"meaningful competition"?
You have suggestions?
I have suggested to manu some thoughts on the "up front" visual arts area.
There could be some sort of vetting, as with the written material. — minimal standards. much like spelling, grammar.
It seems that the visual area(s) are of low priority (it is LITerotica after all).
There is, of course the time/effort involved with that. I really doubt that there would be many (any?) volunteers to become visual "editors". Frankly, I don't see many who would be qualified.
Suggestions as to possible competitors? Er... no. We can only wait and see what, if anything, emerges in due course.
What you say is true and of course a shame. I'm with you completely on the "vetting" idea. Crap usually breeds crap and there's almost always a direct relationship between the quality of presentation and the quality of ideas/inspiration/imagination etc. If only for that reason, in ideal circumstances I'd have your "minimal standards" idea brought to bear and that would immediately get rid of much of the utter dross submitted.
It doesn't take much reading of a submission to identify such stuff for what it is, incidentally. Perhaps if Lit. resources are inadequate for even that, a future competitor might be able to do it.
As regards visual stuff, if you want to insist on this being "art in its own right" and totally divorced from storytelling, I'm not surprised that Lit. views this less than charitably. If, on the other hand, you're prepared to submit your own illustrated stories - or collaborate with writers to produce these - then I suspect these would be far more warmly received.