The Pillow Pit. (Semi-OOC flirt thread.)

Too quiet here ...

*grabs a box of annoying little windup thingies, winds em all up and sets them loose. They buzz around the room looking inanely cute and randomly stop, squeak, and do a overhead jump-spin*
*brakes away from her evil-ish pondering of shaved ice & Khaddy ... Peer down over Khaddy's shoulder & looks at the lil windups in fascination as they surround them*
WHEEEE! wind-y things!

*picks one up and sets it off running towards cats*

GO, my minion of squeakyness! GO!
I've a better one.

*takes a baseball bat to one of the toys*

No more squeky minion.

Yeah, its been one of those days... *sighs*
*Leans over peering down at the wind-ups & shifts into her smaller cat-girl form ... So as not to over balance Khaddy*

Fun toys ...

*Purrs & rubs her cheek against his then curls her tail around his neck*
*Ears twich & perk up w/ Khaddy's whisperings*

Purrrr ... Purrrrr ...

*Tilts her head for more pets & stretches out an arm to do some petting over her own*
Hey everyone.
The Vegas Ren fest is coming up this weekend and I just wanted to let anyone who's interested know about it.

Can't wait, I get to go this year (last four years I couldn't get my leave worked out right). New costume and such, get to hang out with friends, should be lots of fun.
At last ... I am too far away ... :(

But I believe Tumble & Cats both live in LV ...
Not sure if HI has a local ren faire. Know there's another two this year in Escondito, CA that my guild's doing though.

Going to be taking my nice camera (long as hubby doesn't find out lol) and taking lots of pictures. Then raping the scanner into working with the apple, etc.
Can't wait.
hrm...*idly ponders the meaning of life, and his purpose. Wonders what life has in store for him, or who. Doesnt really think about that which is censored, except to arc who seemed to like but is now interested otherwise, and ignores it
*Snaps her fingers & the censorship-ness stops following LL*

I was trying to protect the virgin eyes we have around here ... *smirks*

*Then gets distracted by the squeek toys*
Vixandra said:
Not sure if HI has a local ren faire. Know there's another two this year in Escondito, CA that my guild's doing though.

Going to be taking my nice camera (long as hubby doesn't find out lol) and taking lots of pictures. Then raping the scanner into working with the apple, etc.
Can't wait.

When/where you gonna be in Vegas?
*bats pillows w/ her paw that fly in her direction*

Uh, Khaddy ... Yer not suppost to eat the pillow ... Don't know where they have been ...

*Looks at him*
*is twapped. tries to look affronted, fails, and pounces Shadow, evilly tickling her all over using just enough claw to supersensitize the skin**
leopardlover said:
*is twapped. tries to look affronted, fails, and pounces Shadow, evilly tickling her all over using just enough claw to supersensitize the skin**

*Yipe!s and is pouncetickled!*


OK, OK, Uncle!!!! :D

(and that shoulda been (thwap) but OK.. Heh :D )
Saying uncle isnt the way out of this one. but good try. Keep guessing :D *continues to tickletorture but not quite as harshly*