What Rating makes you happy?

The red "H" is a huge win for my confidence. I'm kind of conflicted about Lit's rating system. Because everyone wants the red "H" it feels like giving anything less than 5 stars hurts the author. I'd love to be one of those people who can say "I don't care what people think." But, that would be a lie. I do care. It feels amazing having a story be well-received. And yeah, the red "H" is the standard for many.
For that reason I have a hard time hitting anything lower than a five. Either I love it or I don't rate it. Unless I find it completely unreadable due to grammar, punctuation, or structure.
For that reason I have a hard time hitting anything lower than a five. Either I love it or I don't rate it. Unless I find it completely unreadable due to grammar, punctuation, or structure.
Usually if I don't like a story I just close it and forget it exists. I need to rate and comment on stories I do like more. Especially since I know how great comments feel.