The Enemy

He woke.

It was dark, cold...and he was alone.

He felt like he had been run over by a warhorse...

He sat up. He was alive. Soaked in blood, but alive. He looked around.

Dead bodies, mutilated corpses...Yup. Elves.

Fuckin Elves. He shuddered. They do love trophies.

He checked himself. Nope, he was intact - wait. He had been stabbed twice and was bleeding to death. Why was he still alive.

And what was this scrap of cloth with drawing and writing on it? He would bring it back for someone to interpret.

For now...he was going home.

Three months later, fully recovered, he was back at the clearing.

This time, wearing armor. All of it. And an undershirt of mail.

And an extra dagger, thank you!

Heavy, yes. Necessary? Let's put it this way...yes.

He had spent some to the time learning more Elvish, and training harder than before. He didn't want to become a conversation piece. That would be bad.

Very bad.

The moon was rising, and he lit his fire.

He waited under the light of the moon in the rising light of the fire.
Sairalindë could see the fire well before she came upon the clearing and her heart skipped a beat. She didn't even consider the possibility that life may be so cruel that some other people had camped there by mere chance - she knew that it would be him. She urged her horse to a faster pace and approached.

Upon reaching the clearing, the woman dismounted before her horse was fully stopped and practically threw herself against Gavin's armored chest.

"I missed you," she said common. She had made sure to learn that phrase perfectly. She looked up in to his eyes and smiled. She didn't give him time to respond, taking his mouth with hers.

She didn't feel any guilt, either. The elf was beyond allowing the elders make her fear becoming a social stigma. She had left a note that would ensure that no one would try to follower her and suspected that she could already be an outcast. It didn't detail anything about her feelings for a human, but it was very blunt in her intention to see the world as she saw fit for however long her wanderlust would take her.

Sairalindë's kiss would last for several moments. Gavin's armor denied her the contact she sought with her arms but she wrapped herself around him, nevertheless.