The Pillow Pit. (Semi-OOC flirt thread.)

Yeah! Not on fire!

At least not the physical, smoky, burn down your house kind of fire!

Yeah for younger siblings and best friends who evaced my pets and my important stuff at the risk of fire on the ridge above my house.
Cal fire stopped the fire before it reached the houses in my area, so yeah them too.

How's everyone?

*Shining Wizard kicks Ab out of the way and proceeds to lightly bare hug Vixandra*
Alright, alright, so I made a typing error. I meant bear and you know it!
Resist this!

*Snaps fingers, causing a large burning meteor to slam by Ab, then another, and another, then a furious rain storm of falling meteors all aimed for Ab.*
You know some astronomer is watching this and is confused out of his mind.

Well vix, tumble or some one started asking for boob pics of people. If you want to I would do that so we can move on. Or we could just move on.
hybirdx said:

*Shining Wizard kicks Ab out of the way and proceeds to lightly bare hug Vixandra*

Hey Hy-kun! *returns hug*

Still in arguments with cable company about getting lines run out to my place so no internet as of yet. *growls*

Soon perhaps...
*smirks* seems i've missed some pictures

and oddly enough, what Hy just did is somewhat similar to what i might include in a book.
Hi Vix!

And I am spent.

By the way teaching speacil ed is hard.
*shocks the maintenance catgirls into wakefulness and gets the lights turned on and such*

Well I'm here, at least...

One of the most craptacular things about working nights is that no one's awake when you're ready to go do something.

well, although it IS true i am sleepy and ready to crash, i am techinically here lol.
See what I mean? Its equivocally 3 pm for me and everyone's asleep.

Least I found the internet again, so have some entertainment.
Tonight? Covered in flour from baking sourdough bread.

Overall, okay for the most part.

Have my fingers crossed for a new job.
