Undercover Rookie (closed)

Rob read the forwarded text then Tommy's then back to the forwarded text trying to put things together. It was obvious that Ally's message was a thinly disguised code but how the hell was she getting information that was that closely held. Even Manuel shouldn't have known that much detail about the next meeting.

As much as he wanted to wait for further confirmation from Ally he wasn't going to be able to. They need to get ahead of whatever was coming and fast and the only way to do that was to loop Roberto in on everything he knew.

Lifting his phone to his ear he waited for the call to connect then let out a long breath before speaking. "Boss, we've got a problem."
Roberto cursed as Rob told him about the situation.

"Meeting continues as planned, just make sure everyone is strapped and carries a plate."

Slamming his phone down, he trudged to the situation room. Usually the rule was for everyone to be unarmed during the meeting, that way when unpleasantries were exchanges, the worse thing that could happen was a couple of fist flying. The rule had been created by his grandfather after two inner circle guys had blown each other to bits over something so meaningless nobody rendered just what had happened.

Entering in the room he saw Tia setting up the space. Looking up at him she saw he was in a mood and quickly asked what was the matter. Roberto just asked.

"Why are the Russians aware of this meeting?"

It took Tia a moment to realise what Roberto had said , it was clear she was shocked and confused at the question, telling him that she had not betrayed him actively. Not that it mattered, whether it was malice or incompetency, a leak is a leak. Taking out his gun he pulled the trigger and his second wife, the woman he had been with for the past fifteen years fell backwards a small hole between the eyes, that ended in a football sized one in the back.

For a second the crime boss thought about calling someone to clean up, but then reconsider and finished setting up the room, thinking about the possible future of his organisation.
When Dwayne was finally done Dianna got up from the chair and Manuel flicked a few hundred dollar bills into the air letting them flutter down around Dwayne’s feet.

“Let’s get out of here.” He said, not even bothering to look over the finished product.

“Prick” Dwayne said under his breath as the door closed behind them.

Rob watched as the two walked out of the Tattoo Parlor then climbed into Manuel’s car then pulled out behind them and followed being careful not to be seen. They traveled several miles before pulling up in front of The Odessa. It was a rundown looking bar in a strip mall just outside off downtown.

Rob watched as Manuel and Dianna climbed out of the car and entered.
Sitting in the car Dianna felt very sore. Between the pounding she had gotten over the past few days and the tattoo, the latina started to feel very uncomfortable. She wanted to check her phone, but the nervous energy Manuel was showing made her scared to even move.

Seeing a familiar car hanging back, the cop felt relieved, Rob had probably gotten a location on her from Ally, and after thanking him for the back up, she was going to have to give him some pursuite tips, she gotten in training, but it probably would mostly be, try not using a car that cost about the same as the average home outside of the city.

Knowing she was not allone, she stepped out of the car a little more confident, but when she saw the name of the bar, unease settled back in her gut as the name was remenessant of some of the white nationalist groups in her neck of the woods, and those were rarely places, where a girl like her, was treated even remotely nice.
When they walked into the bar Manuel stopped by and empty barstool.

“Wait here for a minute.” He said before making his way to a back booth where a number of Eastern European looking men were huddled.

“We need to know who’s going to be there and what they’ll be carrying.” One of them said to Manuel as he sat down.

“I told you! I have no way of knowing that.” Manuel said, frustrated that they didn’t seem to be getting it.

“What good are you to us then?” The man asked him.

“Without me you have nothing!” Manuel spit out as he pointed aggressively at the man.

The man leaned back in the booth then flicked his hand causing the two large men beside him to get up and drag Manuel out of the booth then shove him toward the door.

“Come back when you’re useful!” The man yelled as he made his way to Dianna then led her out of the bar.
As the scene clearly heated up, Dianna triggered her phone to call out to both Ally and Rob through the privacy app, so in case someone checked her phone, there was no easy way to see someone was listening in.

It seemed Manuel was getting way over his head and from the message she had gotten from Ally earlier she could only assume this was about the trouble the agent was expecting tonight. As the men were screaming at one another, she had no need to strain her neck to follow along so as Manuel was being escorted out towards her she just blurted out.

"They won't be carrying anything."

The Russian looked appalled at her before slapping her hard enough to make her stumble.

"Why is Rob's whore here?"

He barked at Manuel who instinctively recoiled from the man. Steading her self she turned to face the man square on again.

"I am his whole, not Rob's. And they will be unarmed. Rob hates that rule, always bitching about it, but it is not a rule that gets breached."

She had no idea whether that was true or not, but she figured that an assault from an over confident group was easier to foil, than an overly cautios one. And this way she might get Manuel to feel like she truly was choosing his side.
Manuel looked over at Dianna stunned that she spoke up then said what she said. He had no idea Rob had confided so much in her and it made him wonder just how much she actually knew. From his vantage he knew little about the inner workings of the organization. Way less then he'd let on to the Russians when they approached him.

"See, there you have it. They won't be." he shot back at Anatoly before grabbing Dianna's arm and dragging her out of the bar as quickly as he could.

If he'd noticed her value he was sure that Anatoly had as well and he wasn't about to let them get their hands on her before he could find out what else she know. They walked quickly across the parking lot and climbed into his car.

"How do you know about the meeting and how do you know they won't be?"
Pulling her arm free from the man she swallowed a barb back about why he didn't know about it.

"Y'all are not working with the Russians at the moment. So it does not take a genius to figure out you are using them for your play."

Then taking a second to smooth over her dress she added.

"I have no idea about the meeting or it's details. I just know anytime there is one, Rob is stressed because he does not like to be unarmed, and those are literally the only times he is.'

The figuring she should massage his ego she added.

"So while you know about them from the invite, I know about them from Rob's cock staying limp for more than an hour of two..."
"Oh, is that why you're in such a bad mood? Rob hasn't been giving you what you need? I'm sure we can take care of that." Manuel said as he started the car then drove toward his apartment.

He knew he should have been focusing on what was going to happen tonight and preparing for the aftermath but he found himself obsessed with the Latina and after staring at that gorgeous pussy for two hours while Dwayne was working on her he was anxious to get a little taste for himself.

Rob watched as the pulled out of the parking lot then followed at a distance back to Manuel's apartment. As he drove he took out is phone and texted Roberto.

"Just followed Manuel to The Odessa and he stopped in for a few minutes before heading out. What do you want me to do?'

He knew Roberto knew as well as him that The Odessa was a known hangout for those affiliated with the Russian mob and he figured that would be all the proof Roberto needed to make a decision.
"As we all whitnessed this morning, there was nothing wrong with his cock."

She blurted out but seeing the look on his face as he remembered what else they all witnessed that morning she added.

"Your dad might have invited you early, but Rob does not get the call for such a meeting more than a couple of hours ahead of time."

She said trying to make him sound more important than he really was.

"But speaking of Rob, you might want to deliver me home again."

Seeing he really didn't care that much about it, he added.

"We were supposed to wait home, not go galavanting through town, and if by now he has gotten the invite, he will be on a short fuse, and the best thing for you today, is for me to handle that fuse for you."

She said hoping there was a shred of self protection in this poor saps brain left.
Manuel frowned and he hated it but he knew she was right. He knew he needed to focus too so maybe it was of for the best. They passed by his building then continued on to Rob’s finding a parking spot on the street then escorting Dianna back inside.

Rob watched them park the pulled around the corner and into his garage. Getting out of the car he moved quickly to the elevator to get to the apartment before them.
Dianna was surprised as the youngster seemed to listen and turned the car around towards Rob's place. Looking around to see if she could spot the land rover, she thought of what she could do, to delay them a little to give Rob the opportunity to get home before them, if that was something he wanted to do.

"But for real Manuel, what is your plan?"

She asked curious.


Trask barged into her Van, startling her half to death. Shooting him a deathstare he raised his hands apologetic.

"Got in touch with our contact on the East Coast. Our assumption it was just about a leadership change was wrong. The Russians are preparing to send hundreds of dudes here for a take over. The idea they sold Manuel was to work together after his take over, for 30% of the cut in exchange of man power, and they would give 30% of their East Coast income to him in exchange for some of his manpower."

Ally looked confused for a second as this sounded as way to good of a deal. Then it dawned on her.

"So he loses some of his best men, to get slaughtered on the East Coast, while the Russians get to take over the West?"

Trask smiled at her and worded Bingo, taking the seat next to her.

"You might not like it, but I suggest we help out your guys a little to make sure the Russians do not get a foothold here, and who knows, even get a good licking in the East too."

He was right, she did not like the idea, but it made sense, the Russians were too decentralised to take down in a legal manner, but with Rob in her pocket, they could always deal with it at a later time...

"Fuck, I think you might be right. Do you have a list of the Russian safehouses?"
Manuel looked Dianna over suspiciously when she asked about his plan. As dicey as things had started to get with the Russians he wasn't all that inclined to get into too many details with her.

"Don't worry about what my plan is. Just know I'm going to be taking my rightful place at the top of the organization soon. That's all you need to know." he said before climbing out of the car to enter the building.

Rob had made it up to the apartment before them and was still waiting on word from Roberto on what he wanted to do. He felt like he probably had enough proof to put an end to him but he couldn't make that call himself when dealing with Roberto's son. Taking out his phone he texted Ally to see if she was able to lock anything down on the kids phone or anything else. If he needed to do something on the fly he needed to know he was covered.

"Anything else for me?" he texted hoping to hear something definitive.
Stepping into the elevator and hitting the top button, Dianna cuddled up against the man's arm and while her hand trailed against his crotch whispered.

"And is there a rightful spot under you..." She said hoarsely trying her best to cloud his judgment.


Ally looked at her phone as Rob texted her and bit her lip. She had just been briefed by a financial guy on how fucked they are on the money laundering side of things, as the set up was actually brilliant. While they pumped a lot of dirty money into the legal businesses, it was hard to track, and even worse not even illegal for the businesses to take as as long as there is no proof of collusion, nothing they could pin on them, as they provided the services and paid their taxes on it. Worse even for the moment was the alert Trask had gotten that the Russians had taken quite a few of their heavy hitters and send them into the city. So the gang would have a hard time fighting them off tonight. Typing up the message she knew she was already saying to much as they had gotten a red light on sharing, but she rationalized that preventing him to get in the middle of things was the best way to protect her asset.

"Stay home tonight, and make sure D is there too"
"I guess we'll just have to see how well you fit under me." Manuel said with a grin as his hand gripped her ass then pulled her tighter to him.

Rob read the text from Ally, taking in what she'd said.

"Will keep her out of the way but staying home isn't an option." he fired back just as the elevator door opened.

"I see you're making yourself right at home." Rob said as he looked at Manuel's arm draped over her as they exited the elevator. He knew it was all part of the game but he also knew that Manuel was making a show of it to get at him so he decided to play into it and not draw suspicion. "Now if you're done fondling my lady maybe we can get down to business." he said with a sneer.
Dianna was about to ask him about his timeline but as the elevator doors slid open she kept still as the man tensed as if he was face to face with a lion. Stepping away from Manuel she walked towards Rob and gave him a kiss on the lips before moving towards her room.

"I am going to freshen up while the two of you talk shop."

She said before closing her door and almost collapsing on her bed. Taking deep breaths to calm herself down she took her phone and quickly started to type up a debrief for Ally, including pictures of her new tattoo. Then without waiting for a reply from the special agent she took off her dress and took a scolding hot shower, trying to lose the obnoxious smell of Manuel's colone.
Rob found himself in a tough spot and realized he probably hadn't put enough thought into what he was going to go over with Manuel. The original plan was to read him in on the expansion plan but it seemed like weeks since that was decided and so much had changed since then. Knowing now that Manuel was actively trying take over, the last thing Rob wanted to do was give him any more information on what their actual plans were. He would have been much happier just ending him right then and there but he'd been unable to get the go ahead from his father and he knew he could pull the trigger without that. Suddenly it seemed like the path was to try to get him talking about what he did know.

"I don't want to bore you going over things you already know and I'm not sure how much your father has told you already so why don't we start with you telling me what you already know and I'll fill in the blanks." Rob said as he poured them both a drink.

Rob's question put Manuel into a quandary. He knew more than he was supposed to and at this point was having a hard time telling what he was and wasn't supposed to know. Reveal too much and he draws suspicion. Reveal too little and he'd lose face in front of the one person he's loathed to do so with.
Reading the texts from Ally, D was worried about how fast things were escalating so she hurrily briefed the special agent about their interaction with the Russians earlier.

It seemed also to her that Ally was not telling her everything she knew, but as the woman was telling her not to leave the apartment tonight, under any situation, she puy two and two together.

Putting on a skimpy little bathrobe she took a deep breath and walked back to the living room. Where she found the two men sizing each other up. Giving Rob a hug she said.

"I prepared your black suit for you tonight. Since you don't need to pack any heat, I figured you could show of how hot you are."

She winked at Manuel as she confirmed his status as unarmed, hoping Rob was smart enough to pick up on it and run with it. Then she turned to Manuel.

"While I had fun this afternoon, why don't you go home now, so Rob can enjoy my new art."

With that she dropped her robe, exposing herself and walked towards the larg sofa, sprawling herself on it, not giving any doubts to their company what would happen the second he left.
"Such a stupid fucking rule." Rob grumbled loudly enough for Manuel to hear.

Manuel's face hardened at the thought of Rob enjoying her new art before him but he knew she'd be his soon enough so he didn't protest. Turning toward the elevator he marveled at just how easy it would be to take care of him here and now. All he'd need to do is climb onto the elevator, give him 2 minutes to become fully distracted with Dianna and he'd never notice when Manuel returned and put a bullet between his eyes. That'd have to wait though because, as much as he wanted to, he couldn't afford the rest to become guarded.

"Hope the meeting goes well." he said as the elevator doors slid closed.

Once the doors closed Rob rounded the sofa then looked down at Dianna's new tattoo as he unbuttoned his shirt. At first he didn't like the idea of her perfect light brown skin being blemished but he had to admit it looked pretty hot.

"I guess if he gets his way this is going to be my last time." he said as a smile drew across his lips. "Guess we need to make it count."

Rob released his belt, letting his pants fall to the floor at his ankles then stepped out of them and in front of the sofa. He reached out gripped the back of her head pulling it towards his still limp cock.
D was releaved as Rob played along, sitting exposed on the sofa,she was surprised to find herself wet. But then today had been an adrenaline filled day, and nobody had actually done anything to her other than edging her on.

As Rob moved towards her she made sure to keep an eye on Manuel as she didn't trust him to not do something stupid. When Rob said it was going to be his last time if Manuel got his was, she was also relieved to hear that he was up to speed on the danger they were in, and she figured Ally had briefed him in.

Seeing the man drop his trousers and step out of them confused her as there was no reason to act anymore, but more surprising still was that as he pulled her head closer to his limp manhood, she opened her mouth and enveloped it in her mouth, slowly blowing the life back into it.
Rob had half expected Dianna to push him away knowing that there was nobody left around to act for and was surprised when she leaned forward and eagerly took him into her mouth sucking him to hardness.

"I guess it's not just about the job anymore huh?" he asked as he slowly began to rock his hips sending him deeper into her mouth.

Tommy had arrived at Roberto's well before the meeting to go over the final preparations. They didn't fully know what to expect so they knew they had to plan for the worst and hope for the best. There were only a handful of people he knew were 100% trustworthy and he had gathered them there in Roberto's garage to go over the plan and do a weapons check. If all went according to plan anyone approaching the house would be cut down long before they made it inside. On the off chance that they did, make it inside there was going to be another line of defense before the higher ups would have to protect themselves. His hope was that if they did make it to the meeting there would be so few left that Roberto and Rob would be able to dispatch them quickly.
Ally cursed as D was not answering her texts. Her phone placed her at the penthouse, but if she didn't answer her phone that probably ment Rob was fucking them and figured that taking her along would force their hands into intervening if she reported it.

Strumming her desk with her nails nervously, she knew she needed to tell Trask. But instead she cursed again, took her AR and rushed to her car. The she could get D out on her own and still have the Russians and the gang murder one another tonight.


Pushing the trickle of semen that had escaped through the corner of her mouth back in before swallowing, Dianna looked up at Rob and gave him a smirk.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I just need you to be sharp tonight."

She said getting up.

"After all there is no glory for me, if all of you die tonight, and my operation does not lead to some major arests."

Getting dressed in a hurry, she got back to the living room

"So what can I be packing for this meeting?"

She said not planing to be unarmed when shit was about to hit the fan.
"Well then I appreciate your dedication to getting results." Rob said as he pulled up his pants then went to the bar to pour a drink.

When Dianna re-entered the room he looked over at her a little surprised that she was looking to get in the middle of things.

"I've got to admit, I like your spunk." he said with a grin. "Follow me."

Rob made his way to his room and opened his closet then a floor to ceiling built-in cabinet that stood on one side of it. Inside was an array of hand and long guns.

"What are you comfortable using?" he asked as he pulled out the TEC-9 that he always favored.
Dianna looked appreciatively at the gun vault but shook her head at the gun choice of Rob.

" I am not a spray and pray kind of gal."

She said picking up the Sig Sauer Legion with the appendix holster and putting it in her waistband before picking up two Whalters PDP's, holstering them on her back , clipping the holsters on the inside of her waistband.

Her eyes also caught some very nice looking guns, she would love to take to the range some day, but there was no reason to snap her wrists in the middle of a fight, because her ego pushed her to pick up a weapon that was slightly to powerfull for her.
“Well when you don’t know how many are coming at you, sometimes spray and pray is all you got.” Rob said defensively.

He understood how, as a cop, she could be a little snobby about her weapons but he never really had to worry too much about collateral damage.

If you’re ready we can head over there and see where Tommy and Roberto stand with things.