Trip Pix! (Warning, some large photos!)

Hi Mae

A very thought provoking thread, great clear pics and moving words, especially with November 11 on the horizon.
greatest thanks


of everything you have shared in the past, your beauty, sensuality, etc. there is nothing greater then sharing another part of your life with us. the greatest of thanks...


Thanks :)

Glad to see folks appreciating all the posts I made here. Honestly, if this was just filled with people who were the type that just posted crude sex pix had a crowd of just lust hungry people (those infamous ones I dub the "heynicetitzwannafuck?" people, lol!) then I wouldn't have ever posted in the first place, and certainly not shared what I have so far! :) I'm amazed at the diverse group here, and the beauty of that variety. Ya'll know how much I love variety by now, hehe!

I admire and thank every one of you who puts yourself up here for review, whether it be review of your thoughts or your shots! :) Except for the occasional trolls, people here are so kind and accepting and encouraging! God I love the internet ;)

Celtlan: I adored England. Wish desperately to go back, especially now that I'm older and have a better camera and would not be under the tyrannical rein of my Evil Stepmother, lol! Someday, someday...

Ulyssa: *hugs* to you. Such a hard time to live, no matter what side of the various "battle lines" that were drawn you might have been on.

Aphrodisiac: I have a Canon G1. Takes great photos. But honestly, what really makes a HUGE difference in the way they turn out in the end is a marvelous thing called "sharpen" in Photoshop :) Unless I want the pic to have that vaguely misty appearance, I do it to every pic as I fix them up after getting them off my cam. Ohyeah, and thanx to Aaron for sharing a great digcam review page and his personal vouching for the G1, that remote control was the clincher, lol! Ahh, back in the day when I was such an innocent Lit virgin... :)

Bright blessings to you all *and LOTS of hugs too!*
Thanks for sharing those beautiful picture it was nice to see other parts of the country. I have only been out of IL a few times but I have never really went far. This was a nice oppertunity to see beautiful parts of the country I never got to see. The pictures of yourself you threw in were also wonderful.

Disregard my title Mae, I'm just kidding.

But in all seriousness, this brother-in-arms (currently in the Navy) agrees whole-heartedly with your sentiments and salute your dedication (this time and this time only the salute is rendered with my hand as opposed to my penis ;) )

Oh, and the pics are breathtaking, as usual!

Hmmm, nice.

Once again Mae....I loved all the pictures actually, but I must say, that last one of you on the beach was truly...truly sensual.

Being naked out of doors is a turn on for me anyway....I love going on nature hikes....naked. (It's pretty interesting some of the things people say when they happen to cross your path while hiking like that...) LOL..:) But it IS after all...a very natural way to be out in nature to begin with.


To sleep........perchance to dream - William Shakespear

I remain.........
thanks for sharing your trip...

much as i like the beach pictures,*evilgrin*...
the trip scenes are great, very touching, arty..
thanks for sharing your thoughts...
your personality is the most alluring thing about you mae..
lovely post. :)


You continue to amaze me. Those pictures are just stunning. Honestly, have you ever considered doing outdoor photography seriously ? Your framing is phenominal and the colors are so very vibrant. Granted, those place of those scenes has something to do with the colors, but it still takes a good eye to see them and capture them.

Oh BTW, the pictures of you aren't bad either...... Hehehehehe ;)

As it is already November 11 here in Australia your comments are very timely and very moving
Just Beautiful...

As I read every entry and gazed at each photo, I realized how much the world is what we make it, through our own lens. The story of the bracelet is very moving. I remember those from back when the war was on. Other kids in high school had them. Some people treated it like a fad, but a few were so moved by the personal connection they'd gained from this piece of metal.

I recalled your earlier thread, Mae, before you left. The open road waiting for you. I just didn't realise you were going to be so highly tuned to your surroundings. You inspire me to pick up my camera again. Looking thru a lens can surely focus your attention to the details. Helps to feel like we can be detached from events and simply observe. A skill that comes in handy when the whole world slides in unpredictable ways.

Sorry to hog the bandwidth. Just a very moving thread. Thank You.

The picutres were great I enjoyed the entirely. It actually makes me want to explore more of what is around here in Astoria. That however is for some other time. Just wanted to say I liked the pictures and keep sending them. :cool:

To be honest, I have never been to this part of the board (primarily residing in the General, Author, and Story sections), but I'm glad I came today.

The pictures are beautiful and the commentary is wonderful.

Thank you.