Unnamed Star Wars adventure.

That searchable map is really useful, thanks!


As for a story name - I think we should drop the Royal :)

Not sure how merry we are either ;)

Misbegotten, maybe?


Glad you like the ship - I am quite pleased with my interior design. Fortunately, because it appeared in a computer game, there are top, front and side profiles available for it, making it very easy to see where all the exterior bits and pieces go - though I did cheat a bit and move the passenger cabin windows backwards slightly. Because I was designing with RPGs in mind, It's laid out on a 5 foot grid, ( so centreline of the walls of the corridors are 5 feet apart, making the corridor actually 4 foot wide)

The catwalk over the cargo bay is entirely superfluous, but who doesn't love a dramatic melee on a narrow catwalk?


Let me guess, Fibi is going to bagsy the double bed? ;)


I think it would probably be better if Hoss provides the ship, putting us all on the same footing with regards to its use, rather than it being the possesion of one particular character.


And finally - looking at the crew we have - two close quarters fighters, a pilot, and a heavy weapons expert (which includes ship mounted weapons) I would say we are an ideal crew for a bit of space piracy. The exact nature of the cargo... well, lets wait and see...
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The Gamorrean guard at the door snortled at me in his native tongue and pointed to my suit. I knew he just wanted the semblance of control, but I pointed at my re-breather and shrugged as though I needed to keep the whole apparatus on. No need to reveal myself in this dump until the time arrived. You never know who's lurking in the shadows.

I always hated taking new work from unknown clients and thought I'd setup my comlink to refuse communications from unknown contacts but, much to my surprise, a fat yapping human offering a a lucrative reward had shown up, anyway. He said all I needed to do was fly some freelancers around and help them complete a job. It would certainly cover the cost of fixing up my ship and get me through to the next job. I figured it wouldn't be long before I was off that rock and far away from the creepy sight of the shovelhands and the painful company of down on their luck prospectors

The was nothing special about this bar, "Pee Two Oh Eight" he called it, other than the particularly retched looking sanitary conditions. I was more than happy to pretend I needed this suit and breather on as long as I could.

As I glanced around, I slipped my hand up in my sleeve for a reassuring tap on the Adjudicator hidden there. It wouldn't hit anything beyond a couple meters, but, if things went wrong, the point was to scare the hell out of people and make them run while I made my escape. I didn't plan to stick around very long if anything started shooting, anyway.

Right away, I spotted the hooded woman in the corner... nothing suspicious about that... and the big Devaronian nursing a mug. The Devaronian made one and I was guessing, from the way she didn't fit in with anyone else, that the woman made two. I made three and now it was time to try to look busy to see if our fourth showed up....
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Not to be picky, and I don't know that it matters, but I noticed Subterrel and Kamino aren't technically "close". Subterrel is way the fuck out beyond Mustafar and Kamino isn't really around that area. I just want to be on the same page. I think this remote location is great for what's going on.

Here's another map (linked due to size)

Not to be picky, and I don't know that it matters, but I noticed Subterrel and Kamino aren't technically "close". Subterrel is way the fuck out beyond Mustafar and Kamino isn't really around that area. I just want to be on the same page. I think this remote location is great for what's going on.

Here's another map (linked due to size)


Well, just because Hoss's jobs have involved Kamino before, it doesn't follow that this one does... although it is Canon that the workers on Subterra are Kaminoan clones.

We are, however, ideally placed to intercept a ship travelling between Orax and Shiva, which at this time of the empire gives me a couple of interesting plot ideas...
I have to withdraw.

My PC broke down and I have no signal on the farm, I doubt that it will work with me only being able to RP during weekends
I have to withdraw.

My PC broke down and I have no signal on the farm, I doubt that it will work with me only being able to RP during weekends

Aw, man, that sucks.

Hope you can pop in from time to time and give us some critique. And if we are still going when you get back online, I am sure we would all be glad to have you back :)
Aw, man, that sucks.

Hope you can pop in from time to time and give us some critique. And if we are still going when you get back online, I am sure we would all be glad to have you back :)

For sure. Do you all want to trudge on? Maybe keep the door open for others to jump in?
Oh we should definitely push on, I am very much looking forward to this story. :)

Though I should warn you I shall be away for a few days from Monday. But feel free to start without me, you can be getting to know each other in the bar before I join you :)
I agree! We should also consider playing more than one character.

Below is my Gran character. I have not worked out all of his back story yet, but this is my start.


Eek was born on Malastare, in the Capital City. He was orphaned at birth and taken in by a corrupt politician. "Looks good to the voters" his father once told him. Eek was brought up with little affection. His adoptive mother wanted to marry him off for power/influence. With no family attachments, Eek joined a group of thugs. He was good at fighting and made a name for himself.

He assisted other orphans when he came across them. These acts made him realize how the thugs were attacking innocents people as well as corrupt people. He decided to leave the gang he was in and join up with the resistance movement.

Notes on Gran race:
They are a peaceful race of humanoids with a cattle-like appearance and three eyes. Their cattle-like appearance extends into their physiology, as they have 2 stomachs and digested their food very slowly. They also chewed their food slowly, making sure to savor the flavor of the food carefully and extensively.

Their three eyes allows them to see more colors than many of the other beings, include infrared, but it also allowed them to sense the emotions of other beings by sensing the differences in body heat and skin color.
I think since you have the pilot part covered, your group can perhaps meet my redeeming Sith.

I just had a fabulous idea, since I don't see much of it.

He can do charity work and somebody ticks him off and he draws that ruby light saber, snarling in anger before unleashing a torrent of Force lightning. So much fun that will be.
I started the IC thread.

Band of Misbegotten Misfits (a Star Wars tale)

Start posting!!!
Posted! And added a picture. couldn't find one that was quite right so had a go at modifying one, even though I am no artist.

I think it turned out OK...


Anyway, I'm now away until next Monday. Hope you guys can do a bit of chatting in the bar, you can even invite Kolem over to discuss the job. Sorry for holding things up.

(There is a tiny possibility I will be able to get online, and if i do I will post, but its unlikely)

Lookign forward to this story!

Campsite has wifi, albeit a dodgy one, so currently plan to check in the morning, and if there is something to reply to, write a reply offline and post it in the evening...

So I'm adding an introduction, but Not going to attempt to move the plot along until everyone has had a chance to post, though :)
Orcina Dolomar

(Minus the saber)

Orcina Dolomar
Female Age 26

Orcina was born to a parents Dorn and Allada Dolomar, a pair of Corellian freighter pilots. She lived most of her early years aboard her parents freighter, jumping from planet to planet with them. At age 11 she was sent to live with her Uncle on Corellia due to rising tensions in the galaxy. A couple years later her parents were killed by pirates in the outer rim.
Her time on Corellia after her parents passed wasn't easy for Orcina. She ended up in the wrong circles, got in trouble with C-Sec a few times. She did learn some handy skills during that time though. She was a natural pilot, loving flying just about everything. She became skilled with long range weapons, a skill shes worked on constantly.
She eventually left Corellia, joining up with a small time mercenary band. She worked with them for a few years, doing the odd jobs here and there. She acquired her trusty R2 Droid during that time with she modified to better suit her line of work. Things were starting to look up until the group took an ill fated job and most of them ended up dead. Orcina managed to survive and escape, setting out on her own again with just her trusty droid. She worked as a solo merc, making a decent living for herself.
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I am so sorry but I am not going to be able to keep up with any writing, as it turns out. Sorry if this messes things up but feel free to have someone take my character or do whatever.

And then there were 4

Kenzie, AmenRa, are you definitely in? We can still make this fly :)
Well got my PC sorted for now.

If you guys are OK with me only being able to post over weekends, I am back in.