
the explanation

DVS - So, you want me to be specific. Got any ideas of who it could be?

Me - Nopes, the 'idea' part of my brain is temporarily shut off nowadays. :(

then DVS again - Say, by the way, you look rather hairy, these days, sweetie.

Me - Hairy... hmmm... yes. She is hairy. Cute too. You can attribute my new AV to Sub Joe and the Anagram thread. :)

so DVS again - I need to get my beauty rest. Yes, I need a lot of it!

now Me - Your age I guess... :eek: :p

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As always, you're a sweetheart, Cuck. You sound a bit Norwegian there. I'm sorry for being away so long, but my computer is being repaired, and I'm stuck using public ones - I had forgotten just how slow modems are... :(

Yes, DVS, I can sing. I've sung in a gospel choir once. :devil:
Svenskaflicka said:
Yes, DVS, I can sing. I've sung in a gospel choir once. :devil:
Goodness! You HAVE been away long. I had forgotten I asked that question. Let's see if I can bring it back for myself...Ah, yes, ABBA!

I do think you look like the blonde, sweetie. And, you can sing? Maybe a relative? Didn't ABBA originate from your area of the world?

OK, I'm just curious. I wasn't that much of an ABBA lover, but they were nice songs. And, incidentally, there is now a musical out, based on ABBA songs. So, it's obvious other people liked them, too.

Ah, that was a different time and place, in my life.

What's wrong with your puter? Did you piss it off?
Re: Re: Ta-daaaa!!!

BigTexan said:

P.S. Chicklet you are very fine too! If that is your personal pic then perhaps a tie should be called :)

thank you, texan = )