism.

It's one thing to say you didn't like a story, but that last post was unbelievable!

Hmmmm, maybe the person that left the post is jealous of LAW's work? I happen to think it's very good.
An "ID ten T"

Don't let anyone put you off!

WE all start somewhere, each story is different!

Just because one person is an an "ID ten T"

Shrug it off and continue!
But that was harsh indeed!
Smile and shrug L.A.W.
I am too tired to search, what's the link?
And your's FireAngel?

It may not be MY taste, but isn't that the whole point of writing?

ID ten T

Young Kristin, the editor of our trivia publication, was having trouble with her computer. So she called Wes, the computer guy, over to her desk. Wes clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away Kristin called after him, "So, what was wrong?"

And he replied, "It was an ID ten T error."

A puzzled expression ran riot over Kristin's face. "An ID ten T error?"

What's that in case I need to fix it again?"

He gave her a grin. "Haven't you ever seen an ID ten T error before?"


"Write it down," he said, "and I think you'll figure it out."

I D 1 0 T

Writer's Blues...

Some people... (sighs)

L.A.W. - I've read your work, and I personally think you do a good job. The person that sent you that e-mail needs to learn a lesson in tact...or get themselves reamed with a rotorooter, whichever you prefer. (evil grin)

Thing of it is, we writers go through a lot of headaches when we produce these stories, and I don't just mean erotica stories either. We try to make the stories appeal to an audience, but we don't always get the feedback we need (positive critiques, encouragement, etc.). I'm the first to admit, I thrive on feedback, and so does my muse... but a lot of the people that read my stories almost never send me any feedback at times. Very frustrating at best, let me tell you.

Readers, if you like or don't like a story, at least please send something to the author to keep them aware that people ARE reading their work. Even if it's just a one line "Great story!" or "You suck!" e-mail, it does help, believe me!

I'm not looking for awards or such... even one of those E's or H's, though that would be a nice surprise. My main goal is to enertain people with my stories. I haven't writen much erotica since I started 10 years ago, but I'm getting back into it again...

Dunno if this is okay, but I did post a new story up in the Incest catagory. Just do a search for my name to find it. ^_^

Well, that's all from me for now! Maintain and Check Six!
Agree entirely Nessus

We write beacuse we have a story within us, something that tickles our own fancy.

Be it good, bad, well written or...
My advice to all writers is write!
Don't try to get votes, that is just.. shakes head..
Sadly, I rarely vote as I copy and paste until later!
But I do try to email the author if I really liked it or had something constructive to say!

I will read anything within my realm of dreams and fantasy!

Don't let the muse get knocked out!

I did mention within the Authors Hangout, maybe some rules!

I am willing to help with spelling, editing etc.
I search for stories within my own interests, I look for and write my own tantalizations, therefore to be helpful to any other writer, it must be something that I want to read!

I think maybe some rules, state the theme of the story, the link etc
The category!
For me myself, incest, lesbian, wife etc, nope, not me!
I look for someone to help me with my own stories, not so much the proper grammar, but does it make them want more?, to join in?, do they feel a part of it?

As I only write short ones, I don't go into details about the settings etc.....
That is needed if you wish to write a book! But again, long beginnings of the settings bore me!
I prefer my words to allow your own imagination to join me!

Sorry, I should be in bed! sleeping and dreaming!
My first part for someone to continue is called 'Surrender'
It was posted under 'Romance'
It is a Viking medieval theme, hopefully with humour!

It's open to any brave ones willing to try a next bit!
It could go anywhere!

Be brave and write if you like it, send me your bit!

Well, to bed for me!

Nite all, be good or better!
Knighty Nite


Till later all
Laurel said:
LOL! I should've was too perfect of a post. "the gramr sucks!" I did laugh, if I have to admit it, but now with you...tee hee... BTW, the only way you're returning my panties to me is by putting them back on me...

To seriously address the point of this thread: Part of what's kinda cool about Literotica is that it allows amateur writers to publish their work for an audience. I do some editing, but I do not polish every story. If I did, then 1) the writer wouldn't have the flaws in his or her writing pointed out to him or her; and 2) there's no way I could get through 50-80 stories a night.

If you see a story with flagrant grammar/spelling errors, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take 5 seconds of your time to write the author a quick note suggesting that he or she seek help with our Volunteer Editor program. I've got editors writing me all anxious because no one is contacting them. We have editors in the program who are Literature students, who are professional editors & writers, who have special knowledge of different kinks and fetishes.

There's also a library of excellent essays and how-to's in the Writer's Resources area. All writers should check out that section - good info there!

With all that's available, there's no excuse for atrocious grammar and spelling. Many authors are not aware of the tools provided to them. Once they're aware of them, the vast majority WILL use them to improve the quality of the story they submit. By taking a bit of your time to nudge them in the right direction, you're making the site that much more enjoyable for you. You're also helping make this world a more literate place, which is a wonderful thing.

Thanks to all, readers and writers, for making my days so fun! ;)
As a fairly new author i can say I really appreciate all the feedback i can get. My first editor was Steamy Chick and I sure do miss her. I now have a new editor and it has helped me alot. Thanks Laurel, I am looking forward to finishing my Halloween story.
Thanks! I now have a dictionary definition of ignorant primitive retard!

Looks to me like this 'guest' replied to his own thread. The stories don't have to be perfect that's the point, so everyone can have a go at writing and get feedback.

if your so god damn smart you write something and about leaving your name?
what do u think

so far as the stories here not being of good quality, i would have to disagree. some stories are better than others this is true, but they also reflect the individual person who wrote the story as well. that makes them all unique....and BTW i enjoy them! I have sent in my first story as well....if any one would care to critique it, i would appreciate it.....great site laurel....keep up the good work!
Unregistered said:
Each time i come to, it seems the stories get more dull, lifeless and less plot than ever before.
Wake up writers, get an editor, fix missing words (if you can find them)
The stories look like some shit you read in the Sunday paper, no body talks in the story until they are ready to cum or the thing is over.
And worst of all, who picks the (HOT & EDITORS PICK) MY GOD, misspelling, no plots, missing words, no story line. How much do you have to pay to have your story picked?

I think this person has a good point, a lot of the stories here aren't given the attention they deserve with regards to rewriting and such, but we've covered that topic repeatedly here. Nobody's perfect. There's nothing else to say about that! And you have to remember, we're writing erotica, not rewriting the "Grapes of Wrath." Sex is the point, so you're going to read a lot of sex. Kinda' goes with the territory!

As far as attacking the writers here in general, no one deserves that strong a criticism (and the unregistered things was smart...too many people are going to be pissed when they read what you said; that "unregistered" better be bullet proof!). So, let's try about you choose a few of the authors who replied and read some of their work and see what you think...

I'll even challenge you further than that...Read my work. I haven't taken advantage of the editors program yet, so I'm writing of my own abilities alone. Check my profile, read each of the stories (there are only three), write me or post your thoughts here. Remember though, the people have voted on each of them already, and though the votes weren't abundant, at least not as of yet, their ratings come out to an average of above 4.3, so you're testing the opinions of those that have already read them...

I'll check back later to see what you thought. Do you accept? If so, then, once you've gotten up the nerve to register, maybe we'll evaluate your work...
Better yet, come out to the discussion circle at discuss what you see as errors or even (Heaven Forbid!:eek: ) the good points of the writing here at Lit.

(A little shameless advertizing never hurt anyone!:p )

so far as the stories here not being of good quality, i would have to disagree

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder......erotica is in the mind of the reader and all readers are different

so endeth the lesson:)

I have had some feedback that was positive and some that was negative.

The positive were mostly signed. The negative were mostly anonymous.

It was all made worthwhile by the one that said, "Worth 5 points for the last sentence alone."

That says that I *know* that something I wrote really gave pleasure to someone else; an author cannot ask more than that.