The Slayer Chronicles

James Casio

IC: I looked at him for a few minutes. The guy seemed to be a little assuming but rather acurate. "James Casio? interesting name." I took a step over to him and began to toy with the wire I kept in my pocket, a small thin light wire, With proper strength it was thin enough to cut right into flesh, problem with that how ever is it could eassily cut into my flesh, so I used it for something else.

"But if you have delusions of me being some one else. Feel free to indulge, it could be interesting." I kept my eyes on him.

Jesus, I thought to myself, 'I haven't seen the bar this busy since Fritzgerald rented the place six months ago. I hadn't even gotten to the one armed guy at the end of the bar. I was working my way towards him, hoping that he wouldn't try to attack me. I sighed. Why had demons, vampires, and other critters chosen my establishment as otherwordly hang out? What did mine offer that other places didn't? I was lucky that I knew that witch. I was lucky that she placed protective wards all over the place. Anyone attempting violence of the supernatural kind would find themselves getting a very nasty shock.

Still, the wards don't prevent getting punched in the face. Sigh.

I had learned to really read people from the couple of years I had been running this place, learned how to tell the really suspicious from the only sorta suspicious. Stupid demons. I often was asked if I had seen the Slayer. Working this gig, I guess that wasn't uncommon. At first, I didn't even know what a Slayer was. Then I met one. In fact, she rented the other room above the bar for the last couple of months. Except I hadn't seen her for the last few weeks, but she had paid her last month's rent, so I didn't really care all that much.

I was making my way over to the one armed man, when he was suddenly approached by someone I had never seen before. I watched as they talked, then noticed that the second man had placed his hand on his knife. I did not need a fight breaking out here. Not tonight.

And then I heard the man with the knife mention slayers. The one armed man laughed. I just had to interject.

"A word of advice, friends. Talking about Slayers in this place tends to draw unwanted attention," I polish a glass as I turn to the one armed man. "My apologies for keeping you waiting, sir. You can have one on the house to make up for it. Anything you want, name it."

Greene turned to look at the bartender. Greene considered dragging him outside and beating him until he told him where to find the slayer, then realized no human would be running a demon bar without being able to handle themself. Greene didn't need to be in poor condition to face the slayer, so a fight with this individual was out of the question. "I was talking to Mr Casio here, I don't know what you think you heard."
Greene did not want the whole bar knowing he was searching for the slayer, but then realized he would have more luck finding her if she was looking for him. He knew slayers worked in secrecy, and could be invisible when they needed.
"In fact forget that. Do me a favour. You hear someone talking about slayers, tell them Greene's looking for her. You meet the slayer, tell her Greene's looking for her. You find anyone wants to kill the slayer, tell them Greene's getting her first. Now, you gotta room to rent?"
Greene turned to Casio. "You want to keep talking, come to my room. I think it would be in your interest, I hear a lot of people are none too happy with you about New York."
Mordecai allowed himself a tight smile.

"Good. Meet me in an hour's time at Bruka's speak-easy, near the Southside"

He gave directions. Bruka's place would do to begin her training. It had become something of an unofficial neutral ground in Chicago's dark underside. It was a good place to point out to the Slayer her new enemies.

With that thought came a certain guilt. Her new enemies. She sounded so terribly young and lost on the phone; drowning almost, and Mordecai was only going to push her further in. Like a good Watcher. Statistics whirled through his head like Cabbalistic numbers: most Slayers never lived to see their twentieth year.

He finished, and added, before hanging up: "I'm sorry, kid. You didn't ask for this".

It wouldn't, he reflected, be much of an epitaph.

It was as he was gathering his coat and hat that the messenger came. A slight flicker of flame behind his eyes, a slight, scaly rasp to his voice: probably half-demon, but weren't they all?

"Vincent sends his regards"

"How nice. Does Vincent send anything more substantial?", answered Mordecai, loading the chambers of his revolver and slipping it into the pocket of his trenchcoat.

The messenger shoved a map towards him, with a large encircled '2' scrawled on it.

Mordecai knew many oaths and swear-words, in a variety of different human and demonic, living and dead languages. He used most of them over the next few minutes.

Two Slayers. No wonder the Cabbalah had given him such a headache. How could this be? It didn't matter. As soon as he had the first Slayer in hand, he was going to have to go back into that concrete hell below his office and begin looking for the other.

The messenger shifted from one foot to the other, not leaving, as Mordecai headed for the door. He didn't bother locking the place up; he had nothing to steal. The messenger called out to him:

"You know, it's customary to give a courier a tip"

Mordecai gave him a very weary look.

"Here's a tip. Don't push a guy who's having a very long day and carrying a loaded gun too far"

The messenger grimaced sourly. Mordecai blew him a kiss.

Half an hour later, he was at the speak-easy, nursing what was euphemistically called 'a Scotch coffee' and looking for his Slayer.
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I looked at the man who had been talking about the slayer. He expressed the need for me to give him any information I heard regarding the slayer. I took in a deep breath and looked him square in the eyes. His eyes locked with mine, he wanted to attack me. Whether human, vamp, demon, or whatever, that look never changed. He asked for a room.

"No, the only room is still technically belongs to someone else," a half truth. There was an "unoccupied" room as I hadn't seen Jayde in a week, but she had paid and she had another week and a half before rent was due. And this little prick sure wasn't going to get it before I knew that Jayde had either moved on or, unfortunately, been killed. I didn't break eye contact with the man.

"I think Rolen down the block has rooms. Check with him," stopped him as he and the one armed man began to leave, "Again, it isn't good to go around looking for slayers. Especially here."

It was only a couple of minutes before a man I did recognize entered my place. Mordecai Glixman, of the detective agency of the same name. He was a bit of an enigma to me. Hell, most of my customers were, but he was the only one I'd give information to freely. I dunno.....guess I trusted him a bit more than the others. Maybe it was because he was often the only human I'd see enter this speak easy for weeks on end. This is definately not how I envisioned living in the Windy City.

I served Mordecai his usual Scotch Coffee. He sat down at his usual table. He looked like he was waiting for somebody. The military man hadn't left. He was hanging around, maybe looking for a chance to attack me. I thanked my foresight when I hired that troll, Rodney, to be my bouncer. Trolls make the best bouncers. No one ever wants to fight a troll, and if the troll gets hurt in a fight, he gets back up very quickly. Got to love regeneration. But the military man had turned his focus to Mordecai as he entered. Or it seemed that way. I decided that Mordecai needed to be tipped off.

I scribbled down the following down on a napkin:

Mordecai, the military type near the bar shows way to much interest in Slayers for his own good. Thought you should know, enjoy your free drink.- Bruka

I signaled for Rodney to come over as I poured another Scotch Coffee. I had him deliver it to Mordecai, with compliments of the house. Mordecai read the note and looked at me. I nodded at the military man. Ball was in Mordecai's court.

Greene sized up the bartender with clear hostility. He knew he was hiding something from him, knowing more than he wanted to tell.
But Greene also knew the bartender wouldn't refuse him so bluntly, so aggressively, without being able to back up his argument. He could see the surly troll waiting by the entrance was in his employ. Greene had fought trolls before, often having to deal with them as bodyguards, but had never enjoyed it. It took so damn long to finish a troll, and he always picked up some pretty serious injuries. In Helsinki he'd lost his entire lower jaw to a troll's punch, and it had taken a long time to get it back. He wasn't looking for the same again.
"No rooms, that's too bad. Think I'll stick around, make some new friends. Tell your animal to back down, I'm not about to start anything here. Get me a glass of bourbon and we'll call it quits."
"But remember what I said. Anyone who has anything to tell about the slayer, tell 'em about me first. It's Greene, remember. I'll be at the table at the back."

Jacob stormed into the bar, sore and now in a rather foul mood. His encounter with the Slayer had gone as well as could be expected, neither one dead, Jacob bruised and still alive. He adusted his jaw and grumbled, it seemed that the Slayer was doing side work as a damn boxer. He had managed to knock her on her ass for a moment and took the oppurtunity to make a break for it, he was in no condition for a fight. Now he intended to sit, have a drink and sell his information to Vincent. He had a good relationship with the barowner/tender there, Seth and he plopped onto a stool.

"Well Seth, had a real fucker of a night here! I met the new slayer and I've come to a pair of conclusions. 1, she's cute and 2, she's got a mean left hook! Give me a uh, vodka rocks, something to take the edge off the pain. God damn, that bitch hits hard!"

Jacob handed him the money and slammed down the drink, motioning for another, this one to sip. He was cranky and sore, some poor human would pay for this later on, that's for sure. He drank quietly, sulking, pissed about how bad he had gotten whooped. He didn't even really work for evil anymore, he was freelance now, no sense in picking with the Slayer. Damn, this was only going to get worse unless he made a few friends or he got better at fighting. Miserable options really.....

Greene heard the door burst open and watched the vampire storm into the bar, going staight to a bar stool and talking to that damn bartender. It was clear that the vampire was viciously pissed off, not just from his actions but from his face still twisted from whatever confrontation he'd just come from. A heavy bruise was evident on the vampire's face.
Greene knew that in a town like this, the only thing that could tangle with a vampire was either a demon or the a slayer. From the manner this one was talking to the bartender, Greene could seee he was a regular, probably a well known vampire around here. A demon would not be likely to attack a respected vampire. Greene knew this one had fought the slayer.
He tucked a rounded stake into his belt before getting up. Greene could handle most vampires, as the most common thing on the streets in places like this, but was always cautious when approaching one. Vampires were cunning, and in temperament almost humanlike, but Greene knew essentially they were animalistic, inevitably only concerned with blood.
"From my interpretation of events, I'd say you got lucky."
The vampire turned to look at him.
"I know only one thing that could do that to a vampire. If it's what I presume it is, you definitely got off light."
Greene leant down so the barman couldn't hear him. "You feel like showing me where the slayer went, you got my gratitude. You also got my money, and you got my protection. Deal?"

Greene turned as he spoke, to look at the private eye type sitting in the darkness. As Greene was sat in the bar, he'd been looking around, sizing up the various demons, vampires and humans, trying to read as much as he could into their intentions, wondering if they were a threat. What concerned him was that this private eye had been doing the exact same, and seemed especially interested in Greene.
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James Casio

IC: I wasn't concerned with this person nor ws I going to deal with him. It was a fluke he was able to figure me out, and I've had years of practice avoiding my existence so it was clear he couldn't prove it was me, not even to himself. Like so many in my past he is harmless. Besides if he wants to kill the new slayer he can go where ever she is and have his way with her, not like killing one person will put me in danger.

The bartender had offered me a free drink and it was now in my best interest to use it. A person walked completely calm as if he was completely famialr with demons, and vampires, very unbecomeing of humans except for watchers, still he isn't a watcher. If he was he'd be more stiff; they are a prim and propper lot of morons, and that doesn't seem very much like this one.

"I'll take a rain check on that drink of yours." I spoke clearly to th bartender over the looney looking for a slayer. I'll be back for the drink or I won't eitehr way doesn't really matter, but I'd like to distance myself from the guy who jsut walked in, something about him strikes me as unwanted. How so I don't know but all the same no point staying here.

I reached the door adn in walked a vampire, with some tears in his cloathing and looking fairly sore. Aparently I am not the only one haveing a rough go of it. I opened the door and walked along my way down the street, fi I can't find vincent I supose I should go on to anotehr source.

OOC: Hey, just wanted to let you guys know that it's fine by me if you use my character to get drinks or make small talk with. That way, no one will be hanging around missing plot elements because you're waiting for my dumb ass to sign on and post. And now on with the show!

IC: The military man grabbed me, fire in his eyes, wanting to cut my heart out after I flippently denied him a room. I wrapped my hand around the katana I kept behind the bar. The blade was almost as old as my ninpo technique, which I learned from master Hideki back home, and imbued with the fighting spirit of all of it's past masters. It was incredibly strong and two thirds of the reason no one fucked with me in my own bar. The other third was the seven foot, four-hundred pound beastie named Rodney. Rodney, fresh from delivering his note to Mordecai, took three steps towards us ready to tear this guy limb from limb. I raised my hand to him.

"Don't worry, Rod, I don't think we have a real problem here. Or am I wrong?" I raised an eyebrow at the military man. He released me and with a snarl let me know what he said about slayers stuck. I smirked as I poured him his bourbon, but I used the watered down bottle I normally saved for the ridiculously drunk patrons. Just then, the door slammed open and in walked a familar face, his clothes all torn and him sporting a big bruise on his jaw. I laughed at Jacob. Sure he was a vampire. Sure, he was one of those off color types that regular frequent dives. But if he was good for anything, it was a laugh. Especially when it came to getting his ass handed to him.

"You run into a girl scout there, Jake?"I said with a smirk, "I keep telling you to keep your right up. You know I'm more than willing to give you a few pointers to keep you one step ahead of anyone looking to drive something sharp, wooden and pointy into you. Or if you prefer the just been turned to dust look, that's fine too. I just don't want to lose a customer that can put'em away like you do."

My conversation was interrupted by the military guy. He was really starting to get on my nerves. Rodney hadn't been in a fight for a couple of weeks, so I thought about siccing Rodney on the jerkass, but decided against it. I saw as they leaned down in a whisper. Silly military guy. Did he really think I didn't know what he was talking to Jake about? I laughed again. It would really surprise me if Jacob didn't just take his money and run. I looked back at Mordecai. He was growing more and more impatient. I had Rodney take him another drink.

It was clear to Greene that the slayer was in Chicago, but every underworld charcter he'd turned to had denied knowing of her, and seemed unwilling to take her out. Even the vampire, and the fugitive Casio, did not want her dead. The bartender seemed intent on stopping Greene finding her altogether, resorting to blades, and that stinking troll. He grabbed his drink from the bar, looking at its dull oiliness with distaste. He sent the bartender one last warning glare, and walked over to his table. As he passed the private eye type, he stumbled and fell to the floor. Getting up slowly, he continued to his table. The private eye had given him a look Greene thought was reserved for the foulest of demons.

He sat at his table and tasted the so-called drink he'd been given. Under his table, he looked at the card he'd taken from the stranger's pocket as he fell. Mordecai Glixman, Glixman Detective Agency, and an address in a part of town he didn't yet know. He didn't recognise the name, but wasn't concerned anymore. The detective types rarely took any immediate action, preferring to run events from above. He was also sure he'd felt an old revolver in Glixman's coat. That for Greene settled that the man was human, he didn't know of any other that carried firearms. Besides, plain bullets could do little damage to Greene's body.

He left the bourbon on the table and walked to the door. As he left, he called to the bartender, "Hey - as of now, you might need better security than that reeking troll and your penknife behind the bar."

Greene carried on outside to the edge of town, where he'd seen the whore on his way in. He spoke to her for a minute, and arrnaged for her to wait for him behind the pawnshop nearby. Once he was satisifed she'd gone, he sought the vampire scent he'd been aware of since getting to Chicago, the scent that even humans came to recognise in enough time.
He found the vampire in the shadows of the hotel on the corner. He was fresh out of the grave, burial shroud covered in soil from fighting his way out of the coffin, still dazed and weak from the ordeal.
Greene slid a short stake from his sleeve ito his hand, showing it to the weakened creature. "You," he said, "are going to go behind the pawnshop behind me. Behind it you'll find a girl. She's yours, drink her dry. But listen to me - leave her where she'll be found."
He watched the vampire thinking, saw it realizing it had little choice, and that a defenceless meal was what it needed. Greene waited as the vampire stumbled off, smiling as he heard the whore's screams. A few more like this, and the slayer would be here in no time.

Jacob let out a sharp lil laugh at Seth's girl scout joke, rolling his eyes and taking another swig of his drink. He didn't mind the heckling that Seth gave him, they were on good terms, he just didn't want to hear it right then. Between his sore jaw and the strange military boy that seemed to be pumping everybody for info, it was just all a bit much. He offered him no info, not that he didn't like the prospect of the money from him but he knew that Vincent would probably pay double that. Always play your information cards for maximum value, that was the rule around here!

"Ya know Seth, if I didn't happen to like you and know that Rodney could break me like a twig, I'd get mad at your jokes. As it stands, I was attacked by the Slayer, lil ole me, attacked! But I gave almost as good as I got because I did knock her on her ass a few times. Hence I'm not a pile of dust, thank you very much! Besides, if I had been dusted, your life just wouldn't be complete without me, so there."

Jacob smiled wryly with that and then relaxed, the bar was neutral grounds so he wasn't in any more danger. He knew the regulars, Mordecai was there and looked his usual happy self. But strangely, no Vincent to be seen and that was a rare thing. Vince was here so much, you'd almost think he owned the damned place! He finished his drink, the booze already starting to make him feel better and asked Seth.

"So, where is Vincent? Not here plotting humanity and inhumanitys doom?"

Vincent grunted, and reached over for his coat, sliding out the cigarette case. He opened it, and took one out. He stood up, setting the case down next to a very large, ornate lighter. He lit his cigarette, and stretched.

She had been remarkable. But then again, he hadn't been with one of his own kind in a while. He sat down next to her, taking a long drag of his cigarette. He looked over at her, and grinned. "I'd offer you a cigarette, but that seems to much like going around in a circle for me."

He laughed. "Anyway, I got things to do. You can stay here, you can not. Whatever suits you. Don't kill the help. Butler's named Max. Do whatever ya want, sexy thing."

He began getting dressed, preparing to head back to the speakeasy. Glixman would probably want more answer, and he had webs to care for. But still, it was shaping out to be a good night.

OOC: Looks like neither slayer is around anymore, at least not posting (which is kinda holding up the story, cant have a villain without a good guy) - i know of at least one girl who would step in and play either slayer, and step out if the originals show up again: whats everyone think?

IC:Greene had now engineered the deaths of 6 different girls in the last two hours. He knew at least 4 of them had been found, word was going round on all the usual channels that there were a few more vampire kills than usual tonight, and all in the same area. But there was still no sign of the slayer, and Greene was getting tired of waiting. Patience was not one of his virtues. He rubbed at the brand on his wrist, placed there decades previously by his tormentor - in spidery, italic writing the words DOLORIS - the latin for grief - and TEMPUS FUGIT - time flies, a symbol of his employer's power over the temporal. It was there to remind him of his torment, and that he was in servitude for as long as was deemed necessary. He knew he had become evil of the kind he used to despise, an individual without morals, barely human any more, relentlessly following his orders in the hope of death.
"Fuck it," Greene thought. He had gone through almost every option he had in finding the slayer, even his lures hadn't worked. He decided to try to use what others knew and he didn't - he would go to the detective's offices, and try to find any information he could use.

It had taken a long time to find the run-down building, hidden in one of Chicago's many back-alleys. The battered door eased open as Greene leant on it. He stepped inside. There was a desk covered in papers, a crucifix ready on the desk, the usual for a private eye involved in the supernatural. There were also several black candles, some vials of coloured sands, ancient books on the floor in the corner. "So the private eye does alittle magic," thought Greene. "Better look out for protective curses."
He could see there was little here to help him, the surroundings told a lot about Glixman himself but little about the slayer. He saw the curving stone steps leading down and out of the room, heading towards them. he looked around before starting down them. He recognized the rune on the wall halfway down the steps, an old Roma method of defending houses. If the rune was rubbed off the wall, anyone could pass through whatever it was protecting. While the rune remained in place, any entering other than the one who placed the rune would suffer massive pain, eventually resulting in death as their heart tore open. Greene didn't exactly have a choice, knowing he had to get into the underground room to discover what Glixman knew and he didnt. He started down the staircase, with every step the agony in his chest growing fiercer. He hadnt felt pain like this for a long time, not since the Thresher demon in Greece had removed half his skin, and it was growing worse. He was doubled over as he reached the rune, blood from his splitting heart flooding his lungs. He collapsed against the wall as his heart tore open, rubbing away the rune as he hit the ground dying.

An hour later, he got up slowly, testing the strength of his newly repaired body. He spat out blood, coughing the last of it out of his lungs. Remembering why he was here, he continued down into the underground room, a sprawl of case files, black and white photographs, old books, ashtrays and papers. A typewriter sat on the desk, an old gramophone in the corner. A Chicago phonebook lay open by the typewriter. Greene walked over to it, sweeping away some papers and case notes. Each entry had intricate sums written next to it, going back hundreds of pages. This would have taken a lot of work. The sums ended at one number, circled in black pen, with an arrow saying just one word - "her". Greene smiled. Glixman had found what he was looking for, and now so had Greene. He memorized the name and address.
He retreated back up the stairs. It would be clear to Glixman that someone had been here, particularly because of the rune missing and the puddle of Greene's blood in it's place. He saw no point in trying to remove the evidence, magic was unfathomable to him. He continued out of the office and stood thinking in the street outside. If Glixman had found the slayer, he would not be sitting in a bar unless he was about to meet her. He contemplated heading back, but then realized trying to bring down the slayer in such territory would only result in a fight with the slayer, at the same time a fight with the troll, as well as that bartender, as well as the private eye, and any other scum in the place that might join in. He would survive, but the slayer would get away. No, he thought to himself, better to try to weaken her first. He recalled the address in the phone book, and began to walk.

Almost right on cue, Vince strolled back into the speak easy and Jake couldn't help but smile. This "guy" so to speak was like clock work, either here or home, manipulating someone for his own personal ends. He finished his drink, cracked his jaw and walked over, smiling slightly as he did.

"Vincent, my favorite less then human creation! We seem to be having a mutual problem and I have information. You know, the kind that costs money and you will like alot. Interested? I know you are, I can see the corner of your mouth twitching like you want to tell me where to go and what I can do when I get there. Telling you Vince, it's worth yer time and cash though, so you be the judge."

Well, knowing the way Vincent worked, information won out and they headed to a back booth. Jacob filled him in with what he knew, the slayer he had been in a rumble with, her general fighting style, description, the works. Well, it was worth 100 bucks and Jacob was quite happy with that. He pocketed the sum and left the table, leaving him with one bit of info.

"The military guy that's rampaging about, he's valuable. He's looking for the slayer for different reasons then most, I think he's in debt. Might want to try and cut a deal with him, have him do your dirty work."

Jacob left the bar with those words, smiling to himself, he felt rather accomplished tonight. Got his ass kicked, sold information, made a new friend. Yeah, good night so far!

Vincent dealt with Jacob. He was a bit of an annoyance. Especially since he always said 'Vince'. He should really have him beaten up on side and down the other, but he was good with information, and doing some of Vincent's dirty little errands.

He had information on one of the slayers. It was useful, so he filed it away, paid him, and then got up. Glixman was there. Vincent sat at the bar, watching him.

"So, Seth, anybody come in, asking stupid questions?"

Vincent was good people, at least in my mind. He never started trouble, but was quick to finish it. I always enjoyed the conversations we had.

"You know it wouldn't be a night here at Bruka's if there wasn't somebody asking stupid questions. In fact, you just missed this stiff military type asking anyone and everyone about the Slayer. Tried to pay Jacob here for some information. Hell, he even tried to start up with me. Rodney was about to tear him apart like tissue, weren't you Rod?" Rodney just grunted. "That's our Rodney, always the chatterbox. Anyway, what can I get for you, Vincent?"

"Vodka on the rocks, Seth."

He looked over at the Troll, and grunted. He took a long drag from his cigarette, and glanced around the bar.

"Hmm. Nobody ask for me than? Seems a pretty quiet night, tonight. Must be because everybody's gettin' staked."
James Casio

IC: I trhew my cigarette down on the ground and steped on it. "Peacefull night, would be quite nice if I had a stable place. But hey when you ice a slayer you know dang well people will be coming after you." And this why I am here aren't.

Watchers will investigate the death of that girl back east. If they do that it's only a mater of time before they figure out who I am. Their history regards my two brothers as The Twins, powerful demons and a force to be recond with. They were all to happy to get rid of them, and to be honest I don't miss them any either. They drew to much attention, and that makes it a little bit dangerous for us. It also is what drew that slayer to us in china, and it doesn't take much inteligence to relise if she can beat them she could of beaten me, so I hide tailed it out of there. The only reason I am still a live after my fight with the slayer is ebcause she was expecting some one else.

"Now I supose I should get back to finding a place to stay for the night."

OOC: Looks pretty clear that the Slayer is no longer around, which is really slowing up the story, can't be the bad guy without having a good guy. Suggested it before but got no response, but I know people who would stand in for the slayer, and would step out if she comes back. She has posted here before, anyone know the user name mountbatten? Either way, this place badly needs a slayer, fast.

IC: Greene found the slayer's house with little trouble. Hidden in the suburbs near the edge of town, closer to the good side than the bad, the place was very nearly a mansion. Several lights were on, and he could see movement inside. Greene got over the wall surrounding the property with some difficulty, and then got close enough to the front door to see the two men waiting outside talking. From the way they stood, it was clear they were guarding the place. Taking them out would be noisy, and ideally he needed to have time alone with the Slayer's nearest and dearest.
He moved silently round to the back of the house, finding another main door. This was guarded by only one man, a much better option. He'd already found each ground floor window locked, this was his only way. He moved slowly round the sentry, his back to the wall of the house. He stopped immediately behind the guard, sizing him up. The man was smaller than him, and wouldn't be any real trouble. He could see a bunch of keys on the guard's waist.
Greene moved up close behind him, and then imperceptibly put his left forearm under the man's chin. Moving quickly, he put his right palm on the back of the man's head and pushed up and forwards. This method was a favourite, as instead of breaking the neck it effectively dislocated the head, far quieter. He'd learned it in Prague, when a Royal Guard had done it to him.

He dragged the lifeless guard to some nearby bushes and took the keys, letting himself into the house silently. He slipped up the stairs and found himself in a corridor, with at least four rooms, two on each side. He heard a young girl behind one door, talking, it sounded, to a pet. He put his eye to the keyhole of the room opposite, and saw a young man. Greene knew this had to be the Slayer's brother. He drew the bladeless dagger he kept at his waist, designed not for cutting but for stabbing. He stood to one side of the door and knocked softly. The door eased open, and the slayer's brother looked out. "Hello?" he called. Before he'd finished, Greene thrust his blade into the boy's neck. He could see the point burst out of the other side. He was pleased, the dagger hadn't punctured any arteries, only severing the main nerves in the neck. He had died instantly, his whole weight hanging on Greene's blade. He dragged the twitching body to the far room, the only one without a light on. He knew this was the slayer's bedroom. He stepped inside, pulling the body with him. The room was as empty as he'd thought it would be. With great care, Greene forced the tip of the dagger into the back of the slayer's door, suspending her brother's corpse with it, the feet brushing the floor. Putting a finger against the wound, he quickly scrawled one word on the slayer's mirror - Greene.
He opened the slayer's window and looked at the drop. It was easily 20 feet. He could have gone out the way he had come in, but didn't want to alert anyone else. He needed the slayer herself to find the present he'd left. Gritting his teeth he droped out of the window onto the paving below. He heard his ankle snap, and rolled over, his face a mask of pain. With care, he limped away and scaled the wall again. He'd picked up a considerable injury, but at least he'd made things a little harder for the slayer.

Vincent took his drink from Seth. He looked around the room, and then when over to where Mordecai was sitting, standing next to him as he downed the liquor.

"So, Mordecai, I take it you got my message?"
Raven slips into the speak easy .. her dark cloak covering her pale pink evening gown that she had worn for the evening out to the Opera with her parents.. luckily after the intermission she ducked out of there and set up her look alike to take her place.

Finally feeling as though she could breathe easier here, seeing as how here at teh speak easy at least "people" acted like themselves and not any other sort of pretend I like you but really I just want to see you lose everything... and die a poor person

She dropped her hood of her cloak and slipped on her specticles. then slid in the bar. She looked around for her friend Seth, and seeing that he was busy she decided to pick up a chat with the Bouncer, Rodney.

"Hey Rodney, anything fun happen while I was away.."

Teasingly as he always did, he replied, "Not since you showed up, Raven."

Her laughter rang like little bells around the quiet speak easy, "Oh Rodney that is such a sweet thing to say. " she gave him a quick flirty smile and then turned back when she saw Seth get finished talking with whomever else he was talking to.

"Hey Seth, I will have my usual. " She gave him one her special smiles. One where she flirted, with a little something extra thrown in. It was her catty side comming out. She loved hanging out here. It was really nice.. For her it was oddly she coudl her herself and not comment on how lovely Lady Hampshire was in that hideous Plum gown she wore at the opea this evening.. Raven Shuddered just thinking about society make her feel ill.

This was why she diecided she wanted to keep it safe.. which was why she help seth and put up all the wards around here. She looked around and nodded. Good. They were still up.

Looking around she could see it was getting pretty slow here.. and she decided to kick it up a notch slipping off her dark cloak, she looked completely out of place...a young girl in a pale pink gown she looked so innocent. sashaying her way towards the jukebox..and slipped a penny in. Some nice tunes came out of the phone and she began to dance alone on the floor. IN that scandilousl way that she always loved doing .. cause there was no way anyone was going to scoff at her here.