The Nine Towers


Ol' Bastard
Jul 5, 2000
Long ago, powerful beings, warrior and mage alike, banded together and created 9 towers. Each representing a type of magic or fighting, they stand tall and proud... among the blasted landscape below. War has come to this land, and all but one of these towers have been taken by the forces of evil. Each tower has a training avatar, which is a 7 foot stone creature that trains the people in the tower. It excels at the skill. It also, has no emotions or thoughts, and therefore, will train anyone. The last remaining tower of good is the tower of White Magic.

Name: Lilksor Ironhand
Physical: Well-toned, but not giant. Blue eyes, blonde.
Weapon: Warhammer.
Race: Human
History: Originally a Dark Knight versed in all combats, but no magics, he defected to the Tower of White Magic after being part of the slaughter of Liopra. He fights with a fervor not often seen by man.

Carrying the corpse on my back, I trudge through the streets and up to the tower. Across the moat, I drag myself, and into the main chamber. In the tiresome fog of the room, a shadow moves across the wall. Suddenly, as I turn about, a large monster towers over me.

Cold and wet as the room is: that describes the stones that make up the creature. Kneeling in the presence of a true master, I listen to the creature who tells me a tale of the days of old. He concludes by describing his purpose as a trainer of fencing.

"Meester," I frown an answer, "thees man ees my brother and hee was keel'd by a man weet a feery sword." I look up to see if the master understands my poor speech. "Heer I came to leern to yus a sword. Weel you plees teech me to yus a sword?"

At the Kendo/Escrime Tower, I begin to learn to fence. Soon, I will avenge my brother's death.
OOC: If I can get some more posters, I myself will join in. Until then, well.
Devan Cyldragen

Name: Devan Cyldragen
Age: 78
Height: 6'2"
Wieght: 221Lbs
Weapon: Elven Long Sword and a Dirk
Eyes: Silver
Hair: White
Race: Drow Elf
History: Denied his Drow lineage of evil for he was born with a trait uncommon amongst the drow, humanity.

The sun was unusually bright this morning as Devan made his way across the rooftops of the sleeping city. Though for the Drow the sun was always unusually bright for he had seen it for the first time a mere five years ago after seventy three years in the perpetual darkness of the Underdark. When he had come to the surface he had thought he could make a life for himself amongst the peoples of the above world, but instead he was met with fear and hatred which had forced the renegade drow into a life away from them and secluded in his own gloom.

Devan was far from happy in the sunlight world above the underdark yet at least here he was free to live his own life without the threats of death by the hands of an enemy or even his own father. As he perched upon the peak of one of the taller buildings of the city he watched as a theif snatched a coin purse and darted off into the alleyway below him. A smile crossed the drow's face any who would have seen this expression on the face of a drow would surely flee in terror for rarely did the drow smile and when they did it was never out of joy.

He lowered himself into the alley way behind the theif and landed softly without allerting the man of his presence. He slowly and quietly approached the man as the man was conting the gold he had just procurred.

"95 Gold Pieces" the theif said to himself, "Not a bad take. Those fat merchants are getting richer by the day it is almost my duty to lighten their loads a little."

" As it is my duty to lighten you load good theif." Devan said as he pushed back the hood of his cloak and his long white hair flow out down to his shoulders.

The thief spun quickly on his heels drawing a wicked dagger as Devan's voice caused him to jump. When he saw the drow staring back at him a smile upon his face his dagger fell to the street for his fingers refused to grip it. Devan nimbally took the gold and the coin purse from the man's hand before he could pull it away or run. Devan tied up the purse and dropped it in one of the many pouches along his belt.

When the man realized the drow was not going to kill him he dredged up enough courage to speak.

" You would make a fine thief." the man said. " Any guild master would give his right arm for a Drow in his ranks."

"Tis' a shame then," Devan began, "that I only steal from theives. Besides I already have a right arm what would I do with another."

"An attitude like that will get you killed in this city." the thief said.

"In order to kill someone," Devan said as he pulled the hood of his cloak back up over his head and becoming invisible to the naked eye. " You must first know where they are."

The thief quickly picked up his dropped dagger and darted from the alley. The uncharictaristicly humorus drow quickly levitated back to the roof and made his way on. Making his way from roof top to roof top. Maybe someday he would find a home in this city but not now and not today he said to himself. Surely there must be somewhere folk are judged my deeds and not by race, and again the answer was not here not now.
Okay, here is my character.

Fighter of evil creatures, especially undead creatures
6' 4"
Well toned
Wears darks colors which allow him to blend in with his surroundings, especially at night.
Wears an ax capable of destroying undead on his back.

Marcus looked around at the blasted land from his vantage point on his horse and shook his head. What was the sense of this battle anyway. What did we can but more of the dead which I will have to watch to see if they don't come back. He hated his job sometimes but he knew that he was the only one that could do it. He heeled his horse and slowly they rode down from the top of the hill towards the battlefield, his senses trained to feel for the presence of evil in the air. At first he felt nothing but then suddenly he felt it, something powerfully evil was coming towards him from his left. He looked in that direction and the first thing that he saw was the cloaked figure moving with a grace that no human ever had.

He turned his horse in that direction and pulled his horse off his back then with a shouted heeled his horse into a gallop at the cloaked figure which looked up at him. The first thing that Marcus noticed that the face of the figure looked like it was beginning to decompose. Marcus could feel the evil the flowed off him, so much so that it began to turn his stomach. He rode hard towards it, pulling his ax from the sheath on his back but before he could reach it the figure raised its hand and a bolt of black energy flew from it, hitting Marcus in the side of the head. He shouted out in pain and fell to the ground.

He looked up just to see the figure coming towards him, a smile on its face. It raised its hands again and with a voice that seemed to come out of the ground said, "Now it is your turn to die warrior."
"I think not!" Marcus shouted out as he swung his ax with all his might, catching the figure in the abdomen.
The thing screamed out in pain as energy surrounded the two of them and they both disappeared from the battlefield as if they had never been there.

When Marcus opened his eyes and looked around the first thing he noticed was that he was in a city. He stood up, causing all the people that were standing around him to back away and said, "Where am I?"
"Why you are in Calenstan."
"Calenstan, but that is over a hundred leagues from where I was last. What the hell happened to me?"

Nobody answered him and he wondered why until he turned just to see his reflection in the window. His once handsome face now had a ragged red scar running from above his forehead, down one side of his nose and stopping at his chin.
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OOC; Ok, I'll try this one.

IC; There was a brilliant shimmer of light, in the form of a shpere. The sphere radiated with electricity and energy. The cround cracked and flew away, some nearby trees knocked over. There was an explosion, and the sphere dissapeared. In it's place, floated the white glowing silohette of a winged human, It's arms and legs outstretched, it's head tilted back. The figure drifted downwars, and landed in a kneeling position on the charred ground. It's hair covering it's face. Slowly the White glow faded, revieling a naked, pale skined femail, with purple wings, and black hair.

The figure continued to kneel there, trying to catch her breath. Time travel takes as much out of the traveler as the caster. But the council of Necro was the least of her concerns at the moment.

After a few more moments, she finally recovered, and remembered her mission. "You must find the council of Necro in the future" they said eerilly unanimously, "and gather what information and artifacts you can. They will know of your quest and aid you. But be wary, many things may happen in the years to come. the world may be more dangerous then the one we have now" they had no idea.

She stood up and looked around. What she saw was nothing. Just an empty charred plain, untouched my man or magic in years. In the distance loomed a mountain. Not just any mountain, but the esper of despair, as it was called. From this position it appeared as if the mouth of a mountain was enveloping another, and there was only one place in the world where it looked like that. Necro Tower.

The Succumbus laughed to herself at this unexpected turn of events. 1000 years in the future, There is no tower. There were a few charred ruins, but nothing else. The feel of evil was gone. The reminants of magic, gone. Her hope of getting back.... gone.

Through her magic, the succumbus took on a human form. Her wings melted into her back, Her claws turned into fingers, her hair went brown. Sighing to herself, she turned and began walking to the nearest town. At least, she hoped the town was still there.
Ok, not my stats.

Name; Lilly
Race; Succumbus
Affiliation; Necromancy.
Hair; Black, with red highlights.
Wings; Leathery, and purple.

a thousand years in the past, all 7 of the towers still stood. One tower, the tower of Necro, was ambitious enough to try to conquer the world. But they wern't stupid. they knew they needed recources and powers that did not yet exist. Therefor, they sent one of their top members to the future to gain the necesary recources, and return to lead the fight for domination.

The necro tower was a place of black magic. It's name evolved from the extensive Ressurection experiments that took place. The council consisted of 11 souls of pure devotion. The avatar was Nerta, a Dracolich.

There was a portal weged open to the demon world in necro tower. Demons with a wish to live or learn in the real world were allowed through. Those with mischief or pure maliciousness in their hearts were not allowed, as they would cause an uprising resulting in the downfall of the tower. Therefor, Demons, Liches, Skeletons, Imps, and of course Succumbi were a common species among the living.

Tolerance in the past was at an all time high. Lilly in fact had 3 good friends in high places among the various towers, the tower of light being one of them. There were skeletons known to be healers, and liches that owned beautyfull gardens.

Today however, the demon population is extinct. With the fall of the necro tower, they were all hunted down.
His handsome tanned skin paled beneath her glance. She was truly the most beautiful of all beings, and also the most horrible. Wrathlance lay as a Dark Angel on the ground, one arm totally missing. The Lady hovered before him, black tendrils of pure evil reaching for him. He would not win. He could not win. And then, the ceiling was torn asunder. A great red hand of fire lifted him up, and smote the Lady to the ground with one mighty blow. The tendrils retracted, and she became once more the most beautiful of all creatures.The hand seemed to grow into a shoulder and then the outline of a face. Two eyes burned viciously with a never-quenching fire. Do you know who I am? Wrathlance pondered for a moment, then recognition dawned. "You are the traveler. The immortal one. You have amassed the power to be counted among the Gods", he answered slowly. Yes. I speak in your mind for your own safety. Were you to hear my true voice, you would die horribly. "Why did you save me?" he asked. Because you made one mistake. And one mistake should not kill a being as mighty and honorable as you. "Thank you", whispered the demon, and the hand set him down. A finger shot a blast of fire at his shoulder, and an arm grew back. He bowed low to the ground, and then a noise so loud it would kill a normal man exploded into his ears. He knew then that this was the simple leaving of the Immortal One. When he looked up, he was not surprised to see him gone. He quickly took to the sky. He cast one last look at the Dark Lady's tower, then turned about and flew off.
Marcus walked along one of the streets, trying to ignore the looks that he was getting but it seemed to rip into his very soul. He had been forever changed by that creature and knew that nothing would ever be the same with him again. His once handsome face was now horribly scarred, turning him into a monster.

He saw a sign in front of a building and when he saw what it said he knew instantly that it was an inn. He walked into the building and as soon as he did every bit of talking and sound stopped. He walked towards the innkeeper who looked at him in shock and horror.
"What, what is it man. Tell me?"
"Get out of here you darkfiend. We do not want any of your kind here. Get out!"
"What.... what are you talking about. I am not a darkfiend- I fight the undead, not help them."

One of the other men in the common room stood up, his hand on his sword and said, "I suggest you do what the innkeeper told you to do."
Marcus looked at him and was shocked to see that this man was a warrior of the undead, much like him. He walked towards the man and said, "What are you talking about?"
"I am saying that you should get out of here- now."

Without another word Marcus turned and walked out of the inn, wondering just what was happening to him and everything around him. Had the world gone crazy when he was transported here or was he just going mad?

He walked further down the street and the first person he came across was someone that was dressed in the robes of a holy person. He walked towards the person who looked at him with wide eyes and raised something before him. Marcus looked at the woman with a questioning look and said, "What are you doing that for? I am not an undead creature or one of the Darkfiends."
"But you wear the mark of one. You have the white hair of a darkfiend and you have the scar of one that is under the power of an evil one."
Marcus looked at the woman with wide eyes then shouted, "No. This can not be happening to me. What has happened to me!"
Wrathlance landed before the Tower of Wite Magic. He entered slowly, gaurds saluting him. He had the look of one who had been to Hell and back. He collapsed before the Avatar. "What is it you wish to know?" it asked him in it's cold, grating voice. "How did all my magic and power quail and flee before the Dark Lady?" he asked.

"Lunge... Lunge... Ballestra!" The instructor shouts commands at me as I advance down the piste.

Now that I am moderately well trained with a foil, epee, and saber, my master insists that I learn non-french weapons.

"Tomorrow," he says, "I will learn to fence with kitanas."

Alas, I wish not to delay my revenge any longer. Humbly, I inform my master, the large mass that he is, that I will no longer need his services.

The Kendo/Escrime master has treated me well. I am now fully clothed and because of the work he sent me to do, I have afforded a nice weapon, though not new.

Last I remember, the adversary I seek is across these plains. Since many months have passed, he could be anywhere. But, I must start with what I know.
Lilly walked through the streets of Coral, the city. Within a thousand years, the small town managed to turn into a major city. What a shock.

At any rate, Lilly wasn't suprised. She expected nothing anymore.

Her first stop was a small vender near the outskirts. A quick silent kill, and she had money. Hmmm, at least that hasn't changed much. Luckily, the vendor was selling clothing, so she took something inconspicuous and doned it. Her next stop was pure exploration. Find out what was where, How to get around, and who to ask about little things.

It only took a couple of days. the money she stole went towared a cheep inn, the food she needed was stolen. Having allways had a good memory, she learned her way around the city quickly.

Within a week, she had run out of money again. Besides, spending her time wandering around was no way to get back to the past. So she went out and looked to sell her special skills.

She went first to the fighters guild. Skilled mercenaries get the best pay, and she had no doupt about her skills. They were mistrustfull of a delicate wanting to be a fighter, but they gave her an opportunity. The initiation test was simple. One of endurance (holding a full bucket above her head for an hour. she lasted 2 days.), one of strength (lifting a tree. They cut down a small one for her, but she ignored it and ripped a big one right out of the ground), and a test of natural skill. Fighting naked with one of their instructors. The latter got her rejected. Oh, sure, she beat up the instructor easilly, but her style was one of unknown nature, and unrecognizable moves. They mistrusted her from the beginning, and this only sinched it.

Moving on, she went to the mages guild. They are a little less discriminetory. They simply test your natural talent, and mold you accordingly. They handed her a scroll with a simple flashfire spell. The intensity of the heatless flame would determine her natural skill. So of course, when the "heatless flame" burned down the building, they refuzed her admittance.

Frustrated, she wandered around some more. next to the castle gate was a bullitin board, with posts of administrative sponsored quests. What caught her eye was the word "Demons". The post was a quest to rid the south marsh of a haunting. Reports were of demons and skeletons attacking anyone who tride to travel the marsh road at night. Typical stories, but Lilly was suspicious.

Everyone looking for adventures avoided that one, because they were afraid of ghosts. You can imagine the guard's suprise when a delicate pale woman, wearing a light sword and no armor offered to take it. They wern't one to question. The quest was entirely out of her pocket, they only had to pay success. so if she wanted to die, suit herselt. With quick directions, she was off.
"You must gather all Supernatural creatures and lead them in an assault on the Dark Lady. Only then, will she fall", spoke the Avatar. "I understand", Wrathlance responded. He then let out a silent scream. This scream could only be heard by any thing supernatural. It would cover nearly ten-thousand miles and announce the presence of the Highest of Demon Lords, The King of the Tarasques, Wrathlance of Dir.
Marcus sat up on the bed with a shout and looked over to see the holy person, Abriel looking at him with a soft look. She was still worried about him as he did have the marks of a darkfiend but she had looked into his heart and found that it was pure. She had told him that she wanted to help him but that had been two days ago and he was still in a bad way.

Marcus looked over at her and asked her if there was anything that could be done and Abriel told him the truth. She didn't really know if she could help as her powers were limited but there was one place he had to go. He had to go to the Tower of White Magic, prehaps something could be done there.
Devan watched as the scarred one walked into the home of the cleric. He had seen several scarred one's in his time. They were the marked ones, the darkfiends as they were called. Pervayers of evil. For if anything a Drow knows evil. What he didn't know was why this honorable cleric was consorting with the likes of a darkfiend. His curiosity tugged at him and he waited and watched. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad day after all.
OOC: I'm a little late but I'd love to join!


Race: Elven
Hair: Burgundy
Eyes: Gray
Build: slender but strong
height: 5'7
INFO: Lalita has a kind and gentle heart but her spirit is a wild one. she can't follow rules that well and hates being bossed around. This was the main reason she left her home and left to travel. She hopes to make new friends of all races and possibly one day fall in love. She is skilled in sensing emotions and looking into peoples souls. She knows a little white magic from her mother who was a powerful mage and healer. She is working on her telekenis but progress is slow. She is skilled with a bow and somewhat skilled with a sword.

Lalita entered the town and already she heard talk of the darkfiend that had been sighted. Excitedly she questioned it's whereabouts. One man pointed toward a clerics building. Frowning she wondered what it would be doing in there. Shrugging she hurried eager to fight this evil creature and defeat her first undead.
I'll play .

name : Evan
age : 25
sex : girl but is dressed like a male so she could fight (her pappa told her girls don't fight so she dressed up as a male)
hair : whiteblonde ( chopped short. It lays an inch out of her head . from a distence she looks bald.
eyes: grey
height: 6ft
weight: 162
body type : muscular
Evan carries a sword that has a dragon craved in the handle. Inside it lays a spirt of a dragon that was trapped in it after being slaughtered. He helps Evan gain power. Her pappa also joined the bergade so anouther reason why she dresses up as a guy. She always wears a hood to hide her face and the scar that her father would know for sure that it is indeed his daughter.
Evan walked out of battle with blood trickleing down from her temple. She wiped the blood on her sleave and walked in a daze to the hospital area. She sat on a bench and waited to be treated. Her nose was bloody to. It fromed a stream down and into her mouth . The salty metal taste lingered in her mouth even after she had spit it out. She spat again and smeared the ground that she had spit on in her too big shoes. A man with dark skin came and sat next to him . Blood oozed in big piles down his face. He was in shock , she could tell, because he was grinning like a fool. " Got 'im good , Aw did . Pow! Right thoug' 'is 'ead with my fucking sword. Damn basterd didn't know wha' 'it 'im . " He grinned again and Evan stared gastly as she saw most of his teeth were rotten and falling out. In fact one fell out and landed in his lap. Evan gasped .
"wha's wrong ol' man?" The man said smearing the blood that grew pregnet at his upper lip.
"N-Nothing." Evan said inching away from the man. She said this in her soft voice and quickly lowered her voice so that she sounded more like a man with a roaring deep voice." I just was watching an old man out there get his head knocked off. " She smirked " Should have seen it."
A nurse came in and saw the man next to Evan. She grabbed him by his arm and lead him to a bunk in the far corner. The man waved back at Evan and evan smiled a mocho man smile and wiped her nose again .
Marcus looked at Abriel and thanked her for what she had told me. He knew that he had to get to the tower and quickly or someone that was like him would be after him, to kill the darkfiend in town and claim a reward. Marcus bowed to her before he slipped his ax back into its sheath and grabbed his gear.

Marcus then turned and walked out of Abriel's home, saying farewell to her before walking into the street. He turned and tried to figure out where he could buy a horse from but he knew that if he tried to buy one he would more than likely receive a pitchfork in the heart. He walked away from Abriel's home, knowing that if anyone saw him there then she would be attacked and her home would be destroyed.

He did not want that to happen to her, she was a kind hearted woman- too kind hearted for something to happen to her because of him. He walked away from her home quickly, still looking for a horse to buy but then he heard a voice call him over. He walked towards where the voice was coming from, an alley way and received a shock when he saw a darkfiend standing there. He looked at the person who smiled at him, "I can see that you have the mark. You are one of us.... one that serves evil. Come- I will take you to the rest."
Marcus took a step back then screamed out, "No!" before he ran from the alley.
Evan was finally tended to . She was givin a bottle of whisky to drown the pain . she took a small swig and walked to her camp. She rested for a wihle and was awakened by screams . She looked out of her camp and saw that the enemy was attacking the hospital She ran out of the tent so fast her small breats jumped slightly . She took her sword and attacked the closest man who was coming towards her. "No one attacks the hospital !" She yelled forgetting her voice and brought the sword down on him he spilt in two. The next man she came across was cut in half at the waist. He fell apart as the blood spulted out all over. A man jumped her from behind. he sliced her arm , lightly and she dropped the sword She turned around and cowared alittle. Just then the man she was talking to earlier stabbed him with the ax he carried .
"lets go kick 'ome baster's ash!"
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Wrathlance stood before the Tower as the Tarasque Lord, dressed in ceremonious armor. He welcomed the few supernatural creatures that came. Both and angels had come. He welcome them warmly, and waited for the rest. The supernatural lords stood behind him. black tentacles of pure magic floated out of his back. Long ago these had replaced his wings. A huge sword hung at his side. His black and gold cape billowed before the brewing storm. The Dark Lady would strike soon. Damn! He needed his army. "She will strike soon", he said grimly. The other lords behind him nodded.
Lalita saw the man leave the house then head into an alley a few moments later he ran out with a shout. She immediatly took to chasing him. Finally he seemed to stop to catch breath she to did the same and walked casually toward him "You darkfiend I am here to exact revenge for my family that your kind killed" she unsheathed her sword advancing slowly.
Evan jumped on a man's back and he spun around trying to get her off and she choped the top of his head off. it went right through his brain and into his thoart. He coughed up blood and fell in a bloody heep. She removed her sword and saw a squiggly thing exit the big swords hole . Little bits of brain fell out and bug happily landed on it to feast. She smiled and heard a yell . Turning around she saw a man stab the fellow she had started to chum with in his back. Evan roared and pounced on the man tearing at his stomach with her sword. When she was done he had eight cut wounds all over his stomach. She turned to the man she had meet earlier and rested his head on her lap .
" We kicked ma'or ash ou' there" he laughed . a hurt mans laugh but it made her smile anyway
"yeah we did " she said softly . letting her boy voice fade .
" fight everyone you see. and come see me when your done . " He coughed . Blood trickled down the side of his face. His odd accent gone . as if fleeing from his body.
" I will." She said looking around. Men still attacked the hospital. She saw a man coming after her. She let his head down softly and jumped at the man stabbing him in th stomach fast. she turned around and the nice old man that she had talked to had died . With his hands behind his head as if he was resting . Sunbathing .but she knew he was dead. she just knew it . She would later come back and bury his body. She would place flowers on his grave and write "man with weird accent" on a stump...written in blood
He only had 50 warriors. Not enough! He needed to expand to all good creatures. A powerful roar blasted forth from his mouth, being heard as a deafening cry by all good creatures in the surrounding 15,000 miles.
Marcus walked away from the alley way quickly, not wanting to look back for he knew that if he did then who ever that person had been would think he was going to join them. He moved quickly, still trying to find a horse so that he could get out of the city before any hunters could find him and kill him. Suddenly he came across a group of horses in a large pen and looked around to see if anyone was there, something that could raise an alarm.

He walked towards the pen slowly, trying to be as quiet as he could but he knew that with his size he could be easily seen. He got to one side of the pen and was about to jump over the top but then he heard a scream that seemed to rip straight into him. He looked around to see where it had come from but saw nothing. Oh, by everything good. What is happening to me?! his inner voice shouted out.