USS Dark Fire (IC)

Stardate 29870526.0750
“The mouse is in your office. The door is locked. If an intruder did breach the door they would have no interest in a small rodent lifeform. However I’d rather not have you traversing the corridors while we have intruders. Marines and security will be on high alert and jumpy. You would have a high probability of being shot.”

Xiana weigh her options. On one hand, opening the door could expose the crew to danger, compromise their well-being, and possibly cost her her job. She knew she didn’t have a reason to distrust the commander’s reassurance. She knew the only viable option was to stay put.

It was difficult regardless. She stayed in place, quiet and staring ahead blankly. Out of the crew’s way, she lost herself in thought. She valued the mouse as much as she likely would another person. That was something she would dissect when the attack ceased—if she was given the chance to do so. For now, she remained still, her heaving chest being the exception. Just the idea of losing her pet had her anxious.