Voldemort's Rise


Since im harry - can i play someone else til hes born? as when Lily and James die they cant be in the part nemore and thus would hafta get a new part? neways my next post will be the "post" i make

So it has begun, the feast was soon here and the reunion was to begin. They still had 15 minutes before the feast would begin and Dumbledore hoped to himself that more would arrive. He sent arround his message to the Tower Leaders and told them to tell everyone only 15 minutes left. After that, he prepared to get ready for the feast he began to think of what the starting course should be....
Molly say Lou walk out looking sad. She turned to Sirus. "Lou asked me to the dance." Sirus smiled.

"He finelly asked. You know he wanted to before but Arthur beat him to it." He pushed her to the door. "Now go find him and make his dream come true." She grab her wand on her way out. She turned a lamp near her in to some flowers. She so tosses the wand to Sirus and walks to Lou's door. She knocked on the door. Lou looked at the door. He put Fluffy down and open the door.

Molly smiled and held out her flowers. "Are you ready?" Lou was shocked to see her. He took one of the white roses out of the bunch and put it in her hair. Molly blushed. Lou leaned over and kissed her.

They walked down to the feast. Sirus smiled "Finally." he laughed and followed them down.

"Lou asked me to the dance" molly said
'well that took long enough' i thought "He finelly asked, You know he wanted to do it before author beat him to it" i said smiling " now go find him and make his dream come true" i suggested as i followed her. When they started to head twoard the feast and such a thought hit me, Where is Lily and James, i thought as i walked. " Molly, have you seen Lily and James i want to talk to them" i asked her as we walked.

ooc: ok i like it when ppl do things for my charecter that i wouldn't have enough imagination to do (and i'm serious when i say this) but i can't do that for other charecters so thats why you'll rarely see me do anything for another charecter.just thought i'd explain
OOC: The people who play Lily and James haven't been writing so I'm not sure what to do. Aren't Lily and James the two major charters in the plot. They are Harry's parents after all....

IC: Molly stopped and turned to Sirus. "Are they in Lily's room or in James?" Sirus shook his head. "Maybe they're down at the feast all ready."

"Or maybe the two love birds just want to be alone for a while." Lou turned his head and wiggled his eyebrows up and down and smiled.

" that could very well be, i hope i see them at the feast" i said as i walked along behind lou and molly 'and what is this sense of dread i seem to get whenever i think of lily and james, prlly jus paranoya
OOC: You can mess with my charater all you want you know. I won't mind. I'm having to do that with Lily and James

IC: "Why? They were always happy at school. James always protects Lily." Molly said with a smile. Her, Lou and Sirus walked into the great hall and looked around. Hundrands of colors everywhere. People were sitting and talking with old friends. The walls were designed in every house color. Owls where flying around. They all walked over to there old table and say together.

ooc; lets give the potters more time to arrive

ic; Dumbledore announced to the people already there that the feast would be started in a few minutes, 5, he wanted everyone in the castle there already and so he sent out peeves to look for everyone and send them here. Of course, he had to send the bloody baron to keep peeves in order
Molly looked around the hall and smiled. "It looks like the gradation dinner all over again." She looked over at the table and saw all of her old teachers, and some new ones. The old ones smiled at her and waved hi. She waved back. Lou and Sirus where talking about which quidditch team was best.
Brainy stepped out of Molly's room. He knew he shouldn't have done what he did , seeing that she probely wasn't to fond of him when they went to school. But he couldn't help himself. He stayed in a corner in the hall and looked up at his owl. Just then a burst of cold air filled the room. Brainy looked around and saw a smiling head . "why headless nick. Nice to see you again. Hello" he said mixing up his sentences .
"their all gathering in the other room. " He said with a jolly laugh. His stomach bounced with joy.
"Ok" Brainy walked to the other room. He removed his cape and his tuxedo appered. His black shoes shined again't his bright black pants.
Lord Voldemort

OOC: .....Where do you people get this stuff from? First of all, really, everyone should be wearing robes and dress robes, not pants and suits and dresses. Second, Fluffy shouldn't be anywhere near here until the first real book, and this is several years ahead of Harry's birth, which is eleven years ahead of that. I mean, this isn't a real part of the series, true, but you're butchering the entire thing.....


He looked the board over, strategizing. He normally wouldn't do things this way, but this was a big step to securing himself as a true power in the wizarding world. He'd have to go after the weakest ones first.

Once Peter sent word back to him, he'd go ahead to Phaze One. And then, they would fall before him....
sirus black

ooc: ok dude when i say suits i don't mean like muggle suits.what i mean is the really dressy robes and cloaks that are worn traditionally for special occasions by wizards and witches so i'm sorry you misunderstood me.
Remus Lupin ran up the huge step leading up to the great hall of hogwarts, still dressed in his grubby travelling robes, even though he had recived the message from dumbeldore well in advance. He had however not be able to travel untill he was sure that the moon was no longer full and his 'aliment' could not harm those of his friends that he had not seen for a while.

Lupin had been out of contact with many of his wizarding friends (apart from the occasional owl), travelling through romania with a devil-may-care attitude, honing his defences against dark creatures. It would be so good to see Sirius and James again, even peter, who Lupin had a soft spot for, even though he was never really in the 'inner circle'. Moony, Padfoot, Prongs and Wormtail would meet again.

He reached the great hall to see it festooned with mullticouloured streamers and the light of thousands of stars falling thourogh the enchanted ceiling of the hall.

Sirius came bounding over to him and seized him in a massive hug
"Lupin, so good to see you"
"It's been too long Sirius"
Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail)

OOC: Well, I have to do something while Voldemort plots... And feel free to ignore my rants. They're just inane dribble to counteract other inane dribble....


Peter arived at the school shortly after being dismissed by his master. It was odd, seeing the old place again. It brought back memories. Only four people had ever been nice to him.

Peter was ignored, or laughed at. On the pudgy side, and fairly small, he wasn't intiminating or popular. He was looking forward to seeing the old gang again, even if he was a spy...
Ooc: Honey is going through some things, so for now just skip over stuff about her. Just say she was feeling sick and went to lie down for the night. When she comes back she'll just join up with everyone else.

James sighed, wearing formal clothes. Personally, he hated them, but he was never one to break tradition. At least so long as it wasn't for anything special. Giving out a long yawn, he sat down at one of the head tables, some place where he was suppose to sit. He wasn't sure why though, as far as he knew no one else had been given a seating assignment? Oh, perhaps he was going to win the door prize or something?
He shook it drom his mind, taking a long drink from a glass.
sirus black

ooc:you do mean james potter corect poohive? i'm not all there anymore so thats why my writing hasincreased in personality but my understanding has not.

ic: after being pulled aside by nearly headless nick and told to sit near the head of the table i wonder why. as i go up to the table i saw james " james i see you made it how are you" i asked sitting almost right next to him.
OOC:: sorry. when people started showing up in formal clothes i thought we were soppose to wear formal clothes . so i threw away the part of him wearing them

Brainy was bored . He knew for sure that one of the only reasons they were being nice to him was cuz they were excitied about seeing the old "gang" again . He looked around for Peter . Now there was a real friend. a bit morbid but wasn't he at the age? throwing spells across the room tyeing peoples shoelashes together . Yeah. Peter and Brainy had had good times. he heard the door shut in the other room and hoped it was Peter . sure it was nice to be liked by the INcrowd but he would rather be with his old friends . He doubted any would come.
Molly sat and looked around the room. It was still the same and she had a feeling it would always look like this.
I leaned close and whispered into Molly's ear how that the rest of the girls here paled in comparisson to her tonight. I then apologized to her for my laughing at her, just I was unsure on how to react to the situation. I softly took Molly's hand into my own and kissed the back of her hand softly.

ooc: Hello everyone. I have been asked by Lady_Raisa to stand in for her. She is away at the moment. I hope no one minds.

ic: The door opened and it wasn't peter. "Where is he ?" thought brainey. I bet he is in trouble again. Peter though deep down he is a good fellow. He tends to get in trouble and well he always seems to get out of it. A mystery to me.

I have to get to the dining hall. Dumbledore will be doing his speech soon. Brainey rushed out of the dormetory. Heading to the great hall. As he walked in a whole flood of memories came back. A miriad of candles floating around the room and the ceiling transparent. On a clear evening like this the stars shining down. The experience of dining at hogwarts was a real experience that he never thought he would have again.

Thinking back as he sat at one of the great long wooden tables. Not always a good experience. He was sat only two chairs away some 5 years ago when he had recieved a screamer. When that red letter falls in front of you, you know you are in trouble. The memory made him shudder. Trying to put that out of his mind he looked to the main table. He really felt at home here.
Molly looked over at Lou and smiled. "You don't mean that..." She rubbed his hand. "but you are one of the most hansomest men here tonight."