This is the real difference between the Dems and the Pubs now

Samuel Lubell posited that in American party politics there is typically a "Sun party" that drives the public agenda and a "Moon party" that reflects and reacts. This dominance can be seen even during periods when the Moon party holds the White House. The Democrats were the Sun party from 1932 through 1980. At present, and probably since the middle of the W Admin, we have a divided system of two Moon parties.

The only way either party can regain that hegemonic Sun-party status is to improve the incomes and security of the working-class majority of all colors. Racial feeling -- whether the "racial realism" Trouvere expresses, or the opposite viewpoint of critical race theorists -- can only be marginal to that endeavor. But the Dems, having positioned themselves quite effectively as the antiracist party, have a better chance of success there than the GOP, which at present is handicapped by its particular and exclusive commitment to the white working class.