"Up Front" UPDATES

FOUR new images.

One is mine.
those two drawings have lined notebook paper as the background and the content is clearly teen age material. The girl whining to her mother? This is so blatantly under age despite the disclaimer that all characters are under the age of 18. I could report it or I could drop it. I’m not big into reporting, but it bothers me when something this juvenile in concept content and execution gets a pass.
Just a quick interruption for a question to, what I think, one of the most prolific analog artists on Lit: Do you invest time into post-processing your scanned illustrations, removing specks, adjusting contrast, colors etc.? Is it worth it, or is the audience already moving on to the next before noticing?
Just a quick interruption for a question to, what I think, one of the most prolific analog artists on Lit: Do you invest time into post-processing your scanned illustrations, removing specks, adjusting contrast, colors etc.? Is it worth it, or is the audience already moving on to the next before noticing?
Good question.
Not much time really. Only when I'd like to add/adjust something which can be done much faster with photoshop... for example some even atmosphere. Most of what I post on LIT is "throw away" work, done on cheap copier paper, and just for giggles. There are certainly exceptions, like the water color, Full Moon, Blanket of Stars. Or the dancer, which has a bunch of background texture (marble, mostly) added.

So for the most part— I'll scan (or take a photo) and quickly (no fussing) adjust levels, scale down, add ©I.M.Fauve and post. If there is a really distracting glob/dust spec I might clone it out. With photos, the light is often uneven, cuz I can't be bothered to set it up properly, so I may quickly use the burn or dodge tool to even it a bit.

Yes, the audience doesn't give a rot. They certainly are not paying customers! LOL
Who cares about "primitive" in execution. It's a great drawing, and I like that you put yourself in many places at once. If only . . .
Were you describing one of your own drawings as primitive and execution? I thought you were referring to a different drawing I would not have written. “agree” if I thought you were referring to one of your own, I’m going to just shut up and stop commenting on anything.@THROBBS
Good question.
Not much time really. Only when I'd like to add/adjust something which can be done much faster with photoshop... for example some even atmosphere. Most of what I post on LIT is "throw away" work, done on cheap copier paper, and just for giggles. There are certainly exceptions, like the water color, Full Moon, Blanket of Stars. Or the dancer, which has a bunch of background texture (marble, mostly) added.

So for the most part— I'll scan (or take a photo) and quickly (no fussing) adjust levels, scale down, add ©I.M.Fauve and post. If there is a really distracting glob/dust spec I might clone it out. With photos, the light is often uneven, cuz I can't be bothered to set it up properly, so I may quickly use the burn or dodge tool to even it a bit.

Yes, the audience doesn't give a rot. They certainly are not paying customers! LOL

I’m just putting this comment here because this is where I am, but I seem to be misinterpreting your meanings. You are intentions your comments on a pretty regular basis. For example, putting a laugh face laughing face when I think something you have drawn is funny and it turns out you did not intend for it to be funny. or thinking you were calling another artwork primitive when in fact, you were speaking of your own work. I think I’m going to cut back on my replies because I seem to be tone, deaf, and or communicating from a place of confusion. Let me just say you get a blanket “like/love“ from me on all that you do.
Were you describing one of your own drawings as primitive and execution? I thought you were referring to a different drawing I would not have written. “agree” if I thought you were referring to one of your own, I’m going to just shut up and stop commenting on anything.
Throbbs said it was "primitive" in execution, so I assume he meant old-school pencil on paper. I hope I was reading that correctly. Anyway, I like his art (and yours!) a lot precisely because they look like "art", whatever that means. Some of the things that appear here "look" like they were done with AI. That's okay, but it seems impersonal to me, more like a photograph showing the Eiffel Tower or the Leaning Tower of Pisa (notice the phallic monuments). Art like Yours, Throbbs, and a few others have personality all over them. I like them as art, but they also tell me about yourselves. And for me, that personal communication is the core of any art, visual, musical, dance, literature, etc. In my own field of music, I've heard so much routine music that is passed off as high art, but the really great music reaches into my soul from the composer's soul.
Who cares about "primitive" in execution. It's a great drawing, and I like that you put yourself in many places at once. If only . . .
Well... the "primitive" one was from a couple days BEFORE (the 22nd), and not mine.

The links I provide (here) always go to the NEW page, which features the new images in chronological order, therefore are will all (previous links too) will always be whatever is mostest current.
Well... the "primitive" one was from a couple days BEFORE (the 22nd), and not mine.

The links I provide (here) always go to the NEW page, which features the new images in chronological order, therefore are will all (previous links too) will always be whatever is mostest current.
Sorry I misread that. Anyway, I stand by what I said about your art. Thanks for clearing it up.
Were you describing one of your own drawings as primitive and execution? I thought you were referring to a different drawing I would not have written. “agree” if I thought you were referring to one of your own, I’m going to just shut up and stop commenting on anything.@THROBBS
I’m just putting this comment here because this is where I am, but I seem to be misinterpreting your meanings. You are intentions your comments on a pretty regular basis. For example, putting a laugh face laughing face when I think something you have drawn is funny and it turns out you did not intend for it to be funny. or thinking you were calling another artwork primitive when in fact, you were speaking of your own work. I think I’m going to cut back on my replies because I seem to be tone, deaf, and or communicating from a place of confusion. Let me just say you get a blanket “like/love“ from me on all that you do.

Nah. You got it.

There have been new posts, up front, since my last update...therefore the link has bumped the "primitive, single post, DOWN the chronological list, and is no longer the newest.
FOUR new post today (Friday, May 24)

Including one of mine.

My new posts links are date contingent and I link to the new posts page (vs the actual images) in order to get people to the "bulk posts" page, in hopes that they might look around.
Nah. You got it.

There have been new posts, up front, since my last update...therefore the link has bumped the "primitive, single post, DOWN the chronological list, and is no longer the newest.
And my crazy syntax is due to the fact that I am dictating (because I have a cast on my right hand) these messages and not bothering to go back and clean them up. I just dictate and however, the wizard inside my phone hears what I say and types it out for me, how it shows up. I’m too tired to care.
Throbbs said it was "primitive" in execution, so I assume he meant old-school pencil on paper. I hope I was reading that correctly. Anyway, I like his art (and yours!) a lot precisely because they look like "art", whatever that means. Some of the things that appear here "look" like they were done with AI. That's okay, but it seems impersonal to me, more like a photograph showing the Eiffel Tower or the Leaning Tower of Pisa (notice the phallic monuments). Art like Yours, Throbbs, and a few others have personality all over them. I like them as art, but they also tell me about yourselves. And for me, that personal communication is the core of any art, visual, musical, dance, literature, etc. In my own field of music, I've heard so much routine music that is passed off as high art, but the really great music reaches into my soul from the composer's soul.
I feel the same way you do about any and all of the arts and to whatever humanity is expressed through it that speaks to me as a human being. Thank you very much for considering me an artist whose work let you know I am an individual, a real person, with a heart and mind that seek connection.
Throbbs said it was "primitive" in execution, so I assume he meant old-school pencil on paper. I hope I was reading that correctly. Anyway, I like his art (and yours!) a lot precisely because they look like "art", whatever that means. Some of the things that appear here "look" like they were done with AI. That's okay, but it seems impersonal to me, more like a photograph showing the Eiffel Tower or the Leaning Tower of Pisa (notice the phallic monuments). Art like Yours, Throbbs, and a few others have personality all over them. I like them as art, but they also tell me about yourselves. And for me, that personal communication is the core of any art, visual, musical, dance, literature, etc. In my own field of music, I've heard so much routine music that is passed off as high art, but the really great music reaches into my soul from the composer's soul.
Re primitive: I can connect easily with primitive work. Primitive work that is authentic honest, created with intention, can speak clearly to me. I think the word that would better describe the image which I frankly did not like is “ crude.“ And I think I should not be saying negative things about other people work like this, but I did have a strong negative reaction to the image. Throbbs was referring to so I wrote “agree“ before my better self could stop me. I’ve gone this far. Let’s just say I think the drawing is dumb and crudely executed, the drawing I’m speaking of was not done by Throbbs . That’s it I’m done.
Nah. You got it.

There have been new posts, up front, since my last update...therefore the link has bumped the "primitive, single post, DOWN the chronological list, and is no longer the newest.
I think I’m following your system correctly. If you say there are four new images today I click on your link and go look at the latest four images… since I do this most days i think I’m current.
3️⃣ new ones today (Saturday, May 25,2025)

2 by one person, somewhat "naive" in execution. and one CGI type - *meh*
3️⃣ new ones today (Saturday, May 25,2025)

2 by one person, somewhat "naive" in execution. and one CGI type - *meh*
I want to say what I think about the artwork, but don’t know if it’s the right thing to do. Is it snarky to make Less than positive comments about another person‘s work? Who looks at this thread? Do you think the artists who are published in the artwork section look at this thread? I’m just not sure how open I can be.
I want to say what I think about the artwork, but don’t know if it’s the right thing to do. Is it snarky to make Less than positive comments about another person‘s work? Who looks at this thread? Do you think the artists who are published in the artwork section look at this thread? I’m just not sure how open I can be.
Could follow "mama's advice"

Most who post there, do not seem to come here - at least not to participate.
One could give honest opinions, without totally "trashing".
As for me — I have tried to refrain from commentary, but recently (as you have noticed) have editorialized (a bit).

I prefer a sincere effort by hand, even if crude, than the bulk of the DAZ imagery.
That is not to say, "I like" the high schoolish works. I get it though.
Could follow "mama's ad,vice"

Most who post there, do not seem to come here - at least not to participate.
One could give honest opinions, without totally "trashing".
OK. I think in general, I am not fond of drawings that look like they were done by a teenager change that that look like they were done by a teenager who is not very talented…“ Naïve in execution“ as you put it. Not a fan. Also I have yet to see CGI images which I don’t click right on past. to me, it belongs in its own category so that people who want to see it don’t have to look at hand drawn things and people who don’t want to see it. Don’t have to look at it while they’re searching for art that has the human touch.
(I have to reiterate that I am dictating these messages and it’s a pain literally and figuratively to go back and put in the correct punctuation and fix dictation mistakes so I just leave them.)
Could follow "mama's advice"

Most who post there, do not seem to come here - at least not to participate.
One could give honest opinions, without totally "trashing".
Now that I think of it, my mother never gave me that advice. And she modeled the opposite shall we say?