What Do You *Smell* Like Today?

Tom ford Jazmin Rouge.Eventually! I just bought it but couldn’t smell because of a blocked nose, so today is the first real experience. Loving the floral notes—it’s bold but elegant. I grabbed some allergy meds from Canadian Pharmacy to finally clear up my senses and enjoy it fully. What a difference it makes to actually experience the scent!
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I smell like Nutrogena body oil--light sesame formula.

One of my yummy friends smelled like Gucci last time I asked. :devil:

What do you smell like today?
Errr I have been sniffing a pair of socks i stole from soneone last night. Holding them up to my face as I stroke.
So.. I guess I smell like those. 😉
Brit for men covered by the runoff of dal masoor and a tobacco, cherry,
And mahogany candle.