What Bad Book Convinced You You Could Write?

It wasn't a bad book that started me writing. It was the stories on Literotica. I started reading here for relaxation, and after I read a lot, realized I could do the same.
I didn't start writing because someone else was bad at it, but there was one particular instance that kinda fits this thread. Some years ago I picked up couple of harlequin romances just to see what all the fuss was about.
Similar for me. Waiting for a rotator, I picked up a Harlequin at the Tillman USO in Bagram back in the day. It was...good. Later, back in the states, walked a church yard sale. Had to buy something, so I bought a Harlequin and OMG I could not believe this got published.
-Pediatric Nurse, virgin of course
-Cop picks her up, they have unprotected sex. 6 weeks later, pediatric nurse is still clueless.
-Cop's mom corners them seconds after he finds out and asks when they are getting married
-Cop decides to cut the apron strings and move from next door to mom to...the next street over
And I said surely I can write this bad. In fact, I do.