The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

OK, OK, I'm getting the message. I'll try, alright.
I wish I could write to each and every one of you… but I’m sure I’d leave someone out…

I like the fact that our gritty, grimy, but loving, greasy spoon and dive bar is a haven for all of us.

A gooder buncha people could not be found.

So merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, Festivus for the rest of us, Yule, whatever it is… enjoy it.

And on to a great 2025!!
Love xo to you and the mrs......

I love our group of darlings.
Someone just said to me that wrapping presents is folding laundry asshole cousin
I’ve been sick and I didn’t even bother wrapping shit this year. I just put stuff under the tree.

I have never felt this meh about Christmas. I haven’t been feeling it since the start. Altho I had a nice day of doing nothing but reading.
Solution: Xmas cards with gift cards inside!!!
Cash app....... I gave my nephew 40$ in scratch of lottery tickets and put a wad of cash in his pocket.....well cash app'd him.... he was surprised. I am taking him Friday for a haircut and beard trim. He looks like an Amish dude, wolverine and Abraham Lincoln had a baby...... he needs some beard oil too.... it is wild... he also needs a couple warmer weather clothes long sleeve shirts etc
How many tickles does it need before an octopus laughs? Ten tickles.

Did you hear about the mathematician who hates negative numbers? She’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

Did you hear the police found a misspelled message written in blood? Yeah, they suspect it was a type-o.

Trigonometry is so confusing. I wish I understood sine language.

I took my ailing Iguana to the vet recently, and she prescribed him Viagra. Apparently, it’s designed to treat a reptile dysfunction.

I just can’t stop putting things in the storage underneath my roof. I’m attic-ted.

How do you make Holy Water? You boil the hell out of it.

Did you hear about the man who lost the ability to hear low and midrange frequencies? He was in a world of treble.

Never trust a statistician. They’re always plotting something.

Overeaters Anonymous 888-888-8888

Why does the Little Mermaid wear Sea Shells? Because D shells were too big!