We need one rule in this forum: If you post a porn pic that isn't of yourself.....

Thanks Mae13!

Mae what is 13 for? That was my # when I played soccer as a youth. I have seen your posts in other threads and never commented or posted a reply, but I have always admired your sense of artistic style and "grace". Honestly to say (type, unless it evokes a silent whisper) that your body is wonderful. I adore your tattoo and your form is a delight. I know many admire different body types, but yours is a visual pleasure to cast eyes on. But, it more than that, it's the tonality of the pictures and how you present them. Yes, you could be a graphic artist, but you do present an art-one of your own.

I have pictures of my face and other parts, but I am always hiding some aspect of me. It's the shyness breaking the silence into an internal flame that wishes to kindle. My body and mind is my temple and to share it is to show the inner beauty I desire to reflect.

Porn pictures can be so there, but the reflection of a personal touch is warmer and giving. I will have a website early next year to carry that thought of me and my poetry. Again, thanks Mae and you too Starfish!
I agree with starfish

I'm new to Literotica.com but I agree. I come here to see "amateurs" (eventhough I believe the beauitful women on this site, like mae13 and others have nothing on porn stars:)).

And about the whole "dick" issue- I only like women but the dick pix don't bother me. Besides, women should have their fun too!
Re: Re: Unregistered Crap Cake.....

Unregistered said:

well you obviously care what i think because you took the time to reply to it.

i aint a real stud but i am pretty good looking, 81/2 inch dick not 10 but i dont have any zits on my ass though

G.R. wanted me to tell you that she isn't suprised that you can't differentiate between expressing concern/care, and simply being offended.

Anyone who refers to women as "hoes" can't be held to any high standards where comprehension is concerened.
OTV~The 13 is actually just my favourite number :) My lucky number, a wonderful number...etc usually what I toss onto the end of usernames if what I originally want was taken! I'd feel pretty lucky if I played soccer (or futbol! Must start thinking in Euro-terms! Love bites...futbol...got it :)) with #13 on my jersey. Always asked for that when I played hockey in college, but those darn Catholics wouldn't let the number be used!! :rolleyes: Hehe...

You are a beauty. Your body is lithe, it has a very feline appearance to me; not in that cute, fuzzy housecat sort of way, but the lean jungle cat sort of way. Definitely high on the "Rowr! Scale" hehe...your picture are those that I classify in the artistic sense, well balanced and a wonderful mix of show and tell and not-show! Keep us on edge, we like it here ;)


PS Oh, SW UK...if I was using Photoshop, I would have done a hell of a better job on the sign, lol! My graphic design abilities are at least a *little* better than that, hehe!
Gorgeous series of photos. You're beautiful outside as well a in... through and through. And yes, I agree with Mae, the fellow is a cutie too.
What should we do-if anything-if we suspect someone is trying to pass off someone else's pics as their own?
The missing view...

Another window yet to be discovered...
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Where do I start?

Starfish started this with a a question of rule to honesty!
I think I know the one that she may be referring to, I have seen many pictures posted by this one, all alluding to them being this person, including some that say me and my sister. Strange how they are all different people, even hair!

Also after posting these pictures, this person never replies, just opens a new thread.

I believe this person wishes the pictures were of them! Such a sad thought to have to hide behind lies that are so easily seen through.

OTV, I really liked your first picture, made me want to lie beside you, to touch you and awaken you gently.

Your words are lovely, a scene, a soul, a window to the world, saying so much.....

And starfish, your pictures are lovely also, they show great enjoyment!

Smiles to all