The Pillow Pit. (Semi-OOC flirt thread.)

DragonsCurse said:
Tumnle you are just jellus

Thanx arc

*goes back to what he was doing*
Why should Tumb' be jelous? She has Cats.




... I can't belive I said that.
*still doing what he was doing*

*muffeld whjiel eating out angelus*

Tumble is gellus becaus Privet label and angelus are geting the pleasur and she isnt
DragonsCurse said:
*still doing what he was doing*

*muffled while eating out angelus*

Tumble is jealous because Privet label and angelus are getting the pleasure and she isn't

*Just realize what DC is doing then coughs*

Umm ... DC you do know that Angelus is a guy ... Right ...

At lease I could have sworn Angelus was a guy ...
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Arc da Rat said:
*Just realize what DC is doing then coughs*

Umm ... DC you do know that Angelus is a guy ... Right ...

At lease I could have sworn Angelus was a guy ...
*Hugs Arc's waist with one arm, and covers her mouth with the other.*

*Whispering* Shhh! Let dragon bone-head figure it out himself... I haven't had a good laugh yet... Besides, this could be my payback!
hybirdx said:
*Hugs Arc's waist with one arm, and covers her mouth with the other.*

*Whispering* Shhh! Let dragon bone-head figure it out himself... I haven't had a good laugh yet... Besides, this could be my payback!

*goes over to Hy and jumps and hits a 360 spin and cock slaps him again*

lol hy take that and i didnt know

Thnx for the information all after it to late
*Gets up and runs into the shower.*

I was wondering what the hell was going on myself. I get back and this is happening to me, I mean what the.
Throw your slapping chickens at me will ya! *Pulls out the cock slicer sword, and cuts the chicken in half*

Die you tall bastard!

*Hurls a fireball in between DC's eyes*
dodges Hy's attacks and disapers and hids behind Privet label adn hides face in here shoulder..

SArry angelus you could have said something earlyer

*leavs Privets shoulder and starts hurling again*
DragonsCurse said:
O ytha Hy i have a few words for you Bull Dog and lazy river
Oh you son of a... *Snaps fingures, summoning a horde of demon foxes.* Get him!

*The foxes look torwards their master in cofusion*

What? Oh. Look! I knoe I've been gone for a while, and changed without notice, but trust me, I am who I am! Now slaughter Altar-boy!

*The foxes nod and lunges at DC's throat.*
*Dives into another pillow pit.*

Don't worry about it Dc, I should have said something earlier.
*befor the deamon foxs can reach*

*Dc snaps his fingur and an army fof dragons apear*

Destroy the deamon foxes and kill Hy
Copying my tactics now, are you? Find your own tactics!

*The demon foxes easily tear through the dragons with ease, and headed straight for DC*
*draws swords and transorms arm to his alter*
Take this First bullet of hatred

*destros the deamon foxes and heads in to kill Hy*

second bullet of sarrow

Now you will feel the pain you caused my dragons

*knocks hy through the wall*
First demon foxes then dragons now hy being thrown through a wall, what next.

*Lays back and sips drink.*
*Grins* Was that it? Cats hit's harder than you do... And he's a cat! *The Cock Slicer disapears as a ot pink blade appears* Ever heard of the Cherry Blossum-Cannon?


*The sword picks up and dangerous amount of wind before it shoots DC through the wall, making yet another hole*
*gets up and brushes himself off*

Lol is that all you got Hy

*Charges up the 2 swords ans shouts*
Try this on for size

Dragon shinobi hyper blade slash
*blinks* *has gone from two guys flirting with her to one guy running off and puking, and the other one running off to shower, followed by mass melee*

"So much for the flirting!" *thorws up hands in despair*
Split Vision! *Splits in two, and swings the cherry blossum blades outward, causing a large tornado filled with different types of leafs, dispersing the attack*

I s that it? Yawn!