What do you want to play?

Yes dear, out of the kinds I have...

Sugar cookie with pink frosting
Chocolate chunk
Oatmeal with Rasins
Ginger snaps.
If by cookie, you mean sex, im in.

Hey, she could mean sex...

PoliteSuccubus said:
Sugar cookie with pink frosting = Baby Spice
Chocolate chunk = Scary Spice
Oatmeal with Rasins = Sporty Spice
Snickerdoodles = Posh Spice
Ginger snaps. = Gincer Spice


Thus you have looked into the mind of a 30 year old man's sex addled mind.

You feel dirty I suppose.

I understand.

Really, I do.

Actually I feel...intrigued. :rolleyes:

But Succubi don't have sex. Our kiss, however, is to die for.
Ooh! I pick ginger snaps. But I want a REAL cookie. Raven can have the spice girls all to himself. Now if cookies were men on the other hand...
Hey PS, have you read this book?


Samira was the lowliest creature of the Night World: a mere succubus, a winged spirit bringing dreams of passion to sleeping men. She knew every wicked wish that lurked in their hearts, and yet she had never felt the touch of a man's loving hand. Nor had she wanted to... until now.
Shattered by war and banished to a crumbling fortress, Nicolae turned to the dark, forbidden arts. When his conjuring summoned Samira, he sought to use her as a tool to oust the invader from his lands and regain all that he had lost. But when she arrives on his doorstep the next night in human form, all her powers stripped from her, he thinks he has no use for her whatsoever.

A creature of Night and a ruined prince: one called and the other came. What happened next would change their worlds forever.
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Ravenloft said:
DOS, this is the best I could come up with for you as far as pop stars go...


...Now I feel dirty...

Maybe I should have posted something from Freddy Mercury, I like him.

*snerk* Wow. I feel moderately dirty myself.
You could have gone with Nsync. At least one of them is really gay (and out). Besides, he's fairly cute and he likes astrophysics. Mmmm. Supernovae... :devil:

I appreciate the thought, though. ;)

PS: Freddy Mercury is quite a bit too old and MUCH too deceased for my taste.
Really? One of the Insync boys is? I could have sworn it was O-Town... I mean, come on... O-Town? As in the BIG O? You know you want to live in a town called O-Town... ;)

Yeah, that is a bit of a problem to overlook with Freddy Mercury... I have a facination with old dead people... Marilyn, Elvis, you know... ...Strahd...
I can see the book now....

She thought no one would love her because she was a succubus...until she met the necrophilic....

I've never read that book, but I did enjoy the short story "Single White Vampire". (not to be confused with the book of the same name).
If Samira were some form of undead, I'd agree with your synopsis there PS, but she's a demoness.

Its forgiveable though, after all Necromancers can love both the living and the dead... they're very... Wait for it... Necromantic! Bwahahaha!


But seriously, Lisa Cach is a really good author, her book, George & the Virgin is my favorite.
Actually dear, I was speaking of us, but it went over your head. *sigh* Oh well...In my distress I guess I will go start another thread.... :rose:
Well, you threw me for a loop PS, I had not known you were refering to us. LOL. I always thought I was more of a feltophiliac, or at least thats what SvedishChef would like everyone to believe. LOL What can I say, I like muppets...
*sniffle* 13 looks at my thread, no response.

I am feeling soooo rejected these days.

I think I'll call out for a pizza and suck the life out of the delivery guy, that always makes me feel better. :rolleyes:
The only reason I havn't jumped on the thread myself is that I never watched the show, so I don't know the source material.
Yeah, you scolded me too, because I didn't watch the seies.

As far as good books go, I don't know many. However I do recamend Snow Glass Apple, it is by one of the authors of Good Omens, however the author's name escapes me.

Once more I will be gone until tuesday.
Neil Gaimen, its Neil Gaimen, Cats.

He created Sandman under the DC Vertigo line and gave us the hottest looking Death known to man.
The author who's name eluded you, yeesh, cats!

This guy:


He created these characters in DC Vertigo:

I love Neil.
I love Death and have used her here as my Avvie many times (Remember the 'peachy keen' one cats?)
I wish they had made "Good Omens" as a movie and released it on 060606 like the did the remake of "The Omen".
I've read most of Neils books....:D
I heard the closest they got with Good Omens was one corporate meeting with Terry somethingorother from Monty Python fame and Neil, and the movie heads. The movie heads said one word and Terry and Neil got up and walked out, essentially.
Probably along the lines of shooting it as an American boy...

My mom is coming in and talking to me and tripping on the dancing banana...she just started bouncing and waving her arms. Goodness that was funny.
Well snow glass apple, it is a simple concept but really well done.
Yep DOS, it was Terry Gilliam, he made Time Bandits too.

My favorite Neil Gaiman short story is actually the one he did for The Matrix. Goliath, I think it was called. It was an excellent story, its out on the net, if you can find it, I suggest you give it a read. I have read snow glass apples, but quite honestly, I didn't get much out of it... I was too enwrapped in the Sandman Mythos at the time.