the "Ask DVS about Electrical Play" Thread

Why do I feel we've started into some kind of chest pumping thing here? Is it really necessary to go this far into the topic of electricity? I'm trying to keep people interested in the subject of electroplay, not take them into an engineering classroom. I don't know if you've noticed it, but I can already see people's eyes glazing over. But of course, what do I know? What do you say we keep the conversation to a level the normal sex pervert is going to understand.

I guess I can simplify my previous post:

There is much misinformation from those writing about electricity here. Don't trust what you read. Electricity can kill you. AC, DC, or lightning. It can all kill you. Don't assume any of it is safe.

Don't do electrical play with devices not designed for electrical play. Tens and E-stim units are designed to try to keep you alive. No 100% guarantees, but they try not to kill you.

Is that better?

I just won't want someone trying something stupid, and dying, OK?
yes, I think everyone born in the 20th century knows that electricity can kill if it's mishandled.

We want to enjoy, not die.

That's why we started the thread.
I just re-read many of the posts in this thread. I really wonder if we even satisfied some questions on how things work, because some posters seemed more intent on voicing their electrical abilities or facsimile.

Any relatively high power electrical current will kill you. AC or DC. If there is a substantial amount of current present, you could die. If you happen to be holding on to two AC wires, one in each hand, you will most likely die or be very seriously hurt. The current will travel from one hand to the other and back again, 60 times a second, and the whole time, it will be passing through your chest cavity and also your heart. This will most likely end up frying your heart or damaging it enough that it will never beat again.

And most likely, if you happen to grip the wires with your hands, your muscles will contract and you won't be able to let go. It's not true, that because AC is alternating, you will be able to let go. The alternating is 60 times a second, so it's so rapid, all it does is create heat and pretty much fry anything it travels through. Yep, AC house current is BAD. You can touch it and feel a tingle, but that's not the same thing. Your muscles won't contract from a simple touch.

The heart beats because of a small electrical stimulation in the base of it, that triggers the beating. Any disruption of that stimulation, and it will stop beating. Any disruption that is enough to damage that area and you could die. They do have pace makers to simulate that electrical pulse, in the case you have a heart attack and that area of your heart is damaged by the attack.

Also, when someone's heart stops beating, a defibrillator is used to start it, again. It sends a small electrical jolt through the chest and into the heart to start that electrical stimulation again. If this area wasn't damaged, a defibrillator has a good chance of restarting your heart.

A TENS unit and those other units that are similar and a violet wand can all cause damage to your body, if misused. But, if you follow basic directions, none of these are going to hurt you. You just shouldn't act like a mad scientist and go crazy.

I don't want to get too involved in the workings of electricity, because it can turn people off to it. And there's no need for that, if like I said, you follow basic directions.

I hope this thread gets a little bit of a resurgence and I also hope that those who are "stimulated" by electroplay get a little bit of a resurgence, too. Just follow the rules of the game...don't alter any device from it's intended purpose and don't over do your fun. Just because it feels good at 5, doesn't mean it's going to feel twice as good at 10. And if you enjoy something for 10 minutes, don't assume it's going to be twice as good if you do it for 20 minutes. And above all, for your safety, keep electrical play BELOW the waist.

The human body is very resilient. It can recover from a lot of damage, given enough time. The more damage that's done, the more time it will need to recover. That's where your enjoyment time should be regulated. Too much of a good thing can end up begin bad. Settings too high and playing too long can over do it.

OK, I've said enough. Like I said, I don't want to make your eyes glaze over. What you might do is look into the attachments of a TENS unit and see if they "spark" an interest in your desires. Descriptions of what these attachments can do will usually make you salivate to the point you want one. If you get one, make sure you get a TENS that will connect to it and then go slow with your fun. But, do have fun.