The Curse of Calamus


"Ahh thats perfect Uwef" Kyleen replied as the dwarf returned with the sticks.
She quickly set about setting the spitted rabbit over them, holding it over the flames had been becoming quite tedious.

Watching from the corner of her eye, she saw various emotions flicker over the dwarfs face as he looked at the wizard. She smiled at herself, sure that he was suppressing himself for his manly and quite probably dwarvish honour.

Pleased that the morning was going so well, she nevertheless worried that something terrible was going to happen. This seemed like the first respite from attack they had experienced since they had begun this quest, and the feeling of impending disaster was weighing heavily on her.

Feeling something drop on her arm then her head and hands she glanced up at the gathering clouds. It had started to rain.

Quickly she raced to her packs and pulled out a worn hide. Finding two long straight sticks, and two slightly shorter she jammed them in the ground, creating a lean-to to protect her small fire, and to give some small shelter from the increasing rain.
The coming rain and the missing elf

The elf had struggled not to speak, and the old wizard pretended not to see the subtleties that showed this, but they were noted. Uwef was willing to give his all, but saying so would possibly hurt his pride. And acknowledging these things that showed on his face and in his movements might insult that pride as well.
The rain began to fall then, not heavily all at once, but in heavy drops. He hadn't noticed the sky turning, but as he looked up, he realized that it hadn't.
The witch, he thought, apparently she had gotten word of their coming. He shrugged it off. A little rain will not deter their efforts, though he guessed she had plenty more than that awaiting them.
He had heard the woman speak of Richard, but he paid no mind. he had guessed Richard would leave eventually, but not that night. It seemed to make sense that he would have waited longer. He'd so hoped his words in the elvin village would have taken some hold on the man's spirit, but his tongue seemed to have failed him this time.
"Pennindar," a voice said.
He glanced over to see Briomen approaching him.
"DaSanda is missing, and Boguras is gone as well. Do you know what has happened to them?"
He glanced to Kyleen, wonderig if she knew of their whereabouts.
DaSanda, Boguras, and Richard the Lost

"Are you certain he didn't just leave? He seemed very displeased...very malcontent," Boguras explained. "Perhaps this journey wasn't in his heart..."
"No," she replied. "Richard the Brave would not have just left us. There's a reason for his disappearance, if he was with us throughout the journey late yesterday at all."
She was moving quickly, jogging at a pace that was near a run.
"We're backtracking, DaSanda," he explained, "and the orcs are back this way. They'll be awake by now. If he chose to be apart from the group, he would not have been so foolish as to come this way."
"But what if he was left behind? They'll find him."
She came to a halt, looking around, unsure of which direction to go in.
Boguras stopped nearby, looking around as well. He'd decided she wasn't going to give in easily. She never did. He looked at the ground, trying to pick up tracks. Even if they couldn't find his own steps, perhaps he would follow the path of some animal, or pick up their path from the night before.
"There," he said pointing.
"What is it?"
"Human footprints, just larger than ours and heavier. And they crossover. Whoever this is is walking in circles."
"Maybe," he said, thoughtfully. He wondered which direction they were headed in, then decided, if he was moving in circular patterns, he was lost. Either way might be a success. He chose at random.
"We'll go this way..." He said.
"Why don't we split up?"
"No," he snapped. "You stay with me!"
She caught the anger in his tone, but moreover, she realized he was worried about her. She silently conceded, following him as he started off, now moving as fast as she had. Soon, she was racing to keep up with him.
As they moved, his trail became more and more clear, as though he were becoming larger and clumsier as he went.
His injuries would have caused that, were they bad enough, Boguras thought.
"This is getting us nowhere," DaSanda said, from behind him. "We should--"
"There!" Boguras cut her off, slowing suddenly. She almost fell changing direction to avoid running dead smack into his back. She froze as she saw what he had. Richard lay across the path, unconscious.
They hurried over to him, Boguras seeming distracted as DaSanda checked his vital signs.
"Ssshhh!" Boguras spat.
"But he's--"
She looked at him, annoyed and worried. She saw his face, displaying an expression of pure concentration, and grew silent.
"Orcs," he said, as if thinking out loud. "They're coming, and there are a lot of them. Can we move him? Or...should we just leave him?"
She looked at him. "We can't just leave him here. We must give him a chance, so long as he continues to breathe."
He nodded, then stood and reached down, hoisting the man's limp body over his shoulder.
"Let's go," he said, "we have to get to the others in time to warn them, if not in time to get away altogether."
They started North toward the camp.

He groggily came to to the sounds of voices. Water was sloly falling. He glanced around. It was raining. He groaned, trying to sort himself to his surrounding, looking around. That's when he saw who the voices belonged to. Elves. DaSanda and....Boguras?

He felt stronger after his nap, or sleep. He wasn't sure how long he had been out. He got his feet under him. "What's going on?"
DaSanda and Richard

"He's awake," she said, excited.
Boguras set the man down, letting him stand on his own. He was in better condition than either had expected.
"What's going on?" The man asked them.
"We're trying to get back to camp. Somehow we were separated," DaSanda replied. "But the orcs are behind us somewhere, heading toward our camp, a few more miles ahead. We have to get there and warn the others."
Barriste and Jurax

He saw the camp ahead, his vision slightly tainted by the falling rain and the distance. But he was fairly certain he'd found his man, and apparently, some of his friends. Who else would be so far North?
They approached slowly however, moving carefully in the morning rain, getting soaked but feeling it was worth it. When they came closer, he could see that much of the man's company was elves. That was a good sign, given that the woods were crawling with orcs.
Slowly they made their way closer, until someone had spotted them, and stepped forward, raising a bow.
"Announce yourselves," the elf demanded.
"I am barriste," he returned, "Friend of Pennindar. And this is my companion, the barbarian Jurax. We are here to join your company, should you be the company of the wizard I mentioned."
The elf's bow lowered immediately, and the old man rose from where he sat, under a small covering near a fire.
"COme, then," the elf shouted to him. "Join us."

"Well, then, let's move. I've heard elves are fast, perhaps without having to carry me you'll be able to show me how fast?"

His head was still dizzy, but he had his bearings back, and most of his strength. He flexed his hands, which stung something awful, and grinned. "Ready? Set? Go!"

Leaning forward, he began to run in the direction they had indicated camp was in. Richard, being a theif, had always prided himself in 'running like the wind'. For it is always easier to escape when you are faster then those chasing you.

He was surprised they had come so far in such a short time, this barwhoeverheis person sure traveled fast. When they were stopped by the elf, he had immediately reached for his sword gorefiend, but relaxed when the bow was lowered. Grunting at barsomeonewhatever's wave to hurry up under the tent, Jurax came along and settling on the ground sniffed and said "Meat, meat be.. umm... nic.. tast... ummmmm... uh yeah, meat be good to... umm.... *whatsthatumwordus* eat. Me Jurax by way." he said.
Sebulba gave a grunt, nodding his head. Yes, indeed, he was awake. there wasn't much more he knew about himself, but awake he was. He tore into another piece of venison.
By now the party seemed to have grown a bit, as another couple of people arrived. This seemed like an ever growing support for their cause. That was both good and bad.
What had they gotten themselves into. Since he had joined this party, hounds and orcs have been at their heels the entire time. Not a moment's rest from their attacks, both great and small.
He didn't want to admit it, but he had stumbled upon something big. Their journey to find out about this Curse was true, it had to be. Evil was trying to hide a very big secret.
They would soon uncover it.
He shook his head. thinking such things hurt him, and he tried to do very little of it. He decided it was best just to eat, in the rain, and wait for everyone else, to see what they wanted to do.
His ind was already made up. Something that needed this much protection needed to be destroyed.
And soon.

Overhearing the remark Briomen made to Pennidar "DaSanda is missing, and Boguras is gone as well. Do you know what has happened to them?" Kyleen met Pennindars eyes and raised her own eyebrows in return.

Although, thinking about it, the elves seemed to hold Richard in unusually high regard. They had probably awoken at dawn in the way of their kind, seen he was not there and gone to search. Pleased with this theory, Kyleen relaxed out of the rain turning the spit.

Hearing a comotion, Kyleen looked up as the large man, moving like one who knows they are larger than most and may hurt someone if he wasn't careful, settled in the tent beside her.

She listened patiently as he stumbled through his words, knowing intuitivly that though this man seemed rather simple minded, he knew which end of a sword was which, and how to fight effectivly. She saw his unconcious grace as he settled his large weapon so it was within his reach while seated.

Kyleen responded to his greeting, knowing that too many words would likely upset him. "Jurax" she said "I am Kyleen. You can have some meat."

Her mind turning back to the task of tending the spitted rabbit, she thought about how much this barbarian could eat, and all the others that needed to be fed.

Turning to Uwef and Sebulba, she asked "How are you at fishing? that stream over there looks likely, and if we are to feed this many, we need more. Fish are quick to cook once caught. I have a small net in my saddlebags if you need it"

"Me Jurax am pleased to greet you Kyleen, and I'um thanks you for meat." he stated in a surprisingly coherent sentence. Gesturing to the meat he made a motion to imply he could turn the meat while she dealt with other business. "Me do... ummm.. wor.. um... job, till Kyleen done... umm... umm... thin... ac... duty!" he stated happily.

When she moved aside to let him take her place to turn the rabbit he smiled at her, and noticed how graceful she was in moving, and how she handled the sword at her side with a certain amount of.... ability. "She good fighter, me thinkum." he thought to himself as he continued to watch her now with the admiration one professional gives to another. Turning his head to Barwhoeverheisno, he grunted "Whatum now Barwhateverthatnamehappenstobe?"

Looking at Kyleen, the dwarf announces proudly, "I am the best fisherman in all the mines. In fact, in my home mine, not a fish could out run my pick-axe."

Hopping down to the stream, Uwef notices a few differences right away. First, the water here moves swiftly. Second, the fish seem to be able to see, unlike the blind fish in the mines. As Uwef swings his ax into the water, he continually finds the metal without fish. Angrily, he continues, with greater passion.
The old wizard (AND) running from orcs

He settled back, watching as the others went off to fish and gather nets, and thought, it's almost like a liesurely trip.
It wasn't a pleasant thought, given that things would soon grow very difficult. The frame of mind that they can slack off and relax was not one that would help them once they began their journey. But they deserved the right to live in ease for a few moments.
The ease was disrupted when the three came running from the trees not so far away, their feet moving far too fast to imply anything but them being pursued.
Pennindar stood, watching as they got closer, the elf Boguras stepping ahead of them now.
"Richard," he muttered, watching the three come closer. "I'll be damned..."
Briomen started off to meet them, then slowed as Boguras shouted somethig to him. Then Briomen was moving back toward them again, waving for everyone to gather together at the camp, running a bit faster than the three were given his lack of fatigue.
When the leader elf came close enough to be heard, he shouted, "Orcs! Quickly, we must leave!"
"Gather everything we need. Hurry," Pennindar shouted. "Someone get the horses, orcs are following them!"

Still unsuccessful at catching any of the darting fish, the dwarf wheels backward violently, swinging his pick-axe. The sharp movement sends him backward into the water and when he stands back up, his soaked cloathing frame a red dwarf.

Before Uwef can yell about the predicament, his situation is put into perspective as Richard and two of the elves burst into the campsite shouting about the orcs. His mind off the wetness, Uwef waddles out of the water and to the small horse that has thus far carried him. "Sorry, dear stead, I hate to burden you with more weight, but I'm a bit wet."

Almost immediately, he doubled over, palms slapping to knees to hold himself up. He breathed raggedly, looking at the two elves before he straightened himself up, taking a deep inhalation through his nose. He regulated his breathing.

"Not bad. For elves, that is. Although I wouldn't put it past you to go farther than me, I'd still win the sprints. I think. Maybe."

He grinned, and sighed. "Well, at least I only have to keep up with horses now."

He stumbled over to the stream, falling to his knees and cupping his hands to gather some water which he brought to his lips. After a few handfulls of water, he got his feet under him, wondering where they'd be off to now.

As the three burst into the clearing Kyleen jumped up, clearing the fire in one graceful move, baring her sword in the same motion. She stopped herself short of parting Richard's head from his body as she realized who he was. Flinging out an arm she barely stopped Jurax from splitting DaSanda lengthwise.

Cursing to herself she rushed to gather up belongings. Mer's tears, she doubted that there would be a day where they would actually get a bite to eat.

Grabbing up the roasted rabbit, sticks, tent and all, she thought she would share out the meat with her companions on their Journey.

In seconds she was leaping to her horse, she wheeled it around and raced to the stream to fetch Richard who'd headed that way.

Seeing Richard beside the water she called to him, galloping to his side and reaching down an arm to pull him up behind her.
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He looked up, and took the outstretched hand. He was pulled up on a horse. His arms went around her as the world decided to spin again. The adrenaline that had been keeping him running was slowly leaving his limited bloodstream, bringing it's friend sleep with it. His eyes slid closed, and he was gone.

Kyleen felt his arms around her, firm at first then their grasp began to fail as his body slumped forward against her back.

Galloping her horse back to the rest of the party she saw they were all starting to move out, no more than minutes had passed since the arivial had shattered such a peaceful idyll.

The rain had picked up, the speed of their passage causing loose strands to flick across her face stingingly.

She felt more alive than she had in months, though Richard at her back felt remarkably close to death. She could feel his breath on her back, slow and cool, at odds with her beating heart.

Holding his arms tight around her with one hand as she felt him begin to slip, she knew they couldn't last long that way.

Riding up, she paced her horse with Jurax. She would need a fit fighter to help her protect Richard if it came to it. Instinctivly she trusted him. And, after all, under the grime, he was a fine figure of a man.

If there was one thing the somewhat slow witted Barbarian knew, that was when something unexpected comes running from the woods, you better take steps. Well, DaSanda was lucky to avoid that lesson today when Kyleen managed to get her arm up in time to stop Jurax from trying to split him like a log with Gorefiend. Looking around a bit wonderingly at the sudden activity in camp, he understood when Kyleen began to throw everything into her bags. "Oh, we go'um." he thought happily.

As Kyleen went off to deal with Richard, he took the sticks which still held the now nicely cooked rabbits from her, and he began to jog through the rain following the others, many of whom were on horses. He didn't need a horse, Barbarians were noted for their ability to travel long distances at a pretty good clip, afterall, the only things that lived as far north as they were yaks, and those were slower than a completely laden warrior running to get home from work.Soon she was riding beside him and looking out of the corner of his eye he couldn't believe how shapely the leg was that belonged to her, which now rode at eye height to him.

As the horse turns round to follow the others out of the clearing, Uwef smirks to himself as he drops a small pouch into the now destroyed fire. Should the orcs prod at the hot coals, the power would surely disable a few of them.

As if birds in a lofty vee, the company follows Pennindar. Uwef nods at Kyleen and mentally acknowledges her burden. He also takes note of the fellow named Jurax that walks between their horses at a good pace.

"So," the dwarf smiles, "Jurax, I am Uwef. It is a pleasure to have you in our company."

Concentrating on supporting Richard at the fast pace, Kyleen paid little attention to Uwef and Jurax's conversation.

In one of their frequent conversational pauses Kyleens stomach rumbled loudly. Sighing at her body's insistent but mundane demand in the middle of their flight from the Orcs, Kyleen pressed on, wishing she had a hand available to take some of the rabbit meat from Jurax who was holding it temptingly before him. With both hands occupied supporting Richard and guiding the horse through the thickening mud, there was no chance.
On the run

They were moving North again, now in more haste than before, not wanting to let the orcs close on them any more than necessary. The orcs would be on foot, but if Boguras had heard them, they couldn't be too far behind. And they would persue; there was no question.
As they rode, Pennindar continuously looked back, wondering if they would come into view before the edge of the woods were no longer visible. Soon, they woods were gone, and no sign of the orcs was evident.
DaSanda rode up next to Kyleen, eyes locked on Richard as he lean against the woman's back.
"Is he okay?" She asked. "Goodness, Richard, we may lose you just yet..."

He gave loud snores at random intervals, pressed against the odd surface and rocking floor. Deep in sleep, images and sounds spiraled around him. His body, on the other hand, was busy trying to get itself back up to speed.

His blood was slowly replenishing the last of what was lost, as it tried to get the strength he'd wasted pushing himself to far after healing back up. His arms hugged tightly at the weird thing he was up against, trying to hold himself still against the rocking as he snored deeply.

Kyleen turned to DaSanda. "I think he is just exhausted DaSanda. He has been pushing himself so hard for this quest, his body's demands must be met. Better his collapse comes now when we can protect him than at another time when we are even more vulnerable. I think we should let him sleep and allow him to gather his energy. He has been most courageous, and has been getting very little sleep or food. We must allow nature to take its course with him. After all, natures needs will surely wake him up. I know that no matter how ill I am, my bladder demands I am awake when necessary!"

Snugging his arms tighter around her, Kyleen rode on.

At the dwarf's greeting he grunted "Me Jurax greet Uwer.. Uwen... Ewww..umm... Uwef?? Umm.. me happy be me here." as the pace picked up slightly. Just then he heard the rumbling of Kyleen's stomach as she talked to the elf maiden. Looking at the two he spoke "Man must heal as... umm... time? Yeh, as time must allow. Clan father always told me that. Him goodum man."

Just then Kyleen's stomach growled a little more insistently, and getting a flash of an idea Jurax said to her. "Yous hungry? Me fix." and with that, he streched his arm out to it's full length so that he was holding one of the Rabbits on a stick in front of her face, and making energetic motions with the other, tryed to imply she should just start chewing on it.