The Trials of Psiron ((Closed 1v1))

Blaine took a moment to remember First Contact Protocol. There were certain things they were allowed to address and certain things that would...take more time. This was not her field, her diplomatic training was tertiary, her specialty was Operational Intelligence.

Big words for "spy".

She wouldn't be used for a First Contact deployment on account of her...features. Grey skin only happened on planets where humans became nocturnal, or lived underground. There were too few of those. She could still use her 'charm' though.

"We cannot disclose where we are at this time until we get to know you and your planet a little better. I can say that we are not on your planet. And while I may look different," she shifted a bit within her screen, pressing buttons and made another screen showing a man in it, "I am still human like you and him."

Mustaff had the tan skin and full beard of someone who would be of Arabic descent, if he even knew what Arabia was. He smiled a warm smile and waved.

Blaine spoke again; "You may refer to me as Blaine, this man here is Mustaff," "Hello!" he chimed in.

"I will begin asking you a series of questions based on your discovery of the Relay Hub, answer when you are ready and to the best of your ability."

"1st question: When did you first know about the Relay Hub?"

Blaine had pulled up a list of questions from a database detailing interrogations for First Contact Protocols.

Mustaff sent a signal to the Bridge requesting an appropriate officer for the situation.
“You're human?” Amber was in awe. “Who knew we had the genes..” She muttered, feeling a moment of self consciousness. She should have put on make-up, but who could possibly prepare for this type of encounter?

“The Hub? I've known about the building ever since I moved here.” Ms. Rose answered. “The lights lead me in here, and around the building. I had no idea about its potential or what type of purpose it had. Its an old building, no one ever comes out here, even though its in the city. Not even the homeless. Everything is covered in dust and there are remains here.. shriveled corpses.. A lot of them. It's rather creepy.”

Amber looked to Mustaff and Blaine, taking in their uniforms, and anything she could see behind them. “May I ask who you work for? You both look rather official.”
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"We cannot tell you at this time either, but it's safe to tell you that the building you are standing in, as well as the lights that led to it are all a part of technology placed there centuries ago. Technology that once belonged to us, naturally."

Blaine shifted with a little unease, Mustaff had brought up pictures of some of the bodies from the rooms that still had working cameras. Those bodies were certainly newer than the facility, and all of them looked to be in stages of rotting that would have been within the last fifty years. Blaine wasn't going to say anything about this.

"Next question; Are there any similar buildings or facilities within your area? And I might as well ask another since you're willing. Are you familiar with the technology you have seen within this or any other building resembling this one?"
“This hub is centuries old? But these bodies... They're not.” Amber looked around at the remains. “And it belonged to you..? Why would you abandon it? When did you?”

“I am not familiar with this place no, but I want to learn more about it.” Ms. Rose took a moment to recall the city. “There is one more hub in the more central part of the city. I'm sure there are more out there, but I haven't left home. I never planned to. I'm sure there are other places like this, but I have no idea if they're active or if other people know who they are.”
"I cannot attest to...old workings. Chances are there will be records kept in the various facilities throughout the planet that will better enlighten us to what happened in the past."

Blaine still didn't want to go over the bodies, that was a "local" problem, not hers, and if this civilisation had a police force or anything equivalent, then it would be a matter to discuss with them.

"Our status reports show that there are other hubs all over the planet, and a main station for each quadrant at the very least. That other, larger one, may be the mainstation for this quadrant. Is that one also abandoned?"

Blaine scrolled through a screen on the side filled with First Contact questions, it was an exhaustive, and exhausting, list with inquiries from everything to development of technology to the profundity of planet-side religion. It would take several weeks to get this over with at this rate, and she still hadn't heard from the bridge. Mustaff was just fascinated with the facts popping up on the screens, biodiversity, human development, and so on.

"I am going to skip around a bit. Do you have a government? Do you have a policing force? Do you have a military? Is your civilisation capable of space-flight? Is you civilisation religious? Is your civilisation in any danger from outside forces, either man or nature? Is your civilisation in any danger from inside forces, violent or non-violent?"
“Come down here and find out.” Amber offered. “There are a thousand different questions you could ask and I wouldn't know the answer. There is a police force yes, and a military and space flight is, well, on hold. There is a political war going on so to speak. Are we religious? It depends on who you ask. I'd venture to say no. We are driven by science and money and greed... The government is filled with corruption, and many things are not being taken care of. Like right now, isn't it a wonder that no one, no kind of authority, police force, no one has shown up? They used to. When the lights first came on. But not anymore.”

Amber shifted, feeling her phone go off again. “As it would seem the only concerned party is my roommate.” The woman looked back up to the screen. “I imagine you have more questions?”
"That's the problem..." Blaine began but thought better of herself, "we just need to assess your level of civilisation for our records."

Political unrest, things happening, it was always a party when old USF technology was reactivated, but Blaine was new to this sort of thing, Mustaff was not.

Neither spoke for a moment when they considered their options and before they could arrive to a decision a feed from the bridge kicked in and hijacked their up-link to the Hub on Psiron-4.

Who appeared on the screen was a weathered man in his middle ages. Fit, trimmed, and in his officer uniform, he looked as though he could move worlds with a nod and a gesture. His voice rang out as he spoke to Blaine, Mustaff, and especially the woman far away.

"Madam, I am Commander Galliant of the United Systems Federation. The personnel you have been speaking to have asked enough preliminary questions and the Relay Hub you are standing in has sent enough information of Psiron-4, your planet, for us to come to a rudimentary plan of action."

He shifted and the monitor began to show a picture of Psiron-4 from space.

"Your planet is to be assessed by the Preliminary Justice Initiative of the United Systems Federation," as he spoke the monitor showing Psiron-4 showed bright-blue images of vessels surrounding the planet, "You will be assigned Preliminary Justice Triskadelion, who will meet with your leaders and determine the best course for considering your relations with the United Systems Federation and if you will be rejoining us in the near future." The planet was now separated into a grid-like pattern on the screen, showing different coordinates and pinpointing the active Relay Hubs, with her's in particular given a bright highlight of purple.

"We will need your name and information as you will be considered the First Contact Ambassador, you will provide us with information on where we can find your officials, and where we might set up a base of operations."

The monitor faded to Commander Galliant.

"At the end of this you will be allowed to leave and take with you any mobile communicators this Relay Hub may have to offer, on there you will have a text interface which will update you to our status upon approach and breach of your planet. Please return here in two of your local days for any updates. You can expect the Preliminary Justice to arrive in two-to-three weeks."

He stood in silence, his brow furrowed, looking concerned.

"Madam, the Preliminary Justice Initiative is not to be taken lightly. I would suggest you convince any and all you are able to be open to the idea of the stability and protection the Initiative may have to offer. The Initiative operates on a moral system that is usually considered incredibly harsh by planetside cultures, but is in line with United Systems Federation standards. They will not tolerate violence or criminal activity against them, and I assure you the best methods are always through diplomacy."

"Please keep that in mind as you go about your business in the coming weeks, great change is upon you and your planet, whether it is welcomed or not."

With that the feed ended. Blaine and Mustaff looked at each other worriedly.

Triskadelion and the Preliminary Justice Initiative were left on reserve for a reason, but with stretched resources and an ongoing "war"...they were all USF had to offer.
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“Commander Galliant.” Amber started but he kept talking. “Commander.” She said with a bit more umpf, but the feed cut off. She ran her fingers through her hair, sorting through all the information she was given. Why did he assume she could have any influence?

“Why would anyone here believe me? Why should they? Who gives you the authority to decide what will happen to us? Why would they turn to you? A mysterious federation that has not once come to us, not once come to our aid and is suddenly...” Amber threw her hands in the air, knowing it was pointless. She wasn't speaking to anyone. “You're not even online to respond to this!” She leaned against the console, rolling through the possible details. Really, who would believe her? She barely understood what was about to happen and yet she was supposed to convince some higher authority to listen?

She turned to leave, heading down the hall way swiftly before she came to a sudden halt. Official looking men, dressed in all black gear, with helmets and visors, had their guns pointed at her. She held up her hands, dropping her bag instantly.

“I can explain.” She said, looking between the end of the guns and the men in front of her. “I think..”

One man stepped forward, the visor lifting on his helmet. His skin was darker, eyes narrow, creases formed around them.

“State your purpose here Amber.”


“Answer the question.”

“Good to see you too.” She mumbled. “I am here because things were not making sense. Lights in the streets? Toby, you know I go after that kind of stuff.”

“Come with us. We need to go see-”

“I swear to god if you say dad I'll take your gun and smack you with it.”

“Yes, dad. Our dad. Lets. Go. I'm going to be in enough trouble for you as it is.”

Amber groaned, but knew better than to argue.

“What the hell were you doing there?” Yelled a middle aged man, red in the face. “Who gave you the authority to turn on that machine?”

“It happened. Things just happen!” Amber shouted back. “Dad I didn't go over there thinking that I'd be awakening some century old computer. But it did, it woke up, and I listened to what it said.”

“Do you have any idea what this could mean?”

“Yes, dad, now I do and that's why you need to hear me out. You have the resources I don't, you can be heard, these people are coming back.”

“The USF was to never reach the public's ears! Why were you in there to begin with, bodies were everywhere?” The man slammed his hands flat on his desk.

“You knew about those people?!” Amber felt her breath catch in her throat.

“Of course I knew, we planted them there to keep civilians like you, out.” He grumbled, finally sitting back in his chair.

“Who were they?”

“Men and women who were sentenced to death for committing murders, espionage, cruel acts.” He grumbled, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples.

“Dad, what is going on?” Amber asked calmer. “Why was it important to not contact the USF, why is this the first I've heard of it? You've never kept things like this from me.”

“I know because I need to know. When they abandoned this planet we kept every record we could of them, what they did, the communications hubs, everything we could use in case of a future with them. Who was it you spoke too?”

“Mustaff, and Blaine,” Amber answered, “And some Commander Galliant. He didn't want to hear me out, only listen.”

“And he told you that the Justice Initiative of the USF would be coming?”

“Trisk... dandilion or something.”

“And you couldn't have recorded this with your phone?” He grumbled.

“No, I wasn't thinking about that. I'm sorry.”

“And they're coming back in two days?”

“Yes.” She wiggled her toes in her shoes. “I'm sorry, I should have come but what if I wasn't there to talk to them? We would have missed this opportunity.”

“Do you really think the world leaders are going to allow the USF to just walk in and do what they want to do? This could start a war!”

“You don't have any inkling that would tell you this could be a peaceful-”

“Stop day dreaming. The world isn't that considerate.”

“Is the USF the reason our space programs have all been canceled due to funding?”

---- two days later----

Amber found herself back at the pub, waiting for Blaine and Mustaff to pop back onto the screen. The recorder in her pocket felt like a lead weight, she couldn't take her mind off of it. It wasn't right, to record what was said and not give them a heads up.

“Come on... where are you?”
The Relay Hub was the first to respond.

"Administrator, there are no current online feeds. This Relay Hub has sent a broad request for any response."

There were various beeps and bloops going on throughout the Hub. As silent as it was made it easy to forget that the Hub was technically self-aware, and had been monitoring the various interactions that it could within its abilities.

"Multiple instances of trespasses have taken place in these global days, Administrator. Authorisation will eventually be required for further use of this Relay Hub by Non-USF officials and civilians."

"Receiving communications request, request permitted."

The monitor booted up to a screen with the official USF Preliminary Justice Initiative seal upon it.

Within seconds the husky voice of a woman could be heard.

"Hail AFCRH: Psiron System; Psiron-4 Q2 LM1 Alpha Zeta Gamma 55924700, I am assuming I am speaking to the designated First Contact Ambassador, correct?"

“Of course there have been trespasses...What did you think would happen when you suddenly come back to life like some weird butler zombie.” Ms. Rose grumbled, tapping her toes against the floor. She shifted foot to foot, feeling goosebumps rise on her arms and chest.

This didn't feel right. Something felt very off, and it wasn't just the recorder in her pocket.

Finally the screen came up, followed by the feminine voice.

“Yes, that is me, First Contact Ambassador Rose. And you are?” Amber felt her smile falter. The voice on the other end didn't sound like the cheery type. In fact this wasn't even who she wanted to see in the first place. “Where is Blaine and Mustaff?”
"Communications Operator Ced 2 3-1 and Operational Intelligence Yrvh Sigma-Sigma Zed are not part of the Preliminary Justice Initiative and thus will not be joining us for this endeavor. If you must be reassured, they were commended for following protocol and nothing will become of them."

She was telling the truth but her tone and lack of appearance for facial cues made her easy to doubt. Blaine and Mustaff were indeed fine.

"I prefer to be called Preliminary Justice Triskadelion. I am, obviously, of the Preliminary Justice Initiative and anticipate physical contact with you and your planet in approximately a week and a half."

The screen flickered and then showed Preliminary Justice Triskadelion, or at least her head. White hair pulled back in a tight bun. Some wrinkles, but an altogether youthful face. Like she was caught between some strange age of youth, beauty, and old age. Her mouth was tight, but not pursed, her eyes were analytical, but not strict.

It was clear she was taking this all very seriously.

"Ambassador Rose. We request a plot of land outside this current town, this plot of land will need to be 4.sq.miles regardless of terrain, but we would prefer not to destroy any forests or engage in any terraforming. A field essentially. Another request we have is to turn over all current standing USF buildings to our teams so we may begin requisitioning, disabling, or improving the technology therein. If all goes well this will be a minimally disruptive exercise in reintegration and your planet should be able to join the greater USF network in the matter of a year or so."

She paused. It was Rose's turn to speak.
Amber had to take in everything this woman was saying. This was beyond her. She shifted back and forth as Preliminary Justice Triskadelion spoke, explaining the following plans.

“What if you're met with resistance? By the governments or military, or even the people? Why do we need to joint he USF, what benefit will it be to us?” Amber asked, feeling incredibly uneasy. “I don't mean any disrespect to you, or the Federation. I need to know what will happen if we resist. These people could see this as an invasion, a take over. They already work under a system that most of them are comfortable and familiar with. Changing that... Many people may not react well to it. I'd be glad to be wrong. Surely you've met resistance on other planets.”
Her expression didn't change.

"Peaceful resistance will be met with peaceful negotiation, violent resistance will be met with force. As part of the requisitioning processes we will determine how much intervention is required on our part. USF reclaims all planets one colonised as part of USF resource directives. If we colonised it once we must have wanted something on it."

No change.

"Your planet may retain its autonomy of local government, but it will be integrated into the USF network and its citizens will receive all the benefits of inter-system trade and government."
“Can you tell me when you first colonized here?” Amber Rose asked. “What must we do to keep the peace? I have a strong feeling this won't go well at all.” The woman looked around at the Hub, her shoulders falling when she thought of how bad it really could be. Finally her eyes looked back to the woman on the screen. It didn't look like she was going to back down or even reconsider.

“Do you... do you have to reclaim us? Why not just observe us for a time, send a few agents down to survey us instead? Just me... I do not have influence. I have no authority to tell you what you need to know, or should know. But if you left a few people here, I could show them how this planet works. They could give you a better idea of what you're looking for than I ever could. Then maybe the reclaiming of this planet would be.. easier.”
Triskadelion moved a bit, she was typing in her console and looking at data logs.

"The Psiron system was found approximately 700 years ago. Psiron-3 and Psiron-4 were Genesis planets. Psiron-3 was classified as Failed Sapient Genesis and consisted of non-sapient lifeforms, whereas Psiron-4 was classified Non-Sapient Genesis. Research and Historical claimed Psiron-3, while Research, Resource, and Biological claimed Psiron-4. Psiron-4 was colonised approximately 650 years ago."

She would go on, but the information beyond that point was not asked.

"Your feelings are duly noted. Keeping the peace is as simple as hearing us out and not mounting violent resistance. I will be working directly with your government leadership to accomplish this. I will have a specialist team directly under me that will work as a task force for USF and your government. They are also part of the Preliminary Justice Team and will be headed by SCRAM 3. As you are an Ambassador appointed by the USF it is within my authority to assign you to this task force as Ambassador-Errant. You will work directly with this task force to accomplish several goals and be a guide into the cultures and customs of your peoples."

Triskadelion sighed. Her patience had become tested but she wouldn't let it show.

"SCRAM 3 and her unit are disciplined, skilled, and diligent Justices, Enforcers, a Field Medic, and a Diplomat. They are at once calculating and lethal as well as gentle and mannerly. You will be safe among them and you should reciprocate with information."

Her expression finally changed to one of disapproval.

"On your person is a primitive recording device, no doubt for use to inform your government officials. This is permitted. However, it would speak better of you and your people in authority were they to show up with you to speak directly to me. This is a mission of peace," her tone reached deep into the pit of disappointment, "not one of espionage and betrayal."

A return to norm, though now it seemed as if she were addressing the device rather than Rose; "the USF will reclaim our resources with or without the approval of the people left behind. We would prefer to keep you and yours alive and safe as new members of USF to take part in benefits of education, trade, jobs, lack of poverty, and greater livelihood and quality of life. This is a mission of peace."
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