The (ahem) effect on your readers?

Of the comments I've received of this kind, this one I think is my favorite:

"Bravo! You had me cumming the moment his finger went over her panties."

I didn't even have to get far into the anatomical (and I can be pretty anatomical in my description) to make this reader happy, and I liked that.
Doubt I'm alone in this, but do you wonder about how many orgasms you've induced with your works? Pervy, yes, but there's a reason (aside from personal gratification) why we write this stuff.

I write for my own enjoyment, and don't really think about how it effects others.

I can't be alone in that approach, I'm sure.
I have parameters in my mind about truth in packaging for readers and what generally should be in the story or not within those truth in packaging parameters, but beyond that I'm writing what shows up to be written based on the "what's a fresh approach or concept" motivator. But basically I'm writing what shows up wanting to be written. Where to publish it gets more into concern for the effect on the reader. There, though, Literotica is an adult erotica site. I consider it the readers' responsibility to take care of their own reading here and I don't do babysitting or personal catering for adult erotica site readers.
I am a firm believer that a person's desire to orgasm, whether alone or with a partner, should be met swiftly and often. If my words, amateur as they may be, can induce that kind of response, I'd be thrilled to know I had some small part in it.
I've pretty much said my piece with this essay:

But I should add that while getting the reader to experience an orgasm is one of the things I'm going for, it's always a pleasure when a reader sees something else in the story. The comments I've gotten from "The Pond" have ranged from "very hot" to "I see something of myself in the character" or "I am so happy that Connie was able to come out of her shell." That's the sort of comment I truly relish.
I once got a complaint that the denouement of the story was so heartwarming that the reader had to stop masturbating.

Also got this comment from more than one reader:
“You broke me.”

I’m not entirely sure what that means, but I think it’s positive.
I once got a complaint that the denouement of the story was so heartwarming that the reader had to stop masturbating.

Also got this comment from more than one reader:
“You broke me.”

I’m not entirely sure what that means, but I think it’s positive.

I think so, but it depends what's broken.
Had a few readers (guys) write and tell me they masturbated to my stories.

One guy writes often asking me to continue to write, and saying he JUST masturbated to Vidya stories.

Feels good!
People tell me that my stories have that effect. And that's a good thing. That's the effect that I want.
People tell me that my stories have that effect. And that's a good thing. That's the effect that I want.

Exactly. I mean, this IS Literotica. The intended result for readers, both male and female, while not explicitly stated is in fact fairly clear. Different story styles appeal to different groups of readers but the objective is largely the same.

So when I get an email from a reader that says he came five times while reading one of my stories I'm totally flattered coz that's what I write to achieve👍

Now I do wish Literotica had some sort of climax counter that readers could toggle so stories could be rated that way as well. That'd be real fun. Coz I have to say I love screwing with guys minds and one of my big writer satisfaction quotents is knowing I have generated so much reader enjoyment.
What matters is what matters. Most people talk out their asses about most things, cuz they know whats expected. But what matters is unvarnished honesty that exposes the truth.
Exactly. I mean, this IS Literotica. The intended result for readers, both male and female, while not explicitly stated is in fact fairly clear. Different story styles appeal to different groups of readers but the objective is largely the same.

So when I get an email from a reader that says he came five times while reading one of my stories I'm totally flattered coz that's what I write to achieve👍

Now I do wish Literotica had some sort of climax counter that readers could toggle so stories could be rated that way as well. That'd be real fun. Coz I have to say I love screwing with guys minds and one of my big writer satisfaction quotents is knowing I have generated so much reader enjoyment.

"Climax counter" - Yes, an excellent idea!
I kind of assume that positive comments, favorites, and 5* votes all sort of mean the same thing: a spoogy keyboard.
I've had comments and emails from readers telling me that they came to my stories, as well as a few posts in the general forums.

It was very gratifying to view those comments!
Now I do wish Literotica had some sort of climax counter that readers could toggle so stories could be rated that way as well. That'd be real fun.
Some adult-oriented imageboards have counters like that! I agree that it sounds like fun.
I didn't know there was another reason to write erotica. I mean it's heartwarming to hear about character and worldbuilding expertise, but if female readers aren't shaking and exhausted by the end, I didn't do it right. (Don't care if males do or don't get off - have a great time, don't send me the videos.)

I posted again recently and like clockwork, my pair of unabombers were on it. My new theory, since I'm hardly around enough these days to cause offence, is that it's two authors who can see from comments left that my stories induce orgasms, and can't get those results themselves, and click that single feeble star, because it's the only twinkle they know how to get.
Now I do wish Literotica had some sort of climax counter...

I've wished that too, but we can barely get them to click on stars.

I always assumed the more post-orgasmic I left them, they less likely they were to click or type anything. So if your reads-to-votes ratio is really off, maybe you're doing quite well.

Besides, readers would lie - though maybe the "I CERTAINLY didn't cum to THAT" crowd would balance out the guys who'd claim to come six times in an hour.
I mean it's heartwarming to hear about character and worldbuilding expertise, but if female readers aren't shaking and exhausted by the end, I didn't do it right. (Don't care if males do or don't get off - have a great time, don't send me the videos.)

I like hearing that my male readers get off too (and I get more of those comments), but like you I take even more pleasure from getting these kinds of comments from female readers. There definitely is a feeling that I must have done something right if I could do that.
If my male readers didn't get off on the stories, I really shouldn't be writing them. :D

Although there are a lot of female readers for GM, and it's nice that there are, I'm writing them for gay and bi males.
I enjoy writing because I love sharing stories with people.

I like writing erotic stories because I enjoy knowing that my words awaken that sensual side in my readers. I have been ecstatic in the past as when I've received feedback confirming that I've been able to do that. Even when I don't receive feedback I can't help but wonder if anyone else has used my words to inspire their fantasies.
Long time reader, only been writing here a few months, but have always been fascinated by this idea. Haven't had much in the way of confirmation, but this forever remains one of my favorite reviews on one of my chapters:

"Dude, sometimes when I'm reading these, I cum, but then I just keep reading because they're genuinely good stories."

I'll take that as high praise.
You get a response from me. I legitimately care about your characters. I was right there with Brooke and Ryan hoping they would be a couple. If I could add one thing it would be a romantic rival during the whole brooke thing . Like her boyfriend being a smug douche bag to Ryan and eventually he realizes his feelings for brooke cause of him. But otherwise it’s a perfect story
I don't care that this thread is five and a half years old. I'm going to give my suggestion anyway.

With all those TikTok-famous celebrities doing videos of how they react to things, wouldn't it be great if one of them started recording their reactions to Literotica stories?
do you wonder about how many orgasms you've induced with your works?
Not really, but sometimes when I am browsing porn photos, or even just bikini pictures and the like, I wonder if the girls who pose for them ever stop in the middle of the day, like while they are grocery shopping or something, and think, "there's probably some guy jerking off to me right now."

I guess in a sense I'm in the same boat.
I don't care that this thread is five and a half years old. I'm going to give my suggestion anyway.

With all those TikTok-famous celebrities doing videos of how they react to things, wouldn't it be great if one of them started recording their reactions to Literotica stories?

I generally hate reaction videos, but I'm willing to make an exception.