What Are You Looking Forward To?

Sometimes the beauty of self-care escapes us until we finally do it!

My advice: schedule your massages/self care. Make it a priority wherever possible. It's saved me countless times from getting to the point of feeling completely exhausted with life.
I go every 3 weeks and it's more for maintenance than relaxation - relaxation is a bonus. ☺️
I am both super excited for and saddened by the finale of Loki tonight. One of my all time favorite characters.
Yes! Same here!

I have a mani/pedi every Thursday or Friday and hair every other week. Massages are every 2-3 weeks.
Wow! That is a wonderfully impressive self care schedule. I get a manicure every 2 weeks and pedicure once a month and it has totally changed how I feel. I never thought I could have pretty hands or they it mattered but it really gives me a boost. I will go a long time with my hair and have never gotten to the point of scheduling regular massages. I think I need to change this piece.

Self care is something I learned late in life. It was a gradual process and at first it involved at home self care as that was what I could afford. Life is different for me now so I can indulge more. I also got very sick and really had to prioritize myself and my needs.
I've learned to work on it and I've taught my children it is important so I'm glad about that :)
My son just said he's driving down from the bay area for the weekend and wants to stop by Sunday and go to lunch...it'll be very nice to see him again...