To Boldly Go (OOC)

And I'm not sure what class of ship I want for the rp. If anyone has a preference feel free to post it.
Apollo class refit or any Destroyer. I would say that though we are not looking for a fight, we must be able to end it.
Apollo class refit or any Destroyer/Juggernaught. I would say that though we are not looking for a fight, we must be able to end it.
I say Soveriegn or Intrepid class.....both well-suited to exploration and battle.

Especially an Intrepid class with upgrades such as quantuum torpedoes...
I like the destroyer idea. While I love the Sovereign class I think it might be a tad to big for our RP.

And Deathsknight which Apollo class did you mean? I found two ships under that name. The one that was used by the maquis or the one from Star Trek Legacy?

And I've been looking around and I found a couple I like. My fav is the Norway class. Its a smaller ship (slightly larger than an Intrepid) but packs a punch. The other is the Akira class.

Here is two links to the site where I found the specs for the ships.
I'm not sure if it was used, I'm thinking of the Apollo with two pylons or whatever the warp drives are called. If it's not too big and still pack a punch I'm happy with any ship
Well if no one has any objections, I'd like to use the Norway class. And we can always transfer to a different ship later perhaps.
Hey, ya'll think my character (Savok) should be stationed on the bridge, or in the Chief Science Officer's Office that is described in the technical spec page that Superman provided?

I had assumed Savok would be the Chief Science Officer, but I'm kinda stuck as to where the most logical place for him to conduct his duties would be? I would think the bridge, as he would need to be near the command staff if/when something of scientific/intel interest came up.......
I'd say he would be stationed on the bridge most of the time. And he could be in his office when he needed more dedicated equipment.
Sorry I'm late...

Name: Trista Vayen

Race: Human

Physical Description: Trista stands 5’9” and has an athletic body. As a medical professional, the woman is mindful of her health and therefore maintains herself properly. She is of a pale complexion and has brown hair and blue eyes – she wears rectangular glasses, even though a procedure is available to fix her sight. Her hair is kept short, with bangs that sweep across her forehead and an angular cut that reaches from her jaw line at the sides to the middle of the back of her head. She is in her late twenties but has the soft facial features of a teenager.

Type of Officer: Dr. Vayne is a lieutenant commander trained from the Starfleet Medical Academy. She has received assignment upon Trinity as Chief Medical Officer.

Officer Experience: Dr. Vayne graduated in the top of her class (though not quite valedictorian/salutatorian) and rose through the lieutenant ranks quickly. She always requested to remain on Earth for her assignments but her interest in becoming a commander (which entailed passing the Bridge Officer’s Test) demanded that she gain some starship experience. Dr. Vayne accepts her assignment with the hope of observing the functions of the bridge while she is not needed in sickbay. Although she has always had a deep, irrational fear of space (due to her father's death) she always knew that was where she ultimately belonged.

Background: Trista Vayne was orphaned at a young age. Her mother died while she was too young to remember and her father gave his life in service to the Federation. Trista was placed in a boarding school while her father was on assignment and the girl hadn’t seen the man since she was eight years old. Her life, then, became only of study. She suppressed pain by keeping herself busy and she easily found herself a home in the Starfleet Academy.

Additional Notes: Dr. Vayne is known for keeping people at an arm’s length. She rarely socializes outside of professional interactions and seems uncomfortable with others beyond a doctor/patient relationship.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Aurn

Name: Aurn

Race: Shape-shifter

Physical Description: Variable - defaults to male, 5' 11", long brown hair, slight build, green eyes.

Type of Officer: Lieutenant Junior Grade - Operations. Specializes in Intelligence.

Background. Aurn graduated from star Fleet Academy with distinction. something of a recluse he (it) has not fully integrated with humanoid society though he performs his duties thoroughly and with discipline. Highly honorable, his preference for truth tends to keep him isolated from other crew members. he is vague on why he left the Gamma quadrant, only expressing a general disagreement with the status quo in that sector.

Loyal, and highly experienced in unarmed combat, he is a good entity to have watching your back - just don't invite him to a party.
Been thinking of a virus, but for a first encounter it would be a bit hectic. Rescue mission in enemy territory always seems to be very popular and it might give the Klingon some much needed muscle flexing rofl
After reading what I cold find about the Norway class, seems it is mainly intended for diplomatic missions. It is certainly well armed, but shines more brightly in defensive capability.

It is well outfitted for scientific missions, with many labs and interchangeable sensor platforms of high quality.

190 crew, room for 500 passengers/evacuees. Can transport up to 300 persons per hour with all transporting operating at maximum. 2 Auxiliary craft can be launched almost instantly, the rest with an hour's notice. With all auxiliary craft launched, an additional 100 persons per hour can be transported from orbit to planet surface (or closer of course, such as a disabled ship or station.

My understanding too is that the Norway class has better than usual accommodations and holodecks for two reasons; first, because it is a diplomatically purposed vessel first and foremost. Second, it is designed for very extended voyages away from Federation Starbases and other comforts.

So, a rescue mission would be right up our alley.

Cruise speed, Warp 6.5. Max velocity Warp 9.7 - only for a max 12 hours, but that is truly hauling ass! I think I read somewhere we can sustain an emergency cruise speed of Warp 8, but you really burn the fuel.

Yeah, a rescue mission sounds cool.

Main lounge on deck 3 and the VIP quarters on deck 5 can be converted to ICUs in 30 minutes.

Cargo bays 2 & 3 can be converted to additional triage centers, and bay 2 can also be configured to maintain type H, K, or L environment.

Orders, Captain?
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I'm thinking a rescue mission somewhere close by for a quick shakedown run and then we get sent out to some uncharted sector for some good old exploration and first contact missions. Altho I don't know what sector would be good to explore.
How long do you want to take to get there?

For example, Sol to Vega (3 Alpha Lyrae) is 25.43 L.Y. (7.8 parsecs).

It would take us:
[B]Warp                           Days    Hrs     Mins
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]6.5 (normal cruise)             18      5       20[/COLOR]
[COLOR="SandyBrown"]8.0 (max sustainable)            9      3        2[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]9.7 (max - 12 hour limit)        4      5       14[/COLOR][/B]
As you can see, it's too far for maximum warp, but we could still get there in just over 9 days if you want treat it as an emergency.

Or pick something closer? Farther?

Barnard's Star is 5.85 L.Y. (1.79 parsecs). That yields...
[B]Warp                           Days    Hrs     Mins
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]6.5 (normal cruise)              4      4       36[/COLOR]
[COLOR="SandyBrown"]8.0 (max sustainable)            2      2       23[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]9.7 (max - 12 hour limit)        0     23       17[/COLOR][/B]


Proxima Centauri is 4.15 L.Y. (1.27 parsecs).
[B]Warp                           Days    Hrs     Mins
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]6.5 (normal cruise)              2     23       21[/COLOR]
[COLOR="SandyBrown"]8.0 (max sustainable)            1     11       44[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]9.7 (max - 12 hour limit)        0     16       31[/COLOR][/B]

Something well known...
Vulcan 14.48 L.Y. (4.44 parsecs)
[B]Warp                           Days    Hrs     Mins
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]6.5 (normal cruise)             10      8       58[/COLOR]
[COLOR="SandyBrown"]8.0 (max sustainable)            5      4       42[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]9.7 (max - 12 hour limit)        2      9       38[/COLOR][/B]

Andorian systems?
Epsilon Indi 11.81 L.Y. (3.62 parsecs)
[B]Warp                           Days    Hrs     Mins
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]6.5 (normal cruise)              8     11       10[/COLOR]
[COLOR="SandyBrown"]8.0 (max sustainable)            4      5       45[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]9.7 (max - 12 hour limit)        1     23        2[/COLOR][/B]

Longer stuff...

Merak Shipyard near former Cardassian demilitarized zone
Merak (Beta Ursae Majoris) 79.43 L.Y. (24.37 parsecs)
[B]Warp                           Days    Hrs     Mins
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]6.5 (normal cruise)             56     22        9[/COLOR]
[COLOR="SandyBrown"]8.0 (max sustainable)           28     12       14[/COLOR][/B]
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I have a .pdf with over 1,000 star systems (most of them actual stars). It is sorted from nearest to farthest from our present location (Sol 0,0,0) and shows the time in days at warp 6.5 ans Warp 8 to each location in the database.

I can't upload it here of course, so if anyone wants to look at it, PM me with your email address and I'll send it to you.

The cool thing is, I'm generating this from a spreadsheet I'm building up, so when we get somewhere, and you want to see what's close by, I can generate a new one of these based around the new location in about 1 minute!
Sorry everyone, I totally dropped the ball. I've been sick for the past six days and I failed to do anything beyond sleeping and feeling sorry for myself. I'm back now and will be able to post much more frequently. Again, my apologies.
No apologies needed. Unfortunately life happens. I'm just getting over being sick myself.