The So-Called Lab Practical


Literotica Guru
Jan 15, 2008
The sun was rising on a crisp autumn morning. Jack was sitting in the college cafeteria fighting a foul mood. He was up at 5 am for his morning swim at the gym. He had showered and shaved before he went to the cafeteria. He had his cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich. He should be in a good mood. But he wasn't.

Freshman year was not all fun and games. He knew that college was going to be harder than high school and that he was an adult now and his 'job' was getting an education. But orientation has been a lot of fun, partying every night. And he had buckled down once classes started. And he was happy with the routine he had fallen into. Swim in the morning, classes all morning, go for a run, homework after that, maybe a lecture in an evening seminar, if not some gaming and then bed. Three meals managed to get squeezed in there somehow.

Life was good. He was on a good track. And he was bored out of his mind.

This was all exacerbated by his psych class. That was the text he was reading right now, and he was a few chapters ahead. Human sexuality. Something he didn't have a lot of experience with. He had a girlfriend in high school, so at 19 he wasn't a virgin. But the stuff in this book. Sheesh. Bondage, dominance, sadomasicism, groups, cum play, tit fucks, just lots of crazy stuff he had only seen on the Internet and was convinced people didn't really do in real life. Well, maybe in Japan.

The sun was blocked by someone. Jack looked up. It was one of the girls in his group of friends. She was actually in his psych 101 class. They hung out with the same people more than they hung out with each other. She had her breakfast tray.

"Hey," Jack said in acknowledgement; going back to his textbook.

She sat down across from him. Some of the others would probably join them soon.

"What are you reading?" She asked politely.

"Porn," Jack answered with a sigh. When she didn't say anything he looked up at her. He wasn't sure what he had expected her to be expressing but a wicked grin wasn't it. It made Jack grin as well.

"Sorry," he said, "I'm getting ahead on my psych reading and I hit the section on human sexuality. I'm pretty sure they lifted it from". He blushed, realizing there were implications by naming that website.

"Or Pornhub," he managed to stammer out, trying to recover. "Or whatever."


Ooc: PM me if interested. Check out my other threads to see my writing style. I let my work speak for me.

Thank you.
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The girl in question he had just laid eyes on then and was now conversing was none other than Danielle Lockhart. She was a very pretty brunette freshman with lots of time for her own hobbies including horse riding and fashion design. She had really enjoyed meeting people at the freshman first parties and getting in on all the local fun stuff, however she was also dedicated to her studies like him.

Her appearance was an interesting cocktail of things , but it was clear she took a lot of time on it to make herself look good. Today she was wearing a black and white striped top, grey faux fur vest and a white pleated skirt, with a black line near the bottom of the pleats, very much in a Japanese style. Then below her skirt, which seemed a bit shorter than it was designed to be she wore sheer black tights and on top of them, below the thigh, over the knee black socks and leather ankle boots. A lot of layers to what might otherwise of been a basic top and skirt. Assorted rings, a necklace and her bag completed her look. She had an innocent and yet deadly appearance. Her hair was up at the back with a black ribbon in it, but down at the front with some straightened hair either side at the front. It could be considered cute and it could also be quite sexy depending on the viewer.

Danielle had been keeping an eye on Jack for a little time in their group of friends. She’d tried to find out more from the other girls in the group about him, but there was little to be had. However seeing her chance with him being alone she had decided now to make her prescience known. He seemed quirky and quite motivated at the same time. She had noticed him in the class they had been in together straight away. The unusual psyche 101. She’d had some things she’d like to discuss about the class and he might also have been thinking the same thing.

Now straight away she was sitting opposite him and talking. The response to her question had been quick, forth coming and not what she has expected. She didn’t respond at first because she was taken by curiosity. Then a grin came over her face because she had also read ahead of the class like him. Indeed, someone she could talk to finally who asked questions.

“Don’t worry…” she said as she took a spoonful of yogurt and fruit, letting it slowly drift into her mouth as she savoured the sweet flavours. Her captivating eyes playfully cheered with the lovely taste of the yogurt as her red lips moved along the spoon. She licked the back of the spoon playfully as the creamy yogurt disappeared to be left with only cold stainless steel cutlery.

“…I love yogurt in the morning.” She added as she put her spoon back into it and took a sip of orange. Her breakfast tray was light, but incredibly healthy.

After the sip she then said “ I also got ahead on the literature and yes, probably all three of those. Funny, you never struck me as a Literotica user…” she questioned raising an eyebrow and smiling as she took a small bite of a piece of apple in her mouth.
Danielle was something of a fashionista. The fur vest, striped shirt, short skirt, leggings, sox, and boots would all scream 'look at me' if she hadn't used a mostly monochrome color scheme. she had her hair up in the back and framed her face with her side bangs. It was quite an ensemble. Clearly she put a lot of time into her appearance, and it paid off. She looked good. Cute and sexy with an air of innocence.

By contrast, Jack couldn't be more different. Today he was wearing blue t-shirt that was a little big on him, but comfortable, under a pair of loose, black overalls, and a pair of sneakers. His hair wasn't long enough to be styled, he wore his brown hair short. He didn't even run a comb through it after swimming, but it didn't really need it. He was definitely a function over form guy, and it worked for him.

As he was recovering from his embarrassment, Danielle took a spoonful of yogurt and fruit. It wasn't quite the fake orgasm scene in the restaurant from When Harry Met Sally, but she was performing fellatio on that spoon. Jack was entranced, watching her take her time to suck the spoon into her red lips and then use her tongue to like the utensil clean. He wasn't consciously thinking of what her lips would feel like doing that to his cock, but it was making the blood flow from his face down to his penis. In Jack's mind Danielle was quickly going from kind of cute and sexy to wanton slut that he wanted to try out all the things in his psych book with.

"...I love yogurt in the morning." Jack smiled at the comment. He knew, knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Psych book had poisoned his mind for this conversation. Normally he could just let a cigar be a cigar, but right now, in the state of mind he was in, the yogurt wasn't yogurt. It was cum. It was his tongue she was twirling in her tongue. His cum she was savoring in her mouth. His spent cockhead she was suckling on and licking clean.

Fuck. Jack knew he should try and clear his head before he embarrassed himself. Or worse, before he said the wrong thing and got the reputation as a creep. But he didn't try and clear his head. He let his imagination run wild for a minute. He needed to get laid. Danielle was pushing his buttons. Maybe she needed a bit of relief too.

“I also got ahead on the literature and yes, probably all three of those. Funny, you never struck me as a Literotica user…” Jack should have blushed at that comment, but he didn't. He was too aroused. His brain was trying to calculate how far he could push things without chasing her off. He knew just asking her to fuck would probably not work. He needed to tease her. To tempt her. To make it seem like they could have a lot of fun together. Maybe even make it an academic pursuit.

What did her pussy look like? Was she hairy or clean shaven? Maybe an airplane strip? What did she smell like? Taste like? And her breasts. He wanted to touch every part of her body, learn all her curves and crevices, make her moan, and then scream in pleasure, leave her shaking in a pool of her own juices after he had her cumming over and over again with just his fingers.... His hard cock waiting to use her for his own pleasure...

Jack shook his head slightly and took a deep breath. He let it out slow. Now was a good time to clear his head so he could think straight enough to talk to Danielle.

"Are you familiar with the site?" Jack answered her question with a question. "It wasn't one of the ones listed in the chapter." He raised an eyebrow of his own. He had to wonder what she knew about Literotica. Did she read all those stories and touch herself, getting off every night to the words a stranger wrote on the internet? Danielle was dressed almost like a schoolgirl, was her innocence a front to hide a dirty mind?

"I've checked out a few porn sites, really, who hasn't these days? Literotica caught my eye because I think erotica is more enticing than just," he felt the blush rising in his cheeks and ignored it, "fucking. More arousing. Any animal can fuck, and most do. That's where baby animals come from." He said the last line off-handedly, pointing out the obvious as a joke. Well, if not a joke, a wry observation.

"Part of me wanted to know more about sex. How it works, what other people think about it. I've even read stories from a woman's perspective. That's very different."

He was tempted to say more, but he refrained. That was plenty. Part of him was surprised he was able to be so matter of fact talking to a pretty girl about sex over breakfast. The question remained; how did he take it from conversation to putting some of his thoughts into action.
His style was simple and straight forward, something which was not necessarily a bad thing for the right woman. Quite a nice fit for her because it let her stand out whilst he could stand to one side. She had a feeling his success with the ladies might be wanting based on his appearance alone, but it was too early at this stage to tell. Some guys could be very normal and unassuming, yet harbour immense intelligence hidden within. He seemed like he might be the latter or be a bit goofy. Danielle studied his facial reactions, really wanting to know what was going on in that ape man brain of his. Where was all that blood pumping? It turned her dirty mind to naughty thoughts, to think on what could be going on under the table.

She then listened to him speak out as it seemed he did have a lot to say. Was he holding back though, most definitely. She wondered how she might push him out if his skin…which buttons to press first and in what order?

His question to her made her raise an eyebrow in curiosity. Answering a question with a question, classic smoke screen stuff. Then as he carried on he blushed as he went into his other exploits online. He was unusually honest for a guy and not many guys would own up so freely. Quite unexpected. Maybe he could give her some more truth.

Whilst he talked she took another spoonful of yogurt like an examiner waiting to mark the paper and seemed to revel in his confession, because that’s what it sounded like. At this point it seemed he might be the kind of mind which would keep her entertained. What was his angle?

“Interesting…your incredibly open about this…it’s quite a surprise…refreshing even..,,I know most guys on the course would quibble to talk so openly” she said as she looked across the table deeply into his eyes putting her hands together.

“To answer your question, Literotica…yes…it came up by chance whilst I was talking to another friend about places people write about…desire and passion…this friend loved to get off seemingly” she said to him knowing full well there was no friend. That was just her own smoke screen to hide her own dirty mind. She then leaned back comfortably in her own chair, seeming to be smug with confidence. Now she wanted to address what he was really thinking. The confession had only begun she thought tasting more in the air

“A woman’s perspective…that’s interesting…why don’t you tell me what you think my perspective is right now?” she said, thinking it was time to turn up the heat considerably. Whilst they had been talking she had very covertly slipped her ankle boots off under the table. She knew how to do this without her hand by using her heel and toe. It was crafty. Her small toes wiggled as they now could feel the cool breeze through her hosiery.

Whilst asking her last question her long right leg slowly extended forwards horizontally under the table like a laser guided bomb. What was he hiding under there. Slowly as she said the word “ my” the sock material of her sock covered toes made contact with that so precious area between his legs. Material touched material and now she could confirm where the blood had been pumping. Soon it would be pumping in overdrive mode.

She felt the bulge there instantly and as she said “perspective” she did a little rotation of her foot in a relaxing figure of eight agitation. It was a very smooth caress and turned her on to give it so covertly. She kept caressing his bulge as she awaited his response eagerly putting her chin between her hands innocently, arms crossed. She may have had the innocent look of a schoolgirl, but her moves were like that of a hunting lioness.
Their eyes were locked together. Danielle could see his every reaction. Only, he didn't jump. He should have jumped, but he didn't jump. He went deathly still when her foot touched his slowly hardening cock through his overalls. He didn't look down, or fidget at all, he just let her foot work its magic for a moment. His face gave away nothing. He kept the same easy smile he had a moment ago. For a second or two the only part of his body that was moving was throbbing under her foot's ministrations. Throbbing and growing. The loose-fitting overalls and boxers he wore did little to constrain the direction of its growth. It was already longer than her foot.

But in that moment, his paradigm shifted.

Despite her outer appearance this wasn't a timid, or shy girl. She wasn't innocent. She was probably more experienced than he was. Not that he could let her know that. He was no longer thinking about getting laid. He was enjoying the surprisingly sensual touch of her foot. And he was considering his options. He had to reciprocate, of course.

Jack kicked off his sneaker and lifted his leg at an angle so his knee didn't bang the table. His socked foot found her extended leg and followed it gently down her thigh, almost to her sex, but not quite. With her leaning back in her chair, he would have full access to her pussy, but he didn't want to stimulate that just yet. So, he rubbed down one thigh, almost touched her sex, moved his foot at an angle and moved up the other thigh, angled his foot again, moving down the first thigh. He repeated this motion while he spoke.

"Your perspective? Well, I'm far from psychic, let alone an expert, so let's consider the possibilities." Still doing his little dance on her thighs, Jack took a deep breath, reveling in the pleasure her foot was causing him.

He reached out and picked up his breakfast sandwich, bringing it in close, as if to start his meal. "You've read ahead in the text as well. So you've been reading this porn as well. The book encourages us to experiment on our own."

Jack took a bite of his sandwich at the moment his foot was coming down her thigh again, getting as close to her sex as it had in the previous rotations, only this time, he didn't move to the other thigh. He extended his foot at the ankle and pressed up against her sex. He estimated that the ball of his foot, the bulge under his big toe, was pressed up against her clitoral hood. Their eyes were still locked together as Jack began to chew, rocking his foot forward and back in tempo with his chewing. Eventually he swallowed.

"Sorry, I don't want to talk with my mouth full. Also, you have a friend-" he pushed forward more than before with his foot. His leg was angled under the table, and e straightened it a bit, wanting to put more pressure on her sex then releasing it as he continued, still continuing to rock against her. "who loved to get off. Maybe you should introduce me. I bet your friend-" he did the move again, pressing against her clitoral hood with the ball of his foot, "would like to help me experiment."

He took another bite of the sandwich, chewing in tempo with the massage he was giving her. For the first time since Danielle's foot had touched his crotch, Jack's posture changed. He leaned forward conspiratorially, his smile turning to a devilish grin as he let the pleasure she was giving him flood his body. He swallowed and spoke again.

"Or maybe you were experimenting with this friend already?" She could feel his cock throb against her foot at those words. "Honestly I don't have a great deal of experience with-" he paused, pulling his foot away from her sex for a second as he rubbed his chin. Then he put the heel of his foot on her chair, pressed the ball of his foot up against her sex and started a rapid tapping motion. "well, most of the things in the book. Until a moment ago, I didn't think people actually did most of these things. I'm willing to listen to your arguments if you want to change my mind."
It made little sense to her. His expressions were very unfeeling and it dissatisfied her that he wasn’t really sweating or having a slight panic attack at her move. Other guys would be on the table right now with that face, tongue out or sweating with pleasure. Although his cock was inflating, his reactions were like a concrete poker face. Like a whale breaching she could his erect penis and feel her foot and toes become smaller as the breaching whale got larger . The warmth of it was coming through his pants onto her toes. Her face was a wicked picture of devilish desire, but all the time he remained statically stoic. He should be panting like a dog she thought with some infuriation.

Then as she was fixed on pleasuring him with her foot and breaking that perfectly focused face she took a deep breath. In that instant she felt the new feeling of his foot go up and down her inner thighs in sequence. Back and worth. She’d been starting to feel a bit wet thinking about the large piece of weaponry he had brewing up under the table, but this new move caught her off guard. Now he’d come back and put the foot on the other person so to speak.

Her teeth gritted together slightly as she now realised he was actively going to give everything back to her he was just receiving. She tried to rub her foot onto his slightly faster thinking she could make him break first. It was a mix of desperation and excitement thst filled her mind.

Then he started speaking coolly and collectively whilst dancing his foot up the soft nylons coating her thighs. The feeling was deliciously seductive and her thighs trembled slightly with this ballet.

Then his foot moved all the way up under her skirt and through her tights she could feel it pressing on the soft cotton of her panties. This made her gasp a little and grit her teeth with desire. Her right hand couldn’t stop itself and instantly went down to his ankle. She didn’t grab it tightly, but she rest her fingertips on it seemingly not want to give him the control to do that. As he swallowed rocking back and fourth her face was a picture of soft pleasure as her eyes closed intimately, her red lipped mouth open with pleasure.

When her added more pressure with his next sentence her thighs locked together tight as her ankles buckled. She could help but revel in this move he made. It was unexpected, but made her very hot.

When he began the tapping then it was a lot more than she could handle…now her hands gripped his ankle very tightly.

“I’ll introduce you” she said keeping it short and sweet as she felt incredibly overwhelmed.
Danielle's hand shot under the table and Jack felt her fingertips on his ankles. Clearly she hadn't been prepared to feel the ball of his foot press up against her clothed pussy. And she had done something particularly interesting. He didn't realize they were allowed to touch each other's feet. Objectively, they were allowed to do whatever they wanted, but in the scope of this little game of pleasure they were playing Jack was being very careful to not turn it up too fast. He wanted to go much farther than just a little footsie below the table in a very public, but sparsely populated cafeteria.

It was breakfast. There were other students around, but it was nothing like the throngs that came about during lunch. If Danielle moaned out there would be people staring at them. Jack didn't think he would care, but then, he'd never been the center of attention for foot fucking before. And would Danielle like that to become part of her reputation. He would likely be lauded as a stud, while she would be decried as a slut. That should be a decision she makes for herself, and not during the beginning raptures of orgasm. He needed to think of a good cover in case she lost control.

It was hard to think with her foot on his cock. She had started moving it faster a moment before she touched his ankle. It felt so good, but Jack also knew he needed to make her feel even better than he did. As he started rocking his foot Danielle's eyes closed and her mouth opened. Somehow making her feel good made Jack's heart race even faster.

He really needed a good cover though.

Just adding a bit more pressure on her clitoral hood made her legs clamp down on his foot and her foot stopped working his cock. Jack smiled. He had won.

Wait. How did it count as a win if SHE was the one getting to cum? Never mind. Doesn't matter. He had won and he felt great.

When he started tapping his foot like he was playing a bass drum suddenly both hands were on his ankle, holding him in place with a death grip as he worked her cunt. "I'll introduce you," she managed to eke out, all without opening her eyes.

"I'd like that," Jack replied quickly and quietly. He put down his sandwich on his plate, took a sip of coffee, and reached under the table with both hands, getting hold of her foot, placing his thumbs on the small of her arch between the ball and heel. Then he doubled the tempo of his tapping. He had been playing a waltz on her clothed cunt. Now it was rock and roll. He wanted to talk dirty to her, to tell her what she looked like right now, tell her where she was right now, tell her how dirty she was being. Jack didn't trust himself to not be overheard with all these people around. Next time. If there was a next time.

But oh what he'd say if he could whisper in her ear.

"I'm going to massage your foot," he said as he lifted her foot off his crotch, careful not to pull her closer. His thumbs pressed down on the arch of her foot and pushed up gently toward the ball of her foot. His foot on her tights was keeping the same faster pace. He really wanted to watch her cum. "All I want to hear from you is harder, softer, faster and slower."

He'd found the cover he was looking for. He trusted her to understand he wasn't talking about the foot massage. But any moans she made could now be explained away. Plus, he was working his thumbs hard into her foot, his hands larger than her foot. That should feel good. Or at least not bad. he hadn't really given a foot massage before.

"It's okay to acknowledge pleasure. Foot massages are supposed to feel good."

Jack had to wonder what would actually happen when Danielle came.
She’d not foreseen that things would escalate so quickly, but it was no matter. This played directly into her hands as well for she’d set out with a goal in mind. That goal had started as a dare by her friends, but now she knew it would be in reach. However it could not be completed here for there were way too many people around. To get him off properly she’d need somewhere more private and she just so happened to have somewhere in mind.

As he turned up the tempo she felt herself getting more wet, but she didn’t want that to be the case here, it was too soon. She resisted the urge to moan or reveal anything to those around. It was difficult to maintain her composure, but if people saw the true nature of her hedonistic ways, that branding would be hard to shift. It was better to do this sort of thing in a hidden way and not expose her dirty laundry in public. She listened to him speak, the calmness of something more in control. He had the power on the footsie side.

“Mhmmm…You certainly know your way around massages” she said, trying to keep her cool. Now she has to draw some lines to get to a final act which would be better.

“I know you want more…I can feel you do…but here is too public.” She whispered as she pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from her bag. On it she took care to write something down. Then she passed it him. It read as cherry blossom arch . This was somewhere most people knew on the campus. It was practically central and gave no indication of the exact place she aimed to go with him.

“Meet me there in 1 hour and we can go off and have some real pleasure” she said with a wicked smile as her hand took his foot and moved it to one side.
"Mhmmm…You certainly know your way around massages” When Danielle said that Jack was tempted to work his ankle faster. He really wanted to make her cum. But she hadn't said 'faster.'. Eyes locked on hers, he kept the tempo steady as he massaged her foot with both thumbs. It was her orgasm, he wanted her to enjoy it.

While he was working her over Danielle found the peace of mind to get out a piece of paper and a pen and write down a note. And she was right. He did want more. The comedian Sam Kinisom had said you should make your girl cum twice before you even let her see your dick. That was a bit of advice Jack had never forgotten.

She moved his foot to the side and Jack retracted it with a gasp. He had the beginnings of e cramp in his leg from keeping it arched and kanted to one side like that. He worked his leg, stretching and retracting it a few times, working the kink out. Meanwhile was still massaging her foot. Danielle wasn't complaining about his inexperience at massaging.

She wanted to meet in an hour at the place on the paper. He released her foot with one hand, still massaging with the other. Cherry Blossom Arch. He knew where that was

Jack left the paper on the table and put his hand back on her foot, working the massage. An hour. That could work out. He would have to leave his first class early but he should be able to make it, skip his second class, make Danielle scream his name as she came repeatedly, then fuck her, cum all over her, and...

Fuck. He couldn't skip class for sex. No matter how badly he wanted this he, theoretically, wanted an education more. It didn't feel like it right now, he wanted to make her cum something awful, but he couldn't sacrifice his future to get laid.

Jack moved her foot back up against his crotch. He wanted to make sure she knew what kind of affect she was having on him.

Jack dusted off his hands, took a bite of his breakfast sandwich as he got out his phone. One hand on the sandwich, the other on the phone he opened up a new contact and handed the phone to Danielle.

He put his free hand on her ankle and pushed her foot Against his dick. "You said you'd introduce me to your friend, and I want to meet her. I owe you a proper introduction to my friend too.". Of course, as far as Jack knew, her friend was a person, while his 'friend' was his penis. It wasn't particularly subtle but he wasn't going to wittyat the moment.

"An hour doesn't work for me. I have classes all morning. I'm freer in the afternoons and evenings. Put yourself in my phone. Then send yourself a text."

Jack's foot moved back up, caressing her leg and one inner thigh, but no further.

"If that's ok with you we can work out a time to-" he didn't want to just say fuck,. Well, he did. He wanted to tell her how he was going to fuck her and how many times she was going to cum, but this wasn't the place for erotica conversation. "-work on out psych lab."

Jack felt himself blushing again. It was funny how saying certain things made him blush, but foot fucking her in public kept him calm.

"If that's alright with you?"
The building erection in his pants confirmed he wanted her more than anything right now. It was like a raging volcano ready to erupt in a shower of fury. He wanted to fuck her and she knew this, it was all in those pretty boy eyes of his. It was funny how much guys gave away with those little shiny diamonds. Whilst he talked she was imagining that big piece of tooling up against her mouth and then it in. The warm pulsating mass within the palm of her hands. The thought of that alone was making her feel moist with desire.

The fact he put classes before her was not a surprise, the brainy always did and he seemed IQ heavy. A normal girl here would have been incredibly offended by this and put out. However she was not doing this souly for the desire to get laid. That was just a bonus, for this was part of a larger game and one she had to win in order to advance. For him, it would the fuck of his life, but for her, he would be just a footnote on her journey through the corridors of power. Although he didn’t know it yet, this was a one time deal. Once she got access to the sorority he’d be out of luck once again.

Now he passed her his phone and she obliged, putting her number into it.

“Oooo, now I feel like your own personal call girl” she said in a very playful tone to him finishing off the details, sending a quick “x” as a text to her number and handing it him back.

She had put in XDaniX with a kiss emoji at the end.

“Well that’s great. I’ll text you about 5pm?” She said to him as she stood up and walked out.

—————————- Time Skip (number of hours)

Hi Jack, slight change of plan, can you meet me at music room C69 in the music tech building. I’m just finishing an instrument rehearsal. See you soon. Just knock on the door when you are here. Xxx
“Well that’s great. I’ll text you about 5pm?” Jack nodded. 5pm was much, much later than he wanted, but if he expected her to adjust to his schedule, then he needed to be flexible to hers. After all, if they both wanted sex, if this turned into a friends with benefits situation, they would be having a great deal of sex in the future. Jack was playing the long game.

He released her foot and removed his foot from her thigh. It took him a minute to get his sneaker back on. He had to untie it and retie it. The sock that had been up against her pussy was just a little wet. Jack couldn't help but grin a little bit at that. He savored that look on her face while he was foot fucking her. Her thighs clamping down on his foot. It surprised him that people did the sorts of things he read about in the psych text. This was not what he was expecting from Danielle after having known her for less than two weeks.

Getting through classes was hard at first. His mind kept going back toward breakfast. He wanted to see her tits, lick those nipples, make her cum from that alone. He wanted to make her cum over and over again until she was so eager and wanton that she would be his 'own personal call girl." Jack managed to buckle down and focus on the lectures, taking his normal scant notes; little more than triggers for his memory.

He had set up all his classes in the morning on purpose. After they finished, a little before noon, he went on a long run and then headed back to his room to do homework. He kept his phone close incase Dani got it in her head to send a sexy text. He was down for a little flirting. He didn't want to start it though. He was inexperienced and just wasn't sure how far was too far. He knocked out his homework and started reading ahead, following the syllabi. The day dragged on and on.

Five o'clock finally arrived and Jack was already at the Cherry Blossom Arch when he got Dani's text. He fired off a quick, "OMW." He ran to the music tech building without breaking a sweat. He didn't have any classes in the building so it took him a few minutes to figure out where room C69 was. Heh. 69. Did she do that on purpose?

Soon enough he was standing in front of C69. He was surprised to find he was a little nervous. Not shaking, but he needed a breath or two to calm his nerves. He raised his hand and knocked on the door. It was do or die time.
The crafty girl knew that as soon as he’d read the text he’d be running over as fast as possible. He was a little errand boy and like a moth chasing her flame. For, she knew he could not resist her beauty and would be drawn thirsty and ready to her like a siren. Perhaps it was merely her intuition, but she also suspected that after harbouring that erection all day since breakfast, he’d be flying off the walls as soon as she opened the door. Because of this she’d she taken special measures.

Danielle had spent the afternoon mentally preparing for the fun to come and considered what she might wear to seduce and ensnare his senses. Danielle was satisfied that what she had chosen would more or less work a treat on him. It was untested, but unreservedly sexy and risqué. She knew this time she wanted to wear less, therefore it would be more for him see. There was no point in hiding now they knew what they both wanted. The dye had been cast.

Then she heard the knock on the door and suddenly felt a dose of excitement shoot through her legs as she recounted the morning in her head. She imagined that big block in his pants swelling up again in her mind. Her hand gripped the handle of the door tightly, ready to let him in, for these doors could only be opened from the inside or with a special access code. Her breath, she tried to keep steady and calm. Then as the cool air penetrated the room she felt a rush between her thighs. The clicking sound of the locking mechanism could be heard as it opened inside. Then a rush of light from above hit his eyes so he was immediately blinded to the inside.

With an extended hand she reached for his collar and tugged him into the room before he could really process what she looked like or the setting for the lights inside were bright. Her nails had a good grip on his collar and did a little caress on his neck as she pulled him in. Like being brought into somewhere divine or completely unholy, it was all a matter of perception to the enterer.

The door then closed slowly behind him with a locking sound showing the security and precautions she was taking with her intimate setup. Then her hand picked up a control to reduce the intensity of the lights above. It was a little remote with a clock type dial on it. The fact they were so blinding was a great little addition she’d only noticed when she got the booking key off her friend 30 minutes earlier. This setup was by far the best thing she could have found - C69 - boring music room to pleasure room.

As his vision would begin to focus he would be confronted with a recording room of sorts. A combination of wood, plastic and nice media carpets. All the walls, including the door were completely sound proofed with wedged foam and that was designed for music use only. Of course Danielle was not always someone to follow the rules in any case. The whole text about being there for recording was a complete fabrication. She had a friend in music school with access and she was simply calling in a few favours. Of course, sometimes she also liked to bestow them…

There was a large recording desk on the rug with volumes mixing controls and a black leather couch on the right. It was well cushioned and high quality. Then through a door on the left there was a further sound proofed recording room where various students came to record. However today there would be no recording…well, not of a musical nature at-least. The room was all set.

Now with the lights down, she would also be coming into the visible. Of course it was the same girl from the breakfast cafeteria, but with some differences. Since she’d seen him admiring her school type skirt Danielle had decided to go for the whole school uniform fantasy trope. She had doubled and tripled down on that “guy feeling” she got from certain guys. She had seen it in his eyes, he wanted easy access. Essentially she’d gone for one mini kitty sexy cosplay costume baby doll style from Amazon. She’s been holding it in a reserve pool of clothes for just this kind of moment. She had an incline that this would have an aphrodisiac effect on that bulge in his pants.

Her “attire”, which could be easily classed as themed lingerie and not something you’d want to be parading around campus was risqué. It comprised of a black tie front crop top that was semi sheer and see through at points. The stretch was good allowing her no need for a bra. This was finished in a red tartan trim and that red tartan continued to below her waist. Here she wore a red mini skirt , which added to the completely naughty outfit and not something to be seen out in unless on Halloween. The plaid skirt was dangerous and boosted the curves of her bum. There were playful lace ruffles on the bottom of the skirt plaid giving it some nice detail.

Under this she opted for simple black hold up thigh highs and a pair of black pointy toe stiletto pumps with red souls . These heels were pure “fuck me shoes” Everything was chosen to aid her image as a pure sex kitten . The black and red chosen because it was dangerous and sexy. In her hair she’d put a coupe of small red ribbons to complete the look and it was one of these ribbons her right hand twirled as she watched him observe her new sexy look. So “innocent”…

“Im Danielles friend she spoke about..I believe she said you’ve come with your friend to teach me a lesson?” she asked him as she stood one heel before the other, the expensive black lace flower patterned thong between her legs unsure what was coming.

“I hope it’s a long lesson, I need it..” she said biting her red lipstick lower lip “…I’ve been a very badd girl” she added knowing this would put fuel on the fire. The next move was his.
The door opened and Jack was immediately blinded. His head jerked back in surprise, his eyelids slammed shut, and his hands went up in front of his face. That was not what he was expecting. Then a hand was on his collar, pulling him into the room. He started to fight it until he felt her hand caress his neck. Jack unconsciously realized this wasn't a fight or flight situation as much as it was a fuck or flight situation. Danielle was being sexy and mysterious. That made a lot more sense with how the rest of the day had gone.

He could feel the light through his closed eyelids, so he turned away from it and started to blink to clear his vision. While he did that he heard the door click shut. The lights dimming helped Jack's vision normalize. He wasn't expecting to see memory foam on the walls and even the back of the door, so he wasn't sure his vision had recovered yet. He spun around the wrong way, taking in the room first. Couch. Recording booth. Mixing board at a desk with a chair. Vixen dressed in black in red.

Fuck. Jack felt the blood moving away from his brain and into his pants. It was Danielle but dressed up as a sex kitten. She was playing with one of the red ribbons she had tied in her hair. Her top was a sheer black thing that tied in the front. Fuck. It didn't hide anything. Anything. She wasn't wearing a bra. Her tits were pressed together and pushed up by the top. Her nipples were hard and begging to be sucked, either through the thin fabric, or Jack could free them by untying her top, most likely with a single tug on one of the strings keeping her from being naked. There was a plaid fringe that went down below her waist, but her belly was exposed, her navel in particular needed some attention. She wore a plaid skirt with a lacey fringe that was so short it showed off the bottom of her ass and Jack had little doubt that is she started walking the skirt would flare up enough to show if she was wearing panties. He hoped she wasn't wearing panties, or if she was that it was something he could easily push aside, like a thong. Then there were a few inches of bare flesh before her black thigh-high sheer tights which ended in a pair of black stilletto fuck-me pumps. Her legs were pressed together.

Fuck, she looked hot. Sexy. He wanted to pin her up against the wall and just fuck her until they both fell unconscious from pleasure.

He could feel his cock throbbing and starting to grow. He doubted she could see it though. He was still dressed in his overlarge overalls and t-shirt. He had the foresight to shower after his run, and changed his boxers and socks, but he hadn't considered this was going to be a private lingerie show. He'd dressed for meeting Danielle at the Cherry Blossum Arch.

Danielle started to talk identifying herself as her friend, the friend that 'loved to get off.' There was a part of Jack that was disappointed, what guy didn't have a fantasy of being with multiple women? But it also made sense. And he had a very willing and wanton woman right in front of him whose every word and action was making it clear she wanted to fuck.

"You are a bad girl," Jack said as he turned away from Danielle and walked over to the mixing board. "I was supposed to meet Danielle here," he took hold of one of the chairs behind the board and started dragging it across the room, "Not her slutty friend who she described as someone who, 'loved to get off.'" Jack angled the chair, shoving the back of it under the doorhandle, effectively bracing the door from opening from the outside with anything short of a battering ram. Either of them could move the chair easily enough, but this guaranteed they wouldn't be interrupted by accident.

He walked up to Danielle, keeping a few feet between them and let her watch him look her up and down slowly, appraising her. After a beat he said, "You're not the slut I was expecting," he took a breath, extending the sentence, "but I guess you'll do."

Jack closed the distance between them in an instant, his hands grabbing her waist and picking her up without losing momentum. He carried her to the wall, pushing her gently, but firmly against the wall then pushing his own body against hers. He felt her breasts crushed up against his chest, her hard nipples poking into him. He bent his head down and pressed his lips against her neck, starting long kisses at the side of her neck, working from her jaw down to her shoulder and back up. His hands moved up her sides, caressing her, rubbing her body, moving up to caress the sides of her breasts. His left leg pushed forward, separating her thighs and letting his much larger thigh press up and in against her sex. Jack was reveling in the feel of their bodies mashed together in fiery passion.

"Such a bad girl," Jack whispered between kisses, "You deserved to be punished. Tell me, how many orgasms do you think you can handle before you break down like the horny slut you are, and start begging for my cock?"
He was certainly being overcome by an intense desire as she could see his reaction to her sexy appearance materialise before his eyes. In his pants a large bulge appeared just slightly as she had expected. The overalls he wore were hiding most of, pity…but he wouldn’t need them on for too long. She knew what she’d done with this attire for it had all been part of her plan. It made her feel a very naughty sense she could do that to a guy simply by wearing what she had. The right cocktail of clothing could a make a guy lose his mind and become a wild beast.

As he called her a “bad girl” she let a very satisfied smile go across her face. It made her feel good. Then he put the chair against the door and her heart went wondering what he might do to her. The danger element was intensely sexual and exhilarating. How might he do it? How fast might he come on? She loved the little “friend” side point they had setup - a fun little way to foreplay. Indeed. She couldn’t doubt she was dressed in a very slutty way, hence the hidden location, but it was too much fun not to dress this way from time to time. What not stimulate him to the fullest if they were going to go all the way.

When he spoke saying she would do it made her feel even more naughty and she let out a giggle, her hand at her mouth caressing her own chin as she looked up and down. In her hidden brain she was imagining him undressed.

Then before she could respond he had his hands on her waist. It was a sudden rush feeling his directly on her skin straight away. Then she felt herself firmly pushed against the wall. Her nipples went hard instantly as she was pinned there. Her bum jiggled as her cheeks gel the coldness of the flat wall. His long kisses soothed the furious nature of the way he’d come. However she likes being handled rough this way, it was very hot. She loved the way he massaged and enticed her breasts out, she had made it very easy to feel them through the material. She was so glad she’d gone no bra now. It was all so much more sensual. Then she felt the strength of his thigh as he pushed it between her slender legs, separating them easily. The feeling of it against the thong pinned her like a mannequin doll.

Her legs in response locked around his thigh as her own hand went down to unbutton or unzip whatever was between her and the larger throbbing weapon under. The slender fingers of her hand dived through a side pocket of the overall to feel the large warm mass contained in his underwear. She began to peel this out and tug away at the material and his member. It felt some warm under his clothes compared to her exposed nature. Her other hand at the same time caressed his cheek and neck whilst she enjoyed her pinned position. She arched her back against the wall enjoying being pinned.

“You know where to place things don’t you? Just like the cafeteria.” She whispered into his ear as the hand she had on his cheek when now to massage his thigh pressed in on her sex the skirt which was already short and ridden up backwards against her wall revealing her sexy little black lace thong. “I only wear the naughtiest for you…” she said in a soothing sensual voice.

“Oh…you’ll be my punisher then? You know I thought you’d enjoy my attire…are you going to start on the wall now with me pinned like your wild animal prey…or are you going to give me a spanking first for dressing so naughty. I’m wearing a really naughty thong I know I shouldn’t be. My skirt is so short. I think you should make me beg for this…” she said as she tugged it again before caressing it with her nails.

“I’ll orgasm as many times as I need so I can your lovely instrument into my mouth…so I can play it” she whispered into his ear again, like a siren, em flaming his passion.

“Give it to me…lose control…” she said in an even more sultry voice as she bit his ear a little playfully.
As soon as Jack pressed his thigh between Danielle's legs, she wrapped her slender legs around his leg, as if she was climbing a tree trunk. Perfect. Jack moved his other foot back, keeping his hips parallel to the wall, and rocked back maybe half an inch. Danielle slid down the wall, maybe a millimeter, but her pussy pressed up against Jack's thigh thigh again. Then Jack rocked forward, putting immense pressure on her vulva and all her sensitive bits. Jack started rocking his leg back and forth, back and forth, starting a slow rhythm as he had Danielle crushed up against the wall.

Meanwhile, Danielle was reaching into his overalls. Most people don't think overalls are sexy. Alot of folks associate them with farms and hard work. Few consider how much easy access they grant to a sexual partner. Overalls are usually the same diameter from the chest all the way down to below the bum. One big tube of fabric. They're held up by the shoulders, so there's no need for a belt or anything constricting about them. It makes them incredibly comfortable. It also allows people to slip their hands inside just by reaching around the denim fabric.

Danielle, with her vision blocked by Jack's body as he pressed her up against the wall, was finding this out by touch. She fumbled with the zipper, which would give her some access to her lusty destination. As her hand explored further, rubbing his chest, she quickly found t-shirt under her palm and denim across the back of her hand. She plunged her hand down and then it was thin boxers with a throbbing hard cock in her palm and denim against the back of her hand.

Jack's response was to freeze. His handz clenched her sides, his lips pressed down on her neck and his thigh rubbed against her slit. All of them stayed there for a split second, and then restarted. This time the rocking hips sped up. Jack couldn't believe how good her hand felt on his cock. It throbbed and jumped in her hand, growing under her touch. He was primed, he's been thinking about her all day. He didn't want to blow too quickly. The truth was he was bluffing quite a bit, confidently acting out a fantasy he had never experienced before.

She whispered in his ear, teasing him as he rocked against her. Fuck, she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Maybe more. She stroked and pulled a bit on his cock making him groan into her neck as he kissed her. She was asking to be spanked and talking about the naughty, sexy clothes she was wearing for him.

In response to his dirty talk she said, “I’ll orgasm as many times as I need so I can your lovely instrument into my mouth…so I can play it”

Fuck! Jack picked up the tempo on his rocking hips, he was pistoning his leg against her cunt now. Was it possible she wanted to suck his dick as much as he wanted to eat her out? Maybe she wanted it more? Nah, that was impossible. But still...

Despite her whispers and the delicious feeling of her nibbling his ear, Jack had no intention of losing control. At least, not until he was buried so deep inside her that he was kissing her cervix with his cock head.

Jack took a deep breath and let it out slow. He put his hands on the wall, pushing him away from Danielle, separating them from the waist up. His thigh was still jackhammering against her cunt.

He held that pose for a moment looking over her upper body. She had her chest pushed out, her titties in display for him in that sheer front-tued shirt. With his hips rocking against hers her boobs were bouncing around, putting on one hell of a show now that they weren't held in place by his chest. He considered untying them, but decided not yet. Instead, after a moment he locked eyes with her and slowly smiled.

"You look so good my little slut."

He held her gaze as he moved his hands off the wall and grabbed one breast in each hand. He caressed them, squeezed them, kneeding them like dough. Finally he caught each nipple between his thumb and forefinger, still holding her tits with the rest of his fingers. He held her nipples in place as her breasts jiggled and bounced from his pelvic thrusts.

Jack leaned in, kissing Danielle's cheek and whispering in her ear.

"Tonight, you are my slut, my cocksleeve, my personal fuck toy. I'm going to use you to fill my desires. That's what you want. To be used. To cum over and over again for me, like the wanton little slut you are. I want you to cum for me, nice and wet. I want you to cum all over my thigh, soaking your panties and my pants. I want you to say it, my beautiful little cum slut, and I want you to do it."

Was he going to far? Was the dirty talk too much? Maybe he should let her suck his cock. Her hand felt amazing. Then he could go down on her and then... No. He knew what he wanted. Let's see how she responded to what he'd done to her and then decude to change as needed.
Her legs tried to stay tightly latched to his leg. However when he moved back slightly she felt herself slide down the wall, but she still felt mounted on his thigh like a trophy. Then his leg began to rock and she felt friction begin to develop giving her some pleasure. It was as if she’d slipped onto a long rail which was now moved back and forth, reacting with the soft lace of her thing. The pressure began to mount on her down there and she made a slight gasp

She couldn’t deny she liked his choice of clothing. It was so baggy and hid all the good stuff. It almost felt like she was the sexy little minx getting off with the local farm boy or mechanic. She wondered if he liked the way she moved and the way she had set this up.

She loved the fact his boxers were thin allowing her to build a picture of the pulsating rock hard cock she cradled in her hand. With some care she began using her thumb to press the top in a circular motion whilst her lower fingers massaged the shaft. She had no interest in rushing the pleasure and knew how a woman used her hands was so key to the guys pleasure. As she began increasing the pleasure giving him he used his thigh more to saw into her slit which she could feel getting wetter. It was like being pinned onto a railing with little control as she was jerked bag and forth. Like a see saw almost. As she tugged him he sawed up into her. Both were getting wetter as every second went by.

His groans were lovely music to her ears and she giggled back in a cute amused way. As she spoke his leg began to move more and rubbed her faster and faster. Now her legs did a small shudder as wetness spread through the thong onto his leg slightly. The pleasure was too much to contain and was building inside her. She wondered how long he could physically hold it in himself as guys tended to just explode after a certain point, given the right motivation.

As he was jackhammering her with his thigh one of her hands grabbed his thigh to steady herself. It was almost like getting cuntbusted, but in a pleasurable and not painful way. She could tell he was loving life in that instant. Some guys loved to make women wet and gasp. Danielle began to let another moan out as she could feel her thing become even more saturated. When he called her his “little slut” this made her moan again and increase her own jerking of him. Her hand took a nice little grip right at the end of his skin and began cupping it up and down whilst she felt the vein expand and retract with blood.

Then as both his hands went onto her breasts forcing her back onto the wall her mind raced with even more excitement. Now he had two hands and his legs working her on all fronts. She tried to take deeper breaths as she felt her heart rate increase. Then he took her nipples and her breasts jiggled under her tight little top. The top held strong though and didn’t fall off. All her clothing had remained on her which is he liked. It kept the whole fantasy going and she loved the feeling of her stockings whilst getting pummelled. The sound of her heels on the floor scrambling could also be heard each time he thrust his leg up and into her.

“Yhmm…you make me so wet…my little slutty thong is soaking through onto your thigh right now….its so wet…” she said as she moaned slowly. Her tongue licked the air .

“Please cum over my skirt, cum over my stockings and my heels…I want to take your big cock and suck you dry” she said as she gripped tighter around his cock with her hand.

“Why don’t you remove your lovely overall and fuck me hard now against this strong wall. You can mount me up on the wall and leave me up there whilst you fuck and eat me.” she said as she looked up to a coat hanger above her. She wasn’t sure whether the shirt would hold her up there, but there was nothing to stop him trying to hang her up by the back of her shirt. As long as he held her up there isn’t might work.

“I’m your little toy after all aren’t I” she said almost riding his thigh as her juices ran all over his thigh and down her own skimpy skirt.
“I’m your little toy after all aren’t I”

Danielle had just cum and she was still grinding her hips against Jack, riding his thigh. She hadn't just cum, she had cum buckets full of girl juice. Well, enough to soak through his denim overalls. He could feel her pussy, her whole hips, rocking against his leg as he stood there taking it all in. His hands were still on her titties, they felt amazing in his hands, but that was her main balance support. Her legs were wrapped around his leg, her stiletto heels giving her very little traction against the ground. Of course her hand was on his cock inside his boxers, but that wasn't giving her much support for her balance. Jack was pretty sure her thumb was covered in precum from all the teasing and stroking she was doing, but that wasn't really where his mind was right now.

Jack was blown away by this girl, no, woman, no, slut. Slut was probably the best descriptor. This slut had just cum, putting on quite a show while she was at it, she came all over his leg like a flood, and she wasn't just begging for more, she was begging for his cum, she was bragging about how wet she was, she was making lewd suggestions on how he could fuck her better. There was no way that shirt thing would work, her top was about to come undone just from him holding her titties, there was no way he could hook her on the wall with that... well shirt wasn't the word for it. Sheer, fuck-my-titties top? And he did want to fuck her titties. Maybe over on the sofa against the other wall. Danielle was really a cock-hungry, wanton, sex-obsessed, cum slut. Jack really only had one thought in his head.


His high school girlfriend had to be coerced into sex, and didn't want to experiment at all. The one time, the one time he had gotten her off with his thigh while they were making out against a wall, she had immediately needed to lay down. And forget wanting more once she came. She couldn't handle that. She was a one and done kind of girl. But Danielle...

Fuck. She was going to be a lot of fun.

"Fuck toy," Jack corrected her immediately. He didn't pause as his thoughts took all of her wonderfulness in. He was bluffing his way through this, and playing a role he had fantasized about playing many times on line, but he wasn't breaking character either. "You're not a little toy, you're a little fuck toy. You're here to be used for fucking. That's it. Fuck toy."

He pulled his thigh back away from the wall slowly, letting Danielle slide down his leg, her cunt juices smearing a trail down his pants. "Stand up, slut," he ordered her. Once she had her balance on those pinpoint heels, he removed his hands from her breasts, squeezing each nipple quite hard before he let her go. He grabbed the tie on her 'shirt' and tightened it back up, crushing her extraordinary boobs together and making them pop up more. He released her shirt, one hand grabbing her wrist that was down his pants. His touch was gentle, tender. Then he pulled her hand out of his pants and off his dick.

"Bad Fuck Toy," he used the insult like it was her name, "You haven't earned that yet. You want to suck my big cock dry? You want me to cum all over you? You need to prove you're worthy of my fuck stick first."

He released her hand, his hands moved to her waist, helping her stand up to her full height, still a few inches shorter than he was. "You did good cumming when your Master told you to." The M word slipped out without Jack even noticing he said it. "But you've only cum once. For a wannabe Fuck Toy who is obsessed with getting off, that's not enough to handle my cock without breaking."

Jack moved his hands down, flipping up her skirt, pulling her panties forward, one hand moving inside, rubbing his fingers up and down her slit. The other hand moved to her mound, rubbing it gently, then running a bit lower and finding her clit. He pressed it tenderly, gauging her response. Was she still too sensitive? Could she handle being finger fucked? Jack was acting rough, commanding her, but it was roleplay. He really did want her to cum again and again. He never got to play with a pussy before, and there were SO MANY things he wanted to do to her. So many things he wanted to try. His other hand pressed his middle finger inside her folds, searching her depths for the entrance to her vagina.

"You do want to be ready when I take off these overalls and fuck you up against the wall. I don't want to break you, Fuck Toy. No one wants to play with a broken fuck toy. No, I want you to cum and cum so tonight I can fuck you over and over until you fall unconscious from pleasure. Would you like that? Fuck Toy?"
She couldn’t believe she’d soaked that expensive thong like that without really missing a beat. He’d really done a number on her and she knew it. He knew the buttons and what order to press them in to make her wetter snd wetter. It felt so weird she thought, that her, such a well bred upper class girl was now acting like the lowest easy sell street girl out there. She felt like some a grade slut banging her teacher in the music room. It was an erotic fantasy to be so bad and not something she’d ever really done before like this. For some reason it was such a drive seeming completely pure and innocent on the outside, but giving this guy before her the other side of her completely. Her inner harlot was alive and kicking in this room and she wanted to let go completely. She’d give him what he wanted and all of her.

In that instant, Danielle could feel slightly loose in her ankles as the effects of wearing her sexy stilettos began to come in. The pointy heels were really quite pinpoint and sharp. She suddenly imagined him tying her up in those heels and the heels stabbing her in the back or butt. That would have been amazing. The mesh of ropes pleasuring her in different ways. That would have to wait though. There was too much going on and she wanted to live in the moment.

As that went through her mind she could feel her hand around his cock also become wetter as the jelly precum started to leak out. Now she has a wet thong and a wet hand. What would he do next? She could tell he was clearing loving it by his breathing and her own. They seemed both hot and even one of the windows in the room had steamed up. The temperature kept rising.

Danielle wasn’t going to let anything end this now whilst it was getting so hot. She probably could have ended it, but her lust said no. Her desire wanted more and so did his. Although in her mind she knew why she was doing this, her mind in that sense was no longer calling the shots. She’d got what she needed in the base sense, but her slut side wanted more. She couldn’t deny that side of her anymore or reel her in. She had to have his cock. The sorority would never have to know.

“If I’m your fuck toy then you’re my fuck boy” she said as she regained her balance onto her heels. She said this in a counter aggressive sexy tone. It wasn’t just his show after all

She pulled her hand from his grip. Wiping her hand onto his overall waist.

“Oops…did you spill something” she teased with a cheeky smile pushing back her hair as she wiped the last of the precum on her hand back onto his overall waist.

She loved the little things he did like adjusting her tie and grabbing her nipples whilst moving. When he spoke about her earning the right to be his fuckstick she played a long and pouted over to him trying to look innocent with her hands behind her back. Her hair trails down each side of her head as she cranes her head side to side, lips pouting.

Then he flipped up her skirt and her heart raised a bear as she wondered what he might do. The cold air quickly rose under her skirt sending a shiver between her bum cheeks. The wet thong was still dripping , like a little like sap from a tree. Then he pulled her thong down which hung on its elastic between her knees. Each time he flipped her clit she winced, but let out a little feline pleasure moan into his ear. The feeling was so good. His fingers were very adept and moved gracefully inside her. It was like being a puppet on his strings. Then the other hand moved in and she wobbled a little on her heels, but stayed upright. Now she really felt like his play thing.

“I’d like you to keep this going for as long as you can master. I’m your little slutty fuck toy and I want you to make me beg you to ravage me…treat me…how you want…my fuck boy master” she said as she began to move her hips in a rotation like a dance with her fingers inside her. Her hands then went down to his wrists to increase the circular motion. She gripped his wrists tightly. As his fingers moved inside one way, she did the opposite making her moan louder and louder into his chest snd neck area. It wasn’t just the perfect next course in this sex buffet.

“I can’t wait till you lift me up by my heels and fuck me master. You can put it anywhere you want” she said in a very sexy soft way. She knew the exact innocent, yet rapid voice that could sent guys crazy.

“I can feel it…it’s coming again m…mhmmm” she said moaning into his ear as her eyes shut soaking in the feeling. A few bits of juice now ran down her leg onto her black stockings…

“Now I’m spilling something…” she said cheekily as she kept dancing her hips with his hands. It was like she was almost skipping on her heels with him. Almost like a sexy gangnam style move. What would he do next?
What a waste of perfectly good pre-cum. Jack almost slapped Dani's ass and reprimanded her. Fuck toys are supposed to eat their master's cum. It took him a half second to break the trance they seemed to be putting each other under and remember that she wasn't his trained slave here for his pleasure. She wasn't trained at all. Not that he necessarily even wanted to train her, he was caught up in the moment, caught up in the amazing raw sexuality of it all. They hadn't talked about their limits, hadn't really discussed anything. Some footplay in the cafeteria had gotten them both hot and now they were feeding off each other's kinks faster than Jack had time to process it.

Then she pushed her hands behind her back, which thrust her magnificent tits up toward his face, and pouted at him and the thought went completely out of Jack's mind. She was calling him Master and proclaiming herself his Fuck Toy, begging him to make her beg, begging him to fuck her however he wanted. Fuck. Jack had gotten so lucky.

Danielle was wincing and moaning as he rubbed her clit. She had just cum, probably from her clit rubbing against his thigh, and she was clearly sensitive to his touch but she wasn't shying away from him. Instead, she was leaning into it. Her whole body seemed to wobble when he slipped a single finger inside her. Fuck, she was still tight. But eager. Eager like Jack couldn't believe.

He was going to try and find her g-spot and bring her to another orgasm that way, but he never got the chance. Her hands gripped his wrists, urging him to move faster on her. Her hips jerked against his fingers, drawing contact on her pussy walls. She was quickly riding his hands, moving her hips around as he furiously rubbed her clit and started pumping his finger inside her. Het tits were bouncing, putting on quite a show, moving in contra-motion to her hips. Her feet were doing something akin to the gangnam style dance, like she was riding a pony as her finger fucked her, but all that made her tits bounce up and down, left and right, threatening to unfasten her 'shirt' again. Jack didn't do anything to constrain the titties this time, he was enjoying the show.

Her mouth kept going to. She was egging him on, begging him to fuck her, calling him her fuck boy master and then announcing her orgasm, and even crowing about squirting, well leaking, again. Somehow she managed to make it sound almost innocent while she was doing all this.

Jack had expressed his inexperience a few times already. He was beginning to wonder if this was a common thing for Danielle or if this was her first time going all out, giving in completely to her secret, inner desires. Was she a slut, or just playing one for Jack? Well no, if she was just playing one, it was as much for herself, if not more, than it would ever be for Jack.

After her second orgasm, while she was still dancing, Jack pulled his finger out of her, scooping up a dollop of girl cum and without a word he brought it up to his lips and licked his finger clean. He locked eyes with Danielle, still rubbing her clit, she was still dancing for him, and he smiled a wicked smile.

Jack leaned forward, his lips next to her ear, "What a tasty little slut you are," he growled, then pulled back. His hand went down again, coming up with more cum, and rubbed it all over her left nipple. He grabbed her right breast with that hand, teasing it, still rubbing her clit and making her dance, as he bent his head down and took her left nipple into his lips, suckling hard, then nibbling a little, then lapping all over her nipple through the sheer scrap of fabric they were pretending was a shirt.

"Delicious." He repeated the process with her right nipple, still keeping her dancing by rubbing her clit.

Jack lowered himself to one knee, still rubbing her clit, he used his free hand to pull her panties all the way down her legs, letting her step out of one side then the other as she kept dancing. He took a moment to smell them, then tucked them into his front pocket on his overalls, the one on his chest. Finally he stopped rubbing her clit and looked up at Danielle's face, through the valley of her boobs.

"Alright Slut, let's see what you taste like." He didn't yell or scream, he said it calmly and certainly with his deep, rumbling voice. He ducked his head under her skirt and started licking at her clit. He licked it a few times, his hands moved to her stocking-clad inner thighs and pushed them apart a few inches to give him more access. He pointed his tongue and licked up one side of her labia, then brought his tongue down and licked up the other. He pushed his lips against her nether lips, pushed his tongue inside her and drank deeply of her nectar. After a moment he pulled away from her and shook his head.

"No. This won't do at all for a Fuck Toy. Not one bit."

Before she could figure out what had disappointed him, she felt his hands move behind her thighs, up her body and grab both sides of her belly. Her thighs were now resting on his shoulders.

Jack stood up.

Danielle was now six feet in the air, her back against the wall. She was riding him, her pussy directly in front of him.

"Better," Jack said, breathing on her sopping, exposed twat.

His hands moved up her body, finding her massive mammaries enclosed in their flimsy, failing prison. He squeezed them both, grabbing her, kneeding her titflesh as he sought out her nipples.

"Much better."

Jack leaned his whole body forward, his hands pinning her against the wall by her tits, and his face pressing into her twice-cummed pussy. His tongue began to give her the lashing she deserved.
He was most certainly a lucky boy. She’d offered herself up to him on a silver platter and now he was taken her one course at a time. She couldn’t really complain, for she was enjoying it just as much as him in as many ways as him.

The feel of his fingers inside her was divine and she loved the way she pulsated with each move. She felt all parts of her body bounce and jingle as she did this little dance on his hands. In her mind she knew this was all just fun and games, as long as she got what she wanted out of it, why worry about how far to take it. The look in his eyes as he licked his finger clean couldn’t help but entrance her. He was clearly a kindred spirit on the debauchery side.

When he called her a “tasty little slut” she merely giggled with nervous and excited laughter. Who knew being called such stuff could be such a turn on. Every time he said something like that she squeezed more and felt that orgasm rush come over her. Then her legs locked around his hand as he smeared cum on her left nipple. Her breasts felt larger and harder as he played with them more.

She let out a moan as he did the other nipple. Then she felt him pull her panties all the way down and obliged him to take them. Clearly he liked her scent and it was almost like a souvenir for him she thought.

Now she saw his wicked face through the valley of her boobs as she felt more wetness between her legs.Suddenly he called her out again and this fast move under her skirt sent her over the edge again. He was relentless. The feel of his hands on her stockings was incredible as he worked his way up her thigh in good order. Each motion of his tongue sent shudders of electric through her back as she winced, moaned and breathed deep.

Then he hoisted her up onto his shoulders now and so she grabbed his neck with her hands to steady herself. Her stocking clad legs tightened around his shoulders as he continued his pleasure.

Now being pinned up and mounted on the wall with zero chance of escape she felt helpless. He was working wonders below her skirt with his tongue. One of her hands gripped his hair as he did this with her nails running through his hair.

“I love it when you put your tongue there you bad boy” she said as she moved in sequence with his pushing her against the wall.

“Thanks for giving my ankles a rest by hoisting me up here…I love it when my heels are up” she whispered as she licked his ear. Her tone was seductive and slow. Down his back she tapped her heels on his lower back, a little dig here and there. Her nails did the same on his neck.

“Yhmmm…your tongue is a punishment of pleasure…this is the perfect position for a queen to sit” she said as she felt herself so comfortable on his shoulders.
While her tits under his hands felt absolutely amazing, how can they be firm and supple at the same time? Jack's focus was more and more on Danielle's pussy. There wasn't much light sneaking in between her legs and his head, so Jack was exploring with his tongue, trying to remember whatever he could from his anatomy class to use that as something of a road map.

Her clit was far from hiding under its hood, standing tall and proud at the apex of her slit. Jack started by licking and suckling on that for a while, each moan and shudder as Dani ran her nails through his hair, egging him on. Soon she leaned over his head, smooshing her tits against the top of his forehead so she could lick his ear and whispered her thanks, and something about giving her ankles a rest. His hands moved down to her ass, squeezing the sides of each cheek, most of her ass was pressed against the wall, his hands then moving down her thigh or up the side of her torso. He wasn't paying that much attention to that. His focus was on sucking and nibbling her clit. Then he wrapped his tongue around her super sensitive nub and started moving his head back and forth enough to really give her a clit job. Like a blow job, sort of, but on her clitoris.

When his neck got tired, he slowed down, and started exploring her labia, running his tongue all over her otter lips, licking up all her girl cum, then getting between the inner and outer lips, the slurpy, sucking noises muffled by her legs and body. Once he had gone up and down her inner and outer lips a few times, getting her all cleaned up, Jack drove his tongue inside her love canal, spreading her open by pressing first left, then right, then running his tongue around in a circle, pressing against her opening starting at the top, then counter-clockwise down and back up to the top. He was hoping to be rewarded with more of her sweet, sweet nectar for his efforts.

How much time did he spend eating her out? It didn't matter. Time had lost all meaning.

Once he was certain she'd orgasmed Jack cleaned her up again with his tongue. "What a good little fuck toy. Cumming for your Master. One more orgasm, cum slut, and I'll let you play with my cock."

Jack moved his left hand off her ass and brought it to his chin and her inner thigh. Pushing his head back a little, he pushed her right leg a bit to the side, careful not to dislodge her from his shoulders. He opened up his first two fingers and slid them inside Danielle's pussy. He held them there for a moment, as he flattened his tongue down his chin, creating a rough, pliant cushion there. Jack pressed his tongue against Danielle's clit and started nodding over and over again, grinding his tongue-covered chin over her clitoris. Then he rotated his fingers so his finger tips were pressing against the roof of her vagina. He started wiggling his fingers around, searching for the holy grail of orgasms: the G-Spot.

He new approximately where it should be. A few inches in on the roof of the pussy. A little patch about the size of a dime that is supposed to feel like wet sandpaper. Rough and slimy. It took him some time to find it. His ex had never let him explore like this. Oh how he wanted to. And now he could with his own personal cock sleeve. Eventually he found it, attacking her clit the entire time. He tapped it, tentatively. Gaging her response was difficult with her legs covering his ears, but once he was sure she liked it, Jack began a focused assault on her clit and her g-spot simultaneously, slurping on her clit while rubbing her g-spit faster and faster, building the pressure on the spot with each stroke into her pussy.

"I'm turning you into my cocksleeve, fuck toy. I'm getting you ready to take my cock deep inside you, to use you for the only thing you're good for, being fucked over and over again, a cum dump, a slut whore who lives for my cock and my cock alone. When I'm done with you you're going to feel empty when my cock isn't inside you, it will be all you will ever be able to think about, being fucked by your Master's tremendous cock. Start begging me for it, fuck toy, beg me for it with your cum!"
His tongue shifted inside her, making her body jerk with each motion. The wetness of his tongue on her wetness made her gasp and moan in exaltation. He kept coming again and again and so did she. She loved the feel of his hands on her ass, the tightness was so hot and the wall so firm.

Now he kept curling his tongue and she felt her body jump out of her skin. It was like an electric shock of sorts through her spin as her legs turned to jelly.

“Ahh…your tongue is so nice…I’m not far….” She mumbled through her panting. She could finish as she gasped in pleasure.

As he did his moves on her Labia slurping and sucking she could help but let the orgasm out she’d been storing. It flowed easily from her as she’d been in the arms of his control. Sh let out a very girlish moan as she held him tightly. The feeling was fast and she leaned back against the wall as a host of chemicals filled her head.

“You know…how to show a lady a good time” she whispered in his ear.

After that his fingers began to work on her g spot and she felt powerless to stop him. She didn’t really want to stop him. It was too good of a feeling. Then she orgasmed again as he hold her to beg.

“Give it to me master. I love your tremendous cock - now feed it to me” she said as she out stretched her legs on him. They quivered in the air as the orgasm shuddered through her.
Her body shuddered again, Jack felt her legs seize up around his head as her whole body shook and she bathed his face in her cum. Jack held her there, against the wall, imprisoned of a sort, but also very, very safe. after she stopped moving he tentatively gave her a few licks on her thighs and over her mons, careful not to touch her clit. He wasn't sure how sensitive she was going to be. As much as they talked of masters and slaves, and slaps and what not, he really didn't want to hurt Danielle.

After a few minutes of cleaning her gently Jack pulled back from the wall a bit. His legs were going to lock up soon, and he really should sit down. He needed to make sure Dani was ok now. He let her slide down the wall, her legs jackknifing up along his chest, her pussy leaving a streak of cum on his overalls, his hands supporting her ass as she slid down the wall until her knees caught on his shoulders. That put her barely covered tits right at his face and Jack took a moment to motor boat them through her "shirt" and take each nipple into his lips, sucking on them through the fabric, letting her feel it pressing against her hard nips. He released them and looked up at her face, smiling at the beautiful co-ed he'd just made orgasm over and over again on his face.

When he spoke it wasn't his deep command voice, but his softer, caring voice. "You ok? Think you can stand?"

As much as he wanted to continue, he also was concerned. He was sure she felt good, he just... he didn't know exactly what he was feeling. He had never done this sort of thing before.
He loved the wetness between her legs and having his face in it. He was like a hungry pig with his snout in the trough. He couldn’t get enough of her juices. Her thighs loved the touch of his lips on them and her bum wiggled a little against the wall in response to his actions. In that moment she knew he had given her a good ride. She was wondering when he might be her turn to return the favour.

As she slid down the wall like treacle as he pulled back she found herself breathing deeply, her hair a bit wet from all the sweatiness of the room. The intensify of the exchange was unlike anything she’d had before. Maybe it was the same for him. He body bent in his arms like a piece of putty or clay. Then he did played with her tits on the way down making her drool a little as she gaped for air. She was more than aroused at how every move was triggering her.

She looked at his face and into his eye deeply. The smell and wetness easily seen on his face.

Her legs and her heels now touched the floor and she stood there a little weak at the knees, but standing. She could still stand in those really tall heels. Luckily she didn’t need to walk far in them.

“Yes, I can stand…”she said in a soft and affectionate voice.

“…and you, can you go another round my big strong man”she said wrapping her arms around his shoulder as her snake like tongue touched the inside of his ear.

“I’d really like to taste you now…” she whispered as her hand went back down to between his legs, her fingers tickling the bulge again. Before he could think she manoeuvred him to the couch and pushed him back onto it. She had a very devilish and implied smile now as she descended to her knees with him sitting. She knew what he wanted and she would be happy to oblige.
Jack had Danielle pretzelled up against the wall, but somehow she managed to lower first one calf then the other off his shoulders and down until her stilettos were back on the floor. She seemed to need a moment to get her balance back. Jack was watching her tits jiggle inside her front tied shirt. He really ought to tighten it up again, it was coming loose. But then, another part of him was ready to fuck her right there against the wall. His legs needed a minute though. Plus, he'd have to fish his cock out of his pants and underwear. His cock was throbbing, and frankly, as big as it was right now he didn't think it would fit through his zipper.

“Yes, I can stand…” Her voice was quiet, a silly smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in close to whisper, “…and you, can you go another round my big strong man?”

Jack grinned as he felt her tongue in his ear and let out a moan. He was going to fuck her, tired legs or no. Jack put one heel of his shoe on the other and managed to kick his shoes off, his hands moving to her back, pushing his 'innocent' little slut up against his rock hard body. His hands slipped down to her ass, holding her in place as he thrust his hips forward, crushing his hard, throbbing cock against her belly and the bottoms of her tits.

"Does that answer your question, my sexy little Fuck Toy?" There wasn't the pseudo-vitriol from before. It was clear 'Fuck Toy' was a term of affection.

“I’d really like to taste you now…” Dani slipped her hand between their bodies and tickled Jack's cock through his overalls. Then she pushed him to the couch. Jack glanced behind him and realized what was going on. His hands were no longer on her ass, she was moving too fast, so while half walking, half stumbling backwards, Jack reached up, grabbed the suspenders of his overalls and pushed them off his shoulders right before he fell backwards onto the sofa.

The other nice thing about overalls that were a size or two too big was that the only thing holding them up were the suspenders. Once he had slipped them off his shoulders, there was nothing stopping the overalls from falling to the ground in a pool at his feet.

Jack landed on the couch wearing nothing but a t-shirt and his boxers, his overalls on the ground with his socked feet inside. His cock was pushing his boxers up, stretching the waistband a few inches from his belly, his uncut cockhead poking its way above the waistband.

Jack smiled at Danielle. "Alright, you dirty little slut. Time for you to get a taste."