What catches your eye?

As a rule I like intelligent, slightly eccentric women. I'm usually the guy who fancies the well-presented, geeky/nerdy girl in the group. Looks are not that important, but I am not into blondes, and as a rule I will tend to go for average height, slim women with small boobs and an erect carriage.
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I would love to be able to say 'eyes' because they do hold a lot of attraction for me - but sadly I'm more of an ass man. I don't like the big butts that seem to be the fashion these days, but a night curvy tight butt does it for me every time. https://encrypted-tbn0.***********/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3TX0iGHXHnJWaVxixN797mJz8JIDqIoKQJg&usqp=CAU
For me, it could be different things depending on the day…

How he walks, with a type of swagger, confidence.
Sometimes I look from the ground up at how he’s put together. How he moves. He doesn’t have to have the tightest body, but how he moves it makes a difference.
His smile.
His voice.
What he has to say.
How he handles a problem.
His stance.
The way he carries himself.
The ability to laugh at himself.
How he smells. (I have stopped men before, asking what cologne are you wearing and responding It smells amazing before I walk away)
Something about him that makes him memorable.
Amongst other things. It could be something nitpick-y or from far out in left field that no one gets but me.
As a rule I like intelligent, slightly eccentric women. I'm usually the guy who fancies the well-presented, geeky/nerdy girl in the group. Looks are not that important, but I am not into blondes, and as a rule I will tend to go for average height, slim women with small boobs and an erect carriage.
You’re the one who is supposed to be erect
You’re the one who is supposed to be erect
Honestly, my relationships start in the brain not the groin. The young woman who is driving me crazy at the moment is pretty enough, but it is her mind and personality that pull me in. We can talk about anything, and share a lot of off-beat opinions and interests. I'd known her about a year before anything intimate crossed my mind, and it was more 'I'd love to bring-up a family with this woman' than 'I want to have sex with her.' And yes, I do know that the first requires the second.
His tight jeans and high heels.. 😝 Get me a guy who rocks high heels and I'll be swooning for a second
Years ago I went to Payless and bought a pair of women's boots and practiced on the QT. One night I went for it and showed my wife. After she laughed for a moment she admitted it was hot and we had an incredible night. In fact, she put HER boots on for the event!
A casual exposed midriff. Flesh peeking between a skirt hem and stockings. A beautiful or naughty smile.