Views, votes, or rating?

Yeah, yeah, baby!

Yeah, yeah, I do like real women, without surgery or airbrushing, much better! I'm more much turned on by a pic of a cute "girl next door" type gettin' it on than by some gorgeous but synthetic porn star going through all the motions! Know what I mean?

What-- you don't know my lingo? Why, you just ain't hip, honey. Maybe Marxist could explain my terminology to you. (O no-- or is that stereotyping him?)

Anyhoo, I still don't know which one of your poems it was that made the toplist and then vanished. You said you sent me an E-mail, but I never got it. So spill the beans, girl.

So how 'bout it, boys and girls? I'll give ten cyber-kisses to the first person who can explain to daughter what "ya damn skippy, muhfuh, the one time are totally wack" means.

And just so no one will have to hunt for my writings on Literotica, here's the link to my member page:

If you really want a big dose of my work, there's my personal literary site at

or my E-zine, uNDERGROUND rEVIEW:


You're silly. I missed your edited post! That's funny as all get out that you are even asking which one. :D You can't tell? I was upfront in the original post--Manic. No meds necessary. Some might beg to differ.

I have seen Marxist's name, but I don't know him. Other than the one time he wrote me, I don't think I've read much of anything he has said. I have surmised he's a popular guy, but I stir the pot pretty well by myself. :D

The poem is up now, RED. It's "No Time for Breakfast". Fresh meat for the "1" bandit. He can frig himself silly crashing ratings. I've decided to get me a fresh AA, a little Platinum, a couple of pillows and blow up some ratings of my own. :D


A winner

Congratulations, daughter! Good poem. Look out, WriterDom and tigerjen.


Ten seconds of fame will do. I took the edge off if you know what I mean. ;)

Appreciate your support.


No one knows?

Come on, you mean to tell me no one on this site knows the meaning of "ya damn skippy, muhfuh, the one time are totally wack" but me? I can't believe that! What-- are you folks totally unhip or something? I'm upping my offer to twenty cyber-kisses. (Or maybe that's the problem-- maybe if I offered less kisses I'd be more likely to find a taker? Hmmm . . .)

Make Love, Not War


Ummm, I'd say 'wacked' is a good descriptive for you. :D You spell almost as well as I do. (d dodge's RED's whip) ;)

Someone agrees with your assestment about my story. Thanks for the nod. Reader said he/she really enjoyed my second story, "Urban Storm Front." Part I posted without Part II and I think that was a disadvantage(I submitted them together). At any rate, both are up now.

Man, what a difference in views. My story has over 2,000 reads. I haven't come close to half a C note with my poetry. ((sigh))

Well, I have a list of selections up. I have plenty of rewrites to keep me busy. I have other writers to read, and at some point, I suppose I should write a new story. Whatcha think? :D

Thanks, RED.

