The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

The Canada geese returned to the pond only five, not six. My wife saw them on Christmas Day, and then they left for a day. New Year's Day is supposed to be cold for SE England.
Hi Molly, and happy new year to you too. Grab a chair or a booth, coffee's in the pot and the kettle's on the back burner if tea's your thing.

Personally, I haven't written non-erotic stories here because that's not the market. I have thought that some could be toned down for general consumption elsewhere, but to be honest, I don't have the time or inclination.

Just a hint - add a link to your story list in your signature. Click on your name top right to get to it. It makes it easy for people here to browse your works.
Thank you for the tip! I figured it out.

Yes, of course, not here. I write stories for literary magazines sometimes. They're not even sexy at all!
There's a fresh pot of coffee and the teapot is hot for those who want a cuppa. There are some powdered donuts on the counter.

There were still a coupe of unclaimed stockings filled with coal hanging up so I took them down and chucked the coal down into the basement for the dragon to enjoy.

Today is the seventh day of Christmas so the seven swans are swimming around and will hopefully be gone when the Polar Vortex gets here. Luckily the swans are quieter than the geese were so I should be able to get some writing done today.
Hi everyone! I'm just stopping by to say hi. I didn't realize there was a whole community here! That's nice. I'm Molly; I write trans girl stories.

How many of you write non-erotic stories as well? (Forgive me if this question has been asked a million times already and everyone's sick of it!)

Happy new year!
Welcome to the Coffee Shop and Reading room. It's a great, supportive community here. Personally I write romance, sci-fi, and 'romantasy' and to be honest, all of my stories are non-erotic. The sex is modular and can be easily removed or expanded without affecting the outcome of the story. I do this depending on end audience.
I have three stories ready and one about ready for the 2025 750 Word Challenge, Event, Happening, or whatever we are calling it this year. :)
@Rustyoznail - HEY RUSTY! How's 2025? Do we have flying cars yet? 🥳🎉
(Wakes up bleary eyed and looks out the window...) Not here, but I want to launch a flying brick at the ravens and seagulls having a noisy fight on the neighbour's roof.

Happy New Year everyone! The last few years we've watched a crappy movie after the fireworks display at the harbour, and the year hasn't gone well. This year we watched the last few episodes of the latest Dr Who. They were great. Hopefully that flows through the year.

Time for a coffee. I haven't had one all year.
The classical music station is playing listener requests all day, with minimal interruption. I thought we might get through it without hearing "The Ode to Joy" but we did not. I usually turn the ode off when it comes on because I've heard it so much, and I'd like to reserve what little tolerance I have for repetition for times when I can appreciate it.

This afternoon was that time. There's still a part about 1/3 of the way through with a pause and a slow entrance by the chorus that, as it always has, made my brain shut down. It's almost like sex, where for a time my brain has no other activity. I hardly breathe.

I amuse myself sometimes, imagining that I'm at the first performance of the 9th symphony. I've read about it, and I can only dream of what a huge physical and emotional impact that must have been.
The classical music station is playing listener requests all day, ...

Odd. We haven't turned the music on all day. The dreary weather here has us both shut down, basically, and alternating naps on the bed since the dog has commandeered the sofa like he usually does. Overcast, cold, and windy just saps your energy, even when it's 72° inside.

But I've got to gather myself and run over to the studio to pick-up some micro SD cards so I can rebuild C's desktop system. I was running updates last night on her Ubuntu box, and one of the updaters walked all over the boot partition. I saw it run away but was reticent to stop it out of fear of it damaging the data side. Verified that her stuff is intact on another system, so I know what I need to spend NYE doing.
The classical music station is playing listener requests all day, with minimal interruption.
There is no classical music stations for us Ludites. The public stations hid their classical output on digital where it sounds flat if you have a radio that will get it. I Listen to TuneIn radio - a lot of classical for the listener. It's been digitized so it's flat compared to an analog recording, but it's there.
Happy New Year, and let's take' a cup o' kindness yet, for the sake of auld lang syne.

Watched the midnight fireworks from the balcony - they're better than Guy Fawkes, because people actually all set them off at roughly the right time. Give or take a few hours... Only it's a wind warning (up to 65mph even in cities) so many were exploding about 5 houses down from where they'd been set off. Looked fantastic, but very glad no-one on our side of the street was launching their own!
There is no classical music stations for us Ludites. The public stations hid their classical output on digital where it sounds flat if you have a radio that will get it. I Listen to TuneIn radio - a lot of classical for the listener. It's been digitized so it's flat compared to an analog recording, but it's there.
Classical recordings provided by Amazon music seem to be neither compressed nor normalized. As a result, some recordings are loud and some are barely audible, and some part of any piece can drop to inaudible levels. That isn't so much of a problem if you're listening at home, but I'm often listening in my truck and those variations mean that a lot of the music gets lost in the background noise.

Music from the radio station comes from the same recordings you can buy, but if it came on hard media to start with then it's been ripped into a digital file. The music that's aired seems to be normalized so it comes out at about the same audio level. It might be compressed as well, so the range from loud to soft is smaller. That doesn't bother me. At least I can hear it while driving.
Happy New Year everyone!

I've got a fresh pot of coffee brewing and the teapot is hot for anyone who wants a cuppa. There's a box of ginger man cookies left over from Christmas if you want to help yourself.

I was digging around in the storeroom and found a box of plot bunnies that @TxRad must have left behind. I put it out on the counter for anyone who wants to look through it for some story ideas.

There are eight maids milking the cows out back if you want some fresh raw milk for your coffee.