What I *dislike* in a story

Tiggs said:

Most spell checker programs will check grammar, spelling, and even sentence flow. (I know MSWord does if you have the right settings on. Even AOL will if you customize your spell checker.) So, if it seems Will is a name in a sentence, spell checker should catch "will" and capitalize it for you.

Heh, i know it should... but it doesnt... :mad: sorta silly, eh?
1. Second person. "You."
2. NEOM. Never-Ending Orgasmic Moment. I"Mmmmmmmm ccccummmminnnnngggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Punctuation errors.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspA. The hyphen. I ate a sandwich - it had pickles - and drank milk - then I went to work.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspB. The exclamation point. More than three times per story is too much.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspC. The comma. It's neglected.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspD. The ellipses marks. ............. 'Nuff said.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspE. Not bothering to figure out how to properly use punctuation. "Hello." He said.
4. Grammar errors.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspA. The runon.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspB. Changing tenses all the time.
5. POV switching. Doing a long snippet from "his" point of view and then going back over the same territory from "her" point of view.
6. The word "member." Yuck.
7. Any character named: Kimmy, Kitten, Pammy, Angel, Jenny, Jennifer, Jessica, or some exotic straight from a romance novel name.
8. The word "tumescent." Double yuck.
9. 5,000 word stories condensed into 500.
10. Narrative description. Most people here do it badly.
11. Speech tags. "Whose that?" She asked. Lazy, lazy, lazy.
12. Adverbs. People should have to pay a buck for every -ly word they use. That'll teach 'em parsimony.
13. Passive voice. The tit was sucked slowly by his tender lips. Bo-ring.
14. Adjectives. Can we not come up with a better way of describing things than with a string of these? Do we not know what and adjectival phrase is?
15. Physical attributes described with numbers. Age, weight, height, body formation. I could give a flip.

There's more, but I'm ranting now.
Two ways in which stories are made shorter than they ought to be-

- No buildup. People start having sex without any rationale or buildup of erotic tension. Foreplay is a good thing, people. It applies as much to writing as to the real thing. These stories don' t have to be realistic, entirely, but they should be a bit more believable than the average porno where people have sex to get change for a pay phone.

- Instant cliffhangers. Things start to get kind of hot and heavy, maybe there's a brief sex scene, and then we get "To Be Continued..." If I know the story is going to be continued (it's in "Novels and Novellas", for example), fine, but if you don't start with something substantial then the story might be forgotten by the time you get to part two.

And yes, grammar is the big thing to watch out for, though this should go without saying.
my pet peeve

Erotic stories that alternate between 1st and 2nd person narratives PISS ME OFF! I can't get through them. No matter what the subject matter.
my personal dislikes

Bodily functions (i.e. WS and scat)
Snuff (probably not allowed anyway)
another thing I remebered

I don't like it when people eat food meant for someone else (nursing adults). More things to add: bestiality and necrophilia.
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Beating the dead horse

I'm new to the forums but have been reading fiction on the web for some time. I don't want to sound like a snob but bad spelling can be a turnoff. For example, if a story has an educated lawyer (a contradiction in terms?) give in to her lusty side, and she says "I'm going to screw the senior partners until there dicks turn blue," it really kills that whole suspension of disbelief thing.

I said it. I'm a nerd. But this is an internet forum and I can hope for perfection just as much as the next guy.

p.s. By the way, although off-topic, I have to add I go for the sexed-up professional women stories in a big way.