Anything to help

Rach, you have a fine figure. I prefer the more curvy examples of the female form myself, but I'll post to help your many fans get the views they want.

It's just a matter of time now, so why not bow to the inevitable and put people out of their misery! :D
Re: 100 seperate peoples!

Rach said:

giggles and now is worried she just might have to...

Believe me Rach you will have to! :p
Re: Anything to help

Pechorin said:
Rach, you have a fine figure. I prefer the more curvy examples of the female form myself, but I'll post to help your many fans get the views they want.

It's just a matter of time now, so why not bow to the inevitable and put people out of their misery! :D

I 2nd that!

I know this doesn't count since I already posted once, but how about this for an idea. For your picture (or pictures), pose with a sign that says "Rach's 100 Dare For Bare." It will surely be a landmark event!

Adding a vote to the pile towards 100!

Remember: A promise is a promise!

(Anticipation is growing!)
Re: 100 seperate posts

Rach said:
Hi all,

Its been fun posting and getting all the nice feedback from everyone so far! A few of you ahve been naughty tho! *washes your mouths with soap*

My friends dared me to post a little more and show a little more but I dont know. SO if I get 100 replies here then I will slip off those bra and panties! I love to run around nude anyways :p
hahaha So pretend Im doing a little sexy dance while you post and if it goes to 100 then...

HA! now I got you! See look, you said "100 replies" Not "100 seperate people" or anything like that,be fair now and keep your word.
The people have spoken sweetie....and they want you naked!
Now last I looked there were some 50 some odd posts,you better deside what kind of pose to use cause we got your number now,and that number (100)
is almost up.:D
You guys keep working on this. I'll be back tomorrow to check out the pictures :D
Looking for a hundred???

I will take back what I said before...after seeing a couple of more pics of this young lady I would say she is probably old enough...damn I hate being wrong.....

With me when I'm mistaken I am very mistaken but when I am wrong..I usually get screwed...

read the fine print.. "100 posts and I will, not 100 diff people"

My first post on this thread so add me on .....

Now Rach, you did say 100 post from the get go, so be true and keep your promise .....

And if that doesn't work, how about a double dog dare? How's that for regression back to childhood?
:) ;) :rolleyes:
Here's my vote ... who doesn't like fun college girls? :)~Jeff

.......and counting down..........:D

Sie. xxx
All of us! I dunno about that one...The girls dont beleive Im going to do it either! maybe if we get 200...hahaha...
I dont see 100 posts coming I dont think you guys really love me anymore! Did I mention that my girlfriends bet me 50 bucks too?
Instead of betting you 50 bucks, should have bet them to join in with you. We'd all love to see that!

Rach, your not going to chicken out on us are you?
I've seen youposts in the Ogry Inn, I know that you have an adventurous side to,fet it go,be free....take all of your clothes off :p :p :p :p :D
the girls laughing at ME

ahhhhhh Its close but
no soup for you!
How many now?

Rach, looking forward to seeing you sans clothing.

Please Rach

Please!!! you gotta do it, as an insparation to other women here on lit, I want to do it next month when I get me tax return and buy a digital camera,if you can do so can I,but if you back out whats that say to real scaredy cats like me?
please please pretty please, with candy on top?
Could you take your clothes off for us gals anyway?forget the guys,do it for us.
I count dont I.

A buddy of mine on another list told me to check this girls post out.

Come on honey - get nakid for us!
count me in

Hi Rach, you got a great body so count me in to see that fine body of yours. Your friends should join in the fun.:p :p :p
Ok this has gone on long enough - even I am saying

Show us the Money!!