Were-Hunter Prowl: OOC

Many things go bump in the night, but it would seem that this thread is not one of them.
hey guys sorry i've been so out of touch with ... mmm virtusl reality lately, holidays, illness and life interfered :)

anyhoos, i'm ready to start things over if and when you are. i'll post a suitable continuation sometimes tomorrow when i get more computer time, if you guys are up for it.

so how was everybody's Christmas time?
Yeah, it's kinda hard to not notice that little tidbit of info. I've been wondering if there is anything else news-worthy going on, other than the new prez.

So, Angel, long time no see. What have you been up to?
Let's see...you're in Maine, yes? Yeah, I can see how staying warm can take up a lot of time up there.
hello to you too, master jedi. long time no see, um...read. yes, i'm still alive and kicking :) (i even survived my b-day party last night...)
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t'was lovely, thanks. food, drink, good friends, and lots and lots of soaked-in-alcohol-birthday cake

and what have you been up to?
Oh, not much. Just been watching some movies, playing video games, reluctantly doing homework for my classes. You know, the usual college student thing.
Just thought i'd revive this a little bit...
angel and jhedi, want to come out and play again? :)
Not much, really.
broke up with the boyfriend, moved house, working mad hours and 50-80hour-weeks, started smoking again after two and a half years of quitting, and yesterday i went to see the prodigy and oasis :)

what have you been doing with yourself?
oh my sweet jesus. How did I miss this thread?! ive read (repeatedly and not to mention own) *all* the sherrilyn kenyon books!!! Is it too late to join? If necessary I will consider begging lol

Mireille: I love your signature. Bride was great fun. My favourite part is where she has Vane's mother in a cage and tells her if she ever comes near her mate or her again she will skin her while she screams :D:D
I'm game to keep playing, Mir. Just wondering what's become of Angel.

Well, hello there Kalika. You're welcome to join, after Angel comes back.