Times Get Harder For Democrats In Oklahoma

No one cares what you acknowledge.
LOL. Get real dude, we are 3 people out of 336,000,000. No-one gives a flying fuck what you, I, or anyone else on this board acknowledge. Or not. Statistically, we are nothing. Don't take yourself too seriously. No-one else does.
Removing dead voters doesn't mean people use those registrations to vote.

As I've said before....all states have their own frequency for voter roll maintenance.
Maybe and maybe not. That's why accurate rolls are important. If the dead are removed on a regular basis, there are NO grounds for these accusations. As long as they are not purged, there are, regardless of whether they are true or not. The whole thing with stereotypes is there is usually some basis in reality for them.
Maybe and maybe not.
All states do. No maybe about it.

That's why accurate rolls are important. If the dead are removed on a regular basis, there are NO grounds for these accusations. As long as they are not purged, there are, regardless of whether they are true or not. The whole thing with stereotypes is there is usually some basis in reality for them.
Yes, I realize that the right thinks that lies are truth these days.
How many of those will be married women whose birth names don't match their voter registrations?

How many will be voters who are not registered Dems or GOP?

How many will be people who simply haven't voted for several cycles but are offended at the thought of having a rapist who takes money from Russia as President?
Good points all.

I'm sure you can hook up some kind of link to Marriage registrations to pick up change of name.

Inactive voters is another story tho, and there should be ways to prevent eligible but inactive voters being purged.

As for non-registered party voters, there's no way that should ever by an issue and if it is, time for a few jail terms and speaking for myself, political bias from either the GOP or the Democrats making its way into the voter rolls maintenance really annoys me.
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All states do. No maybe about it.

Yes, I realize that the right thinks that lies are truth these days.
Don't be so dogmatic. All states do not.

The point is, as with voter ID, to have a politically completely neutral system whose focus is on both accuracy and ALL eligible voters being on the rolls, and ALL ineligible voters removed. It should NEVER be political and it should be thorough enough that these accusations can be dismissed by everyone without thought. The problem is we do NOT have systems where this can be stated. Some states are making real efforts, others are not, and are resisting efforts to clean up the rolls and accusations of political bias fly around all the time as a result. Both parties are guilty.

The thing here is, Oklahoma seems to be putting real effort into doing it right.
Don't be so dogmatic. All states do not.
Yes, all states have voter roll maintenance laws.

The point is, as with voter ID, to have a politically completely neutral system whose focus is on both accuracy and ALL eligible voters being on the rolls, and ALL ineligible voters removed. It should NEVER be political and it should be thorough enough that these accusations can be dismissed by everyone without thought. The problem is we do NOT have systems where this can be stated. Some states are making real efforts, others are not, and are resisting efforts to clean up the rolls and accusations of political bias fly around all the time as a result. Both parties are guilty.
Maybe you should get a job working for your state. We're a republic, as I've been told, so every state has their own way of doing things.
LOL. Get real dude, we are 3 people out of 336,000,000. No-one gives a flying fuck what you, I, or anyone else on this board acknowledge. Or not. Statistically, we are nothing. Don't take yourself too seriously. No-one else does.
Poor Dave.
Yes, all states have voter roll maintenance laws.

Maybe you should get a job working for your state. We're a republic, as I've been told, so every state has their own way of doing things.

LOL. But whether they are followed, that, my dear Horatio, is the question.

As for every state? Oh yep, all do and the variations are interesting indeed, with, as I said, some states making real efforts, other rather less so and others going down the direction of making it easy for non-citizens to end up on the electoral rolls.....
LOL. But whether they are followed, that, my dear Horatio, is the question.
As I said, I'm aware that the right has decided that lies are truth now.

State voter roll maintenance happen in every state according to their laws.

As for every state? Oh yep, all do and the variations are interesting indeed, with, as I said, some states making real efforts, other rather less so and others going down the direction of making it easy for non-citizens to end up on the electoral rolls.....
All states do so according to the laws of their state. Whether you consider that a "real effort" isn't relevant to those laws or efforts. I'm fairly certain your perspective on the matter is disturbingly distorted.
LOL. But whether they are followed, that, my dear Horatio, is the question.

As for every state? Oh yep, all do and the variations are interesting indeed, with, as I said, some states making real efforts, other rather less so and others going down the direction of making it easy for non-citizens to end up on the electoral rolls.....
It's a states' rights issue. You know, like abortion rights now. You all LOVE states' rights. Unless a state is doing something you don't like.
Removing the deceased, identifying and removing duplicate registrations and removing voters who move out of state should be handled like this in EVERY state, as an ongoing process.

It already is an ongoing process in every state.

Only the red states turn it into a theatrical production and pretend they are catching election fraud.

You’ll have to find something else to pretend to be upset about. 😆
It should not be monthly.
I tried deciphering the Oklahoma "ineligible voter" criteria, and it had the usual felons, dead folks, plus folks who did not vote in the previous TWO general elections (???)....but if I read it correctly, purging "ineligible voters" was to be done annually in odd-numbered years on June 1st.
I tried deciphering the Oklahoma "ineligible voter" criteria, and it had the usual felons, dead folks, plus folks who did not vote in the previous TWO general elections (???)....but if I read it correctly, purging "ineligible voters" was to be done annually in odd-numbered years on June 1st.
Yah, a bunch of states have recently done additional purges based on political theater committees. These should also be illegal.