The Pillow Pit. (Semi-OOC flirt thread.)

*isnt trying to compel Arc, and Khadgar is just plan wierd...Is a shadow mage, and must note has given an out for Shadow both times now.*
*hehs and puts up a little sign saying "it's all good!"*

*crawls along the floor, up leopardlover's legs, his chest and his face. Kiss? Hmmm... that's rough one. Returns to normal form, and is no longer compelled. Hanging onto LL's body tightly, she kinda looks embarassed, untangles herself from him, and steps away*

"Uhhh... yeah. So... you can if I am in shadow form... um.. though what I can do for you is ... uhh.. limited."
noooo! don't burn my bushbaby of goodness!

*bushbaby is still in playpen, looking confused like a small animal*
*A small pinpoint of darkness appears near the ceiling growing and swirling into a vortex of shadow and flame.....a faint sound can be heard becoming louder as if the source was quickly moving closer and a sudden whoosh of heated air a form drops from the vortex and lands in a crouch on the floor.....tendrils of scented smoke curl lovingly around her form for a moment as the figure draws herself up to her full height....gray-blue eyes glance warily around taking in the apparent sno-cone and marshmallow worship....a slow smile curves full red lips*

Welllll.....this looks like fun.....Evening everyone.
*A small gold pendant resembling the spinner from a child's game hangs from a fine gold chain around her neck....she lifts a long fingered hand to it and whispers as she tucks it inside the neckline of her black satin vest*

At least you didn't land me in a pit of wrestling Fetlar beasts this time.....

*She smiles crookedly at Shadow and inclines her head in greeting*

Pardon me for just dropping in unannounced. I hope I'm not interupting anything.....
*Stops stairing at Khaddy & turns to the new comer*

Good Eve Dracona ... Nice landing ...

*Sees Hy's feet & arms waving under Dracona*

... Now how did he get stuck under there ... ???
*She glances down at the wildly waving arms and legs and steps to one side removing her spiked heal from their owner's solar plexus*

So landings are a bit uncontroled....

*She bends over and filches a pillow from the nearest pit and starts to tug at the corners stretching and enlarging it until it is the size of an easy chair....she drops it to the floor and throws herself onto it wriggling to get comfortable....her smile never wavers as she settles in*
Why me...?

*Teleports up into the rafters.*

This is what I get for being gone for a while? Yeesh!
No no no, hy. All the tormentation and whatnot, that's BECAUSE you were gone and are you.

What you get FOR being gone is this *curtains sweep aside and there is a velumptious young woman, smiling brightly and dressed scantily, indicating a small blue balloon on a yellow ribbon, floating at about waist height*

a half-assed helium balloon!
Velumptious Woman not included. Void where prohibited. See packaging for details.
Actually its not all that hard. All I need to do is solidify you. Its not quite that simple but...It works.

*grins, then looks as Dracona drops in, literally. Hes mildly intrigued, but has seen more spectacular before. lobs a pillow at her for being a showoff, sticks his tongue out at her then turns back to Shadow*

Hrm, now...why did you even think it was me? Especially the second time. It was supposed to come out as your own desire.
*poofs up next to Hy-kun and hands him a peice of devil's food cake*

And no its not poisened or spiked with holy water or anything bad. Just simple, yummy cake.

Though reading over what you had your little shadowy minions do to my sno cone attack machine, I should have spiked it. But hey, getting smushed by the new gal warrents some forgiveness I suppose.

*waves to Draconia and tosses her a peice of cake too*
Hiya! Welcome to the madness.
hybirdx said:
Why me...?
*Teleports up into the rafters.*
This is what I get for being gone for a while? Yeesh!
Arc's rules ... *nods* ... Yep ...

TumbleUpStairs said:
What you get FOR being gone is this *curtains sweep aside and there is a velumptious young woman, smiling brightly and dressed scantily, indicating a small blue balloon on a yellow ribbon, floating at about waist height*

a half-assed helium balloon!
Velumptious Woman not included. Void where prohibited. See packaging for details.

Vixandra said:
*poofs up next to Hy-kun and hands him a peice of devil's food cake*
Here ... And no its not poisened or spiked with holy water or anything bad. Just simple, yummy cake.

Though reading over what you had your little shadowy minions do to my sno cone attack machine, I should have spiked it. But hey, getting smushed by the new gal warrents some forgiveness I suppose.
Why do you think he got smushed ...
Arc da Rat said:
Arc's rules ... *nods* ... Yep ...


Why do you think he got smushed ...
*Almost chokes on the piece of cake* Now wait just one cotton picking minute! It hit me first, I replied with an attack on the machine!
She put a spike heel in his solar plexus, that counts as a form of being smushed. And damn that's got to hurt too.

And I already said I forgive you, Hy-kun, don't worry about it.

*pounces Cats*
OY! Cats!
Go post something in the IOU Collage thread. Its alive again. Yes. *ducks* Honestly.
leopardlover said:
Actually its not all that hard. All I need to do is solidify you. Its not quite that simple but...It works.

*grins, then looks as Dracona drops in, literally. Hes mildly intrigued, but has seen more spectacular before. lobs a pillow at her for being a showoff, sticks his tongue out at her then turns back to Shadow*

Hrm, now...why did you even think it was me? Especially the second time. It was supposed to come out as your own desire.

"Solidify, eh? Hmm... Well, I'm game for an expriment. Just don't do anything to harm me or humliate me."

*grins, and melts into a shadow*
*She stares in puzzlement at the large pillow resting on her chest topped by a precariously balanced piece of cake*

Ahhh....the rewards of being a drama queen....

*She takes the cake in one hand and tucks the pillow behind her head with the other before beginning to munch happily*

Once it is done it needs never be done again the way I am going to. It doesnt make you permanently solid, but makes you able to be. I just will it and it shall happen after that. I think you could to but...You will have to see. However, there may be a small mark left on you when in your shadow form. Unnoticed by all except me and others who love the shadow as I do. Im not sure if there will be one in your human form. If so itll be a cat's paw in a place I doubt many would notice. Theyd probably be rather too distracted i think
*Chuckles lightly at that, idly wondering if he ever will. Thinks he likes that idea a bit too much at the moment. He needs his full concentration for now. He leans down, touching her immaterial body with one palm, about where here heart would be were she standing there. He feels her though, as if she was physical as his shadow blends with hers almost, slowly wrapping itself around her, through her, almost caressing in nature. Its obvious theres something not totally right, that something is happening, but only one who trained in his art would know what it is exactly he does. *

*he does idly remark though "Your essence within the shadow....It is very pleasant" before continuing*

*He pulls a bit of himself, and his shadow from him like a thread, and slowly begins to change it, the end splitting into smaller and smaller strands. He does the same with a very small part of Shadow til they touch, the tendrils of the two shadows merging as they intertwine with each other, becoming one. What is lost is replaced, but of the other so they always carry a small bit inside them. This allows her to do many things, such as be a shadow, but solid at the same time, to be vwery felt, and feelws, but have the fluidity of shadow, and to an extent be changed. He has a flash of the last time he used something like that, several shadows solidifying, becoming sharp like razors as they fell and flew, slicing attackers severely before they ran away then becoming mere shadows again, attatched to their trees and bushes.*

*he stops one last time, just before it is finished, and simply asks "Are you sure? I've not done this one on one like yourself, but all things have gone normally and I see know idea why it wouldnt. But their -could- be other odd effects."*
*chuckles* That you are. Though I have yet to really exercise that control and may never.

*Finishes, pulling himself from her, all that stays connected to her form being the bits of himself that will now be a part of her always, and the same of her in him. He can now feel her faintly, but a call away, a summoning before she is at his side. He smiles as he steps back, his shadow reluctantly following*

Im going to test it now.... Kiss me... *Shows her with his thoughts what to do, how to become solid, imparting the knowledge as he initiates the change in Shadow's shadowy form, drawing it upwards, solidifying it and giving it the characteristics of flesh and bone, now able to do all she can in her human form but without features, a body of purest black with changeable texture and shape*

*Glides silently forward, a solidified, three-dimensional Shadow. Embraces leopardlover, pressing shadowy, featureless lips to his.*
*wraps his arms around Shadow loosely, feeling her lips move over his in a long, slow kiss, one that leaves his breathing a bit hard when its ends.* uh...Success I think...*cant think of much else to say right now. Is rather enchanted by the kiss*
*giggles softly pulling away form leopardlover and returning to human form*

"Cool. I think I can go between the three forms now at will! Though you do seem to have a certain ... influence over me when I am a Shadow."
