Team of Misfits

Ryan Cox

He sat silently, back against the wall, doing what he did best. Watching. Some time ago he would have been part of a Recon squad, but now he was here, watching as more people joined the group, watched how they reacted towards one another, watched how they did not mesh. Much like himself.

That thought got him to cock his head slightly, if they were like him, they were all fucked. He watched as the most imposing female in her leathers drew a very silly picture on "what was supposed to be the squad leader's" face. By now he had seen enough to know that these two would butt heads, he did notice that the teleporter (why else would she come out of a place when she should be in another?) and the other whisp of a girl were most likely to outlive them all.

He said nothing, did not move...instead...he watched
Leftenant Lawrence Jenkins

The Leftenant merely nodded as Sparks informed him that he would be speaking at the meeting. Thirty minutes, that left enough time, as he stepped outside. He did wait until the newcomer was inside before he turned on his phone. Dialing the number he knew by heart, he pressed the call number, waiting for the person on the other side to pick up.

“Hey!” A cheerful voice perked up on the other side of the line.

“How’s my least favorite niece?” Lawrence deadpanned, though he couldn’t help but smile at her clear enthusiasm.

“Ha ha. That stopped working on me when I was, like, two. I’m your only niece Uncle Lawrence.” Lawrence’s heart seized at the words, but he didn’t let it show on the outside.

“You know what I mean Rubes. I also take it that you avoided my question.”

“Fiiiine Uncle. I’ve moved in….” The next twenty minutes was small talk between the two, with banter, insults, and questioning the others sanity.

“Look Rubs, I’ve got a meeting to go to…”

“You’re on a new team then?”

“Yep. And yes there are mutants on the team before you ask. I’ll talk to you later, on a more secure line. Who knows? Maybe you’ll meet them.”
“You said that about the last three teams.” He could hear the snark in her voice rise above. She knew why she couldn’t meet them. Still, he had promised. Dammit, he knew he couldn’t resist his favorite person in the world.

“I promise this time.”

“Yay! Love you Uncle!”

“Love you too Rubes.” Lawrence hung up at that point, putting his phone away. He entered the house once more, to see Kayne questioning whether or not his marker was permanent.

“It is not permanent. Now please may I have it back?” He said coolly. He hated when people just took things that clearly did not belong to them. Especially to do something crude, like what was on their leaders face. “You also better wash that off of her face,” he growled, “Or else you might find yourself relegated to sleep in the basement.” He said his voice no more than a whisper. “I’d think on it. But only until she wakes up.” He proceeded to raise his hand, waiting for Kayne to give him his marker back.
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Kayne had returned to sniffing the marker by the time Jenkins returned. She gave him a causal glance, the tip still lingering under her nostrils, which flared as she took in a deep breath.

“Why the fuck would I ruin my masterpiece? It’s…beautiful,” Kayne retorted, the tone dripping with sarcasm. It didn’t last long, not as the man overstepped his bounds. In an instant the humor left Kayne and those bruised hued eyes fell upon Lawrence fully. She snapped the lid on the marker and causally tossed it into the air, only to let it spin once before she caught it.

“Lookit Sergeant Pepper,” She started, a grin drawing out across her thin lips. It wasn’t the amused kind though, it was far more feral in nature. In the wild, things that bared their fangs did it for a reason. Now Kayne had no actual fangs, the meaning was all the same and a man such as Jenkins would easily see it as such.

“I dunno who or what you think you are, but keep your nose out my shit or I might have break it,” Kayne said coolly and simply let the marker drop from her grasp just as Lawrence raised his own to take it back. It clattered to the ground at his feet and Kayne stood there with that grin, her eyes locked intently on the man’s face. So far she had insulted two others of the team she had met and frightened another to near tears. Looked like she was going for a record.

Sparks fell into the Dreamscape - though she did not know it by name until the 4' silver fox in front of her gave her welcome. There were a plethora of alternate realities one could find themselves once plugged into a digital existence and this one was new to the cyborg. "Here you will see at an accelerated speed everything you are downloading," the fox continued to explain. Screens formed and flashed before her, sweeping quickly past her visual awareness while her mind soaked it all in.

"You will know everything about me up to present. Minus my identity. There isn't much to me. I've been in hiding mostly. Just keep this a secret please." A thoughtful pause. "OH! And. I still don't have control over my powers."

"That could be problematic," she noted. "But we'll work on it. Together." Sparks smiled.

She marveled at the wealth of information she had received from, and regarding, Kit. Of course she would keep his secrets - and felt honored that he was only sharing such with her, even if it was only because she was the leader of his team.

"Do you still have a connection to the aethitron? If I could download everyone's least their Organization files...the information would be invaluable to me."


Sparks' eyes flashed open suddenly. Without ceremony, she reached back to disconnect the cord from the base of her neck - truth be told, she was very self conscious about her port and preferred to keep it hidden whenever was possible. She looked to Kit, making sure that he was waking up before she removed the connection from him.

"Thank you so much!" she gushed with a wide smile before clambering to her feet. She gave a big stretch, moved her limbs a bit until she felt at home in her own body. "Alright..." a deep breath. "Let's do this!"

She came out into the common room refreshed. She felt control. More prepared than she'd ever been before, equipped with all the knowledge she could want...

Why were they looking at her like that? Her smile slowly melted.

"...What?" she asked hesitantly.
Kit had little trouble returning to reality and when He awoke He was greatest with the most terrible sight He could have dreamed. His leader with a...thing. on her face. Some sort of penis with a penis sticking straight up out of what would have been it's butt if it were human. Kit had been going to tell her about the instant uploads of all the files she wanted, but this was more important.

"Ma'am please go wash your face." Kit tried to say, his equipment knew it was only temporary pen, but the words came out as a series of mechanical barks, whines, and yips. He kept trying, but it obviously failed.

"Fuck." He thought. "I can't change forms here....I don't want to show them who I am..." All the while He chased her down the hall and followed her into the meeting room where everything stopped. Kit's sensors picked up the marker which was hanging from Jenkins' hand. Kit noticed the glare directed at Kayne and gave a low groan before looking up at his leader. He walked up to her and grabbed her jeans between his teeth before roughly pulling her onto his back and trotting to the bathroom. He discovered the door was locked and with a little effort and some scanning, found the room to be empty. So without much thought He smashed through the door and into the empty bathroom. His back opened and a small seat lifted the sitting Sparks high enough to see her face in the mirror.
Sparks was surprised to find her pant leg tugged upon. She looked down at Kit, just as he was using the hold to hoist her over his back. A startled cry escaped her.

She landed roughly on his back, the breath knocked right out of her with an "Umph!" as she crashed onto her stomach. She was about to protest as Kit began moving - but instead, she simply shifted her position so as to straddle his back. A stupid and amused smile overtook her lips as he carried her towards the bathroom. "What's gotten into you...?" she asked. She was so impressed by the riding of the metal fox that she nearly forgot the look everyone in the common room had given her.

They paused briefly at a closed door - Sparks knew the bathroom to be just beyond. Then, without warning, Kit burst through the barrier. Sparks shielded her face from the flying splinters and larger chunks of debris. "What the hell?!" she nearly yelled.

But as he lifted her to see her reflection, it all became clear...and quickly. Her mouth dropped open and she stared in stunned silence for several moments.


She stood suddenly, her feet finding a place on either side of Kit's body. She leaned in close to the mirror, turned her face so as to study the markings on her cheek.

"KAYNE!" she screamed, the sound of it very similar to the famous 'KHAN!'

Her hands moved to turn the taps, surprised to find them disassembled. The chrome handles were laying in the sink. She was too pissed to wonder - she simply grabbed the shiny taps and worked to reattach them. Once done, she turned on the water and set to furiously scrubbing the profanity from her face.

Minutes later she stormed out of the bathroom, through the bits of remaining door. Without hesitation she approached Kayne and gripped her shoulders to spin her around to face her. Sparks' cheek was bright red in the absence of the other woman's drawing.

"You!" she started angrily. "I know you did this, Kayne! Don't you dare trying deny it!" But then...wait. This is just the sort of reaction Kayne wanted. Sparks pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes for a moment.

When she recovered, she continued. "Okay, okay...I'll admit. It was kind of funny." Except not at all. Still, it was a shade better than feeding the other woman further satisfaction. "In any case...I'm holding you accountable for our lack of a bathroom door." She turned away with a sudden seeming indifference.

"Attention, everyone! It's time for our meeting!" Her eyes scanned over the room, making certain that everyone was present before she started. "First, introductions! I'm Sparks and this is Steal Fox," she said, indicating her companion. She was torn between introducing the rest of the members herself and going around the room and having everyone speak for themselves. The latter process reminded her entirely too much of middle school. Still, it only seemed only fair.

"Let me tell you a little about myself. Afterwards, I'd like for you all to do the same." She smiled and rubbed her reddened cheek. God damn Kayne. "If you couldn't tell from the wonderful prank from my good friend here, I'm a cyborg - and when I transfer my awareness to the digital realm, I am completely unaware of my physical self. As such...opportunists may be tempted to screw with me - which, for the record, I do not advise. Next time..." she glanced at Kit with a grateful smile. "I'll have protection." No doubt Jenkins would follow through with his promise, and she'd have access to aethitron without hoping that Kit could re-summon a connection.

She returned her attention to the crowd. "My abilities are strictly related to technology. I am capable of siphoning and or corrupting information from any device - including servers, androids, and a limited scope of cyborgs," (they needed to have a substantial level of brain wiring) "which can be conducted without the need of me linking up and going limp." She lifted a hand, a light crackling noise becoming apparent as arcs of blue lightning danced over her palm and between her fingers. "Unfortunately, I lack for offensive capabilities. This here..." she looked at her hand, "is sadly little more than a tingly shock to a person." She closed her hand, snuffing out the dancing bits of light. "I've also been informed that I'm a terrible shot," she added a little bitterly, having just found the comment in her own file. "So don't rely on me to be a marksmen."

"...And the floor is open to introductions." If no one volunteered she'd take to pointing at people.

She'd give the epic 'sure, we're all fuck ups... but we can do it!' speech after introductions.
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Finding the silence after Spark's introduction uncomfortable, Portal stepped forward and cleared her throat. Although it sounded rather forced and unpracticed. Wiping the hair from her eyes once again, she looked around but barely skimmed a glance at Kayne. That woman was an angry soul, one that would be almost impossible to mesh with.

"Everyone calls me Portal, and I...uh...don't have another name," she stammered, trying not to sound too scared at speaking out loud.

"I've been moving around a lot trying to stay hidden since I was very young," she began, wondering if people would pick up on the fact that very young was indeed an accurate description considering she was barely legal at the moment. "So I'm very independent," she added, when in fact she should have said a loner. "I don't mind doing what people say, but I have never had to follow orders from another person before."

Shifting on her feet, putting the weight from one side to the other, she decided to answer questions similar to the ones Sparks had explained for herself. Otherwise Portal was just rambling and making short comments without a thought process.

"I'm human, I think...and my powers started to develop when I was five. I disappeared from my parents home whilst looking at pictures in a Travel magazine. I ended up in Rome. I..uh..lived with a nice couple who found me for a while, but I couldn't control myself and ended up moving around a lot by simply glimpsing an acceptable doorway. So...I can't actually read..."

Looking at Sparks, who whilst an unusual woman at least seemed to be caring, Portal looked rather sad and unhappy about speaking so much about her past.

"I can teleport as long as a solid, non changing frame is available to contain my power. Doorways, windows are by far the most effective. And as long as I'm within range of a doorway I can sense a safe landing point. I...felt that this linen closet was safe..." she explained, looking behind her.

"Um...was there anything else?" she asked herself, before shrugging her shoulders. "I'm purely defensive and scouting I suppose, as I've never learned a fighting style and unless I drag someone through with me..." she trailed off and stepped back, putting her hands deep into her pockets.

She had gone on long enough about herself.
Kit had been ignoring everyone, offering up an encouraging glance to Sparks when she looked at him. His sense were otherwise focussed as it sense a beautiful item He ran all of his sensors and chemical scanners until He found it. A type of Rum Cake. He rubbed hard up against Sparks and wandered off. His tail wagging hard as He made a left and went up to the fridge. After a brief inspection He found the fridge could be moved easily and pushed it to the side.

He opened a small panel under the fridge and crawled into a tiny cooler. He used a small plate that grew from his back to pick up the cake. As He turned He saw something else. Kegs of ancient beers, runs, and fine wines lined the walls. Obviously something that the Organization had missed. It was in classic barrels and the sight made Kit drool.

Having just made a mental connection with Sparks He used Athriton and sent her a text message with a picture in it, showing off the kegs, including an X-ray shot to show they were full. He left her to decide what to do with it as He walked out into the crowd with his rum cake and sat down with it, prepared to eat.
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As she listened to and watched Portal, Sparks couldn't help but feel for the girl. Despite having a horrible past, thanks to Professor Denauld, Sparks had had a relatively stable home life previous to that. People to depend on and love. She couldn't imagine not having a base to land on when life kicked her in the throat.

"Thank you, Portal," she spoke encouragingly. She took a few steps towards the younger woman and wrapped an arm comfortingly around her shoulders.

Sparks received a message from Kit -- was that? Hoo, boy! The troops were going to like that! ...But she'd hold off on telling them until their official business was concluded.

In the meantime, Kit reappeared with cake. Sparks smiled at him. "Are we sharing?"
Kit growled lightly before sighing and moving close to her so she could get a piece of his favorite cake. Upon a ton of intense concentration a spoon shot out of Kit's back and implanted itself in the wall near Sparks.

Kit yipped his apology and ducked his head, offering the amazing cake as a gift. He sent a message to her. "Please have my precious for an apology." Was what was written on the message. He whined lightly and kept very low, ready for an impending hit.
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Sparks jumped back, bringing Portal along with her. She looked at the spoon lodged in the wall with wide eyes, then back to Kit.

She looked more startled than angry but the metal fox's reaction was like he expected to get hit. Her features softened and she took a step away from Portal to yank the spoon out of the wall. Turning her attention back to "Steal Fox" she walked over and knelt down next to him. Wordlessly, she stroked his head comfortingly.

Her alternate hand used the projectile spoon to scoop some of the cake. She heaped it up and placed the spoon in front of Kit's mouth, smiling at him.
Portal hadn't stopped jumping back when Spark's did, in fact she disappeared into the linen closet again, backwards. A shimmer of purple haze within the doorway was all that remained, but it also evaporated almost instantly. The shock of almost getting hit by the spoon projectile enough to have her make an emergency exit. But it didn't last long, instantaneously she fell out backwards through the hallway that led into the room (as if they were the one and the same doorway) with a thud. Her trajectory pulling all of Jenkin's paper files on the table to the floor as she went.

"Sorry!" she apologized, practically laying at the feet of Ryan as the papers fluttered to the floor all around her. One landed on her face, and she held it up for a moment, wondering who's it was. But she couldn't understand a single word of it, the picture was of Kayne though and she decided to leave it be as quickly as possible.
Leftenant Jenkins

The Leftenant merely lifted his eyebrow as Sparks’s words, especially the bit about the broken door. It seemed as though he would have to get Kayne to fix it. Or perhaps Sparks herself. Yes it was an embarrassing situation, but one has to take care of this house, especially in the state it currently was in.

Following everyone to the living room, he ‘relaxed’ against a wall. He took in the scene around him, listening intently to what Sparks had to say. Seemingly he had gotten through to her, even if she needed some more lessons in confidence. Already he had picked out some weaknesses of hers. She was quick to anger and quick to have her confidence shattered. Most likely a side effect of her capture. He made a mental note to try and ask her about that. It would be uncomfortable, yes, but he didn’t want to learn anything new. Just confirm some things, and see about the fate of Professor Denauld. He hadn’t found any mention of it in the reports. Still, it was good to see she was developing some form of a backbone.

The next person was more interesting. He had no dossier on her, and as such he had to pay extra attention to her body language. He had no reference to her natural stance, so his observations might be incorrect, however he could sense she was nervous. Perhaps a form of Agoraphobia. Obviously suffered in her life. Couldn’t read, he would work on that with her. It might seem cruel to think in these terms, but if she couldn’t read, then reconnaissance work would be out of the question, especially if she couldn’t tell the direction to either the control center or the detention center. Still, her powers were interesting, and he would have to help her develop them. Perhaps Ruby could… no that was dangerous thinking. He had to keep her away from this lifestyle.

Then the girl had to knock over his files. He quickly picked them up as to not let anyone actually see what they were. He had a point to make with those later.

A lull came over the group, with the exception of Sparks, who was doing some weird thing with a cake (he guessed, confectionaries were never his best subject) that appeared out of nowhere and the plush toy she was carrying around and called ‘Steal Fox’ whatever that meant, waiting for the next person to speak. Deciding that it was best for him to speak next, and give Kayne the chance to go after him than the more fragile members of the group.

“I’m Leftenant Jenkins, formerly of the SAS. I served in over one hundred missions, and you may not ask me about any of them, it’s classified. As is my first name.” That second bit was bullshit but it would distract them from trying to get to know him. “I have no powers; I have earned all the respect for what I have done in my life. I am here to train you, to coordinate the team into the most efficient fighting squad.” He gazed around the room, taking in everyone’s figure, memorizing them in his mind.

“I will also serve as the supply officer. If something is mission critical I will make sure the team gets it. But understand this. I am not your friend. I am not your enemy. I am not your boss. I am not your underling. If you want my respect you will have to earn it. I will not citizen you without any reason, nor will I praise with no reason. I have worked with three teams similar to yours in my span with the Organization, and I’ll tell you something, those teams have been successes. I will not let you ruin my track record here.” He shot a pointed look at Kayne. “And as soon as the Team Leader permits, I will be speaking again about training schedules, priorities and,” His face turned into a small smile, though it was not a pleasant smile, but more feral, similar to the smile that Kayne gave him earlier, “What will happen to those who fail to act accordingly. This is, in all aspects, a military unit. I do not tolerate less than the best behavior. Miss Kayne has volunteered to be my example for punishment. I assure you it will not be pleasant, but if I did not believe she could handle it, she would not be on this team.” This was good, establishing who he was very early on. There would be disrespect, but that he could handle. As long as the team worked, that was the important thing. He was here to make sure that they did not fail. Hopefully the team had understood that. If they didn’t, well he would bash it into their skulls if required.

“I believe I have said enough for now. So I’ll let the next person to speak.” He leaned back on the wall, observing once more.
With a humbled expression Kit looked at Sparks before taking a tentative lick of the cake. Automatically He flinched. At his last home He was hit for sampling the smallest piece of rum cake and so his first reaction was to flinch away from the hit. When it didn't come He stretched his neck out slightly and ate the rum cake in one swift lick. He followed by taking the spoon and used his paw to heap up another spoonful and putting it towards her mouth, his legs not long enough to get close to her, but He did his best.

As the leftenant spoke a screen appeared from Kits back.


Leftenant Lawrence Jenkins




Caucasian Male Human (British)

Known Background:

The Leftenant was formally of the Special Air Service (SAS) for the British Military. Successfully participating in many covert missions around the world, at the age of twenty eight he was transferred to the ‘Organization’ as part of their leader initiative. Much of his past with the SAS is deemed classified by the British Government, and there is no record of a Leftenant Lawrence Jenkins ever serving abroad.

What is known about Leftenant Jenkins is that he was born in London, raised by a middle class family, before joining the military at the age of eighteen. He reportedly has the highest ever marks in terms of tactical analysis, military history, and a class commonly known as ‘the art of war’, a reference to Sun Tzu’s famous work, the ‘Art of War’. Whether or not he actually holds these distinctions is a matter of speculation.

After five years of leading team after team for the ‘Organization’, he was assigned to the ‘Misfit’ project. Though he is not technically the leader of the group, (it was made clear that all members were meant to be equivalent in terms of tactical decisions), the expectation is that his calm demeanor, logical thinking, and experience will help control the more radical elements of the ‘Misfit’ project

Source of Power:

No source of power. The Leftenant is one hundred percent human.


Keen tactical mind trained by twenty-five years of military service. The Leftenant excels at improvisation and strategy. Jenkins has been groomed for the mantle of leadership since successful military expeditions around the globe. He was on track to make Brigadier in the SAS before recruited by the ‘Organization’.

His fighting skills are mostly raw. Hand to hand combat is a weakness of his, as is handling most close-range weaponry. His specialty in the SAS was long ranged sniper weapons. He has since cut back the use on weaponry, preferring to help his allies navigate the current battle.


Standing at five foot nine inches and weighing in at less than one hundred and sixty pounds, Leftenant Jenkins is not considered a physical masterpiece. However scars on his right wrist and lower back from shrapnel does reveal his military past. Coupled with intense blue eyes and noticeably bright red hair, he commands a presence in any room he currently occupies.

He often has bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, and to see him without a cup of coffee is a rare sight indeed. The uniform he wears is baggy, due to the fact that he seemingly loses weight whenever he gets a new uniform that should fit. He usually wears a beret on top of his head, a remnant of his SAS days.

He is clean shaven, with a short crop of hair.

Official Notes:

(SAS officer)

“ [redacted]. Jenkins clearly shows promise as a leader of his own squad. Worries that he would be willing to [redacted] have been clearly unfounded.”

(Recording of recommendation to be placed on the ‘Misfit’ Project)

“Leftenant Jenkins is clearly suited to lead more problematic elements of military forces, including those we have assigned to the ‘Misfit’ project. His injury, please see the attached form, also places him at less risk to be seen as a threat to any of the members, nor will he see much military action. He will almost certainly emerge as a stabilizing influence in the group.”

(Report on [Redacted])

“Leftenant Jenkins once again showed calm under enemy fire. However his injuries sustained will leave him out of action for at least seven months, if not longer. Recommended psychological evaluation as well”

(Psychological Evaluation)

“I recommend that the Leftenant is placed back on active duty. He has agreed to be accepted into the officer program in order to reduce risk of re-injury. Admitted to suffering some Post Traumatic Stress after the incident. Low risk of psychological breakdown on the field.”

(Transfer request)

“The Leftenant has shown some discontent about the path that the SAS currently has him on. Stuck at the same level for two years. We recommend…..”"

Was printed on it.
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Ryan Cox

He looked at the frail girl who sprawled at his feet, with surprising gentleness, he reached out and helped her to a sitting position, it was more kindness than what he had known at her age, he became aware that the movement had caught attentions and he inwardly cursed himself for doing something foolish,

"My name is Bow, I am the long range specialist. If you want to know more, ask the leftenant."

He gathered his feet and gracefully got to his feet, only to hunker down and to collect the scattered papers, his eyes scanning the documents and allowing him to place each paper into it's previous order, with the folders in order once more, he deposited them back on to the desk. He realized that the meeting was still going, suppressing an irritated sigh, he sat down again with his back against the wall.
Ron smiled to himself at Jenkins bad ass attitude. The guy was in the room with at least two military trained professionals, one who was modified and one who he knew was a mutant and he was still trying trying to act like a hard ass. Plus there were all the other people in the room. Well he could probably take Sparks and maybe the new quiet girl but he doubted that he could even catch Portal or could take down Kayne so his threats were pretty empty. As it was the only threat was if they really wanted to stay on the team.

He stood up from his chair and looked around the room. "The names Ron. I'm a Mutant. I'm able to heal myself faster than normal and I have sharper reflexes than the average person. I have been trained in a few forms of fighting and can use a variety of weapons. The Organization in it's wisdom has dubbed me the 'Urban Warrior', so don't blame me for the name."

"What I did before this was pretty boring. I was a regular kid with ordinary parents. When my powers kicked in I was packed off to learn how to control them and eventually ended up in the Organization and then here."

He sat down again and waited to see what the others stories would be. He was really interested in Khane's and Sniper boy's.
Sparks leaned forward and down to accept the bite of cake, placing a hand on the floor to help steady herself in the process. She closed her eyes as she drew the morsel from the spoon and into her mouth.

"Mmm!" she sounded approvingly.

Jenkins began to speak and the blonde straightened her posture; though she remained kneeling, with one hand resting on Kit's back. She of course paid attention rather than devouring more of the cake, as tempting as it was...

She was a little surprised when the screen popped up from the metal fox's back. A glance to see what it was - and then a shifting of her hand to block the projection. Sparks gave her companion a clear look that read: No. She wasn't sure if he had done it intentionally or not...

She turned her attention back to Jenkins. He was so composed, articulate...a natural leader. Sparks knew he was highly more qualified than herself. But rather than feel threatened by the fact she tried to recognize it for the opportunity that it was. She could be better, under the right guidance, and with the right amount of effort.

Bow introduced himself next. He made no show of friendliness, rather stated what is was he needed to in as few words as possible. Again, he deferred to the leadership of Jenkins. Sparks frowned lightly. There was no reason to make a scene, now, but she'd have to talk to him about that.

Ron, the Urban Warrior, stood from his seat. As he listed off his abilities Sparks couldn't help but wonder what it'd be like to be physically enhanced; she rather loathed her own weakness in that department. The man finished his introduction with a brief overview of his path before re-seating himself.

A quiet persisted for a few moments. Sparks stood from her kneeling position and did a quick check of the room: just Roni and Kayne remained, likely neither wanting to participate - although for completely different reasons. Sapphire eyes settled on Kayne. "Come on, lady, out with it. Participation isn't optional."

Sparks could only imagine Roni would be glad to not get called out - and perhaps when she realized she was the last to go she'd offer it on her own.

Kayne let her bruised hued eyes linger intently upon Jenkins as they stood before one another. It could have gone on for all eternity, though that thunderous roar of Kayne’s name caught her attention. That grin drifted into a sarcastically sweet smile, there was no denying the quality to it, the fury, the surprise, the oh so lovely rage. Sparks was on her quick, grasping her straight shoulders and turning the skinny girl to face her.

Bruised met sapphire, a satisfied smirk lingered on Kayne’s thin lips as Sparks started in on her. But it was short lived, the blonde caught herself before further anger spewed forth. It was…such a disappointment. All these people were so reserved; it was impressive and frustrating all at the same time. Unfortunately it only hardened Kayne’s resolve; she’d see the truth that lay under that pretty face soon enough. But she didn’t have time to linger on her own dastardly thoughts, not as Sparks mentioned the bathroom door. Kayne quirked up a brow and the smirk disappeared to be replaced by a subtle little purse.

“Wait. Wat?” Kayne spat, but Sparks was already starting up the meeting. Reluctantly she followed the group, back to the room where they had met for the first time. There were far too many people here for her taste, far too many words and too many reversed feelings. She claimed a spot against the wall, leaning against it with her arms folded over her chest. She wore her distaste upon her face, the very fact she had to sit here and listen to it almost too much to bear. One boot rose and pressed firmly against the wall as well, her pose relaxed and defensive at the same time.

Despite it all, she listened intently, though she appeared more interested in picking her nails than actually looking at anyone. Regardless, she absorbed the details, storing away anything of interest to be used later. You never knew when it would come in handy. Sparks started it up, her cheek so bright red it was hard not to notice, especially when she consciously rubbed at it. Still, there was something about her that made Kayne grit her teeth, she was so damn pretty. Her powers were underwhelming, mostly due to the fact Kayne had no idea what most of it meant. Technology was not her strong suit, unless it played music or movies. Kayne scoffed loudly as Sparks added the last bit, her lack of offensive capabilities at once hilarious and insulting.

Next was another young girl. At first Kayne thought it was the other little mouse she had scared earlier. But no, it was someone completely different. She almost did a double take as the girl started to speak. Portal, that was her name and that’s what she did. The mouse image sunk in further, only reinforced further with the way that she glanced Kayne’s way at least once. It reminded her of the other girl again and the sense of wanting to jump at her just to see if she would poof again came to mind. For now she would have to save it for later. The rest of her story hit a little too close to home, much to Kayne’s surprise. She just focused on her nails once more and said nothing.

The next though, well, he had already left a bad taste in her mouth and Kayne wasn’t above expressing such. She let out a contemptuous snort as the military man began. So, he was nothing but a human, that sent an undeniable ripple up Kayne’s spine as her bruised gaze lingered on him. It was obvious she had little respect for anyone, but someone like this was even worse. Hiding behind laws and rules seemed the only way they could survive, at least the mousy girl could poof when she needed to. Her eyes rolled slowly, followed by her head before the back plunked against the wall. She managed to tilt it forward by the time her name was mentioned. That vicious grin was displayed once more, just long enough for the Leftenant to see before she returned to her nails.

The next two men were both military to some extent, of all those that introduced themselves so far they seemed the only ones competent in a fight. That was something that Kayne could respect, albeit it begrudgingly, more so the martial skills of the one that was called the ‘Urban Warrior’. At least she wouldn’t have to do all the work when it came to killing some bitches.

The introductions came to an end, at least save for herself and the other one. Kayne saw the hoodie nearby somewhere in the crowd, though Sparks seemed intent to call her out instead. Slender brows furrowed above her bruised gaze and that contemptuous glare was given once again. She watched Sparks with the spoon and cake, along with her metal doggie, it was all so adorable that Kayne wanted to retch (or secretly join in). Instead she snorted and pushed up off the wall. Her left hand rose and knocked the sunglasses from her head, sending them falling into place before her eyes. She squared off and set her feet at shoulder length apart before she let her hands rest upon her sleek hips.

“Kayne.” She said simply, smacking her lips dramatically before she took a causal glance around. “I’m here to chew bubblegum and kick ass…and I’m all out of bubblegum.”

She smacked her lips once more before clicking her heels and giving a half-assed salute in Jenkins direction. “You want any more info, ask Lieutenant Dan over here. It’s classified.”
With that Kayne claimed her spot at the wall, leaving her gaze hidden behind her sunglasses.


The house felt so full, there was so many noises coming from all over that Roni just didn’t know how to react. She wandered the hallways timidly, curiously exploring what could be seen before the call for the meeting caught her attention. She arrived near the last, a diminutive little figure still carrying her bags. She hadn’t been brave enough to claim a room, since she wasn’t sure if that was the proper procedure or not. Only as she stood there did she finally reach up and brush back her hood, revealing the short mane of dark brown hair, ruffled from being underneath the hood for so long. She had a pretty, if impish face with large brown eyes and an expressive mouth. It was hard to tell what figure was hidden under that bulky jacket, but it was obvious she was a tiny little thing.

Everyone had offered a greeting, some more terrifying than others. The ones that made her blood run cold was the Leftenant and Kayne. Even Bow in his mask seemed more personable than them. But Kayne’s introduction had ended and it was her own turn, with a deep breath she took a step closer and for the first time found the courage to speak.

“I’m Roni. It’s short for Veronica. I…um…I guess I’m…human? I never really thought of myself as anything else. I don’t have an interesting story…I got caught stealing…I’m pretty good at picking locks…oh and making fake I.D.’s. So if you wanna get in the club…” Roni giggled nervously, her tongue darting out over her dry lips. “I don’t have any special training. Not really. Oh…and I can corrode things by touching them.”

The last part seemed like a last minute addition, as if she forgot about what powers coursed through her hands. She wrung her hands, still in their big fluffy mittens over the handle of her baggage. “I also wasn’t sure…uh…which room was mine. I didn’t want to assume. You know what they say about assuming…” Roni felt herself babbling now, as all eyes were upon her, a healthy flush came to her pale cheeks and she let out another nervous giggle. At the moment she wanted nothing more than to disappear into the background where she belonged.
(OOC: Sorry guys, I don't have time to write a full post. So...

  • Sparks will give a inspirational-ish speech.
  • She will ask if Jenkins has anything to add before she concludes the meeting.
  • Then, she will reveal the excess of drinks to the party - giving Kit credit for the discovery, of course.
  • Just as she equips herself with a relaxing beverage, her communicator goes off. Sparks is commanded to immediately report to the Organization HQ; leaving her little choice but to abandon the fun.

Have good times partying!)
Leftenant Jenkins

The Leftenant held back a sigh at Sparks attempt at an inspirational speech. Wasn’t terrible, but wasn’t effective either. She needed to be more assertive, more aggressive. Then she asked whether or not he had something to say.

“Thank you ma’am. I actually do have something to say. First, as I mentioned previously I am the communications officer. That means I will be co-coordinating attacks for the team. Everyone will get a communicator that will also act as a transmitter so we will know where you are at all times in case you need back up. Secondly, training. Most of you are powerful people with little or no incentive to train. Why would you? Everyone you face is weaker than you. But does any one of you know how to beat a psychic? How to fight someone who can read your subconscious? What about if they find a way to nullify your powers? I’m not sure, but the people we will be facing are mostly brilliant. Insane? Yes. But stupid? Couldn’t be further from the truth. The way to beat them is by being an effective, efficient team.” He stopped his speech, taking the time to walk over to the desk where his files lay.

“See these files? They contain every single weakness of everyone here. Every strength. Every single fact about you, even your darkest little secrets. They are the culmination of months if not years of research on each and every single one of you. I’ve read them; I know how to beat any one of you. I wouldn’t even have to lift a finger.” He shot a glance at Sparks. “Our team leader has also read them. Some of you may have seen a snippet or two of what is inside. However only the two of us know the whole package.” His gaze told Sparks to keep quiet on his bullshit. He had his reasoning for what he was saying, and would explain everything later on. He took the lighter out of his pocket. “The amazing thing about today’s technology is that someone with enough skill can access any file around the world that’s stored. But paper? The only way to get a paper file is to physically have it in your hands.” He flicked the lighter on, and placed the files on the edge. They caught on fire and burned slowly. “Now these are the only copies of the files to exist in the world. Or well, they were. As you can tell they are gone.” Again bullshit, but he felt that Sparks wouldn’t blab that factoid out. He waited until the files were nothing more than ash before speaking once more. “Now, as I said that there is no knowing if the people we fight will know your weaknesses. We are facing unknowns here. That’s where training comes in. We will simulate experiences where you must fight without your powers. It’s the only way to become a better fighter.” He turned to look at Kayne, a feral grin on his face.

“Lastly I want to focus on punishment. As you all know this house is terrible condition. Of course we could get a team to pay for fixing some of it up. But I prefer the old fashion way. Do it yourself. Our Miss Kayne here has offered herself to be the example. The bathroom door is broken. I assume that we want that fixed. As such she will have to rebuild the door. Secondly, since she has committed a few offenses here, she will be forced to build a garden wall. About four feet in height, and perhaps a six foot by six foot area inside, let’s go with that. After she has done that, well lastly she will be painting the basement walls. She will be sitting Sieza position to do the borders at the bottom, and will be doing the ceilings as well. I will inspect each and every job she does. If they are not satisfactory to my and the team leaders expectations, she will do them again. Of course, if she feels she cannot do this job, then she clearly does not belong on the team. She will receive neither pay nor any benefits given. Her life will also most likely be determined to be terminated, and as such her days will be numbered. Am I clear?” His face held that same sinister grin the whole time. “That is all.” He pushed himself back to leaning on the wall. He barely paid attention to the rest of the scene, only noting that when Sparks called the meeting to an end he was going towards the door. “I will be out buying some items we need.” He told the group, exiting the house. Wiring, paint, wood, seeds, etc. etc. This might put a big dent in the team funds. However his gut told him it would be worth it.
Ron was a bit pissed off. He was going to claim the basement as his room as he doubted anyone else would want it and now Sgt screw up had fucked that up. Ahh fuck him he would fix his little red wagon.He walked over to where Kayne was still fuming a little.
"Hey Kayne want to fuck with his head a little. Look I wanted the Basement as my bunk. His royal pain in the butt's decree has just screwed me too, so what say I help you out painting the place and you get out of my room quick smart. What do you say,deal?"
"I found a multitude of drinks in the basement. I would personally prefer if no one painted those walls." Kit said looking at the Leftenant. "It is bleak and dark. I personally would liketo leave that alone as our drinks zone." I chased the Leftenant as He walked away. "Sir! " I repeated feeling ignored. "HEY! I'm talking to you!"

It was a good thing that Kayne's sunglasses hid her gaze. As Jenkins started in the cocksure smirk on her thin lips slowly faded in a near non-existent line. A cold chill of rage crept up her limps and sat heavily in her stomach. Her eyes, which were normally the color of a ripe bruise had drained of all color and were two circles of pure white. Kayne could feel little but the throb of the vein in her brow, her hands clenched into fists as the chilled rage sank itself into her breast.

It had all the makings of a very, very bad melt down. Never did it take much to set Kayne off, she wasn't a people person, a team player or a good sport. All the negative vibes and rage issues everyone sensed were right on the money. She didn't actually hear the words, it was more of an uncomfortable mumble in the background, like the way an adult talked in a Charlie Brown cartoon. Still, each muffled bark only made her worse, the sleek muscles of her arms tensed and rippled underneath her jacket and Kayne started to push up off the wall.

“You want to see breaking the fuck rules,” Kayne started with a hiss, her jaw clenched so tightly her teeth might shatter from the pressure. Her fingers uncurled just as the shadows coalesced into her right had, once more taking the general shape of something thick, heavy and club shaped. A vaguely familiar face appeared in front of her before she could fulfill her rage-fueled intent, the name was simply eluding her grasp at the moment, not that it mattered much. He started to speak, his words far more clear than anything Jenkins had said. Instead of trying to be some kind of leader or team member, he offered Kayne some semblance of what she wanted. Her eyes were still white behind the reflective surface of her glasses, a twitch of her lips was the only initial indication that she even heard him. She listened and mulled it all over, the club going transparent in her grasp.

“I was thinking more along the lines of smashing his head into a gooey paste,” Kayne said with no hint of remorse. For all the sarcastic words and jokes she had previous spat out, these words held no hint of such. Her lips started to move but the words died before they fell past them. The current situation took on a turn that Kayne wasn't expecting. The bat fell from her grasp and dissipated before it even hit the ground and a hand shoved back her glasses. The white hue of her gaze was fading back to its normal disgusting hue, though her mouth hung open as if she had saw a ghost.

“Did the dog just fucking talk?” She blurted out in one gushing breath. She hadn't paid the thing much attention and had just thought it was some kind of pet of Sparks.
Accepting a hand from Ron, Portal stood up and brushed herself off. It wasn't that she was dirty or anything, but it did help her gather her mind again after falling over. She found a place on the couch, sitting down with her knee's together and hands folded in her lap. The image of quiet, controlled politeness. The speech from Sparks had made Portal feel more impressive, as though she would amount to something, but it seemed short lived as Jenkins gave his two cents. Punishment? Training? Well she could see a reason for honing their skills, but getting punished for making a mistake, she hoped he at least had a good judge of 'intent'. As the meeting was called to an end, she watched to see what everyone else would do.

One sentence from Jenkins however came back to her as she sat silently, "so we will know where you are at all times". Whilst having backup would be good, there were certain places that she didn't want people knowing about. Her home for one, it was a secret place that nobody else knew about...well, almost nobody...which was why she was so protective of it.

Once that communicator/transmitter was given out, she wouldn't be able to go home for a long time. Not until she found a way around the device. Was it a global tracker, or did it have a range? Perhaps she could exploit that weakness...would it notice if she suddenly teleported to Peru, or Spain, or London?

"Um, Miss Sparks?" Portal announced, getting up and walking over to pull on the woman's sleeve gently. She sounded quite innocent and childlike as she competed for attention.

"...I locked the bathroom's my fault it needed to be broken. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I'd like to help with the repairs."
Ron laughed at Kayne's shocked expression. "Oh someone else finally noticed huh. Yeah Sparks and that thing have been talking to each other since we got here, but that's the first time I heard it talk out loud. Normally it just barks and whines and stuff. I'm sort of surprised none of you have said anything before this," Ron explained. "The main thing though is did you hear what he was talking about? There's Alcohol in the Basement. Shame if we got paint on that now wouldn't it. I say we go do something about that. You in?" He grins at her cheekily.