Uncle is a breathe of fresh air for niece... ((closed for bankbabe13 & BrandonW198))

Oliver rolled his eyes as Gwen questioned her mom’s concern for her daughter. “Honestly, with how that old, dried-up twat of a mother you go act, I don’t think she needs to worry about what you do with your life since you’re an adult just having some fun out in the woods...” as he pulled her head towards his cock, he resumed feeding his cock into her mouth. As her lips really felt good, he knew less talking and more sucking was a better idea... “as for your dad, aka my dear brother, I’ll cross that bridge when we come home, and I think you should try to have as much fun as you can without your mom’s bitchy ego weighing you down from fun stuff like this, my dearest Gwen.” Off in the distance, a boat was driving through the lake. As he was pretty far, he didn’t expect or plan for it to see them or come near, since the small dock was pretty far from the open area. “Suck it good enough, I think you’ll get a tasty treat to swallow from your uncle Oliver...” as he encouraged Gwen, he knew she was partly aware of sexual boundaries with people, but he didn’t think it was a bad idea to have his niece suck his cock as he smiled down at her beautiful blueish-green eyes.
Convinced her uncle was looking out for her best interests, Gwendolyn followed his lead and her pouty teen lips sucked more. Her eyes showed her mind was conflicted. But figured if this was wrong, surely her uncle would have said so. Her blueish green eyes got wide as she felt him growing harder in her mouth. She had never had sex and only gave a handful of blowjob to a now ex boyfriend. So her sucking had come from watching porn videos for tips as she heard her uncle Oliver grunting a bit and seeing him smile as she sucked, made Gwendolyn feel good forgetting if only momentarily about her parents always fighting.
Oliver made Gwen pick up her pace as he was really enjoying getting a blowjob he know that she needed to be molded some more but he didn’t mind as he had planned to make his niece the girl she is suppose to be not only for her dear uncle but for other he will make her new reality a better than the one she had been suffering in from her bitchy mother... “Mmmmm there you go sweetie as Oliver made her deepthroat his cock for a moment which he knew was difficult but he pulled her head back as his balls twitched and then his cock began squirting load after load of cum into Gwen’s mouth... “here’s your yummy treat...!!”
Gwendolyn gagged slightly at first then semi reluctantly swallowed her uncles load as the naive blonde teen was told by an ex once spitting was rude and she didn't want to be 'rude" to her uncle. Gwendolyn looked up and said "uncle Oliver? Should we be doing this? I mean like we are family but making someone smile like you were a few minutes ago felt nice. Especially like since mom and dad never do these days." Only did that once before did i do ok, was it like good uncle Oliver?"
The conflicted blonde teen asked as her body was sending mixed pleasure signals to me brain trying to figure out if this contact was truly right or wrong.
Regardless of whether she was going to swallow or not, Oliver didn’t stop as his orgasm overflowed her mouth. The fact that she spoke while he cummed in her mouth didn’t make Oliver care that he wanted to cum regardless. As he pulled her head away from his cock and shot the last few loads on her face and chest, Oliver groaned as he was very pleased to cum regardless of what his niece was going to do. As Oliver bent over and got his shorts, he began to make his way back to the campsite. Since she didn’t understand anything, let alone listen to the words he spoke, so she would eventually pick up on what she was supposed to do, or by the time they went home in a few days, Oliver wouldn’t care because the trip wouldn’t change since Gwen didn’t know how to act her age because her brain claims one thing and mouth does another thing... “I bet she got some kind of dumb bitch virus from her twat bag mother…” can’t fix her because she doesn’t seem to know how to act honestly. I feel bad for the poor dumb girls. Her mom abused her and brainwashed her into being some dumber down version of herself...” Oliver figures Gwen would be smart and understanding enough to follow her half naked uncle back to the campsite as he figures that he will have to wake up Gwen since he assumes her mom has brain rotted her..