The Third Great War

The explosion in the tank camp's armory tent destroys all of their supply trucks, and most of the men. The 3 huge Ram tanks themselves are fine, but each takes 3 men to drive, and there are only 2 tank jocks and a handfull of Rats left.

Farren's droid catches sight of the captured DCP mech bolting back towards the valley warzone. The mech has a good head start, but he's still well within range of the heavy railguns in the Ram tanks.
USNS Light Horse
Approaching Mars

03:45 hours.

Commander Simon looked over his ploting chart and approved the notice that his destroyers and frigates were beginning their mission.

His Radar officer approached and gave him the plot for the preliminary course of engagement with the chinese fleet. Although the officer was young, he was a competent officer with a good record.

It was the beginings of a good plan.

However, Commander Simon knew that the plan could be more agressive, and Rear Admiral Bains liked agressive officers. Tempered with caution, but agressive none the less...

He looked at the readouts of the orbits of Chinese Comunication and Control Satalights in Mars orbit and wondered, could they be taken out in a low risk way? Could he follow his orders of bringng the Stonewall and Light Horse back intact, yet net some extra kills?


The answer was yes.

The UP com-sats were sophisticated, but inteligence suggested that although they were hardened against EMP, they were vulnerable to being killed by directed energy fire or explosives, and not too much of it...

But how to take then all out at the time of the DCP's chosing...

He pondered these questions as the ship went dark to await the return of the destroyers. She sat like a silent shark in space, invisible and undetectable, nesseled in tight agaisnt the USNS Stonewall, awaiting her call to action...

Commander Simon knew sometime soon, their would be a chance for glory...

IC: I was in my personal quarters looking over one battle plan again and again. I had hand picked the names of troops with some notable battle experince. The problem was it didn't seem like they were all likely to get out of the blood bath we called a battle down on mars.

The troops going to mars weren't many but they were qaulity and with some luck wouldn't have to worry about being spoted from the sky. I would take down there sensors while a land force prepared to attack trhew the hole.
USNS Light Horse
Captain's Office

11:45 hours

Commander Simon was frustraited. He wanted to engage the UP forces for more than his orders allowed, but that would not be prudent.

The Admiral was not forgiving when someone risked his capitol ships unnecissarily...

Still, he had been thinking about the COM-SAT's since last night's visit to CIC, and he believe he found what he would do.

Agressive, but within his orders.


He called for his aid and said "Get me the Chief enginner, the bosun, Lt. Com Johns from astrogation and the commander of the Marine contingent and his ordinance officer. Have them here in 1 hour."

His aid responded "Sir, in one hour you have a staff meeting with the weapons staff to go over new Intel on UP plasma weaponry and its effects on our shields and other systems, I can get them in for this afternoon, but I can't bump the staff meeting, thats when the crypto files unlock on the UP Intel..."

Commander Simon responded "Ah...fuck!"

The encrypted inteligence dispatches automaticly decrypted when Naval Inteligence officer attached to the Lord Admiral class ships decided to unlock them, not the commander of a ship.

It irked him that a member of his staff was not under his authority.

It wasn't as if she was an incompetent officer, or a COMPLETE stone bitch.

Well, not professionaly, as she was very good when it came to sharing info and adding a well reasoned opinion in tatical planning, but personaly, oh fuck, he wasn't sure she even had a personality outside her uniform...

The Commander put it out of his mind and shuddered. He didn't try to figure out Naval Intel.

If you tried to do that, you either went insane, or joined...

"Schedual it when you can, ASAP" Simon ordered.

"Yes, Sir" and his aid left the room.

The Commander thougth for a moment to his last meeting with his intel officer, Warrant Officer Shanon Faulk.

She stood 5'4, brunett (that time), B cups and a great ass.

Their was something about the way she looked at him that scared him. He realised that she wasn't intrested in him personaly, and that suited him fine, as he was married.

But the way she sat during the meeting, even as she spoke at length of her knoledge on UP forces on Mars, it was like watching a cobra speak.

He wondered were Naval Intel got her, either from Translyvania, Marine Sniper School or a snake farm.

With her ass, he decided the Marines...
David Stepped off of the fighter along with the other Monkey comandos. He brought up the mission map on his vid screen he found the first objective point and then looked around at the other Monkeys as the Fighters flew off. He activated his neuro communticator. "We're in and ready to go." He collected his crew and started to make his way to the first checkpoint...
The Monkeys soon find themselves on the outskirts of a DCP farm town. It is early morning, but the colonists are busy in their fields and going about the wartime business of the town. There are few military guards visible.

The fuel station has several ground vehicles parked in front of it, civilian and commercial haulers. The Monkeys would be able to override security on those vehicles, and shave days off their trip to the satelite tower. But how will they get past the guards and steal a vehicle unnoticed?
David quickly got out of site. He hid behind the nearest building and motioned for his other team members to do the same. He pulled up the area map and placed the guards and the vehicals at the fueling station. The nuro net satelite should be able to track them from there. He studied the map and noted the positions of evrything in the area that was worth noting. If they were going to get to the haulers they would have to do it as stealthily as possible.
Farren awoke, and the first thing he noticed was a numbing tingle on his left arm. As he arose, and consciousness lifted that velve tcloth of sleep from him, he saw he was in a sort of rude hospital, thrown together from what looked like an old General store at one time.
Sitting across from him were boxes of Cheerios, and medical equipment watching his vitals.
Farren laughed at this odd combination, and rose from his bed.
All in all he didn't look too bad. Not bad enough to be placed in a hospital, that's for sure, but his left arm was the exception. It was wrapped up in a kind of steel cast, and as he moved it, he heard liquid swirling around inside. It had been broken.
Broken and bruised. He remembered the old vid screens with these casts. You wore them for a few days, and the break went away, seemingly as if it never happened. The marvels of modern science.
It didn't even hurt, just that numbing tingle. If anything, he could swear it felt like it was healing... very fast.
Well, it was.
Go figure.
He reached out to the counter, a msakeshift, where he saw a briefing of what had happened. After reading it over twice, he could finally put the pieces of what happened together.
Apparently, his prisoner had activated some sort of escape device, broken out, killed most of the people in the squad, injured even more.
Farren looked up at this part, and saw several other bunks with familiar faces.
He read on.
The prisoner took off, causing one hell of an explosion. It looked as though his own robot tried to stop the bugger. Took a rail gun in his hands, and opened fire, but the mech got away.
"Sorry Robbie," he said.
"It's ok, sir."
Farren looked up, and Robbie was there with a plate of breakfast. IF he didn't know any better, he could have sworn the robot was grinning.
"Where are we?"
"A town called Morlan. Two miles west of the prison break. We made for the nearest town when it was obious that things were out of control. What was salvagable went on, but the wounded and others were taken here."
Farren nodded.
"Most people think you're dead."
This raised some alarms. Farren gave a smile, leaning back in his bed.
"They do, do they?"
"Aye, sir. Our original platoon was totally massacred in the battle with DCP, and you were put up as dead. When the explosion happened, no one knew you had survived the rat pack. You were put up as dead again."
"Twice," Farren grinned ear to ear, "Wow. They know I'm still ok, right?"
"I set them straight, sir."
"Hmmm, well. Do we have orders?"
"We should be getting some soon. For now, you should eat, and rest."
Farren nodded. Good advice from a robot.
Good advice indeed.
Limping behind friendly DCP lines,His Loki mech smoked slightly along its left leg,a jagged metal scar from he UP railgun that managed to fire.Luckily it hadnt taken him out and he had limped his 'mech back home.
Now sitting in a small combat tent and eating a simple meal of rations(which,oddly enough,he actually liked them).
His Loki mech was being fixed up ina mobile 'mech repair center(M.M.R.C)
USNS William H. Bonney
(Billy The Kid)
Destroyer - escort to USNS Stonewall
Lt Commander Jen Thompson Commanding


11:45 Hours

Commander Thompson poped another stimulant tablet and washed it down. She had been awake for 36 hours, and untill the ship completed her mission, she wasn't going to sleep.

Her ship had been coasting under stealth without power for the past 48 hours, only coming into sensor range of Mars 12 hours ago.

The information the were getting was about 2 days old given the distances involved, but still, it told a lot about the deployments and readiness of the UP fleet at Mars.

Their was a lot of data, more that previous probes from the freighter assault accounted for. This meant the UP fuckers had been reinforced, and given the strength of the heat emissions, it looked like their old friend the Confucious was their.

Their with her battle group and freighters...

LT Commander Thompson rose from the chart table and went to tatical. She nodded to the crewman manning the station, and looked down at the perky, 22 yrold crewman.

She felt an intense, but brief, spell of absolute hatred for him.

Not because she hated men, not because she was a prick who though she was better than enlisted, because he had showered recently, eaten something other than stim tabs for the past 2 day, and the fucker likely had the chance to sleep in a bed last night...

She muttered "Oh well" and ground her hands into her eyes.

These stims were great for ground combat personel, but they weren't the Navy stims with the more gentle effects.

Jen had been taking the Marine Stims, and they increased EVERYTHING. From your sence of touch, to allertness to hostility. Most importantly, from these effects, came the ability to focus for tremendously longer periods on a tatical environment.

The Navy stims were more gentle, allowing for more complex mental fuctions while not having the unpleasant effects on all one's other sences.

Jen prefered the Marine stims for this mission though, because if shit happened, like running into a squadron of fighters on patrol were they should not be, then she would need her edge.

All here edges...

She pushed her hostility down and asked the crewman the status of the surrounding space.

"All Clear, Ma'am. We show no movement on pasive radar, Lidar, gravitics, and no traces of comunication signals or com lasers. Their could be something out their, but if it is, they are maintiaining as tight an Emission Lockdown as we are, and they aren't communcating with anyone." He responded.

She nodded and went to her first officer, LT Michael Pierce.

Lt Pierce had been awake as long as his Captain, but unlike her, he had been taking the Navy stims, so, although grungy from 36 hours of duty, he was still in excelent form.

"Captain" He said.

She nodded back at him, thinking, at the same time about tearing his nutts off...."Lt, have you reviewed the data we have been taking in?"

"Yes, Ma'am" he responded, "I think the data we have is time critical, and we should seriously consider cutting short out sweep of this area. Their isn't anyone around, and we are 2 light days out of Mars, out of range of any sensors. We should send our data, and our analysis on probes back to the Burke, the Stonewall and Base 3, and we should get the hell out of here before we are discovered. Our mission is complete. We got the info we came for. Any further time in the zone increases the risk that we will be discovered by a patrol, in which case our mission is a failure."

She nodded. "Agreed. Get us the Fuck out of here so I can detox. You have the Bridge. I'll be back in an hour. I'm going to go eat, shower and change. When I get back, you go. Its not like either of us will be sleeping for another day, but at least we can get clean."
Anna May, the farmer.

IC: I had been loading up the last of the corn from the farm into a transport, it'd go in for processing and then most of it would reach the boy at the front. Possibly even my brother. I was hoping he would have some luck.

I started moving away from a transport and toward the back of the building. I thought I had heard a sound like some one was back there. Maybe it was just cat that had started to look in the Dumpster for food. I moved to the Conner when Sarah came by and called for me. they had news on the battle, and I was going to see it. Apparently my brother was stationed there and I was worried for him.

the trucks of food and supplies took off as I entered the building to see the news. What had happened during the battle. The ground was red, as if mars was never teraformed. The image from the satellite was teraforming, and I couldn't help but to run outside and cry for my brother. I wished he survived, I hoped he survived but some how I knew he hadn't. I ran behind the building to cry in peace.

ooc: heading your way Mirad.
07:00 hours.

CIC Conference room 2

Rear Admiral Bains looked out at his new officers and grinned.

He had recieved his reinforcements, and it wasn't merely the British Merlin class carriers and an inefectual escort, but Santa came early this year, because he now had carriers.

Real Carriers.

Ok, they weren't fleet carriers, but he was a Rear Admiral, and a Fleet Carrier group was above his pay grade, but someone loved him, because he had in his hand hard copy orders placing the the 437 and 423 Strike Carrier Groups under his command.

Bains now had 2 Broadsword Class carriers, the USNS equivalent of the British Mandrakes, plus their entire screening sections, in additon to the British Merlins.

Their were 2 thought rampaging through Bains's mind.

The first, well, he was looking at one of the carrier wing commanders.
5'2, blonde, stacked and the legs...Oh he would like to put her through an inverted flat spin...

The second thought was in big bold letters.

He now had the firepower necessary to attack the UP fleet squadrons directly.

Instead of harassing them to come after him, he could now go hunting UP crusior patrols and kill warships.

But first he had to set some things straight with his new officers.

"Alright, ladies and gents, We can do the get to know you shit later at dinner. Now, lets get some shit straight. I know some of you have worked with each other before. I know some of you are from a different navy than others.

I don't care.

You all work for ME now. I expect subordinates to follow orders, reguardless of the uniform a superior wears. You are now officaly part of the 932nd.

To my left is Captain Moran LeSable, my flag captain. Some of you may be senior to her in rank. You are not senior to her in the table of organisation in this command.

She is my tatical deputy, she sits in on planning sessions that you may not have a chance to do so. She likely will have info from Naval intel that you may not.

I know that their is a history of rivalry in joint commands between United States Space Naval forces and the Royal Navy.

Their will not be one here. If their is, you will suffer my wrath.

Their have been no problems yet.

Their will be none. If their are, I will be up your ass like a blender on a stick.

Is that clear?"

All of this was delivered in a calm, yet serious tone, with the Admiral looking each officer in the face as it was said.

The assembled officers nodded.

"Good. Now, you all have the fear of G-d in you, so lets get down to buisness.

To update everyone, the carriers USNS Scimitar and USNS Katana have now joined us with their escorts,each having a destroyer squadron, 2 space defense ships, an EW Crusior, 2 Trafalgars and a Griffen Class Battleship.

The British reinforcements, the mandrake class carriers, the space defense ships and the stealthed crusiors, will be useful to us once we have integrated them into our order of battle.

Our original mission of harassment has changed. The 932nd was supposed to harass UP commerse and draw larger ships away from the Mars opp area.

That is still a priority mission, but its changed.

We are now going offencive, and we will be targeting UP cruisor partols.

We were supposed to weaken the Mars Fleet by drawing off their ships into a more scattered deployment.

Now, If thats possible, we do it. But now we also kill them too."

He paused to look around the room, and signaled to the yoman to turn on the holo projector.

"This is the current intel we have:

Their is a UP fleet at Mars which we have attacked once, and two smaller fleets, one on the ground at Hellis Planitia, and one orbiting Phobos.

Destroyers are conducting intes sweeps and should be back shortly after the Light Horse and Stonewall Jackson return from a little raid on the UP main Mars fleet, if circumstances permit its being conducted.

As soon as we have worked up and gotten organised, we will conduct opperations against one of the smaller fleets.

You all have your ships to attend to, and I will see you all aboard the Burke tomorow night for Dinner at 1900 hours.

Captain LeSable will conduct the briefing on what we have learned from the UP gear, computers, weapons and software Naval Intel has torn appart from the convoys we have intercepted. This is preliminary information based on equptment analysis along, not testing in the field, but solid info.


Bains sat down as Captain LeSable began the briefing.

He didn't like dressing down people, especialy reinforcements, but he had to. Many of the newer captains were senior captains, more senior that LeSable, and Carriers each had a Commodore commanding their groups.

He had to publicly establish LeSable's position, and do it before conflict arose in an excercise, or heavan forbid, battle.

Looking at his new officers, he felt they would take his words to heart.

L-rd help them if they did not.

L-rd help them all.
He noted their movement paterns. All he needed was for a small enough opening for them to get the vehicals and get out. He figured a nice distraction would work well. The vehical's security would not be hard to over ride.

HE used hand signals and set up three groups. HE then set those groups and it's members into the tracking matrix. He motioned for one group to scale the nearest building and play lookout. The other was the distraction. All he needed was a little time. He moved around the buildings until he found a good spot to view the station. The guards were not hard to get around, at least not yet. Most of them seemed to be stationed at the feuling station. He then looked into his computer and searched for a network frequency. There had to be some way to access to vehicals using an antenna. As soon as he would find it he would contact the look outs befor proceding. If he could hack into the vehical computers he could disable security from there. And while he was at it he could scour the electrical system and find out how to turn them on.

He motioned the other team into position. He told them to get into a position to start a fire away from the feuling station. This would give him the time that he needed. As soon as at leaste some of the guards were destracted he could move in. He motioned his group to move in. He new the motion of the guards. a few were in the station and a few were around it. There were security cameras. If he could tap into those he could get a few seconds of video disturbance and not seem suspicious.the guards at the station would take something else. He sent half of the lookout group and a couple from his own to sneak over and using grappling take them out. Before that he would also find the communication frequency and temporarily shut that off at the same time as the cameras so it seemed like some sort of electrical phenominon which is likely to happen from time to time. Or at leaste he thought so.

He would first motion the groups to take out the guards and at the same time cut the video and communications. He would then start the cars and his team and those who took ot the guards would take the vehicals rondevous with the rest of the team and drive off. The fire starters and lookouts would meet them two miles down the road.

OOC: How's that for hacking based covert ops. lol:devil: