What Lucy did on holiday

Monster Story

This story is great. The only problem is I can't find the web cam threads. Leave me a trail of bread crumbs....

publicslut's query

I love your stuff. Please try to both branch out and continue your storylines. I want to see what you'll have him do with the spoon. Gotta go check out the french maid! Seeya!
The trail to my story is:

- I decide to connect my laptop to the internet
- I have all summer, why not?
- Take the bus
- My first viewer
- I'm too horny to stop now

Then most of the stuff is mine. The french maid branch hasn't been approved yet.
I have just approved the french maid's outfit thread. I'm glad to have such enthusiastic contributors.
lost publicslut threads

publicslut, I hope you get thie message. I would still like to view your last threads for Lucy since I don't think they had a chance to see the light of day after they were approved, much like mine. My email is @hotmail.com. Also, please take note of my plea in a more recent thread start. Thanks
What happened to the story?

There are large chunks missing and some of the options are blank.

What happened?

kendahl6969> You email didn't appear properly in the post.
missing username

sorry publicslut. I meant it to mean my username, kendahl6969@hotmail.com. If the missing story you're talking about is goldfinger's lucy, he deleted everything but our own approved threads.