Lan smiled at the man, and lightly laughed. He liked people who weren't so uptight, and who knew when to give leeway. He turned, and after watching the princess a moment more, turned back to Dalbaeth.
"My name is Lan... Lan Hawker. I know a lot about this place, I've been here once or twice," Lan knew that his knowledge of this place warranted more than just 'once or twice', but didn't like giving out too much information, especially when the man he was speaking to was said to be able to match most men in battle. "I left almost two decade ago, and came back to find some strange news. I have heard that Peloor is sick. The last time I saw him, the man had been ambushed in the street by bandits. He fended off four men by himself. That man is stronger than iron, and his thinking quick. If he truly is in such a sad state, I wonder what will become of this country."
Lan leaned back, and waved away a serving maid as she approached. He didn't drink.
"I'm sorry if I offended you. Obviously the princess is planning something. Mind if you let me in on this little secret?..."
Lan smiled at the man, and lightly laughed. He liked people who weren't so uptight, and who knew when to give leeway. He turned, and after watching the princess a moment more, turned back to Dalbaeth.
"My name is Lan... Lan Hawker. I know a lot about this place, I've been here once or twice," Lan knew that his knowledge of this place warranted more than just 'once or twice', but didn't like giving out too much information, especially when the man he was speaking to was said to be able to match most men in battle. "I left almost two decade ago, and came back to find some strange news. I have heard that Peloor is sick. The last time I saw him, the man had been ambushed in the street by bandits. He fended off four men by himself. That man is stronger than iron, and his thinking quick. If he truly is in such a sad state, I wonder what will become of this country."
Lan leaned back, and waved away a serving maid as she approached. He didn't drink.
"I'm sorry if I offended you. Obviously the princess is planning something. Mind if you let me in on this little secret?..."