Tigrans' Revenge IC

Death to the Resistance

As Gilly and Tia walked into the abandoned building they were all upset and worried. “Look what we found! It was flying around and we thought it was just trash but when we looked at it… well just see for yourself!” Gilly said as she handed the paper over to Capt’n Bones and Felina.


As Felina read this her face dropped. “What are we going to do? We can’t turn you over but we can’t sit back and let them kill innocent Tigran either!”

As Felina was talking Jola and Scar arrived and heard just the last few words. “Who is going to kill innocent Tigran?” Jola asked? Felina handed them the flier.

“Don’t worry Lass, they won’t be killin’ Tigran on my watch!” stated Scar.

“We will turn one of us in!” Jola announced. “Before you go getting all upset, I have a plan! If we turn in one of us it will distract them, now obviously they won’t ever take any of us but they will think they are. We will use it as a diversion as we save the Tigran and kill more demons! That doesn’t mean they won’t pull out 20 more Tigran, but I think with us saving those 20 and killing demons without being caught, we will get more to join with us to defeat the demons! What do you all think?”
"A pretty pussycat?"

As Mirri, Isis and Mayor Snarl reentered the seedy tavern drinking area, the large human bartender was there to greet them. Actually, he was there to greet Mirri, who had rubbed his belly and said if he would buy her a drink she might be “purr-sueded” to come back later that night. He was holding a drink for her.

“Here … for the pretty pussycat” He said with his thick spurting lips.

Mirri did not want to hurt the human’s feeling … so she grabbed the drink and nodded to him “See you tonight” She said with a smile. Taking a good drink from the cup and handed it back to the big human.

“Cyclops! … Stop bothering the girls … I need to bring them over to Madam Nya place” Mayor Snarl ordered as he adjusted his pants. “They most certainly passed the quality test! I have not squirted that much in a long time!” He boasted to anyone who was listening. Then the group of three moved through the bar and were back on the street. They headed for the madam’s house but before they got there, the mayor took a side alley and arrived at a small door. He tapped on it quietly three times. A few seconds later the bolt on the door opened and he entered along with Mirri and Isis. They were in the storage room in the back of a blacksmith’s shop.

There were three large tigran’s there. All looked like they worked in the blacksmith shop as they arms were huge. There were weapon and armor all around the room. Swords, maces, shields, helms, there was enough to outfit 50 tigran’s maybe more.

“What do you want … OLD man … and why are you bring whores here?” The largest tigran asked with a bit of disgust in his voice. The mayor was about to answer, but Mirri simply pulled off her veil. There was a gasp from one of the tigran standing next to the one talking.

“Talon Leader Mirri?” He asked not believing his eyes. Mirri simply smiled and nodded.

“Borak … this woman was a Talon Leader! Her name is Mirri” The tigran explained to the largest Tigran.

“One small correction … I’m STILL a talon leader” Mirri corrected “a 100 of my fighters are already within the walls of this town. I’m looking for allies that wish to rid this town of the bug infestation.”

Borak eyes studied Mirri's eyes. He saw strength and determination in them. He looked over to the Mayor “You … You knew about this? … so you counseled patience. Why did not tell me the Army was coming?” He asked.

The Mayor simply smiled “it was best for security reasons ... I maybe OLD ... but i'm also wise ” He stated.

Mirri and Isis knew the mayor was partly making this up. He had probably sent word for help when the bugs arrived. The Mayor did not realize his message never got to the Army. But Mirri and Isis saw no reason to correct the mayor statement.

“We need as many fighters as you can muster and we need any large weapons you can spare. Our troops on the inside are mainly armed with daggers. Anything you can provide that is larger would be useful.” Isis asked.

Borak looked around “The weapons here were for my resisters.”

Isis looked at Mirri and then back to the big blacksmith “what about mining equipment … picks … or blacksmith hammers … and the like?”

Borak smiled grew bigger “Ohhh … that is an idea … we have LOTS of those!”

FO-R picks a leader

The group heard Jola plan and thought about it for a bit. Finally Capt’n Bones spoke up.

“Aye Lass … but who will be turned in?” He asked.

Jola smile on her face grew larger “Myself of coarse … I need no weapons to fight … and those bugs are in for a pretty big "shock" when they see me!” She explained. Scar and Gilly grinned secretly as they both remember the lightning bolt attack she used on the bugs in the transportation yard.

Scar got serious again “We’ll need a leader. someain tae spick fur th' crew. if we succeed thes will be a big turnin' point in th' resistance movement. we’ll need someain fur th' fowk tae rally behin'. it can’t be gilly, jola, ur myself. it must be a tigran.” Scar stated.

Felina, looked to Capt’n Bones, Pearl, Fawn, Throgram, and Tia. Of the Tigran there, only Throgram and she seemed to fit the role of leader. Capt’n Bones was a ship captian and dealt with too many other races in his travels. The all the other women, worked at Madam Isis’ Cat house … although a legal profession, many would looked down upon them. That left for former Army Captain and herself. The best choice was Throgram … a leader in the army, handsome, well spoken. He should do it, she thought.

Felina was about to tell the group this when Throgram spoke up “I think the leader should be Felina. She has been fighting these things from day one. I surrendered and betrayed my fellow prisoners to the bugs. I cannot be the leader. I think it should be Felina”

Everyone looked at Felina. She had never spoken to large groups of people … she had never been the leader of anything, unless you counted the captain of dance team. She had no idea what to do or what to say. Then she remembered her friend Fo … what would she have done. She would have done it … she would have done whatever it took to get rid of the bugs!

“I’ll do it” Felina said.

“You’ll become target number one … the bugs are really going to be after you!” Jola reminder the former potter.

“I’ll do it … now let’s get going!” She said before she changed her mind.
Who ever knew that shadow demons had bodily functions and had to go to the loo? Jonz didn't know this, all he knew about the demons was the various ways to kill them. He was listening to the two sentinels, his blood slowly boiling as they spoke, no matter how well-trained you made a soldier, if he had dragon in him, you can be certain that somewhere along the line he will have anger issues. Jonz did not have issues, he had learned that anger is a very useful weapon, when not used against your enemy, it could be held inside to use at the very last moment. He heard the tread behind him, swung about and the startled demon only had time to make a clicking sound which in their language was very much like: "Huh?"

He had no time to catch the body as it fell, the two sentinels had heard it and grew silent, then they approached. Jonz left the body where it was and stepped back into the shadows, the two sentinels came upon the body, their initial shock still had them in it's thrall when an even bigger shock assailed them. Jonz struck from his hiding place, his hand covering the mandible mouths of the two bugs, two brief flares and the two bodies fell to the ground, their head left with gaping holes where the fireballs had burned through their open mouths.

He went to work, placing the sentinels where they were, draping their limbs in such a way which seemed like they tried to ward of danger, the third bug was fixed to a tree limb, looking like it was still standing, only problem was that it had not head. Jonz grinned and then moved into the camp. It took him two hours to finish, but when he was done, half of the bugs was sleeping next to their dead comrades. Jonz left the camp and started to set up traps for the retreat which would surely follow when the demons find their own kind slain by unknown means.
Question: How do you get past a giant animated stone statue?
Answer: Very carefully!

Jonz made it back to Aziza and Sanura. Aziza was sound asleep. Sanura had the watch and waited for his return. When she saw him, she asked “How did it go?” and looked him over to make sure he was not hurt in anyway.

He smiled that toothy draconian grin “Well” he replied

“I’ll stay on watch … you get some sleep” She suggested. He nodded know the bugs would not be a problem tonight.

The next morning Aziza had prepared a cold breakfast; the three ate smoked meat, cheese and some hard bread. As they were finishing up … there was a fireball explosion in the distance, followed by shouts and clicking at the main gate area.

“What was that?” Sanura asked. Jonz said nothing … but had a tiny sly smile on his face.

“A trap! Jonz must have set it last night” Aziza guessed as she saw the small smile on Jonz's face. “You were busy!” she concluded.

“Idle hands are the devil’s play thing” Jonz quoted

“Well, you sure look like a devil!” Aziza kidded him.

Sanura came to his defense right away “I think he is brave and handsome! And he looks like a noble dragon … NOT a devil!”

After breakfast, they headed back towards the main gate to the magic school. As they reached their view point, they saw just a few guards. Of the original 25, Jonz had killed about half. The remaining 12 had decided to send 6 back to Ardalis to get reinforcements. That group had run into the trap and been wiped out. The remaining 6 were arguing about what to do. It seemed like a heated argument.

“I think we can take these bugs down!” Aziza said with confidence.

Jonz looked at her “We can … but I want to do it in a certain way. Can you make a red hawk hooting call?” He asked both of them. Aziza nodded her head, but Sanura had never heard one before. Jonz cupped his hand around her ear and quietly made the bird call.

“I got it … but what are we going to do?” Sanura asked confused.

“We are going to make the bugs think they are under attack by a special draconian commando squad … and I think they run for it. Now here is what we are going to do …” He explained to the two female tigrans.

20 minutes later, the bugs were still arguing. The bugs had clearly been disturbed by all the deaths the night before. Jonz, Aziza and Sanura were in place. Jonz added to their anxiety with a loud hooting call. The bugs all stopped talking.

“Draconians!” one of the bugs gasped, grabbing its weapon. The others were not so sure. “That is just a legend … settle down and start acting like a shadow demon!”

Aziza hooted next from another direction. The bugs started to look at each other, wondering. Then Sanura hooted from the final direction … her hoot was pretty bad, but that made it all the more effective. All the bugs knew that was not made by a red hawk … they started to running around, grabbing their weapons. Jonz tossed a dagger silently, which landed right in the back on one bug's head. It fell over dead. That was it … all the remaining bugs took off running. There was no place to go … except right at the stone golem. The 20 foot tall, 32,000 lbs stone golem took a swat at two of bugs and squished them with the force of the blow. The three remaining demons were trying to run away from golem … that was when the golem’s eyes glowed and the demons slowed down to a crawl. Panic written on the demon’s faces as the huge stone statue’s foot came down and smashed them flat. Jonz, Aziza, and Sanura all felt the ground rumble from the stomp.

The three met at the bug’s old camp. Sanura asked “what happened … why did the last three demons stop running?”

Aziza answered “If things weren’t bad enough … the golem can also cast a “slow” spell!”
Trickery of Flickery?

Old Market square was only two large city blocks away from their new hide out, the old mill. The actual square was small, with an open-air bazaar and tent like stalls. It was not the best place to preform executions, but the demons must have picked it because of the more out spoken voices had come from this quarter of the city. Tia was sent out on a quick scouting mission. Meanwhile, Felina poured some old flour on a wooden table and drew a crude map of the square. About when she was done with the map Tia returned from her mission.

“The bugs have moved some of the stalls out of the way. There is now a wooden platform along this wall … in front of the southern tavern.” She said adjust Felina drawing with her recent observations. “They extended the stage were the musicians play in the evenings. It was raised up so everyone in the square can see the killings. At least that is why I suspect they raised it.” Tia explained.

“There are lots of balconies and windows to cover the square. I guess that is good for us … but it is also good for the demons. If they thought ahead a few archers could do a lot of damage to any rescue attempt.” She concluded.

“It looks to me like the demon's plan is to bring the 20 tigrans to the platform and kill them all at once. That is why they needed a larger platform. They probably plan to put a sword through their backs … or maybe cutting their throats” Tia explained.

The group around the table looked at each other for any ideas on how to rescue the tigrans. Jola spoke first “I’ll be beat up and bloodied barely able to hold my head up … as I’m dragged into the square from this alley here.” She suggested, pointing to the alley “All the bug's eyes will be on me … The two tigrans holding me … will be Pearl and Fawn … once the bugs see me they will surround me if they have any brains at all. Fawn and Pearl can just fade into the crowd after that.

“Someone needs to request the demons release the prisoners at this point … if the crowd does not do it for us. The demons will say no … and will order the prisoners killed. That will be my cue to fire up my little shocking surprise for the demons surrounding me.” Jola explained.

“Why do we need to wait and how can you be sure they will order the prisoners killed?” Felina asked.

“It is super important the tigrans in the square see how evil and dishonorable the demons are. The order to kill the innocent tigrans will do that. And don’t worry … they will order these tigrans be killed … this tactic is only loosely about capturing us. It is about showing the tigrans who has the power and the consequences of resisting.” Jola explained.

“Ok … but we still need to rescue the prisoners … at about the same time as the order to kill them is given. How do we do that?” Felina asked.

Gilly smiled “I think it is time for some trickery!
Mirri the Miner

Mirri climbed up to the roof of the building with ease and sent out the call of the deep forest stripped parrot. Hopefully to the Demons and Bugs it was just another bird sound among the many that could be heard. To her men though it was a signal to prepare and to her picked squad leaders it was a signal to gather. They would be able to tell were it was coming from as she continued to warble it from cover for a further ten minutes.

As she slipped to the ground, ten men slipped out of the shadows from various places and moved over to her, among them was Skadu and she smiled upon seeing him realizing their chances had just gone up if the scouts had made it in. "Okay everyone inside. You are about to meet the local resistance."

The men walked in and Boraks eyes grew wider as he saw the size and demeanor of these trained warriors. "Well Borak these are my Squad commanders. They are in charge of ten men each. I am assuming everyone made it in?" She asked of them. All nodded back and she breathed a silent thankyou to the gods. "I will be sending them quietly here or wherever you think best to gather the mining weapons for the attack. Well all except our scouts. They were they only ones we risked sending in with their bows but they were the best and we were sure they would make it. They will be taking out the Generals when the attack begins so we need to know where they are."

Borak laughed as did the mayor. "It is impossible to get near them. Those three are guarded like you wouldn't believe."
Mirri just smiled and suddenly a dagger was on his shoulder. Borak spun around as Skadu backed up with his hands up. "Peace Borak. That was just to show you how good our scouts are. Skadu there has been standing behind you for several minutes and yet you and your two men never reacted even though you don't really trust us. No don't try to deny it, in your shoes I wouldn't either. They can also hit the center of any target from 500 paces with those bows and still remain invisible thanks to Skadu's training. Now do you think it is impossible."

Borak smiled and then it turned positively evil. "Oh I think by this time tomorrow we will once again be living in a free town and have you to thank for it."
"Oh no Borak," Mirri shook her head. "We will both do it and hopefully many more will rally to our side as well. I want this whole town to rise up and slaughter these bugs and I do believe they will. They just have to be shown they can. The more the merrier I say, it will cut down on casualties," she smiled.
Mirri the Miner

Mirri climbed up to the roof of the building with ease and sent out the call of the deep forest stripped parrot. Hopefully to the Demons and Bugs it was just another bird sound among the many that could be heard. To her men though it was a signal to prepare and to her picked squad leaders it was a signal to gather. They would be able to tell were it was coming from as she continued to warble it from cover for a further ten minutes.

As she slipped to the ground, ten men slipped out of the shadows from various places and moved over to her, among them was Skadu and she smiled upon seeing him realizing their chances had just gone up if the scouts had made it in. "Okay everyone inside. You are about to meet the local resistance."

The men walked in and Boraks eyes grew wider as he saw the size and demeanor of these trained warriors. "Well Borak these are my Squad commanders. They are in charge of ten men each. I am assuming everyone made it in?" She asked of them. All nodded back and she breathed a silent thankyou to the gods. "I will be sending them quietly here or wherever you think best to gather the mining weapons for the attack. Well all except our scouts. They were they only ones we risked sending in with their bows but they were the best and we were sure they would make it. They will be taking out the Generals when the attack begins so we need to know where they are."

Borak laughed as did the mayor. "It is impossible to get near them. Those three are guarded like you wouldn't believe."
Mirri just smiled and suddenly a dagger was on his shoulder. Borak spun around as Skadu backed up with his hands up. "Peace Borak. That was just to show you how good our scouts are. Skadu there has been standing behind you for several minutes and yet you and your two men never reacted even though you don't really trust us. No don't try to deny it, in your shoes I wouldn't either. They can also hit the center of any target from 500 paces with those bows and still remain invisible thanks to Skadu's training. Now do you think it is impossible."

Borak smiled and then it turned positively evil. "Oh I think by this time tomorrow we will once again be living in a free town and have you to thank for it."
"Oh no Borak," Mirri shook her head. "We will both do it and hopefully many more will rally to our side as well. I want this whole town to rise up and slaughter these bugs and I do believe they will. They just have to be shown they can. The more the merrier I say, it will cut down on casualties," she smiled. "Well on our side."

The draconian sucked on his teeth,

"The magic will not affect me, dragon's blood is good for one thing. Well apart from healing, dragons have a very large resistance against magic. What I can do is draw the golem's attention and attacks while you two slip inside. When you're save in the grounds I can withdrae into the woods and if the golem follows me."

He slammed his fist into his open palm,

"Then I end this golem. It may be tall, strong and fueled by magic, but it is made out of stone and even stone can break."

He frowned,

"Though I would not like to do that, it would leave the mages without protection."
The Hammer and Anvil

The Queen Shella watched as the last of carts loaded with iron moved away from the small town and down towards the city of Ardalis. There had been a debate on whether to attack the convoy. She had finally decided that freeing the tigrans in the mines, and town of Makla was more important than the carts full of iron. She hoped she had made the right decision.

“What is this tactic called again?” Queen Shella asked Lord Haki as she placed her helm on her head.

“The hammer and anvil” Lord Haki replied grinning. He looked over to the Deson Hild, who was also grinning.

She frowned at the two of them “What are you two grinning about?”

“It is one of the more famous military maneuvers, simple and effective” Lord Haki explained. “It begins with infantry forces engaging in a frontal assault on the defensive forces. That is us, by the way. While the enemy is fixed on that engagement, another force … usual cavalry maneuvers around the enemy and attacks from behind, sandwiching the defenders between the two forces. Generally, this maneuver requires a large amount of cavalry to be successful. This maneuver was popular in a number of battles throughout the Orc wars. In addition, I have heard the draconians modified it using their flying troops as cavalry during the Battle of Baststeel. We are doing the same thing … only instead of cavalry … the troops inside the town will attack the shadow demons on the walls.”

“So you two are grinning because you think me the fool because I can’t remember the name of a very basic military maneuver?” The queen asked.

Lord Haki laughed “Your Majesty you have knowledge of other items in excess of us two simple military men. We mean no disrespect by our grins” Lord Haki answered

“You do have a quick mind and a silver tongue Lord Haki” Shella smiled back at him “But when you two military men can tell me the difference between a French knot, a Bullion knot, a Four-legged knot stitch, and a Turk's head knot, I will stop grinning” The queen said. Lord Haki had a totally blank look on his face.

“I have no clue … Sir Hild do you know the difference?” He asked the Human Knight.

The knight never needed to answer as the sound of the deep forest stripped parrot sounded in the small town a second time this day. The first was when Mirri signal her leaders for a meeting. This second call was longer and a signal to begin the attack. It was not quite twilight now. The sun was low on the horizon and staring the defensive forces in the face. A perfect time for the tigran’s outside the walls to attack.

The tigrans had been busy during this day preparing various firing positions. Holes had been dug, a few simple catapults had been assembled, and the main item of interest was a shield ram. The shield ram was a large wooden ram for breaking down gates, but it was covered with a sturdy roof. This roof prevented the tigran’s carrying the ram from being killed by the shadow demons on the wall.

Queen Shella walked up on the ridge in her full battle armor and showed herself to the demons on the wall.

“Shadow Demons holding Makla, I am Queen Shella of the Tigran nation. You have taken something that does not belong to you. That town is a tigran town. It BELONGS to the Tigran nation. If you do not return it immediately, I will be forced to smash your bug like bodies and take the town from you. The spilling of your hateful guts all over the town’s pretty streets and walls is not to my liking. So to prevent such a soiling of MY town … I suggest that you surrender.” The Queen yelled.

The demons were scrambling to man the wall’s defensive positons, this included two defensive catapults. A yell came back a minute later from the demon general that was now standing on one of the turrets.

“Big talk … Queen Slut!! Your husband has told us you were sleeping with Draconians … that is why you ran away when we arrived. But I digress … You need an Army if you want to take this town back and you don’t have one!” The demon yelled back.

As if on cue … Queen Shella’s 1st tier troops all stood up from their hiding spots. 400 Archers in fortified positions.

“Do you surrender now?” The queen yelled back

“KILL HER!” The demon yelled as the two catapults launched rocks at Queen Shella.

“FIRE AT WILL!!” Queen Shella ordered her troops. The Tigran archers fired a hail of arrows in a beautiful arc that would kill any Shadow Demons exposed on the walls. From the sound of the screams and falling bodies there had been plenty of dumb shadow demons not undercover. Queen Shella also watched the huge rocks as they flew through the air and headed for her. She had always been good at judging distance and speed. So she just stood there as the rocks hurled towards her. The first landed next to her about 10 feet away and the other one landed in front of her but due to the impact the rock bounced over her head harmlessly. She did not flinch or move her head.

“SHIT … that was close … your Majesty be careful!” Lord Haki said crotched down behind the ridge.

“Lord Haki … every rock tossed in my direction is one not thrown at my troops. I will stay up here until the demon’s run out of rocks!” The queen said firmly.

“Good point … perhaps I should join you!” Lord Haki said and stood up next to the queen. Then he said more quietly “Your Majesty … my eye sight is not what is use to be … if a rock is headed my way … please warn me” Lord Haki asked the Queen smiling shamefully.

Queen Shella smiled “I would be my pleasure … Sir Deson … did you want to join us?” She asked, but the knight was no longer on the ridge.
In honor of the world cup

The 20 foot tall, 32,000 lbs stone golem stomped after the draconian with purpose. It took swipes and swings at Jonz, but the Draconian mercenary stayed just out of reach. Slowly, carefully, Jonz was moving the stone Golem away from the main gate.

Aziza and Sanura watched and were ready to distract the massive stone statue incase Jonz got into trouble.

“He runs differently than a tigran, his body position leans more forward and he holds his tail differently too.” Aziza commented. Sanura just brushed off the comments by saying “I think he is beautiful to watch!”

“OH brother!” Aziza exclaimed in exasperation

“He is beautiful and smart. Look how he has solved each problem we encountered, systematically and with skill. We arrived here and find demons and this golem thing. He takes out some of the demons at night … clever … and then set a trap for the ones going for help … killing them off … extra clever and then chases the last of them into the golem so we can find out about the slow spell. Super extra clever … and now he is leading the golem away so we can sneak in. Each layer of defense dissected and removed. He’s brilliant!” Sanura gushed.

Aziza nudged her half-sister “if you are done gushing… I think the thing is far enough away. Let go!” Aziza suggested

The two female tigrans took off running straight for the main gate. This action caused the stone golem to stop chasing the draconian and turn back to the gate. It took off with as much speed as it could make. Which turns out … was A LOT.

Aziza and Sanura saw the thing turn around but they were now in the open, half way to the gate. They just needed to keep running to the gate and hope the main gate would open quickly. Sanura was the fastest and got to the gate first. There was a small door within the larger gate. She tried the door handle but it was locked. “Try knocking” Aziza yelled gasping for breath as she arrived. Sanura knocked there was no answer. Aziza slipped on her iron skin ring and gave the door a good punch! The ring turned her skin to iron but it also increased her mass to that of an "Aziza sized" iron statue. A punch with that much momentum behind it tore the door off its hinges.

“WE’RE IN!” Sanura yelled as she jumped inside the magic school. Then she looked back and saw Aziza just standing there … like she was frozen. The golem’s slow spell caught her. “NOOOOOO” Sanura yelled as the Stone golem’s foot kicked Aziza away from the small door. There was an odd cracking sound as a few of the stone toes broke off of the golem … Aziza body slowly flew into the air and was out of view of Sanura! It was like Aziza was moving in slow motion while the rest of the world moved at regular speed.

First the plan seemed to be working, then the golem turned it's back on him and rushed at the girls,

"Damn, you were supposed to wait for the signal."

He ran as fast as he could after the golem and watched as he slowed Aziza down and then kicked her. The tigran girl went flying, Jonz followed, the golem coming after him. Aziza traveled in a slow arc and it seemed like the spell held as long as the golem was near enough. She even landed and rolled slowly, Jonz rushed up and with a hard yank drew the slow-moving Tigran into a fireman's carry.

"Damn you're heavy."

He turned and ran straight at the golem who did not really expect that, it raised a foot to stomp them, but Jonz swerved, the golem adjusted it's aim, but by then they had passed underneath it. Jonz ran for the gate, it was too small for him, so he did the next best thing. He tossed Aziza inside and dashed for the safety of the trees.

One of the things about golems is that they may appear stupid, but they can get very upset and that lead to Jonz' downfall. He almost made the edge of the forest when the boulder slammed into him, driving him against a tree. Jonz managed to make his way a feet further, but collapsed. As hardy a draconian he was, a boulder to the back was to much even for him.
Plans Being Made

“Tia, about how much higher is the new platform? Do you think a body as big as Scar’s could fit under there? Scar, before you get all huffy, hear me out, you will not be missing out on killing demons, but our first concern is to get those they plan on killing to safety and that is where you come in.” Gilly started to explain.

“Yes, Scar could fit under there if he is lying down. He should have enough room to move about some at least.” Tia responded.

“Okay, since Jola is going to be busy distracting the bugs that is when we need to free the prisoners! Timing is very important here, too soon will give us away and too late, well that doesn’t need to be said. Scar, you will be under the stage and on the signal will remove the loosened planks and get the Tigran under the stage to safety. These planks will be right in front of where the Tigran will most likely be standing, so when you remove the first one, I am hoping they will notice and the bugs won’t because they will be watching what is going on with Jola and maybe even moved away from the Tigran. You can signal them that you are going to remove the second plank and they are to jump down and move to safety.” Gilly began explaining. “As soon as the Tigran start to move I will also create a distraction by starting a fire.
Tia, the stalls they moved out of the way, are they all bunched together anywhere close by?”

“Yes, they are off to the side of the stage. How did you know this?” Tia asked.
“These bugs don’t seem to be laborers so they wouldn’t move them very far and exert themselves too much. That is perfect. That is where I will start the fire!” Gilly stated.

“Wait!” exclaimed Felina, “Those stalls are how those Tigran sell their goods, what will they do if you burn them?”

“Felina, if we don’t do this, there won’t be any Tigran left to sell their goods.” Gilly replied. “I’m sorry we have to burn a few stalls, but I am sure we can rebuild them after the city is restored to the Tigran! I will even help rebuild them, okay?”

“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry, I wasn’t really thinking that far ahead of not having a city. Burn them then, I am sure the Tigran will be okay with that in order to regain their city.” Felina commented.

Gilly smiled at Felina, knowing this much not be easy for her being back where her friend was killed, but in order for her friend’s death to not be in vain, they had to get rid of the bugs! “Okay, so I will need a disguise to get behind the stage without anyone really paying attention to me. I figure with my size I could pass as a Tigran child, but I don’t really look like a Tigran, any chance you ladies may have some skills to help pull that off?” Gilly asked Pearl, Fawn and Tia.

“Oh, we can definitely make you look like a Tigran child, but we definitely need to cover your feet, they will give you away in a heartbeat!” Fawn stated and they started planning on how they would make a disguise for Gilly.

“Okay, I am going to sneak out and go under that stage to loosen those few boards. No, no one is going with me and no one is going to stop me. I can do this, trust me. It will also be easier if I do it alone so there aren’t too many bodies to hid in the shadows. I promise to be careful and return.” Gilly said as she then slipped out the door.
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Mirri had spent the day with the rebel leaders arming her men. They had come in a squad at a time as they could safely do without drawing attention to themselves. Mirri briefed them on the plan and then sent them to their positions armed with their weapons of choice. Most took Pitchforks or sledgehammers, but a few took several pieces of leather and ropes after showing her how they could be used to make Bola's and slings. By the time the scouts made it to the house they had only an hour before the scheduled start of the attack.

As the scouts all snuck into the house Mirri's eyes noticed the telltale signs but only just. It was only because she had done some training as a scout herself that she even glimpsed them she supposed. Skadu stepped out of the shadows and approached her as she sat with Borak and his lieutenants. "Talon leader. I trust that all the other squads have been given their orders now. My squad and I would like to depart for the walls. If resistance leader Borak could give us the location of the places of the commanders will be most likely to be in, we will set up there."
Mirri smiled as once again all three were startled by his appearance. "Gentleman I believe now is the time to share intelligence."

Borak nodded."One of the commanders will always take the wall when an attack begins. He will be on the wall near the gates and be highly visible. One will stay back in the house they have commandeered as their headquarters. It is the old mining storehouse. It is the only house in town that is made fully of stone and they thought it would be the easiest to defend. The last will be roaming around the town with a handpicked squad of troops ready to go where he is needed. If we can take all three of these commanders out then their whole command structure will be in disarray."

Skadu nodded. "The one on the wall will be easy. Any one of my squad could pick him off. Same with the roaming commander. Our problem is going to be getting to the one in the mining storehouse. However I do have a plan for that as well. We will get it done Commander."

Borak looked puzzled. "We scout leader. You have not even informed your troops yet." Both Mirri and Skadu looked at him and smiled. "My friend Borak just how many people do you think are in this house at the moment,"began Mirri.
Borak looked around perplexed but could honestly only see himself, his lieutenants and Mirri and Skadu. "Why just the five of us of course.
Mirri nodded and Skadu made a motion and 9 other figures materialized out of the shadows. Boraks eyes widened as they showed themselves, then a slow smile touched his lips. "Perhaps we do have a chance."

Mirri clapped Skadu on the back. "I will trust you to get in position yourself my friend. You know who best to put where, and how to go about taking them out. I will be signalling the attack just before sunset. You do not have much time so get out there and good luck."

Skadu nodded and he and his men disappeared quickly. Mirri then turned to Borak "Now let us discuss what you and your men are going to do."
It looked grim ... really grim

Sanura had tears running down her face as she peered out of the broken door opening. Then she saw Jonz grab Aziza and rush back towards the door opening. It was another nail biting situation with the golem trying to squish the two of them. Then Jonz had made it through and tosses Aziza at opening. Sanura backed up and got ready to catch her half-sister. Aziza was not catchable, she was WAY too heavy, however strangely Aziza floated to the ground in a slow fashion. Sanura was there to soften the landing that was about it.

Then she heard the smack of the boulder hitting Jonz. “JONZ” she yelled “ARE YOU OK?”

There was no answer and she heard the stone Goelm approaching the gate. She had no idea what to do ... Treat her hurt half-sister? Go to Jonz? Or run from the Golem?

Suddenly, a tall tigran dressed in sharp pressed gold vest with purple trim, white puff sleeve shirt, expensive pants and fancy leather shoes was approaching her from the back of the portcullis. His tigran face was well-kept and small circular glasses adorning his face.

“GRIM … HALT” he called out and the giant Golem stopped.

“Go pick up that Draconian GENTLY and bring him here.” He order the stome giant and the golem moved off to get Jonz.

“Miss … I’m sorry about what happened but the school is closed right now. Too many shadow demons about.” The kind faced tigran said as he knelt down next to her half-sister Aziza. The male tigran was over 6 feet tall and was wearing some of the highest quality clothing she had seen, even his fur looked luxurious.

“Who are you … and can you help my half-sister?” Sanura asked joining the tigran in kneeling down next to Aziza.

“I’m Baban Tylos, the chief mage at this school and yes I can help her.” He said “But there is something odd about her” he said as he tried to get a pulse but his fingers could not get through her skin.

Sanura grabbed the ring on Aziza finger and pulled it off.

“Now try” She suggested.

He got her pulse and checked for broken bones and found none. “Remarkable …” He said in amazement. “She looks like she is going to be ok … But she is going to have one hell of a bruise. Give her this healing potion. ” He instructed and handed the potion to Sanura.

The stone golem returned carrying Jonz. He reached down and opened the larger gate entering the portcullis.

“GRIM … Place him down gently” Baban told the creature and the golem did as instructed. The wizard was at the draconian’s side. Sanura was done giving Aziza the healing potion and hurried over to see how Jonz was doing.

“His shoulder is broken … and there might be some internal bleeding … hard to tell” Baban said. “Draconian are hard to treat. They are magic resistant you know … good thing is I have dealing with their mages … and this” he pulled out another potion bottle from his golden vest. The potion was filled with some green sludge looking stuff.

“This will heal him. It just tastes really BAD” He commented.

“I give it to him … while he is still knocked out!” Sanura suggested.

“He is not going to have a good taste in his mouth when he wakes up!” Baban Tylos warned her as he pushed his glasses higher on his nose. Sanura opened Jonz’s mouth “Sorry about this … but you’ll feel better in a while.” She said and poured the stuff into his mouth.

Baban stood back up as did Sanura. He looked over her shoulder at the small door lying in the entrance. “I’ll need to fix that, Grim guard the gate” He ordered the golem. The stone Golem closed the larger gate and resumed his guard duty.

“Grim ... is that his name? He sounds like a butler!” Sanura said with a curious look on her face.

“Grim Stone” Baban Tylos said with a smile. “I thought it would be kind of funny. Anyhow follow me as I need to get a few tools to fix that door” he said.

The two headed into the courtyard of the school. Sanura looked at the interesting place. There were strange instruments and things in the courtyard. On top of one of the towers was a strange tube like object pointing to the sky.

“What is that” She asked the chief Mage.

“A telescope to scrutinize the stars for portents.” The mage replied.

“Portents?” Sanura asked.

“Signs … Omens … that kind of stuff” The mage said as he gathered a few tools. He turned around and headed back to the damaged gate. When Aziza and Jonz came to … that is where they found those two. Working on repairing the small door in the larger gate.
Inside the old mining storehouse in Makla

Koder closed the door and turned the lock then nodded to one of its shadow demons to stand guard. The shadow demon commander had already proceeded down the corridor and Koder needed to hurry to join the commander. Koder moved quickly and soon drew closer to Commander Allor. The commander held a tigran female in his hands, she seemed drugged. The commander stopped and turned

“You have no idea what we are really doing here … do you?” The commander waited for Koder to answer.

Koder nodded “That was not a question, just simply a statement of fact.”

Allor eye’s flashed dangerously. “Be careful of what you say, Koder”

Koder did not reply, regretting its outburst. Allor was a dangerous demon, more than capable of killing Koder. Koder was a low level demon that had come to this dimension to do the demon lords’ bidding nothing more.

“You tread on dangerous ground my young warrior,” Allor continued. Koder face, however, remained expressionless. Allor lifted a bug like antenna … enquiring. “Come, I have something to show you.”

Koder followed Allor and they made their way down the dim hall until they came to a stone arch with two large sturdy tar stained wooden doors set within. Allor nonchalantly flicked its hand and the doors gave an almighty groan then opened inwards onto a black hole of nothingness.

It was the dark tunnel that they use to invade Ardalis! The shadow demon inwardly shuddered, as a bone cold chill seemed to envelop it.

“Bring a torch over” The demon commander ordered. There were flaming torches, held on large cast iron rods hooked by chains to the walls. Koder grabbed the closest. Koder also noted in the flame’s light that its breath condensed into mist! The temperature had dropped.

“Do you know that these human, tigran, draconian creatures’ souls are all like a flame?” The demon commander’s smooth voice broke the silence. “Each time a harvester eat them … their souls go out … it looks like a candle being put out. And then another demon joins this world.” The commander explained.

“There is a one to one connection between the creatures on this planet and our dimension. Less of them … more of us!” The commander noted.

“Now look into the darkness … bring your torch closer” The commander ordered.

Koder looked hard into the darkness. At first it saw nothing, and then it saw some movement. Something huge was in that cold tunnel dimension. It was massive and it felt hungry!

The commander placed the tied up female tigran right on the edge of the tunnel of darkness. Smaller creatures within the tunnel dimension appeared ... hundreds of them … jostled to get closer to the tigran. The jostling became more violent. The pushing and shoving turned to fighting as each of these dark creatures tried to get at the tigran but something was holding them back.

Suddenly, one of the shadow beasts burst closer. It seemed disorientated, so close to a living soul … then it turned around – searching, its eyes stopped and fixed on the tigran female. The girl screamed and tried to move away but the demon commander held her. The shadow beast charged, making contact with the screaming figure, but instead of smashing the tigran aside, its insubstantial form passed inside the tigran. The Tigran female collapsed writhing in pain then an inhuman scream rose from within the fallen figure. The tigran female mouth opened in a look of grotesque horror as her head snapped back. Something foul was forming below the surface of her skin as her face split and became misshapen. The woman let out one last horrendous agony filled cry, which gradually turned into the inhuman birth yell of the creature. Tears streaked down her face as the elasticity of her skin could stretch no further. Blood and flesh squeezed out from the ever widening rips. The once beautiful tiger person eyes bulged, then horrifically one popped out. Koder watched the final death throws, as the female’s flesh was ripped apart.

What followed was a roar and a demonic creature was standing in the spilled flesh and guts of the tigran female. Some of the woman’s garment hung in tatters from the creature, blood and droplets of flesh dripping from it. There was nothing insubstantial about the beast now and it turned its head.

It eyes glowed with evil. The sinew in its chest and shoulders rippling in the movement. This was like no shadow demon Koder had seen before. Its eyes fixed upon Allor. They burned and smoke rose from their glowing slits. A tongue came from its mouth and wiped across the smeared blood covering its face.

“Commander Allor… what is this thing?” Koder asked

“My new body guard!” The commander said. “It is part tunnel dimension and part from this world. Nothing can kill it!” The commander bragged.

“And the huge thing down in the tunnel dimension?” Koder asked.

“The Shadow Demon commander will relase it soon … and then there will be no life left on this planet.” The commander explained.

Skadu led his scouts to their positions. He selected two of them to hang back to deal with the easy targets. The one on the wall was going to be the easiest but it was still going to be a tough shot. Four hundred yards into the sun during a battle. The only good thing was he would most likely stay in the same spot. He chose their best archer who just happened to be a female. Her orders were to take out the commander then continue sniping at any hot spots, but not get pinned down and continue to move.

The second target would roam but once found would also be easy. He chose a fleet runner who blended in well with the shadows but also knew his way around this urban landscape. He could be taken out by arrow or by slipping out of an alley. His orders were to also take out as many of that squad as well over time. If they were hand picked they must be good.

As they ran off the remaining eight took off towards the mining stockroom. They found the structure and Skadu was impressed. It was indeed an ordinary warehouse like structure and that's what was going to make it so tough. It had hardly any windows and those that it did were small and barred. It had large double doors for wagons to be admitted and a smaller door for people and that was it. Their only silent entry point was the roof. It was wooden shingles and he guessed they could make a hole in it and climb through, but then it would be up to luck what happened next.

Deciding to take four men in and leave four men outside in case once the attack began they decided to rush out and see what was going on, Skadu quietly ascended to the roof and removed enough wooden slays so he could get through easily. He disappeared down the hole finding the sturdy roof beams easily and moving quietly along them. He found an empty room and jumped down into it, the other three soon following him. He peeked out and then sat their waiting for the attack to begin.

Mirri had gone over the plan several times with Borak and was now sure that the resistance leader was well versed in it. He had left twenty minutes ago to arm his people and Mirri was looking at the position of the sun. It was almost time to send out the call. She bounded onto the rooftop and sat for a few minutes more watching as the sun sank lower. Finally it looked perfect and she raised her head sending out a piercing call of the deep forest stripped Parrot. She kept it up for a minute then disappeared from the roof and blended into the shadows.

Soon she saw Bugs and demons racing towards the walls but still she held off on her next signal. She heard the Demon commanders bullish voice and then the catapults started up as the wall was showered by arrows. Still she waited. Finally the second volley came and she let loose another Parrot cry.

An Arrow streaked out and the commander fell dead with it through his head. The bug standing next to him barely had time to register this fact before he too fell down with one lodged in his skull as well. 90 men and women of the Tigran army rushed the walls armed with mining weapons yelling at the top of their lungs for two reasons. One to scare and demoralize the enemy, and two to tell those outside the battle had begun and to stop shooting arrows.

One squad was detailed to take the gate and they quickly secured it before the bugs knew what was happening. They slaughtered the ill prepared troops from behind, a lot of them swapping their tools for swords an axes of the enemy. Quickly the gate was opened so those outside could join the fight.

Those ordered to clear the walls were having a tougher job. The troops up there had had time to recover and they had quickly barricaded the tower doors and the steps leading up to the walls and were defending them well. They still had archers up there and they were taking their tole. Several of the attackers had looted the dead and were shooting back but it wasn't enough, they needed help.
Unused storeroom off the old market square

Jola was in position next to Pearl and Fawn. They had broken into an unused storeroom and could peer through the stuttered windows into the square. The square was full of people. This did not surprise Jola too much. When criminals were executed on Execution Day a lot of tigrans turned out. It became a social phenomenon that adopted its own rituals, starting with the procession of the condemned to the execution place. In Ardalis, the place was called the gallows. Once at the gallows, the condemned would give their last dying speech. If they expressed enough heart felt remorse a pardon was sometimes given. If they went the other direction … the crowd could throw rotten fruit at the criminal. So it was a “fun” event with unknown outcomes. It also did not happen often as under King Goldenmane’s rule only very serious crimes resulted in the death penalty.

What did surprise Jola was the mood of the crowd. It was somber to pissed off. If this event was designed to demonstrate the power and authority of the demons had over the tigrans, it was failing badly. The crowd adamantly refused to accept the demon’s control and were showing their disrespect through grumbling comments and snide remarks. There was even some disobedient behavior when the demon’s called for quiet and the crowd just got louder.

Fawn pointed to the new make-shift stage. “Hey … I see Gilly …she is not in the right spot. … something is wrong?”

Jola looked and also saw her. “By the 9 levels!!!”

Fawn asked “What do we do now?”

Jola became grim and determined “We follow the plan … if something goes wrong, remember the mission is to save as many of those tigrans as we can or die trying. This is about selfless service! Save those tigrans … got it. If all of us die trying to do that … it still might make the tigran revolt against the slimy bugs.”

Fawn and Pearl nodded in agreement.

The crowd finally quieted down and the tigran victims were pushed out to the railing on the stage, so all could see them. There were 20 of them and the executioner bugs had long knife and stood back against the wall. So the plan was to cut their throats. There was good separation between the bugs and the victims. Fawn and Pearl recognized a few of them. “One is the head of the council of merchants, another is the captain of the merchant quarter city watch, these are some of the quarter's more important leaders!” Pearl explained.

“Fucking bugs!” Jola said realizing the bug’s plan was cunning. Picking the formal and informal leaders of the quarter was good for two reasons. First of all it removed them from leading the resistance movement. And secondly, if they knew anything about the resistance fighters they would spill the beans or use their contacts to find the resistance movement people to save their own skins.

On a balcony above the square

Felina and Tia had move out on to the balcony overlooking the square. Both of them wore hooded cloaked as if they were monks. No one could see their features. Across the way on a roof top she saw the Capt’n and Throgram getting ready as well.

The demon security forces had moved into position. It was a bigger force than they thought. “Another problem” Felina had whispered to herself. Then she saw the victims pushed forward. She thought about how unfair, how dishonorable this tactic was. The whole thing made her blood boil. Soon all she wanted was to unleash holy hell on these demons and ravage them. In a sudden moment of clarity, just as the head demon walk on the platform to speak … the nervousness and doubt left Felina completely, she was ready to lead the resistance movement and she turned to Tia. Her back straightened, pulling out her throwing stars, and she spoke with a voice full of confidence.


Her startled squad mate Tia ... who didn't have a chance to respond as the head Demon spoke.

“Tigrans … this is a sad day for me. There are bad creatures among you. Evil creatures … a naga, a halfing and a worgen. They are trying to set up a resistance movement. And because of their efforts now 20 tigran will die … and another 20 after that … every hour … more tigrans will die. Until these three are turned in! Don’t let their foolish actions cause these deaths. FIND THEM!! If everyone in this square searched the market quarter … they would be found. If only one of them is found … I will stop the killings.” The head demon said spreading his hands.

Unused storeroom off the old market square

“How lucky … what a poor choice of words!” Jola smiled adding “that is our cue” She grabbed a juicy red cherry and smashed it against her forehead. The red juice dripping down her face … looking just like she had a massive head injury. Fawn and Pearl dragged her and then pulled her along the old cobblestone street. Jola head was hanging limp … jostling around as they entered the square … there was a large gasp from the crowd as soon everyone saw the Naga being dragged in.

“We found the Naga you seek!” Fawn called out to the head bug.

“Surround that naga!” The head bug on the platform yelled. 20 demons with spears quickly surrounded Jola as Fawn and Dawn released Jola and faded into the crowd. Jola acted like she could barely stand as she looked at all the spears pointed at her.

Then she noticed something she did not expect. There, standing next to her was the young female tigran girl who had stolen her small change coin pouch on the day of the earthquake. “That little shit furball is going to fuck up our plan!” Jola thought. She could not release the lightning ball spell without killing the little tigran too. Jola needed to think of a way out … but the only thought in her head was the saying "the best laid plans of mice and Naga ..." It was at this moment … a drop of cherry juice dripping off her head and landed on the female tigran girl. “OH SHIT” was Jola only thought as the girl noticed the drop and smelled it.

Fawn yelled from the crowd “Release the tigrans … you said you would stop the killings if only one of the creatures is found … RELEASE the Tigrans!”

The Head bug smiled “What I said was I would stop the killings … the additional killings, the ones in an hour from now. These tigrans must die … as a lesson to every tigran what happens when you resist us!”

Felina had enough and shouted down to the square from the balcony.

“You can not fool these people with your slick words … BUG!” Felina said “If you have a problem with this naga … then take it out on her. Those 20 tigrans on stage did not resist you.”

“Authority cannot be challenged. This Evil Naga is the cause of these tigran deaths!” the head bug said.

“The way I see it … she is not killing 20 innocent tigrans … YOU ARE. YOU ARE THE EVIL ONE!!” She said and pointed directly at the head bug. There was a gasp from the crowd as they realized whoever the cloaked figure was on the balcony she just signed her death warrant.

The head bug signaled to another security squad which headed for the building that the balcony was on.

Then there was a scream … “It’s a TRICK … the Naga is not Hurt … THAT IS FAKE BLOOD ON HER HEAD” the girl screamed.

And all hell broke out …
Have you heard about the sheep who worked in a fish and chip shop? One was a battering ram.

The catapults crawled across the field and where moved into position. Between them was a roofed ram. It was made of a thickest tree the tigrans could find in the forest. It was attached to the roof with thick ropes. The smiths had been busy crafting the thick black steel tip of the ram. The biggest and strongest tigrans were inside the ram pushing it forward on its wooden wheels closer to Makla main gate.

To the surprise of the two lead Tigrans inside the roofed ram there was only small objects hitting the ram as it got closer to the gate.

“Where are the catapult rocks?” One asked.

The other shrugged his shoulders “Who knows … just be glad they are not being thrown at us!”

Shella and Haki were still on the ridge line watching the massive rocks come flying in.

“They don’t give up easily …” Shella commented as she stepped another massive rock ... it just missed her.

“No … but the ram is almost to the gate! After that we can leave the ridge” Lord Haki suggested

“No … I like this viewing spot … plus I want them to keep throwing rocks at us!” The Queen stated.

“Your majesty … you can be annoying at times” Lord Haki admitted

“Leo … use to tell me that all the time” Shella said.
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Harmony and the roaming squad

Harmony had been entrusted with taking out the roaming squad because she was the fastest Tigran in the scout's and had quickly become one of it's most deadliest. She had listened well to hunter Skadu's teachings and had tried to put all of his wisdom into what she had already learned as a Scout in the Tigran army. Now she was little more than a ghost as she fluttered from one building to another seeking out the elusive patrol.

She finally found them as they were moving up towards the open ground in front of the walls where all the fighting was occurring. They had mounted some form of heavily armored bug with sharp spikes that looked like it could do a lot of damage just by itself, let alone the huge warriors perched on their backs. Every one of them must have been over eight feet tall at least and was carrying a four foot long sword. If they charged they would wipe out the Tigrans in a few passes.

Harmony quickly surveyed the route they would have to travel. It was not ideal for cavalry and for these beasts even worse. In fact there was only one street they could take and they would have to be running single file to get up any momentum to charge into battle. Harmony had a plan. She sprinted over to the end of the street and unfurled the spider silk line she had used to climb into the city. It was so thin it was nearly invisible but as strong as a rope of steel. She tied one end around a stone column and ran across the road. She had no choice but to tie it to a wooden post on this side but she tied it to three separate ones to be sure. It only needed to hold until the first beast tripped, but it needed to hold or the Tigrans were sunk.

She then climbed onto the roof of a building further down and turned just as the thunder of the approaching beasts reached her ears. She prayed to the gods the rope would hold and crouched down to see if her plan would work.
Jonz slowly came to, he groaned and sat up, he shook his groggy head and looked around, last thing he could remember was a tree in his face and the foliage as he crept further into the trees...he blinked and found that he was inside the compound. There stood the golem and there next to the broken door was Sanura, next to her a strange Tigran. He grumbled as he forced himself to get up, pain still niggled at him, but he was not dead, that was something,

"Well it seems like we made it to your destination."

He smacked his lips,

"Though I am not sure why you poured Crag lizard dung and fermented Hockbark down my throat, it tastes vile."
Skadu and the Demon

Skadu heard a commotion outside the room and risked a quick look. Small demons and bugs were rushing down the hall and back out again. It was a constant flow and he now knew his plan was not going to work. They would not be able to slip in unnoticed through all this traffic. He pointed to the roof and all four of them silently climbed up and out again and quickly made their way back across to the opposite side of the road and up onto the roofs. The other four joined them and Skadu started whispering. "It seems this one is the planner. We are unable to get to him so we must make him come to us." Turning he watched as the constant stream of demons and bugs entered the square and exited. There were three entrances they used. Skadu's face lit up in a feral smile. "Lets cut off his information shall we. Two tigrans to a alley, kill everything that comes down it silently and swiftly then hide the body. Lets see how long it takes them to send someone out to investigate. Two over here to kill whoever they do. One over here for for a head shot with a bow, one hiding here for a sword strike in the back to finish off quickly. I will do that. Hide the body as well. Soon maybe the Big Demons may come out. Okay everyone to your positions."

It took them two minutes to get everyone in place but Skadu knew the attacks had started when first one, then all the alleys stopped disgorging new bugs and demons. Three minutes later a lowly bug stepped out the door and looked towards the alleys. He didn't even see the arrow or the twin swords that ended his life. Skadu dragged the carcass behind the building and came back scuffing dirt over the small amount of blood visible from the door. Three more times they had to kill bugs, before a decent demon was sent but he too died. Finally Skadu heard loud footsteps coming. Whoever they were sending it was someone serious. He used the silent code to tell the archer to shoot on sight and not wait. Getting confirmation he readied himself. They door was flung open and the arrow flew. Skadu burst around the corner and plunged both his swords in to the belly of the demon and ripped sideways spilling intestines and whatever else and actually cutting off one hand as his swords came free. He jumped back and noticed the arrow in the beasts eye jutting right through it's head. They had been lucky. This beast was huge and would have been a tough fight.

He walked backwards and then gasped as the thing raised it's claw and grabbed the arrow and slid it out the side of it's head. Then it's wounds turned smokey and everything returned to it's rightful place. It gave a big grin at him and laughed. "A good try and well executed Tigran, but you will have to do better to kill me." Still laughing it launched itself at him. Skadu barely had time to dodge before he was in the fight of his life.
The Miners of Makla

The Miners of Makla were tough. It was hard work to mine these mountains. This type of mining was called deep mining. The miners needed to dig tunnels deep into the mountains. Large and heavy amounts of dirt, rock and ore needed to be brought back out of the mines. There was a clever water/aqueduct that assisted the Tigrans in floating the heavy iron ore out of the mines. But it was still hard and heavy work. Refining the ore and finally the transport to Ardalis all required manual labor, so regardless where a tigran worked in mining industry it was intense and hard work. Miners of Makla were big and strong and very fit.

Mirri understood that with some motivation, a little bit of tactics and good leadership these miners could be as deadly as her trained troops. As Queen Shella stood on the ridge, in her battle armor, for all to see, rocks being lobbed at her, the motivation of the miners was complete. It was like a light brighter than the sun had spot lighted the demons and what they had done. The whole town reached the conclusion they had been lied to. The leadership of Ardalis had not made a pack with these demons … to help them fight against the humans. These bugs were invaders. The queen had said it best “this town is a tigran town. It BELONGS to the Tigran nation. If you do not return it immediately, I will be forced to smash your bug like bodies and take the town from you!” The Miners of Makla were good at smashing thing. They made a living out of smashing big rocks into smaller ones. Demon exoskeletons were hard … but not nearly as hard as a rock. A miner with a shovel, pick, or mallet could kill a demon with a single blow.

The miners did not know about tactics and had no leader. This was why Mirri had asked Commander Hatur to teach the miners tactics and provide leadership. Commander Hatur knew all about massing forces and attacking the enemy lines at their weak points. When to use ranged weapons and when close “hand to hand” combat was required. As the outside forces began their assault on the main gate of Makla Commander Hatur revealed himself.

The miners were all pissed and shouting that they should join the battle against the bugs. About 20 of them made it to the street. Talking tough talk but not doing anything yet.

“They called Queen Shella … Queen Slut!! NO ONE DOES THAT AND LIVES!!” A burly Tigran shouted and his fellow miners all cheered. Two demons on street patrol moved towards the group of miners.

“You will feel the cold steel of our swords … unless you break this gathering up!” One of the demons shouted. The miners started to lose their courage as they had no weapons. Commander Hatur walked out of a bar with a smile on his face, heading right for the two demons.

“Miners of Makla … I’m a commander from the Tigran army. Follow me … and by night fall this town will be back in Tigran control!” He shouted. The demons turned and start for him. The commander stood still and smiled.

“You will DIE … commander … you have no weapons!” the demons shouted and aimed their swords at him. The commander opened his arms wide “True … I’m completely unarmed” He said. The first demon took a powerful swing at Tigran commander which he dodged nimbly … his claws coming out and he leapt on to the shadow demon’s back raking his claws down its back … as the thing screamed. The second demon tried to kill commander Hatur while he was on the other demon’s back. Hatur saw it come and leapt away … the sword aimed for the commander … sank it other demon’s back killing it.

“See Miners of Makla … the demons kill themselves!” The commander laughed light hearted.

The second demon came screaming at Commander Hatur. It was going to hack the tigran commander into pieces. But its attack ended before it reached commander hatur. A pick plunged through its back and came poking out the front. The big burly Tigran had thrown the pick from 20 feet away and struck the demon. It was a hand pick, something many miner's carried.

Commander Hatur nodded to the man in thanks. Walking out of the shadows was Mayor Snarl “THAT’S THE SPIRIT!!” He yelled and walked over and picked up the dead demon’s sword. “GET YOUR WEAPONS … OR DIGGING TOOLS … MEET ME AND THE COMMANDER BACK HERE IN 10 MINUTES … IT IS TIME TO TAKE BACK MAKLA!!!”

There was a huge cheer and the cobblestone street soon filled with the angry miners of Makla! and now they had weapons!
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Skadu in trouble!

The demon creature was hideous! Its eyes glowed with evil, it body was large and hulking. But what was more disturbing was Skadu could see its muscle … it was like the thing was inside out. There were small wisps of smoke that rose from its glowing eyes. It had no weapon … however its claws and fanged teeth looked deadly enough. Skadu tried to keep the thing a bay … but it was quick and tried to get around his sword.

“You fight well for something that is alive!” the creature said “but how can you fight something that can out flank you like this” The creature stated and suddenly “popped” away and then popped back next to Skadu right flank. Its claws scrapped away Skadu armor … before he could turn and get his sword on the creature. Then the creature popped away again, reappearing back in front of Skadu.

“You cannot win!” The demon sneered at Skadu.

Skadu shook his head “Just watch me” He said, but in fact Skadu had no idea how to kill something which his blades could not make contact with and a thing that popped in and out at will. The demon laughed and attacked again … trying to push his swinging sword out of the way to get at Skadu’s head … the Black Panther ducked the clawed hands that were trying to slice into his face. Skadu brought his sword up and into the demon’s chest, right through its heart.

This had no effect on it at all. Skadu pulled the sword back out and he noted the “blackness” around the wound. It was like he was looking at another dimension. There was a popping noise and the thing was gone. He assumed it would attack him at his most vulnerable spot, his back, he thrust his sword in that direction. The creature popped back in behind him, right onto the sword. But again that seemed to have no effect on it and the demon even slide down the sword blade and grabbed his shoulder … its jaws bite into his shoulder!

Skadu twisted and turned away separating the two combatants. There was blood, his blood, all over his right shoulder. He could feel the throbbing pain at the bite area! The strength in his sword arm seem to weaken.

Skadu heard laugher. But it was not the hideous demon this time. Standing by the door way into the old mining storehouse were two shadow demons, the head general and his assistant perhaps?

“See Koder … even their best fighter cannot kill this new servant of the demon lords!” The general bragged.

“Commander Allor, how many of them will be created once the portal is fully opened” Koder asked wondering.

“Oh … almost a thousand at the start, but with a stable portal … the supply is endless!” The commander stated. “Now shut up and watch my body guard kill this poor poor tigran ...” the general ridiculed.

Skadu knew he had just learned the shadow demon’s real plan. This was very valuable intelligence. Now he just wished he’d stay alive long enough to tell someone as the demon creature rushed forward to attack him again.
“It’s a TRICK … the Naga is not Hurt … THAT IS FAKE BLOOD ON HER HEAD” the girl screamed. Gilly heard the young girl show their hand, now it was her turn to try and create a diversion. She wasn’t where she told them she would be, but that is because the stalls were too close to the stage. Gilly picked out an old building back just a little bit, but still close enough to be seen. She picked up the torch that was near her and threw it into the window of the building. She knew it was empty because she checked it earlier to make sure.

“FIRE!” She yelled as she ran away from the building. This was Scar’s signal to remove the second board and help the prisoners under the stage to safety. Gilly saw only one guard was still close to the prisoners, the others had moved to put out the fire or help surround Jola. Gilly walked up to the guard just like a child would and tugged on his tunic. As soon as he turned around she thrust her dagger straight into him so that he couldn’t even yell out, he just crumpled to the ground. She quickly helped the prisoners get under the stage and put the planks back in place. She then moved closer to Jola in case she needed back up.