Tell us about the naughtiest mom

When I first read the topic I was thinking of fucking mom's older than me which happened in my late teens and at that time they would have been the naughtiest I had ever had but realizing any woman with a child is a mom I've had more than I can count and impossible to pick one as being the naughtiest.

Then I realize my current wife by far is the naughtiest and that is the reason we married. There is nothing she will not do to please and shock me.
Hey, would love to hear what sort of things your wife does do to please and shock you.
Hmm well, I fucked a mom in college. She was only 21 or so but had had a baby in high school. Basically she seduce me. One night when I was hammered, we went back to a friend's, another girl and her boyfriend. They went into the bedroom and this woman basically took my clothes off and got on top of me and fucked me in the living room. I always kind of wanted her friends to join in. I'm sure they heard us.
Had a very similar experience. I was 19 and a virgin and she was 24 or so. Party at her place. After her son was in bed she decided she wanted to fuck me, and I was good with that, lol.

We left a trail of clothes to her upstairs bedroom and we fucked for the first time that night (my first ever). She was quite loud, loud enough to make sure everyone in the apartment heard.

Her friends came up and opened to door to check on her after we finished round one. That weirded me out, but not enough to leave. After that we had sex a few more times over the course of that night until I was spent and fell asleep.

She wasn't in bed when I woke up; she was downstairs in the kitchen feeding her son breakfast. She made it obvious she didn't want me there. I left, and we never got together again.

I was happy and grateful for the sex, but sad I never got the chance for more with her.
Had a very similar experience. I was 19 and a virgin and she was 24 or so. Party at her place. After her son was in bed she decided she wanted to fuck me, and I was good with that, lol.

We left a trail of clothes to her upstairs bedroom and we fucked for the first time that night (my first ever). She was quite loud, loud enough to make sure everyone in the apartment heard.

Her friends came up and opened to door to check on her after we finished round one. That weirded me out, but not enough to leave. After that we had sex a few more times over the course of that night until I was spent and fell asleep.

She wasn't in bed when I woke up; she was downstairs in the kitchen feeding her son breakfast. She made it obvious she didn't want me there. I left, and we never got together again.

I was happy and grateful for the sex, but sad I never got the chance for more with her.

You should have invited in her friends!