THROBBS's'ss''s I.M.Fauve Gallery II

part of a series from a cast-away adventure...
prompted by an Authors' Hangout interactive thread aboard a pirate ship, I think.
I ended up overboard. (I didn't fit in)



Ok, I'm curious, what prompted the tattoo'ed head? And why are their wings so small...vestigial?
No, I mean I want it to be an actual story book, possibly with a line of plushies...especially the tortoise

okie dokie.

(She crazy!:eek: )

'ceptin' I drew that stuff.

If here were enough "you", I might, but there's not really a market.
If I ever get that "pillow book" together, print on demand is a low/no risk venture.

THEN, you could put your money where my pen is!:cool:
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For the *thup* *thup* *thup* thread...

threads being cut.:cool:

Pre-net, as that takes a little while...gotta decide the mesh size — often I prefer a tighter weave, which, of course takes longer to render.:rolleyes:

didn't "stick to the wall" :rolleyes:
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some net added...
have to do some actual work here...:mad:

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okie dokie.

(She crazy!:eek: )

'ceptin' I drew that stuff.

If here were enough "you", I might, but there's not really a market.
If I ever get that "pillow book" together, print on demand is a low/no risk venture.

THEN, you could put your money where my pen is!:cool:

I can't zoom in or increase the size:(
back to talking to myself it seems.

Raven Woman
The concept is not mine. A Litser (former, I suppose, as she has not posted for years) drew a fabulous image (much better than this) and I took inspiration and tried to replicate something like it from memory (sadly, I don't think I saved her original)

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She might have went back to Mars, possible her visa may have expired. Either that, or maybe she's on sabbatical.

Well hello, LadyJS! Nice to hear a friendly voice!

heh heh. Seems likely. And/or she has a life outside of LIT.:) princessing and all;)
Well hello, LadyJS! Nice to hear a friendly voice!

heh heh. Seems likely. And/or she has a life outside of LIT.:) princessing and all;)

And maybe she's taking a Lit break, happens occasionally, and sometimes unannounced.

Then again, it could be that princess stuff giving her a hard time :D

And maybe she's taking a Lit break, happens occasionally, and sometimes unannounced.

Then again, it could be that princess stuff giving her a hard time :D


I was having withdrawal there.
All of a sudden someone was conversing, then as suddenly no one, again.

Glad you popped in again!:) whew!:D

There was a flurry of activity — "stars aligned"?

I am quite the master baiter, one would think that I could dangle something enticing...

what should I pull out?
underwhelmed by suggestions (lack of).

Since Saturday, May 4
is supposedly World Naked Gardening Day 2019

I dug (ahahahahhahahaha!!) up this one:

BTW, that's and actual gardening tool.:)
it even has a clit bumper!:D

oh, LOOK! Tulips....heehehhehehee TWO Lips! hehehehhehhehheeee
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