The Pillow Pit. (Semi-OOC flirt thread.)

everyone loves poptarts it s aproven fact thier like a perfect good no one hates em * plops a suitcase full of poptarts adn mt.dew on the counter dn spin it around*
beverage and poprat anyone?
XblueyedevilX said:
everyone loves poptarts it s aproven fact thier like a perfect good no one hates em * plops a suitcase full of poptarts adn mt.dew on the counter dn spin it around*
beverage and poprat anyone?

Hey hey hey ... This rat does not pop for just anyone ...
XblueyedevilX said:
everyone loves poptarts it s aproven fact thier like a perfect good no one hates em * plops a suitcase full of poptarts adn mt.dew on the counter dn spin it around*
beverage and poprat anyone?

holy cow, it's like how cats used to type!! (on AIM at least...that was always interesting.)

LOOK! I really AM alive!
You guys are still on poptars?

*aims a cannon at AB and blasts him with poptarts*
Careful, they have sharp edges.

Okay, new topic, yes?
Um.... okay other then ranting and railing over how the military sucks, I can't come up with anything constructive. But please, someone introduce a better topic then poptarts. Even if its fav flavors or something akin to that.
BOOO Target! BOOOOOOOOO! now that THAT's out of my system...

*thinks up a constructive topic*
*draws up blueprints*
*hires a crew*
*puts on a bright yellow hat with a light on the forehead*
*gets appropriate funding*
*yells at the crew until they start working*
*shifts to shadowform so the pop-tarts are imbedded in the wall behind me instead of in ME!*

new topic huh????

ok, whats the longest single D&D session you have played????
mine was about 3 days ( yes, we did take breaks to sleep & eat, but we were on the same run the entire time. Those were the good old days!! *sigh*)
Abraxas Winterlight said:
*shifts to shadowform so the pop-tarts are imbedded in the wall behind me instead of in ME!*

new topic huh????

ok, whats the longest single D&D session you have played????
mine was about 3 days ( yes, we did take breaks to sleep & eat, but we were on the same run the entire time. Those were the good old days!! *sigh*)

Gee, thought our 12 hrs straight with eating while playing was a long time. Of course, most of us getting three days off in a row was a rarity (military) and not having it taken up with plans made by spouses even rarer.
Alas poor Verdandi, my cleric that got laid 3 times in a row on perfect 20 rolls, done in by a stupid theif who picked up an idol of Lolth in a trapped temple.
Mine is 2 seconds. :D

Better topic
I was in the city yesterday (Sunday) and there was a march to stop war and nuclear shits. What's up with this? Why do I have this feeling that Bush first wanted to get rid of Sadam when there was no relation with the Al Quaida... now from no where Korea is in the picture...

I was actually talking to a friend of mine, telling him that one of these days... whichever Bush and the government feels like someone is threatening them economically or politically, they will disappear by the wraith of our innocent troops gone to waste.

Oh, in other parts of Shoto's mind... there was all types of food in uptown and downtown Manhattan to try out. Very yummy! :p
if your left wing ur goan hate me

i hate hippies and i hate protesters the pres spent alot of money getting our boys (and girls) over into iraq with a spicific goal in mind. 300 people yelling " git our bois home no blodo fer oil" wont make him goo jee wizz gondeleza think we should jsut spen millions and bring em home when we diddnt do waht we wanted?
giant finger painting s and picket lines wotn make our governemnt give up on some of its goals why can peopel see that?
and another thing democrats are complaining abotu how republicans own the governemtn now pretty much ...yeah we said the asame thing when clinton was in office buck up muffy....
*blinks a moment* *skirts around the politics*

yay interesting food?

edited to add:

WOO! this is the post of my personal devil! Ye-eah!
BlueEye... I'm sorry you are wrong. These protest things are all non-violent, remember that. Don't call them hippie, you know its not. If these non-violent shits didn't happen, our fellow human beings who share the same blood and life -African Americans or Blacks won't be beside us today believing what we believe in. Women would NEVER get to do what they have done to this country to make it unique. Immigrants would never last here more than a couple of years.

Its a long process yes, but it is a non-violent way to send a message. What do you think of a sign of retialabion, over throw the government? You don't think it has been done in history? Have you heard about the Civil War? Or better yet, have you seen the third world countries trying to make a government but cannot stay stay stable?

What Clinton has done for this country CANNOT be analyzed with Bush. It wasn't an easy thing to say that we just sent American troops to Iraq for no reason, that is wrong. We (I'm only 21, and I fall under this too) went into Iraq for a good reason, but not a valid one. We cannot question that because our government tells us what to do. Remember, Iraq lost alot of innocent people too.

Violence is not the key, never was. Jesus died for it. Gandhi died for it. Martin Lurther King died for it. And many more.

When you say hippie with paintings on them to show peace, what's your point?
i dont say protests in general are bad but these i know ill yield no outcome anyway im sorry for saying it w/e i dotn wan aturn this room into a political debate
Abraxas Winterlight said:

you sure he ain't cats w/o his spellchecker???????

Yeah that spelling's cringe worthy.

My two cents- protesters can make changes. And often its a possitive thing.
What I disapprove of is violent protest or hate crimes because a group of people doesn't agree with another group of people.
IE- there's a big difference between protesting in front of an abortion clinic and planting a bomb in it that kills 12 people simply because your branch of fanatical faith disagrees with it.
So long as the group has the appropriate paperwork giving them permission to protest/march from the city, I've no problem with non-violent protest.

You should see the Japanese protest something- they're very polite about it, clean up completely afterward, and even tell the base I'm at when they're going to be protesting and which gate they'll be at.
Though most of thier protests are "get out of Japan" and that's just not too bright because if we leave, the Koreans will march all over Japan and destroy it. But that's another topic.
Abraxas Winterlight said:

you sure he ain't cats w/o his spellchecker???????

I'm reasonably sure. cats has been helping his parents haul rockage into their backyard and re-planting grass and studying for finals next week, so if he's really skivving off on studying to post on a semi-annonamous name here, I might have to go hit him with a textbook and hope he learns through osmosis. Which isn't the right kind of transfer of anything, I know, but you get the idea.
Vixandra said:
Yeah that spelling's cringe worthy.

My two cents- protesters can make changes. And often its a possitive thing.
What I disapprove of is violent protest or hate crimes because a group of people doesn't agree with another group of people.
IE- there's a big difference between protesting in front of an abortion clinic and planting a bomb in it that kills 12 people simply because your branch of fanatical faith disagrees with it.
So long as the group has the appropriate paperwork giving them permission to protest/march from the city, I've no problem with non-violent protest.

You should see the Japanese protest something- they're very polite about it, clean up completely afterward, and even tell the base I'm at when they're going to be protesting and which gate they'll be at.
Though most of thier protests are "get out of Japan" and that's just not too bright because if we leave, the Koreans will march all over Japan and destroy it. But that's another topic.

Very good point.

Abe, are you implying I'm cats in disguise?
Shotokan07 said:
Very good point.

Abe, are you implying I'm cats in disguise?
not you genius! :p
he was refering to XblueyedevilX and the lack of ability to type in english.