The Time of Dragons, an Magic.. *All welcome*

Gar had followed Idrial inside reluctantly, and stood quietly as she explained abou the pylantery and it's guards. How interesting! With knowledge of that craft, he would indeed be very powerful! The pylanctery itsself probably couldn't be saved, and it would be far too risky to try and secure it, but if he could be left alone with one or two of the summoners.....
Ona and Pahalanx

Phalanx's eyes never left Ona as she made her way across the pool and finally stood before him.

"Perhaps one day, I shall allow you to participate in an actual cleansing ritual." he said as he turned.

He stepped up to the cave wall and tapped it. A small door, made to look like the cavern wall, slid open letting the two of them into yet another room.

"Assuming you survive with honor of course."

The third room was, well, anti-climatic as opposed to the two previous chambers Ona had visited. It was obvious that this room had been carved out as an addition and lacked any of the natural contours, beauty or mysticism that the others presented. This room was a simple box like room, still warm, but not nearly as hot of humid as earlier before. Several benches were present as well as pegs for the hanging of clothes, although none were present. There was however, a stack of heavy and course, off-white towels, One of which Phalanx picked up and rubbed across his chest.

"Once you are dressed, you may return to your companions. I have no doubt they are lost and wandering, hoping that we shall leap in to salvage the situation."

His towel began mopping as this long black braid of hair before he began buffing one of his curving horns.

"Regardless, come dawn, you shall begin your journey. I would suggest being ready."
Ona took one of the towels and began rubbing the long strands of her hair between her hands. She could have dried herself in a moment by simply raising her body temperature, but somehow it seemed inappropriate right then. When the thick mass was no longer dripping she quickly dried herself and pulled on her clothing. Phalanx was right, it was time she rejoined her companions. There were plans and decisions to make before they left, and supplies to assemble.

Swinging her cloak around her shoulders she stood for a moment gazing at the door they had come through with something close to longing. If she survived and returned...the possibility was incentive in itself. She turned her gaze on Phalanx and inclined her head respectfully, the corners of her lips curling in a half smile. There were things she could say, things she wanted to express, but none of it seemed necessary to voice aloud.

With a final nod Ona slipped from the room and made her way back to the main hall. The others were gathered there and she joined them in time to hear Idrial speaking of the task before them. Her gaze lit briefly on each member of the party, taking in their reactions.
Valanthe stood up and smiled broadly as Ona entered the room. Ona was the first of the group she had spoken to properly, and had allowed her to laugh again after so long. Sure, she had an unusual air of secrecy about her, but who in this gathering didn't have secrets? Master O'Bonn she had known some time ago, and managed to get to know him quite well in those days, but from Avalon to the current day was a shroud that didn't seem to want to be lifted. Idrial, whom Morriggan had ordered her to protect, seemed to have the least to hide, being that this whole quest they were embarking on seemed to revolve around her, yet quite why she was so special was unclear. And, of course, there was Gar. He seemed to be a quiet one, fiercesome appearance, yet something odd that Valanthe couldn't quite put her finger on. And he kept wandering off, too...

Walking over to Ona, Valanthe leaned against the wall next to her. "Good to see you again! Half worried you had gotten lost, and I've have to come get you!" She grinned mischeviously. "Say, you seem a little... different today"
Ona reached out to place a hand on Valanthe's arm giving it a friendly squeeze, returning her grin. She remembered how Valanthe had helped to lift her spirits when she had been confined.

"I'm behaving so I don't end up locked in the tower again." She leaned back then and gave her companion a long look. Valanthe had changed, not only her clothing but her demeanor. There was a barely contained excitement, but also a quiet strength that emanated from her. This was no maid, but a warrior. Ona's smile widened, a warrior she would be happy to fight alongside.

"I have been told I will be allowed to join the company after all, so it seems we will be traveling together.
Idrial looked around the room watching the faces of the one's gathered while she spoke, and noticed Ona enter the room she nodded to her and Valanthe..

Valanthe from what she had gotten to know of her she liked but had yet had the chance to speak with Ona and learn more about her... perhaps as they travled they would all learn more about eachother and trust would build.

"I have held in regard such magic before," he told her. "There were those among my people who were necromancers, and sought to hold the souls of the departed for infusion into a re-animated corpse. This plylactery we seek will be well-gaurded by Dreamweaver's keepers. I believe a concerted strike against such a well-defended target would be foolish. I suggest a more stealthy approach."

Idrial turned at the sound of O'Bonn's voice and listened to the advice he gave, I thank you O'Bonn for your words of wisdome and will take them into consideration. she said, and waited for others to speak and give there suggestions.

After listining to them speak she moved away to think on all that had been said, and gather her own thoughts. After awhile she moved back to address the group. I agree that a more stelthy approche is nessesary, but so as not to draw to much attention to our plans.. I would ask that only two or three stay behind and serch out the contianer in which Dreamweavers soul may be kept incase we are wrong and do not find it in Dreamweavers layer.

This is no easy task that i ask of the ones who would say behind there will be manny enamies at our backs as well as ahead of us. Please consider carefully before you choose. The rest of us must contiue on in the morning to Dreamweaver, and what fate awaits us there.
Idrial said and stepped back.

Her blue black hair braided down her back her amber colored eyes turned to O'Bonn and Drakkon both handsome, brave, and wise, and nether looked down on her for being a half elf perhaps if she lived .... she shook her head and cleared her thoughts now was not the time for them as she waited for the others to discuss who would perhaps stay behind.
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Loord Voom

Loord looked back but saw noting save for the trees. More importantly, she strained her hearing to the maximum of her ability but the forest was silent. That was both good...and bad. Good in that she thought that she had outrun her pursuers, but bad in that the forest was still unaturally silent.

It had only been about a week past when her family and their traviling caravan had been attacked. They had passed through several outlying habitats, farms and lumbercamps which had all been abandoned. Human, elvish, even an orc encampment had all met whatever fate befell them all. Her farher's curiosity had been sated however when they too discovered what troubled the forests.

Undead. Swarms of them.

Her family and their servants had accounted themselves well, but against an unliving, unfeeling, uncaring horde, they were overwhelmed. In the end, her father had pulled her aside and in a rush, opened a lockbox he had hidden in his wagon.

"Take these." he had said, thrusting two items into her hands. "One is your birthright, Loord. We are nobles by birth, even though we have no home. The other you must take and guard. Guard with all your being, for it is both our duty to protect and the reason for allour loss. It must never, Never, fall into the hands of villans. Go now, run! Flee!"

Her father and three others had made an attempt of escape, an attempt to cut their way through the enemy, but they only succeeded in opening a brief path for Loord to travel through before they too were overcome.

Loord did as she had been told. She ran.

And had yet to stop.
The Beginning of a Quest

Each of the group were led to a warm bed within the mountain and bade to rest. Dwarven servants later came and roused each of them, giving time to bathe and eat, or just sleep in for a few crucial moments more, but soon all had gathered and dressed, readying themselves for the journey which lay ahead.

The great gates opened for them, letting in a burst of cold air and a brief swirl of snow as the dawn's rays illuminated the snowy courtyard outside the keep. There the four dragons stood, waiting for the emergence of the party.

"The dawn greets you," called LoreKeeper to the party. "The wind and snow have abaited this morn. Surely a good omen for your journey. Yet although we cannot go with you on this quest, know that our well wishes and blessings for success and safe return do. I would ask you all to come and recieve our gifts ere you begin."

As each stepped out into the snow, a dragon likewise stepped forward to meet each of the party.
O'Bonn was met first by the child-like boy, Reverend. "Well met O prince." he began, looking into O'Bonn's eyes even though he was a full head shorter than the elf. " I wish you good journey and I offer you this, that it may serve you in your lesson."
He offered O'Bonn a scabarded sword. The elf prince drew the blade, revealing a silvered scimitar, except that the blade was recurved inward instead of outward. A domed bell protected his hand instead of a sword's traditional crossguard, but even for it's excentric design, the weapon was beautifully crafted and ballanced. Heavy and unfamiliar rune letters were stamped into the outermost curve of the blade, like a proudly worn battle scar.

"This is Talon. Reverend said. "Although it has been dipped in mithril, it is indeed forged from the talon on one of my own kin. A dragon has given a part if himself for this weapon. Carry it with honor."

The elder of the dragons, LoreKeeper, with his brown wings and gazelle horned brow was just as quick to step up to Gar as he emerged, still skittish from his stay in the mountain and the proximity of the dragons.

"And what might we give you?" he said, looking Gar over briefly. "You who sits in corners and strays away from our gatherings. I have decided to give you that which you seem to desire most, wealth and protection." LoreKeeper held out his hands, holding them out until Gar finally cupped his own beneath LoreKeeper's. Three gemstones, each almost as large as a man's fist and polished into perfect spheres were set into Gar's hands. One red, one blue and the final green.
"Take these with our blessings wolf-kin. They shall fetch a good price if that is what you wish, but also, if your need is most dire, cast one away and the magics within shall aid you if needed."
With that, LoreKeeper bowed and walked past the group, back into the keep enterance.

Phalanx stepped up before Ona. Of all the dragons, he was the only one who was still bare chested and barefoot. He made no effort at pomp nor ceremony, instead looking as stern and stoic as always.
"These are for you." he said offering Ona two diamond-shaped crystals. Each were some three inches long and glowed with a faint dull pink light. "Foolish though they are, they shall aid you with both your focus and your control. They do however, have two drawbacks. The first; "and he set one by Ona's ear, where the crystal began to rotate in an orbit around her brow. Soon, a pinkish halo formed around her head. "They are rather eye catching, especially at night." he extended his hand, plucking the crystal from it's orbit, handing it to Ona. "Second, while they will increase you mental acuity, it is also likely that they shall improve your memory as well. Be warned and be ready."

To the elf woman Valanthe, Drakkon stepped to. His rakish smile and foppishly lacy silk shirt made Valanthe smile as well.
"You have served us well in the halls beneath the mountain and now you go to serve all the world. This is a great moment for you young elf, yet you shall be missed by me if no other. I considered you friend and I still do. So take this that it might aid you to return so that we might be able to sit and swap stories again soon."
He offered her a leather and velvet quiver with spaces of sixteen arrows. It was dyed a deep forest green and lined with beeswax. Also Drakkon handed over a single arrow of superb quality.
"Know that this quiver shall double it's quantity every ten minutes until it is full. But also remember two things. Remember that twice nothing is still nothing. One arrow must always be present within the quiver. Also remember that a copy is never as good as the original. Beware shoddy works and exercise some wisdom and you shall never want for ammunition."

The three remaining dragons all stepped back and then came to stand before Idrial. "For you Idrial Two-Bloods, the Matriarch has offered you a gift." Drakkon said, and brought out a necklace. It was a circle of Celtic knots hanging from a sturdy silver chain. Runic letters and symbols dodded the circled edge of the amulet and one heavy rune was stamped in the very center. "While perhaps not as flash or impressive as some of the gifts given this day, know that this charm shall protect you always. More importantly, know that it shall blind the eyes and clog the ears of those who seek to spy on you." Drakkon stepped another step forward to drape the charm around Idrial's neck.

The three backed away and regarded the party again.

"Your steeds will meet you as you pass through the commune below. All have been laden with supplies for your journey. Also, Reverend has packed a healing elixer for each of you. I do hope that you never need use it. We bid you well and offer you our blessings, for such good a dragon's blessing might be on this quest. Know that our commune and it's halls are always open to you and we shall eagerly wait to hear word of your return."

As the party began to leave the courtyard, they noticed LoreKeeper's return. He escorted a very old and frail looking woman who held on to his right arm, but still watched the deaprting party with very intelegent, and golden, eyes. She bowed, somewhat stiffly from the gateway towards the group. To LoreKeeper's left, was the young human-boy, Rhys, who waved to the party as they made their way through the snow.

Their quest had begun.

O'Bonn took the offerred blade from Reverend's hands, and the Elf then bowed deeply to the dragon. He held the blade in front of his face for a moment, then bowed forward once again, touching his forehead to the flat of the blade. O'Bonn's eyes were closed for this brief moment of ritual, as he invoked an ancient High Warrior tradition of "becoming one" with his sword. O'Bonn had expected to feel cold metal against his skin, but instead he found the blade to be warm to the touch.

Keeping his head bowed in the deepest portrayal of respect and gratitude he knew, O'Bonn sheathed the weapon and bound it to his belt at his side. Talon's scabbard lay quietly against his left side, it's deadly beauty blending perfectly with the plate armor he now war.

"With honor," O'Bonn whispered quietly to Reverend, and saluted him with all the respect and dignity of a High Warrior.

O'Bonn could say nothing more as he walked with the rest of the group to meet with their mounts. He walked close to Idrial and Valanthe, glancing at Gar, to whom he nodded in friendship, and then to Ona, with whom he exchanged a smile. With the warmth of Talon at his side, and the company of these beings, O'Bonn noticed not even the snow.
Gar took the three gems he was gifted, regarding them as a theif might regard several abandoned full moneypouches. Inwardly, he laughed to himself. He laughed both at the ceramon, and at the irony of his 'gift'. Surely, these were as much a lesson as a gift, for their most valueable use is to discard them. It seemed that if he kept them, they would do nothing for him.

Stuffing them into one of his pouches he waited for the rest of the ceramony of gifting to be compleated. He wanted it to end as soon as possable, mostly due to that damned matriarch and her senses. Gar wondered if even her power could reach outside the mountain dwelling to where he stood now...

At last, the gifting was compleated, and Gar fell into step wih the rest of the party. O'Bonn shot him a glance and a friendly nod, which Gar acknowledged. It would suit his purposes o have the high-born and his allies as friends at this time.


Valanthe bowed deeply to Drakkon as she was gifted with a the finely crafted quiver and single arrow. It was true, she did consider the dragon more of a friend than a master, but she couldn't spuress a smile at his calling her 'young'.

She tied the quiver around her waist and held the arrow up, examining it's exquisite design and craftsmanship. Truly, even the title of masterwork was not enouh for this single arrow. Dropping it into the quiver, she moved over to Idrial and O'Bonn as the party started to make their way She didn't know exactly what their qest would entail, or where they would ultimatly be, but she did know that she would do her best to protect them both with her life if need be
The three remaining dragons all stepped back and then came to stand before Idrial. "For you Idrial Two-Bloods, the Matriarch has offered you a gift." Drakkon said, and brought out a necklace. It was a circle of Celtic knots hanging from a sturdy silver chain. Runic letters and symbols dodded the circled edge of the amulet and one heavy rune was stamped in the very center. "While perhaps not as flash or impressive as some of the gifts given this day, know that this charm shall protect you always. More importantly, know that it shall blind the eyes and clog the ears of those who seek to spy on you." Drakkon stepped another step forward to drape the charm around Idrial's neck.

Idrial bowed to the dragons and gave them thanks for there aid, and the honor they bestoed upon not just herself but for them all, as it would be needed, and bid them luck in there own defenses as well.

The three backed away and regarded the party again.

"Your steeds will meet you as you pass through the commune below. All have been laden with supplies for your journey. Also, Reverend has packed a healing elixer for each of you. I do hope that you never need use it. We bid you well and offer you our blessings, for such good a dragon's blessing might be on this quest. Know that our commune and it's halls are always open to you and we shall eagerly wait to hear word of your return."

Idrial looked back only once as they headed out seeing the elderly woman Rhys and the other dragons and prayed to the gods, and godesses that they would suceed.
Ona looked from Phalanx to the stones now resting in the palm of her hand with a bit of trepidation. If they could help her control her talents it would be a great thing, improving her memory though…that was different. Remembering had always meant pain, and the things she had managed to remember since being here…well, they weren’t pleasant to say the least. She tucked the stones into a small pouch hanging from her belt and pulled her cloak around her body tighter.

She fell in step with the others nodding briefly to each in turn, a half smile curving her lips. The morning air was invigorating as she took deep breaths. It felt good to be out despite the seriousness of their quest.

They were watched as they passed through the commune. Ona glanced at the people they walked by feeling a little uncomfortable with their smiles and well wishes. She had been alone so long having so many people seeing her felt odd. Her gaze darted back and forth in a moment of near panic then she looked ahead. Her lips started to curve and the closer they came the wider her smile grew.

Ahead of them were their mounts standing proudly in the snow waiting for them and with them stood Bardo. He seemed unconcerned with the caliber of his company. Her packs had been strapped onto his back along with a few other items and he stood with his head down, eyes closed conserving his energy…one of his favorite pastimes. Ona smiled, pleased to see him.

Bardo…she thought. The little donkey lifted his head and looked directly at her and snorted as if to say it was about time she showed up. Ona chuckled softly and stepped forward a bit quicker.
O'Bonn stepped up to the great black horse. It was a powerful beast, full of energy, and when the animal turned its large head towards him, O'Bonn stared into cold, black eyes. The animal blinked twice at O'Bonn, then snorted.

The High Warrior turned to look at his side. The Fay hound had stayed among the dragons at the keep, no doubt to ponder the fellowship's fare as they set upon their journey. Yet it seemed the Fay moved differently this time. Perhaps they spoke through these horses, perhaps they existed in the very air and snow around them. Whatever the case, these steeds would serve them well.

O'Bonn mounted the saddle, adjusting his quiver of arrows upon his back and tucking his bow alongside a saddle bag.

"May fortune favor the bold," he said to the group.
Idrial smiled at O'Bonn's words as she mounted her own horse who was awaiting them with the others. They had everything they needed as the dragons had said they would as they headed out in the direction of Dreamweavers lair.

Idrial scouted ahead keeping an eye on the road, and there surroundings but taking care not to stray to far from the others should ether they or she need aid.
Elsewhere, farther away...

He leaned forward, driving the point of his bastard sword forward with all the strength and precision he could muster from his kneeling position. There was almost as much desperation in the strike as there was skill, but whatever it was, the blade struck true, penetrating the minotaur's breastplate and spiking through the flesh, muscle and bone beneath until it finally skewered the massive heart within.
The minotaur hesitated in mid-swing with his own sword, feeling a wave of shock and finally a coldness sweep through his body. The upraised sword tumbled from nerveless fingers and clattered to the ground. He staggared back a step, but in a final act of defiance, smote the man on the ground before him with one heavy fist before finally falling back, never to rise again.

The meaty fist struck against the side of the man's helm, causing his vision to blur and his ears to ring. He too fell sideways into the dirt, but his breathing, while labored, still continued. After a long moment, he pushed himself upward, tugging his dented helm from his head and letting it fall to the ground. He leaned forward and spat blood onto the ground. He probably suffered broken ribs after the damnable creature and charged him once he had challenged the minotaur to combat, but no matter, he had prevailed! His enemy lay dead before him and his mission was successful.

"Greatness, do you need assistance?" Came a soft voice not far away. A lithe, catlike creature wearing silk and flowing clothes came forward, but the man shooed him away.

"Away Doorna, I need no help!"

The Rakasha bowed and stayed back. The man pulled himself up, almost staggering, but rising unassisted to survey the scene around him. Even as he rose, a great bellow was heard some 50 feet away, a death knell as the minotaur paladin's gorgon mount succumed to the attacks of his own mount and bodyguard.
His steed, if it could be called a steed, leaped away from the gorgon's remains, soaring nearly the entire distance between them before landing heavilly. Where the coal black horse's hooves struck the ground, hoofprints seared into the ground with a hissing sound. It staggared and limped having suffered a great rent in one flank and several smaller injuries, but it's red eyes still glittered hatefully and wisps of brimstone scented smoke curled out from between fanged teeth still. The bodyguard had fared less well. One of the tall, vulture-like beasts lay in ruin, a second paced around the gorgon corpse, nursing a stump where one of it's hooked forearms should have been as it clicked and hissed with pain and malice. The third stood near the second, but still looked more or less intact.

The man stepped towards the minotaur's corpse and with a tug, reclaimed his sword, dragging it free with a spurt of blood from the ruined heart beneath. He knelt down and rummaged through the minotaur's possessions, tossing aside coins and trinkets until he finally founf what he was searching for. In his hand he held an amulet, a necklace showing many circles all coming together untill they seemed to swirl downwards, like bubbles swirling down a great drain. A triumphant and mocking smile split his face as he showed the medalion to his horse. The demonhorse snorted once in acknowledgement.
Finally, the man looked to the fallen sword and drew a deep breath in preperation. His finger scratched arcane symbols into the dirt next to the weapon as he muttered dark words. The words were fragments of an ancient, powerful and absolutely wicked language. Even as he spoke them, he tasted blood anew in his mouth and felt a dribble leak from one nostril. Weakened as he was from battle, he tottered on the edge of conciousness, but held on to complete the spell and pull himself bodilly away.

The weapon was a blessed relic. A holy blade, forged and tempered to combat evil and uphold justice. Now, even in defeat it glittered against the darkness of those beings near it. The ancient language had weakened it however, tainted the blade, if even for a moment.
And in that moment, the demon horse brought it's forehooves down in a mighty stomp, snapping the weapon into three pieces. The fragment's glitter faded, dulled and finally, died.

The horse again reared up high on it's hind legs, whinnying out a terrifying screech of triumph.
An Announcement from the Story Teller

Greetings intreped reader,

I do hope that you have been enjoying the story as much as we have enjoyed writing it. Fear not, the story hasn't ended. In fact, it's only just getting started.

Given the length of the story thread, it was decided to start a new thread for a new chapter in our saga. It can be located here:

Dragons and Magic II, The Hunt for DreamWeaver

If you are one of our few longtime readers, please drop us a line in the OOC thread and let us know that you're enjoying it. Or perhaps as we turn the page, you might consider coming from the shadows and joining yourself.

In any case, hope to see you in the next chapter.....
