This Was The Biggest Fraud Ever Perpetrated On The American People

You got some sort of ranking chart for that?
Who was number two and didn't try hard enough? For example...
Number two was the Tea Party. Which is pretty much the same thing as the Trump/MAGA movement -- it's all RW populist nationalism.
Meanwhile, the rapist cannot walk down a slope without having someone hold his arm.

Here's a quote from yesterday's speech in Arizona:
Hey, are there any steps in front of me? I don't want to go. I go down. That would not be good."
Number two was the Tea Party. Which is pretty much the same thing as the Trump/MAGA movement -- it's all RW populist nationalism.
I see. May we see the list and are the top ten slots all occupied by right-wing terrorists?

Did BLM get no honorable mention? Is that a bit Racist? Inconclusive?

Meanwhile, the rapist cannot walk down a slope without having someone hold his arm.

Here's a quote from yesterday's speech in Arizona:
One of the main tactics of the cancel culture. The repetition of a purely manufactured fact.

You say, "these top down political cultures (list) that leave their people destitute and the people do not rise up, well I have no sympathy for them, that is less than human."

Well, you include Haiti on the list of tyrants (white, yellow and brown), and the antebellum nature of the American Left kicks in and they see the remnants of their Racism and then forever, the troll is, AJ says black people are subhuman and then you get years upon years of the demand, "Why are you a Racist! Why do you hate Haitians. Why do you hate minorities?"

I adopted a Chinese daughter for God's sake.

"Oh yeah, you bought a rent-a-gook so you could child-rape her," and THAT has gone on for years, with full permission.

Fight back and you are playing a victim. You deserve what you get and when you fight back, you are banned.

This is how it works in Laurel's little corner of the Educational-Governmental Permission Complex.
You can say anything you want to a Conservative. They are subhuman.
It is justifiable and the troll is awash in sympathy.
Just not popular. Eh Throbbie?

It kills him that people like AJ and not him. Now he really wants AJ's goat...
One of the main tactics of the cancel culture. The repetition of a purely manufactured fact.

You say, "these top down political cultures (list) that leave their people destitute and the people do not rise up, well I have no sympathy for them, that is less than human."

Well, you include Haiti on the list of tyrants (white, yellow and brown), and the antebellum nature of the American Left kicks in and they see the remnants of their Racism and then forever, the troll is, AJ says black people are subhuman and then you get years upon years of the demand, "Why are you a Racist! Why do you hate Haitians. Why do you hate minorities?"

I adopted a Chinese daughter for God's sake.

"Oh yeah, you bought a rent-a-gook so you could child-rape her," and THAT has gone on for years, with full permission.

Fight back and you are playing a victim. You deserve what you get and when you fight back, you are banned.

This is how it works in Laurel's little corner of the Educational-Governmental Permission Complex.
You can say anything you want to a Conservative. They are subhuman.
It is justifiable and the troll is awash in sympathy.
Just not popular. Eh Throbbie?

It kills him that people like AJ and not him. Now he really wants AJ's goat...

Insh'Allah that this was so . . . .
One of the main tactics of the cancel culture. The repetition of a purely manufactured PROPAGANDA.

You say, "these top down political cultures (list) that leave their people destitute and the people do not rise up, well I have no sympathy for them, that is less than human."

Well, you include Haiti on the list of tyrants (white, yellow and brown), and the antebellum nature of the American Left kicks in and they see the remnants of their Racism and then forever, the troll is, AJ says black people are subhuman and then you get years upon years of the demand, "Why are you a Racist! Why do you hate Haitians. Why do you hate minorities?"

I adopted a Chinese daughter for God's sake.

"Oh yeah, you bought a rent-a-gook so you could child-rape her," and THAT has gone on for years, with full permission.

Fight back and you are playing a victim. You deserve what you get and when you fight back, you are banned.

This is how it works in Laurel's little corner of the Educational-Governmental Permission Complex.
You can say anything you want to a Conservative. They are subhuman.
It is justifiable and the troll is awash in sympathy.
Just not popular. Eh Throbbie?

It kills him that people like AJ and not him. Now he really wants AJ's goat...
I changed one word. There's nothing factual when propagating lies.
Yes, but in this case, the specificity of the a priori repetition of the lie was why I used the sarcastic "fact."
Aides kept meetings short and controlled access, top advisers acted as go-betweens and public interactions became more scripted. The administration denied Biden has declined.
You will certainly remember that exactly this type of arrangement was insisted on by the late Saint Ronald Reagan to accommodate his afternoon nap, and it was vigorously policed by that horrendous harpy Nancy :)
Naps are good for those who sleep little while managing affairs. President Biden was managing nothing. The comparison fails. President Clinton was admirable in his ability to manage "affairs" and take time for "naps."
To adapt the White House around the needs of a diminished leader, they told visitors to keep meetings focused. Interactions with senior Democratic lawmakers and some cabinet members—including powerful secretaries such as Defense’s Lloyd Austin and Treasury’s Janet Yellen—were infrequent or grew less frequent. Some legislative leaders had a hard time getting the president’s ear at key moments, including ahead of the U.S.’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.
In other words, manage and tailor shit. They did exactly the same thing for 45.
There is a difference when the mortician is tailoring the circle-running corpse...

Of course, in his circles, he was raving about the misinformation about his mental acumen, something about Musk and Fox and the mess boys got into his fucking ice cream and he's taking somebody out back to whip their ass...
Number two was the Tea Party. Which is pretty much the same thing as the Trump/MAGA movement -- it's all RW populist nationalism.
Politics is the art of managing emotions, not advancing reason. This explains certain people's, er, uh..., expertise...
The repetition of a purely manufactured fact...hmm, like “we won!”

Eh, not so much different when the adults in the room have to put his name every third word so he’ll pay attention to the truncated one page security briefing, then have to distract him with golf and Big Macs so he won’t do some crazy shit and he still got himself impeached twice, a record! Love him or hate ya gotta admit, he goes gig but he just won’t go away!
You will certainly remember that exactly this type of arrangement was insisted on by the late Saint Ronald Reagan to accommodate his afternoon nap, and it was vigorously policed by that horrendous harpy Nancy :)
Reagan never did anything like this to the grieving Americans:

New Report: Joe Biden Left Grieving Families Waiting for Three Hours Prior to Dignified Transfer of Kabul Bombing Victims — While He Napped on the Plane​

by Jim Hoft Dec. 21, 2024 9:40 pm

The grieving families accuse Joe Biden of napping for three hours before meeting with the families.

Now they are speaking out.

The Daily Mail reported:
I see. May we see the list and are the top ten slots all occupied by right-wing terrorists?

Did BLM get no honorable mention? Is that a bit Racist? Inconclusive?

There has never been any terrorism connected with BLM. Rioting is not terrorism.
Apparently not, as we have seen what happens when RW populist nationalism is in power: Nothing good.

Better than anything the backwards, insist on being wrong and victims all the time leftoids have ever managed.

It's so fucking good the lefties who hate it refuse to leave....... :D (y) (y)