Vulgar libertarianism


Literotica Guru
Oct 13, 2024
Vulgar libertarianism. There is entirely too much of it around here.

Vulgar libertarianism (otherwise known as "LOLbertarians", "brogressives", or "glibertarians") is a term used to refer to libertarians who approach that political philosophy with an altogether cynical attitude[1] or more generally as a term that describes libertarians who exist for the purpose of justifying unfair socio-economic hierarchies using appeals to laissez-faire capitalist and socially liberal ideology. The term was coined by the "free market anti-capitalist" blogger Kevin Carson as an analogue to 'vulgar Marxism'.

"Vulgar libertarian apologists for capitalism use the term "free market" in an equivocal sense: they seem to have trouble remembering, from one moment to the next, whether they’re defending actually existing capitalism or free market principles. So we get the standard boilerplate article arguing that the rich can’t get rich at the expense of the poor, because "that’s not how the free market works" — implicitly assuming that this is a free market. When prodded, they’ll grudgingly admit that the present system is not a free market, and that it includes a lot of state intervention on behalf of the rich. But as soon as they think they can get away with it, they go right back to defending the wealth of existing corporations on the basis of "free market principles.""

-- Kevin Carson
We will see that none of the supposedly libertarian "deregulation" the new Trump regime promises will pose any threat to the revenue corporations have been getting from government contracts, nor to anything that is in place to protect them from competition.
We will see that none of the supposedly libertarian "deregulation" the new Trump regime promises will pose any threat to the revenue corporations have been getting from government contracts, nor to anything that is in place to protect them from competition.
You're not an insightful nor thought provoking person.

You're basically a TEMU AJ.
So we get the standard boilerplate article arguing that the rich can’t get rich at the expense of the poor

To imply that the rich getting rich at the expense of the poor is a bad thing. The "poor" do so voluntarily.

It's like trying to victimize a cuck....they aren't victims, they literally CHOOSE TO LIVE LIKE THAT.
To imply that the rich getting rich at the expense of the poor is a bad thing. The "poor" do so voluntarily.

It's like trying to victimize a cuck....they aren't victims, they literally CHOOSE TO LIVE LIKE THAT.
They don't choose poverty.
They don't choose poverty.

Yes, they do.

They might not understand it....but that's exactly what they did. Somewhere along the way they fucked up.

Maybe it was when they decided to drop out of HS.....when they got knocked up at 16.....when they blew every penny they had for 15 years on booze and strippers.... married that psycho/gold digging whoor etc. etc. There are a million bad choices people make and in doing so make themselves poor.

Your life choices matter. And the good news is that anyone and pretty much everyone can start making a variety of better life choices at any time!!
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Yes, they do.

They might not understand it....but that's exactly what they did. Somewhere along the way they fucked up.
People born at higher social levels can fuck up a lot and not fall into poverty. It happens all the time.
People born at higher social levels can fuck up a lot and not fall into poverty. It happens all the time.

It's actually pretty rare, most people born into wealth never develop the skills/mentality to maintain it, mom and dad are too busy doing what it is they do to teach them and quite a few of them self destruct as teens/young adults....if they make it to be in charge of their own money or the family biz, most of them fuck that up....and a teeny tintsy tiny minority actually make it generational.

Most rich kids are essentially lotto winners. Once they are left in charge of their own money they almost all wind up broke and do so shockingly fast.
It's actually pretty rare, most people born into wealth never develop the skills/mentality to maintain it, mom and dad are too busy doing what it is they do to teach them and quite a few of them self destruct as teens/young adults....if they make it to be in charge of their own money or the family biz, most of them fuck that up....and a teeny tintsy tiny minority actually make it generational.

Most rich kids are essentially lotto winners. Once they are left in charge of their own money they almost all wind up broke and do so shockingly fast.
Almost sounds like you have data to support this, rather than a "we all know" statement
They mostly do as thought by example. They do not act "rich."

They generally act like one all-in of the family.

Take the Kennedys, for example.



Almost sounds like you have data to support this, rather than a "we all know" statement
Yea.....some basic research outside of the radical leftoid bubble makes it pretty clear, civil rights and economic freedom isn't the problem.
Yea.....some basic research outside of the radical leftoid bubble makes it pretty clear, civil rights and economic freedom isn't the problem.
So you do have information that you don't want to share.

Got it.
So you do have information that you don't want to share.

Got it.
It's public info, and no I don't feel like spoon feeding it to you.

Google is a self serve buffet with all the information you could want on the topic of fuckin' tards losing their fortunes because they were bad with their money and or just couldn't act right.