The Curse of Calamus: Profiles/rules (OOC)

Common creatures II

Just more creatures that will be found along the way (I'll edit this to add when necessary):

Nimble: Appearing to be a regular bat at first glance, Nimbles often live in forrest or mountain regions. Like all bats, they are nocturnal, and fast and maneuverable. The seek human blood, but only when they recieve a taste of it. Smaller, and slightly faster and more maneuverable than ordinary bats, these creatures often hunt for sport as well as food, and are a bit on the mean and destructive side.

Dragon: Almost self-explanatory, but not quite. Many types of dragons exist, from water dragon, to fire dragons, and each has its own physical and psychological attributes. Both intelligent, and, due to thier size and ferocious nature, very capable in battle. It is often believed that dragons are capable of human spech, though few have heard them speak, and their nature, whether good or evil, is often a matter of the dragon's individual tastes. See: a note on dragons for more information.
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Avidity and Hanker:
They are cousins to one another and both Uwef's cousins.

Dwarf Warrior
He is a typically greedy dwarf who goes to war for the spoils. A lanky dwarf, Avidity stands three and a half feet tall. He has a full head of red (orange-red, like real redheads) hair that cascades down his back. He is in the prime of his life--in his mid-sixties. Weilding a heavy axe and a short-sword (which is rather long for him), he is a formidable foe in battle. His intelligence rating is off the chart--in the wrong direction. Stupid as he is, he spends his time amassing enough loot to gamble it away. Right now, he wonders where his gear is, as the orcs took it from him. He is roped against a wall in an underground hideaway.

Lazy Dwarf
This huge dwarf is almost as wide as he is tall; however, he stands barely three feet tall. His hair used to be red, but now, it has faded to a white or very, very light gray color. He carries a mace for protection and a bit of blinding dust in a small bag; but, he avoids fights if he can. The only reason he is hanging to the wall is because his cousin needed some help procuring some items and promised him food. Food is Hanker's weakness: if he can get some, he will, and if he thinks he can get some, he'll probably try. With that exception in mind, Hanker is a rather intelligent dwarf who always looks out for his own hide. However, his family is almost as dear to him as his own life.
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I've got a question for the masses:

I've been playing Uwef first-person, present tense. I find that the most fun way to become part of the story with all of my characters. However, with the recent addition of the two cousins, I have used third-person, present tense to talk about them.

My question is: When they meet, what perspective should I post from. I could be Uwef's 1st person and be able to keep tabs on the others. Or, I could be 3rd person omniscient and keep tabs on all three.
Character Profiles: the elves

Profile one:

Name: Briomen
Race: Elf
Class: Ranger
Age: 578 yrs.

Appearance/description: Briomen is tall for an elf, standing 5'10" in height, but is built in classic elf form otherwise, his features youthful and beautiful regardless of age. His eyes are blue, and his hair long to his waist and blonde. A warrior of high standing in Broolin, Briomen has become as effective with the bow as any in his village. His skill with a sword or mace is also fairly impressive. he is loyal to the bone, as most elves tend to be, and will fight to the death for any cause he represents.

Profile Two:

Name: Boguras
Race: Elf
Class: Warrior
Age: 1035 yrs.

Appearance/description: One of only a few in Broolin with darker features, Boguras has stood out since his birth. A skilled warrior, and well-respected, Bogulas does not appear to have the abilities he has in battle due to his size. He stands to only 5'5", just below average for an elf, but often much smaller than his enemies. Often silent, Boguras has had some trauma in the past that he makes no mention of and will not tolerate being asked about.

Profile Three:

Name: DaSanda
Race: Elf
Class: Healer (specializing in Elvin healing magic)
Age: 901 yrs.

Appearance/description: The cousin of Boguras and also one of those darker featured elves, the beautiful DaSanda has no knowledge of, or interest in violence or war. She has trained since her coming of age to learn and master the arts of Elvin healing. Impossible to persuade, once her mind is set on something, DaSanda has a reputation for being somewhat of a...bitch, of sorts, though she has always shown the utmost respect for her elders and those of authority over her.
A note on Dragons...

While I've given a direct description in Common Creatures II, it's vague and needed more detail, as dragons came in many sizes, shapes, and natures.
Remember, currently, a war exists between mankind and the dragonfolk (though the dragonfolk donot exist within a structured society, but it clans or tribes, like lions), mankind now hunting the dragons for the strength of their bone to make tools and the beauty of some of thier skins.
Dragons are basically shaped as thus: Large bodied creatures, with four legs like a dog, but often capable of moving on only the back two. They are almost dinosaur-like, with long, narrow necks and long tails dragging behind. Though, each type of dragon has it's own unique traits.

Here are a few types of dragon:

Fire dragon: the most fierce type of dragon, regardless of the fact that it is one of the smallest in size. Fire dragons seldom stand more than forty feet in height, and are slender. Their colors often brilliant, they are one of the most beautiful creatures known to the world. They are also one of the most deadly, given their ability to breath fire. Slender in form, for a land dragon that is, and long in tail, and often winged and capable of flying, these dragons have been hunted by mankind for their beauty, which has spurred great vengeance in return.

Water dragon: Possibly the most uniquely shaped of the dragonfolk, the water dragon is long and slender, like a snake, and while it is amphibious, it cannot remin out of water for long. Incapable of flying or of any other particular attack, but capable of moving at unbelievable speeds beneath water, the water dragon is the hardest to find and kill, but also the gentlest of the creatures, save the Rock Dragon. Often as long as seventy feet, and as thick as eight feet in diameter, water dragons tend to survive on sea food, but sometimes venture onto land to feast on whatever food they find there.

Rock Dragon: The least violent, all beit the largest of the dragon folk, the Rock dragon is heavy, often standing to well over sixty feet in height and immeasurable in weight. Usually fatter than the other types of dragon, they are moe intimidating than they are dangerous, fighting only to save their young in most cases. Incapable of flying, these dragons are the most commonly killed by humankind, though their skins are often a drab grey color.

Elemental Dragon: Named different than its true nature, this dragon is often of a neutral size, and has no natural color. named for its cameleon-like ability to change colr and blend into its surroundings, this type of dragon comes in many shapes and sizes, from twenty feet in height, to almost fifty. Slender like a fire dragon, and often winged as well, Elemental Dragons are often very maneuverable, and more individualistic than any other type dragon. They often travel alone, and also tend to hunt down humankind, wanting vengeance for the attacks on their own kind.

Grey Dragon: Named after their lifelines (they often live thousands of years), Grey Dragons are a more intelligent breed. They tend to take positions of leadership. Large, nearly the size of a Rock Dragon usually but more aggressive. Grey Dragons are often colored several different shade, their skins blending the colors together, almost as though they were a calico cat.
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hi everyone i guess ill be joining u soon and im pretty sure u want to know about my character so here

Name: Daneil Gray
Height: 7ft
Weight: 210lbs
Hair: white
Eyes: blue
Race/Class: human/ranger
Age: 25
Appearance/history: Very tall and skinny is what everyone sees but what lies beneath is a extremly talented, strong, and agile solider acctually killer is a better word proficient in many areas of combat( stealth, hand to hand, the sword, archery, tracking, and more)he excelles with his two samuri swords given to him by a traveller as payment for saving his life when Daniel was younger. Because of the massive amount of his life he has spent alone he has for lack of a better way to describe it become his own best friend and to others he often seems like a maniac and in truth quite possibly might be. He is abrasive and tactless and he has found that people either like him or hate him. He loves the heat of battle more than anything else, even the women he so egerly persues, and is often difficult to remove from the battle field weather he is hoplessly outnumbered or the battle is well won. He is all ways on the look out for a good cause to kill for

hows that dont worry he is only proficient with most weapons not great with them his real skill lies with the swords and his ablity to find people without people finding him
Dragon Profiles (Northland Clan)

Age: 870 yrs (approx)
Gender: Male
Type: Grey Dragon ("The Wise")
Description: Gifted in his intelligence, but clouded by aggression and anger toward the humans, Melthar leads the Northland Clan, but his decisions, while meaning well, are often made in haste.

Age: 230 yrs (approx)
Gender: Male
Type: Fire Dragon
Description: Destiny is the leader of the warrior dragons of the Northland Clan. A "General" he is in a position of great influence. Good-hearted, kind, and not at all war-minded, he takes his duties witha heavy heart. Regardless, he is fearless in battle, and skilled almost to perfection.

Age: 270 yrs (approx)
Gender: Female
Type: Fire DragonDescription: She is the defender of the young, a position she takes very seriously. In the state of the current war, her job has become near impossible, making her worry constantly and feel as though she is failing. She is good at heart, and will do anything to help the young.

(I updated "A Note on Dragons" to include Grey Dragons. Doubt anyone will read this anyway, but I figured I'd mention it.)
Okay...the snag is in pretty tight, but...

I'll recognize the fault here. I set the rules that you should basically follow, but with free will of character, and thus far, it has more or less backfired, but not so much as it has right now. That's my fault. I opened the thread a little, feeling that my reigns were too tight, but didn't give the appropriate sign to just go ahead.
At this jucture, I wanted the group to go off on their own to find this crystal, which would go to Bob in order to free the elves. I could make Bob a troll of his word given his fear, which is not yet apparent, of the witch herself and his need to have the crystal to remain in her good graces. A battle of course, would ensure, long distance style, but that would just involve running from some arrows.
I also wanted to get you guys to the encampment to have a Ranger in the soldiers service, played by Gragon if he still wants in, join the group.
This difficulty has clearly been my fault. I gave you rules to follow, then expected you to go off on your own without them.
I owe all of you apologies, especailly TheGrandMage, who has done his best to get things moving in exactly the direction I wanted it to go.My thoughts at this point were: the group goes, steals the crystal, as there are (were) two thieves in the group, meets up with the ranger, then returns with the item, gives it to bob, after, he releases the level to free the elves, then Bob runs off and the group crosses the bridge in a hurry, being attacked by arrows from nearly every direction. They move forward, arrows still in flight, into the woods on the opposite side of the bridge, and race to where the dragons were to meet them. The dragons, of course, would frighten off the goblins and trolls (where did the trolls comes from, besides Bob?) when they near the Rock Face.
Seemed simple enough, but my telling you what to do seemed far to constrictive already.
From where we are now...
I'm willing to bet poohlive's gone, but I'm not entirely sure. There's no way tyo tell unless he says something. Until then, Sebulba can quietly follow the group. He tends to be quiet anyway, when he has nothing inparticular to say.
As for the elves, yes, there are way too many of them (I'll have to do a count on them before I know just how many), but all those arrows were going to take quite a few lives. Among them...a lot of elves, save a few of the named ones. That would greatly lower the NPC ratio. I mostly just brought them in to give higher numbers to a group that would be facing huge numbers of enemies. It made no sense to me that all those orcs would be escaped with only the small group of nine (?).
As for Richard (TheGrandMage), if he wants out, he can be out. I'll understand, no hard feelings. It's been tough goings lately, pretty boring. So if anyone else wants out, or if we shold just junk the thread, we can do that too. But if that's not the case, and if we can resolve a few of these things, and he wants back in, hell, Pennindar's a wizard, he can bring him back somehow. Not in perfect health, or probably even conscious, but we also have a magic crystal to recover, which could have healing power, and a healing elf, which might be able to help him some once he's breathing again, not to mention the probability that Constance, the dragon chosen to protect and nurture the young, might have some level of healing ability, if order to ensure the health of the young.
I also have another idea of where this could lead, but I'd have to speak with TheGrandMage alone on that one. If you're interested, GM, let me know (maybe I should PM him).
The doors are still very open to where this situation, and this thread, could lead.
My intent, if we continue this, is to end the thread after the witch is dead (directly after), then start a second, if we choose to contiue, to allow others to join in in the quest to kill the two brothers. (Calamus II)
Ideas on these things?
Okay, QC, that makes sense. I was wondering what we were supposed to do since you said you controlled the plot and all.

In the grand scheme of things, there are two ultimate possibilities for the thread:

1. The end.
2. We somehow stop the enemies from killing us and continue to the dragons. We conclude the thread by defeating the witch.

I know that I am posting less frequently than I used to, but still like to end a thread on an upbeat. (Or by killing my characters off). I vote for option 2.
I'm for option two as well.

Quiet Cool, thanks :)

:D all threads go through rocky patches. I think that once we get moving again with purpose, the thread will become more interesting for everyone.
Okay, the dead shall rise again! And I, I shall express my opinion: Richard died for two basic reasons. Reason one: I'm a big roleplaying buff. Been doing it since I was a small child. The entire male side of the family is like me. A roll of the dice, a quick decision, and it's off on high adventure! But some people don't understand the basic fundamentals that stand behind it. Every action is going to cause a reaction. Some people (mostly not the people in here, but everyone has their moments) don't get this, and act like the evil vile people who have overrun RPing. You know them, the godly "I can kill them all and never miss in an attack or get injured!" type. Again, this group isn't like that, but I've been under a lot of stress from my private life an that makes me go over details with a fine-toothed comb.

Reason 2: I volunteered for something killing all my free time. I won't be getting online much for the next two weeks and didn't want Richard's lack of action (as I saw he would be needed soon) so slow you all down. So I figured I'd get Richard out of the way.

If everyone would prefer Richard not to die, I'll edit him into a supposed but unseen death he could wriggle out of and meet up with the others once life gets back to normal.

If not, hey, he's dead, get pissed, realize you're outnumbered, and continue on without him. All I ask is that if he stays dead, someone take his 'Fang' from him and leave it where you meet the dragons. Maybe his hat, too. After that, when I get back, I'll write myself in as a wolf or eagle or something to just help you out and kind of stay seperate from the group. Maybe even a reincarnation of Richard, or something, who knows.
The GrandMage said:
But some people don't understand the basic fundamentals that stand behind it. Every action is going to cause a reaction. Some people (mostly not the people in here, but everyone has their moments) don't get this, and act like the evil vile people who have overrun RPing. You know them, the godly "I can kill them all and never miss in an attack or get injured!" type.

OOF! I felt that :) I'm a newbie at RP'ing and trying to learn by other peoples example. I suspect that at times its the blind leading the blind but bit by bit I'm learning the rules. Personally, I guess I hadn't thought of action/reaction - I guess I've treating the incidental characters as puppets rather than pretending they are characters controlled by other players. Valuable lesson well learned. Thanks :D

The GrandMage said:
If everyone would prefer Richard not to die, I'll edit him into a supposed but unseen death he could wriggle out of and meet up with the others once life gets back to normal.

I'd like to keep Richard alive personally.
BTW: I got this message from poolive:

I'm not gone for good Fire. I am simply away for awhile, my character just taking a small vacation. I'll get him back in, when I feel up to writing in there again. Or, when you really really need me, lol.
As for Richard, I think he's the most intersting character...I definitely want him back. Something about a smartass that never shuts up...reminds me of...well, me. And I think we might have an angle or two to work out, if you're interested, GM, that will place Richard in more in the center of the plotline. PM me if you're interested in that...
Or, we can have Pennindar bring him back to life, but weak, too weak to remain consciousness for long. That way, if you need to leave again to sort whatever is going on in your life, we can keep him around. Also, it keeps Pennindar from being too powerful, being able to merely wave his hand and bring people back to life, alive and well.
As for poohlive, it's a good thing he said that. If they dont quest for the crystal, then they'll have to open the gates holding in the elves. That'd be him and Jurax most likely, the muscle.Firesprite, you do well. Check your PM box.
As for the thread. I can't move it forward until we decide if Richard is coming back here, or how.
The creature in the bush is merely going to follow, so pay no mind, for now.'re headed the wrong way...West to the encampment, South to where they came from...
I am? but we're already going west... I shouted that at the troll just after Richard got shot.. check my first post after the break we had in the thread.
Are you telling me there are no trees for us to run through when we go west??
Some trees yes, but the hoof prints sounded off. If I made a mistake, I apologize, maybe I just missed something.
I dunno.. what a co-incidence that the horse ran off to the west.... hmm :D

don't worry, we'll correct the course if we go the wrong way. :)
Hey, gang.
I just capped off the Curse of Calamus thread for good. It's lost its pull for now, and has slipped by for almost a month without a post, and almost a month before then. A good thread, I think, though. We did quite well...

I want to thank everyone who put up[ with me throughout the course of the thread. You all did very well, and the honor was mine to work with you all.

Perhaps we will continue the journey some time. They still have a long way to go. Until then, peace.
Gah! Nooo! Why do all the threads end before my characters can die heroically? And why is it always in the middle of action? I don't get it. Why does everybody leave the theater when the plot sets in?
Sorry, GrandMage, the thread lost the little momentum it had when I vanished that short while, but you're right, the STORY isn't over by a long shot. Maybe we can set up another OOC/Casting Call and bring in some new blood, maybe even tempt the old players back. I tried to leave things in the middle of the action, open-ended I mean, so as to match up a sequel without much trouble.
I'll put my hand up for a sequel.. I wasn't sure where you wanted the story to go and you hadn't been back for a while...
Things ok on the RL front QC? Been worried bout ya. Are you back, or just visiting?
Well I for one would be in on the sequel..... although I do have to change my character, he was never there anyway (sorry about that) but if another sequel was to come up then I would be around all the time and I would have a damn good character.